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1、要求每周不少于两课时,每周至少完成一个故事。鼓励学生课前预习。三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。3. 全英文授课。四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)。五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):讨论故事标题及图片,引入故事情境教师展示故事标题及图片,引出关于淘金(hunt for gold)的讨论,激发学生兴趣,为看图讲故事做铺垫。教师展示故事标题及图片,然后提问:Who was the man? Was he a neighbor or was he someone in a magic

2、adventure? What were they doing?学生自由回答后,自然过渡到讲故事环节:Biff and the man were looking for gold. Did they find any gold? Lets learn a new story The Hunt for Gold.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,了解故事背景教师利用课件播放故事图片1-7,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生观察图片,了解故事背景。(Picture 1) Wilmas mum had a charm bracelet

3、. It was made of gold.The bracelet had ten charms on it. Was the charms made of gold too?“Its a beautiful bracelet,” said Chip.(Picture 2) Wilmas mum was washing her hands at the sink. Did she have the bracelet on when she washed her hands?Sadly, one of the charms fell off the bracelet, and it went

4、down the plug hole.(Picture 3) Wilmas mum was very upset. “I hope I can get the charm out of the plug hole,” she said.Chip ran and got his mum.“She can get the charm out,” he said.(Picture 4) Mum put a plastic bowl under the sink. Everyone looked in the bowl.“Theres the charm,” said Mum.“Yuk!” said

5、Wilma. “Its got dirt on it.”Was Wilmas mum glad?(Picture 5) What else did mum find?” she said. “Look what Ive found.” It was Wilfs old chewing gum.“What a place to stick old chewing gum!” said Wilmas mum.(Picture 6) The children went to Biffs bedroom.Wilf had three packets of chewing gum. He gave so

6、me gum to Chip. “This is my bedroom,” said Biff, “so mind where you put the old chewing gum.”(Picture 7) Suddenly the magic key began to glow. The magic took the children on a new adventure.Where would the magic take the children?Whom did the children meet in the adventure?Did the people like the ch

7、ildren?教师要注意启发学生思考,每次提问之后稍作停顿,不要急于说出答案,先观察学生的反应,如学生仍回答困难,再进一步给出提示引导学生作答。4. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):读懂故事并能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事通过多种形式的朗读,让学生绘声绘色地独立朗读故事,养成有感情地朗读故事的习惯,练就扎实的语言基本功。(1)请学生集体朗读图片8-9。朗读后,请学生回答上述环节的三个问题。(2)请一组学生分角色朗读图片10-14。朗读后,请学生回答以下问题:What did they do for a living?Was it easy for them to find g

8、old?Did they find gold finally?(3)请另一组学生分角色朗读图片15-20。What trouble did they meet on the way to town?What was Wilfs idea? Did it work?What did they buy in town?What did they do with the gold?(4)请男女生接龙朗读图片21-25。Did the children find any gold?What happened after the magic took the children home?在朗读过程中,教

9、师要对有朗读困难或问题的学生给予指导和示范。如果学生课前预习效果不好,教师需在课上适当安排听录音模仿环节。5. 情节分析(Plot Analysis):梳理故事脉络,掌握故事主要情节以地点转移为线索,引导学生梳理故事的主要事件,加深对故事内容的理解,并为复述故事做好铺垫。(1)请学生总结以地点为线索的story path,并由教师画在黑板上,然后让学生找出对应的故事图片。(2)让学生总结主要事件,必要时,教师用PPT给出关键词作为提示。如下:Part I In Wilmas houseWilmas Mum had a charm bracelet. It was made of gold.(c

10、harm bracelet; gold)One of the charms fell off and went down the plug hole.(fell off)Chips Mum helped get the charm back.(help; get back)Mum also found Wilfs old chewing gum. (found; old chewing gum)Part II In Biffs bedroomBiff asked the children to mind where they put the old chewing gum.(mind; whe

11、re; put the old chewing gum)Part III By the riverA boy and a girl were looking for something in the water. (looking for)The boy and the girl got angry when they saw the children. (got angry) Wilf gave the boy and girl some gum. (gave some gum)Alice and Luke looked for gold every day. (looked for gol

12、d)The family hadnt found any gold, and Luke and Alice were always hungry. (hadnt found; hungry)Lukes father picked up a big nugget of gold. (nugget)Part IV On the roadThe children went to town with Lukes mother and father. (went to town) Some robbers wanted gold and money. (robbers)Wilfs chewing gum

13、 saved the gold. (saved)Part V In townLukes father and mother got some money for the gold. (got some money) Lukes father bought a new cart. (new cart)Part VI Back to the riverBiff saw a little yellow speck in the pan. (a speck)Part VII At homeThe gold looked very tiny, like a speck of dust! (tiny)Th

14、e speck of gold blew out of Biffs hand. They couldnt find the little speck of gold. (speck; couldnt find)6. 复述(Retelling):回顾故事内容,复述主要故事情节让学生根据“情节分析”环节的关键词复述故事主要情节,培养学生的语言组织能力和表达能力。教师可先将学生分成7人小组,组内进行接龙复述,每人复述一个地点。然后请1-2组学生上台接龙复述完整故事情节。复述的时候要尽量用简单的语言概括淘金与口香糖之间的关系。教师可示范复述故事开头:Wilmas Mum had a charm bra

15、celet. It was made of gold. One of the charms fell off and went down the plug hole. Chips Mum helped get the charm back. Mum also found Wilfs old chewing gum7. 讨论(Discussion):围绕Wilf巧妙藏金子的做法展开讨论,培养学生灵活处理问题的能力通过提问让学生讨论Wilf巧妙藏金子的做法,从而培养学生灵活处理问题的能力。问题可参考:What happened in the story just before the key be

16、gan to glow?Why was chewing gum important in the story?How did the author make sure that the children had chewing gum in the magic adventure?What do you think of Wilf?What would you do if you were one of the children in the adventure?8. 家庭作业(Homework)(1)反复模仿录音,熟读故事。(2)根据story path和关键词简写故事。六、教师自我反思1.

17、 教学理念是否体现了“以意义为核心”、“整进整出”的教学理念;是否将整体教学、启发式教学等方法贯穿于或融入课堂教学之中。2. 教学目标是否实现了本课教学目标中提出的语言能力和非语言能力目标,如:学生是否能读懂故事情节;是否能用标准的语音语调独立朗读故事;是否能总结出故事的主要事件;是否能根据story path和关键词复述故事;是否能够简写故事。3. 课堂操作(1)提问教师设置的问题是否符合学生水平,能否引起学生的兴趣并启发学生思考;学生能否通过教师提问的引导观察图片理解相关故事情节。(2)听学生是否真正听懂了教师的问题和指令,并做出正确的反应;教师是否认真倾听了学生的反馈;是否发现了学生在朗读与表达过程中出现的问题。(3)说教师说得多还是学生说得多;教师是否给了学生表达的机会;教师是否在学生回答后给出了反馈;是否能就课上的开放问题自由发表观点。(4)思考课堂环节衔接是否流畅;教师语言是否易于理解;复述环节中给出的提示是否充足;讨论环节的问题设置是否合理;师生之间、生生之间是否有良好、有效的互动;下一次课堂设计需要在哪些方面提高。

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