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酒店工程部 SOPWord格式.docx

1、登记维修单3.Prepare for materials 准备维修材料4.Dial-a-ride 电话预约5.Entered the room and repaired 进入客房维修6.Check again再次检查7.Clean uo the unit清理维修场地8.Maintenance inspection 维修验收9.On the maintenance of the汇报维修情况10.Telephone revisit电话回访Clerk writes the details of the list.办公室文员登记维修单的具体内容The clerk send the list to th

2、e team according to the specific issues of the list根据维修单的具体问题将维修单分派到班组The staff determine which tools to need according to the details of the list班组员工根据维修单内容确定需要使用哪些维修材料和工具,将相应的工具一并装入工具包Smiled and said: xx Manager / supervisor, I am xx engineering maintenance, xx of you noted, I can repair now ? In

3、the permission should be said with smile:Yes, I will arrive in xx minutes, please leading the waitress. Bye! 微笑着说:“xx经理/主管,我是工程部xx维修工,您报的xx问题,我现在可以去维修吗?”在得到许可后,应微笑着说:“好的,我x分钟后到,请服务员引领。再见!”Contact with waitress to check the room, solve the problem according to the circumstances联系部门服务员,检查故障房间,根据具体情况进行

4、维修,妥善解决问题。Check other electrical equipments, lighting lamps are in working order查看客房其他用电设备、照明灯具是否正常clean-up the falling dust and debris, accessories and kit 清理维修过程中掉落的灰尘与杂物,整理配件及工具包Let waitress check and sign to confirm the problem has been solved 请服务员检查,并在维修单上签字确认问题已得到解决The staff send the second un

5、it to the Office, the pieces should be sent to warehouse将维修单第二联送办公室留存,损坏配件与未用件退回仓库Clerk keep the second one,and call for the department again to confirm the issue has been solved办公室保存维修单,并向维修部门致电询问维修质量,确认问题已经得到解决Clear of labor and improve efficiency 分工明确,提高部门工作效率Reflect the tight and courtesy 体现部门团队

6、的严密和礼貌Couldnt enter the room without authorization to avoid trouble未经允许不可私自进入客房,避免产生不必要的问题Discover and solve other problems, improve efficiency提前发现并解决其他问题,提高效率PREPARED BY准备人:APPROVED BY批准人:DESIGNATION:ENM职位:工程部经理SIGNATURE/DATE签名/日期DESINATION:GM总经理SIGNATURE/DATE签名/日期JM-EN.2 Emergency repairs紧急维修程序电话/

7、工具包/零配件/记录本1.Answer the phone for repairs接到紧急维修电话2.Inform the relevant team 通知负责的相关班组3.The supervisor arrangements for dealing with the problem 班组主管安排相关人员处理问题4.Prepare for in a short time快速准备5.Reach the area as soon as possible and check the specific到达维修地点,查看故障具体情况6.Solve the problem解决具体问题7.Check ag

8、ain8.Clean up the room清理维修地点9.Let the department write up a list请报修部门补写维修单10.Maintenance inspection 11.Report the procedure汇报维修情况12.Telephone revisit电话回访Asked details about the phone calls, record problems, and the location and the specific content 详细询问打电话人员,记录出现问题的部门、地点与具体内容Note the relevant superv

9、isor to arrange for the staff to repair in first time. 第一时间打电话通知相关班组的主管安排部门维修人员前去维修。The supervisor judge the main reason and arrange the team member to go to solve the problem. 主管判断出现问题的主要原因,安排班组维修人员优先前去解决问题。The staff prepare the tools required accessories from the storage in a short time according

10、to the specific .维修人员根据具体情况准备好维修所需工具,需换配件从部门二级库中领取,以最快的速度准备好维修工具。Reach the place of maintenance, ask to staff ,check equipment, to identify the reason of the problem, make the judgments. 快速到达维修地点,询问服务员,检查设备,找出问题出现的具体原因,做出正确的判断。Identify the reason for the repair as soon as possible so that the proble

11、m is resolved. 查明原因后,快速维修,尽快的使问题得到解决。Check other facilities that related to decide whether they could work, if there is wrong in it,solve on the spot. 检查维修地点其他相关设施设备是否能正常使用,若发现设施设备存在问题,当场一并解决。Clean-up the dust and debris close and take the package with accessories清理维修产生的灰尘与杂物,收好并带走所换配件的包装带Require th

12、e relvant supervisor to write up the list politey.礼貌的请在维修地点的部门主管人员补填维修单 Let waitress check attendants and sign to confirm the problem has been solved请服务员检查,并在维修单上签字确认问题已得到解决。将维修单第二联送办公室留存,损坏配件与未用件退回仓库。办公室保存维修单,并向维修部门致电询问维修质量,确认问题已经得到解决。To ensure that the team will not be the case when an unknown pro

13、blem 确保通知班组时不会产生情况不明的问题So that the issue of emergency to be resolved in a short time 使紧急问题在最短的时间内得到解决Avoid delays in maintenance and tool belt.避免出现因未带工具而耽误维修的现象。In advance to prevent problems that may has happened, and increase the efficiency提前预防可能出现的问题,提高日常工作效率As proof of maintenance, the Office of

14、 the sector in order to register to do作为维修证明,以便部门办公室做登记Deparetment Daily Work部门日常工作JM-EN.3Operate system of electrical equipment配电室电器操作制度线路模拟版图/电工包/绝缘手套/绝缘鞋/警示牌/接地线1.Simulat operation preview 模拟操作预演2.Check equipments核对设备3.To do a good job of habeas corpus做好人身保护4.Blackout, power transmission停电、送电操作5.

