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1、 This is my father.Wow! Hes cool!Whats does your father do?Guess!Is he a driver?No, hes a teacher.Lesson 5Look! This is my mother.Oh, shes beautiful!Whats does your mother do?Shes a doctor.Oh, great!Lesson 6My mum is a TV reporter.Oh, Cool!What does your father do?Is he a teacher?No!A doctor?Oh!Be c

2、areful.Thank you.Look, Jim! Thats my father.Oh, your father is a policeman.Unit 2 Whats your number?Lesson 7Hi, Kate. This is my new friend. Sue.Hi, Sue. Pleased to meet you!Pleased to meet you, too.Which class are you in?Im in Class Two, Grade Three. How about you?Im in Class One. Grade Four.Lesson

3、 8One, two, three, go!Whats your number?Im number fourteen.Im number thirteen.Lesson 9Hi, Mimi! Whats your number?Im number six!Whats one and two?Its three.Thats right! And whats seven and eight?Um its fifteen.Good!Lesson 10Good morning class!Good morning, Mr Zhang.Lets count from one to eighteen.On

4、e!Two!Three!Four!Whats eight and nine?Its seventeen.Very good!Lesson 11Wake up! Wake up, Peter.Whats the time, Mum?Its 7:20.Oh, no! Im late!Have some milk.No, thanks!Lesson 12Whats eight and seven?Um fifteen.Whats ten and ten?Twenty!Why not? Ten and ten.So, ten and ten is ten!Oh, thats funny!Unit 3

5、Its a pineapple.Lesson 13 Whats this?A pear?An apple? Its an apple!Yes, its an apple.Its a pineapple.Right! Its a pineapple.Lesson 14Whats this? Its a banana.Whats that? Its a watermelon.Oh, its a big watermelon.Lesson 15Whats this in English?Its a tomato.Do you like tomatoes?Yes, I do.Lesson 16Hi,

6、Kate. Whats that in English?Its a carrot.Do you like carrots?Yes, I do. And I like cucumbers, too.Lesson 17 Lets play a chain game.Ok!Its a green pepper.Do you like green peppers?Its an eggplant.Do you like eggplants?No, I dont. I like tomatoes.Lesson 18Im Micky. Im smart.Excuse me. Whats this in En

7、glish?And whats this?Its a cucumber.Whats that in English?I know! Its a bat!Are you sure?Yes! Its bread.Unit 4 Hows the weather today?Lesson 19 Its fine today. Lets play football.Great!Kate, its nice today. Lets play with my kite.OK. Lets go!Lesson 20Mum, its cool today. Shall we go to the zoo?OK!Mu

8、m, its warm here.Yes, it is. The fish like it.Lesson 21Dad, its hot today. Shall we go swimming?Good idea! Lets go.Mum, can I have some cold water, please?Here you are.Thank you, Mum.Lesson 22Mum, hows the weather today?Its sunny. Lets go shopping.Oh, dear. Its cloudy now.Yes, it is.Lesson 23Its rai

9、ny.Oh, dear!Put on your shirt, please.OK, Mum.Lesson 24Hi, Micky! Hows the weather today? Its so hot today!Hows the weather today? Its so cold! Its rainy!What? Its sunny! Its snowy!Ha, ha! Micky, hows the weather today?Lesson 25Its hot today, Mum. Wheres my new T-shirt?Its over there.Peter! Put on y

10、our cap, please.Thanks, Mum.Lesson 26Lisa, this is for you.For me? Whats in it?Open in and see.Oh, its a dress.And a hat! Happy birthday! Its pretty!Thanks, Mum and Dad!Lesson 27Can I help you?Please show me that jacket.Can I try it on?Sure!Lesson 28Dad, look at those blue shorts. Theyre really cool

11、!Can we look at the blue shorts, please?Thanks.Lesson 29Mum, I like those shoes.Can we have a look at those shoes, please?Sure, here you are.Thank you. May I try them on?Certainly.Lesson 30Where is my hat?Here it is.Where is my cap?Where is my dress?Where are my jeans?Here they are.Where are my shor

12、ts?Oh, I cant walk! You look funny.Lesson 31Look at the elephant. Its so big. It has big ears.And small eyes.Lesson 32Look, Lisa. I have a rabbit.Oh, it has long ears and a short tail.Look at my monkey. It has a big mouth and a long tail.Lesson 33Hi, Peter. Come here.OK, Im coming.Look at me. How ta

13、ll I am. How funny! Youre tall, too. Were both tall!Lesson 34Come here, Lisa.Im Coming! Im short and fat. Im short and fat, too.We look short and fat. We look like twins!Lesson 35Hi, Kate! Look at my new sweater! My sweater is old. But I like it.Lets go to see Miss Liu.Hello, Miss Liu.Happy New Year

14、!Lesson 36Hello, Mimi. Lets act. Look at my ears! Theyre so big!Look at my long ears.I have a long nose.Im a rabbit. I have a short tail.But I have a long tail.Im an elephant. I have a short tail. Im Mimi! Im Micky! 小班音乐活动:小花狗 活动目标:1.学习歌曲小花狗,能够边唱边按乐句变换动作。2.愿意表演歌曲,体验表演的乐趣。活动准备:1. 小花狗头饰若干,肉骨头头饰若干。(数量与幼儿人数相等)2. 小花狗歌曲CD,教学资源,PPT。活动过程:1. 以谈话的形式帮助幼儿熟悉歌曲。(1)出示图片:这是谁呀?它最爱吃什么?(骨头)你知道小狗是怎么叫的?(汪汪汪)(2)为幼儿播放CD歌曲,演唱时可以让幼儿拍手打节奏,使幼儿逐渐熟悉歌词的内容和歌曲旋律。(3)演示PPT,提问歌词内容,引导幼儿逐渐熟记歌词。一只蹲在 (大门口)两眼(黑黝黝)想吃(肉骨头) 2. 学习演唱歌曲,练习创编动作。(1) 播放歌曲,引导幼儿和老师一起随音乐唱歌。(2) 播放歌曲,引导幼儿分句创编动作,加深对歌词内容的印象。

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