15、Unipolar switch and switch fall, power transmission 单极刀闸和跌落开关停电、送电6.Confirmed that no side-voltage power failure 确认停电侧无电压7.Earthing equipment 装接地线8.Inspection equipment, ready to power 检查设备,准备送电9.Transmission 送电10.Comprehensive inspection全面检查Simulated on Plate in the line of the process 在线路模拟图版上对电器操

16、作流程进行核对性预演Check carefully the device name, number and location 仔细查看核对操作的设备名称、编号和位置Put on shoes, wear insulated gloves 穿好绝缘鞋、戴好绝缘手套At first,stop load side, then power switch, and with the opposite order of the above when power transmission先停负荷侧,后停电源侧开关,送电时与上述顺序相反Started in the first phase, and starte

17、d the next phase of a side, and stop the upper after the phase; with the opposite order of the above 先拉开中相,再拉开下风侧一相,后拉开上风侧一相;送电时与上述顺序相反Test non-electrical after stopping switch with the pen, to confirm there non-voltage 拉开各路开关后,以电笔试探停电侧,确认其无电压Install the grounding line according to the operation, an

18、d hangs the warning signs. 按电器操作规定装设接地线,并悬挂警示牌。Check all equipments, ensure there is no foreign, switch on after removing the whole ground line检查所有电气设备上确保其无异物,拆除所有落实接地线后,合闸送电Turn the load side then the evacuation on, switch on capacitor after checking the instructions 先送电源侧,后送负荷侧,检查仪表指示正常后,合上电容器开关Ch

19、eck lines and equipments carefully to conduct to avoid the event in future.仔细对刚完成操作的电器设备及线路进行全面的检查,及时发现并消除存在的隐患Operation to avoid unexpected situations 避免操作过程中出现意外情况To prevent accidents such as shock 防止出现电击等意外Avoid negative switch combined with a larger negative switch 防止带负荷拉、合刀闸合带较大负荷拉合跌落开关Ensure t

20、he security when operated 保障进行电器操作时的人身安全Insiders tamper with ground line to emergence 防止不知情者乱动接地线出现险情Ensure the event wouldnt happened after closing 保证合闸后不会发生意外情况Ensure the electrical equipments and line in safe保障电器安全和线路安全Avoid the event caused by careless in the future避免因一时疏忽大意而导致日后发生事故JM-EN.4Elect

21、rical equipment inspection in the distribution room 配电室电器设备巡视与检查1.Cleaning equipment 设备清洁2.Clean transformer 变压器除尘3.Test transformer 检测变压器4.Check distribution 检查配电柜仪表5.Check the connection line检查动力连线6.Check Protector 检查保护装置7.Inspect contact 检查设备接点8.Check conductor (line) 检查导体(线)9.Check fuse 检查熔断器10.

22、Check the air switch 检查空气运行开关11.Inspect oil-filled 检查充油设备12.Inspect safety devices 检查配电室安全设施13.Inspect grounding device 检查接地装置14.Make the records.巡检记录。Clean-up and keep equipments, distribution room, place clean. 清扫工作区,保持设备干净、配电室干净、工作地点干净。Clean the surface of transformers with tools.使用专门的清扫工具清扫变压器表面

23、,对其进行除尘。On the coil, lead, connect line and monitor for the appearance of detection and measure resistance 对线圈、引线、动力连线和温度监视器进行外观检测,并测量绝缘电阻Check a variety of instruments, signal devices whether in working order to ensure that the indicator location of normal switch, all mark full-meter and clear检查各种仪

24、表、信号装置指示是否正常,确保开关指示器位置正常,各个仪表标志齐全、清晰。Check counter distribution line in order to ensure it full engagement with other lines. 仔细检查配电柜动力联线,确保其与其他线路接触充分。Check all security devices counters carefully in the distribution to confirm safety.仔细检查配电柜中的所有安全保护器与继电器,确认其安全工作。Check equipmentS between the lines of

25、 contact burns, weld, and other anomalies 检查各个设备之间的线路接点有无过热、烧伤、熔接等异常现象View conductor (line) off any shares, cracks, damage, identify problems to solve it in time.查看导体(线)有无断股、裂纹、损坏现象,发现问题,及时解决。Pen beat the connection of electricity to test the fuse is good access to all用电笔跳动连线来试探熔断器的所有接触是否良好Check and

26、 decide whether the the air switch operated normal检查空气开关运行是否正常Check the color, temperature, level is normal in equipment, whether or not permeability, and leak.检查充油设备的油色、油温、油位是否正常,有无渗油、漏油现象。Ensure that the room lighting and fire facilities in good condition, no damaging and leaking to the doors and windows, anti-small-animal facilities in good condition, the vent keep open. 确保配电室照明设备和防火设施完好,门窗无损坏、漏水现象,防小动物设施完好,通风口畅通。Inspec and ensure the grounding devices in good condition, no rust, damage and so on.检查并确保接地装置连接良好,无锈蚀、损坏等现象。Write down the records, sorting and bin

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