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1、According to Chinese laws, an alien who fails to abide by Chinese law, his period of stay in China may be shortened or his status of residence in China annulled by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.二、住宿登记1、先生(女士),请问您是来申报住宿登记的吗?Sir/Miss, do you come here to report and register your

2、accommodation?2、请让我看看您的有效证件(如护照)?Please show me your valid certificates(e.g.passport)?3、请提交您的护照原件和复印件、租房合同、房主证件(如户口簿和身份证)和一张证件近照。Please submit the original and copy of your passport ,the apartment rental, the hosts certificates(e.g. the domiciliary register and ID card) ,and one recently taken certi

3、ficate photo.4、请填写境外人员临时住宿登记表。Please fill in the REGISTRATION FORM OF TEMPORARY RESIDENCE.5、好了,这是住宿申报的回执单,请收好。Okay! This is the return receipt of the accommodation registration, please keep it.6、请您回去后也告知您的朋友来进行住宿申报登记。Please tell your friends come to the police station to report and register his/her

4、accommodation.7、按照规定,社区民警将会在您首次申报登记住宿后的三天内对您进行户访,以后每个季度不少于一次户访,请予以配合。 According to the regulation, the community officer will pay a visit to you after your first registration. Then the officer will visit you no less than one time within three months. Please cooperate with the officer.8、在您离开昆明之前和返回昆明

5、之后,请告知社区民警,以便民警能为你服务。Please call the community officer and let him know that you are going to leave Kunming or you has come back to Kunming ,so that he can serve you easily.三、外国人报案1、请问你叫什么名字?你的国籍和护照号码?Please tell us your name ,nationality and passport number?2、请告诉我们发生什么事?Please tell us what happened

6、?3、你丢了什么东西?丢失的物品有什么特征?What was missing? Can you describe the articles?4、你的包什么颜色、大小?包内有什么东西?What about your bags colour and size? What was in your bag?5、你记得那辆出租车的车牌号吗?Could you remember the plate number of the taxi?6、你在什么时间、什么地方被抢?When and where were you robbed?7、请留下你的地址、电话,以便和你联系。Please write down y

7、our present address in Kunming and contact telephone number, so that we can contact you.相关词语:旅行包travelling bag; 钱包wallet(男式)/purse(女式);手提包handbag;行李箱trunk;公文包briefcase;护照passport;银行卡 bank card ,信用卡credit card;现金cash;身份证ID card;贵重物品valuables;首饰jewellery;项链necklace;存折passbook;照相机camera 摄像机video-camera

8、 旅行支票travellers cheque 驾照driving licence 飞机票air tickets出租车上贴的动物图案the picture of the animal on the glass of the taxi8、请用中文或者英语填写报案登记表。Please fill out the FORM OF REPORT in Chinese or in English .9、不用着急,你可以到出入境管理科申请出具护照报失证明。Dont worry. You can apply for a CONFIRMATION OF REPORING THE LOSS OF PASSPORT

9、to the Exit-Entry Administration Section. 10、你可以到出入境管理科申请出具财物报失证明。You can apply for a CONFIRMATION OF REPORTING THE LOSS OF PROPERTY to the Exit-Entry Administration Section.四、提供救助 1、我们是警察,请问需要帮助吗?We are police. What can I do for you?/Dou you need a help?/Can(May )I help you?/Is there anything I can

10、 do for you?2、你受伤了,需要送你到医院吗?You are injured. May we take you to the hospital?3、让我通知你丈夫/妻子/女儿/儿子/朋友,好吗?他的电话是多少?May we call your husband/wife/daughter/son/friend? Please tell us his telephone number.4、可以告诉我你的移动电话吗?Could you tell me the number of your cell/mobile phone?5、请告诉我你在昆明的住址吗?Please tell me you

11、r present address in Kunming ?6、别着急,救护车马上就到。Dont worry, the ambulance will be here soon.7、你要到飞机场吗?你可以乘5路公共汽车到达。我建议你叫一辆出租车。Are you going to go to the airport? You may get there by bus NO.5 . I suggest you call a taxi.云南省公安厅Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department云南省公安厅交警总队the Traffic Police Gener

12、al Team of Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department昆明市公安局Kunming Municipal Public Security Bureau(简称P.S.B.) 昆明市公安局治安支队the Security and Order Detachment of Kunming P.S.B昆明市公安局出入境管理处the Division of Exit-Entry Administration of Kunming Municipal P.S.B 昆明市公安局交警支队the Traffic Police Detachment of Kunm

13、ing Municipal P.S.B. 昆明市公安局五华分局出入境管理科the Exit Entry Administration Section of Wuhua Police Precinct , Kunming Public Security Bureau XXX派出所 XXX Police Station 中国银行 Bank of China 邮局the Post office 火车站 the train station 国贸中心the National Trade Center 昆明体育场 Kunming Gymnasium拓东体育场Provincial Gymnasium 工人文

14、化宫Workers Club 昆明市卫生检疫局 Kunming Municipal Health And Quarantine Bureau 昆明会堂Kunming Meeting Hall(火车)南站Kunming Railway Station长途汽车客运站Long-distance Bus Station西苑客运站Xiyuan Bus Station西站客运站 Western Coach Terminals石安高速公路 Shi-an Express Way 环城北路North Huancheng Road 东风西路West Dongfeng Road 二环北路 The Second Ri

15、ng Road黄土坡立交桥Huangtupo overbridge翠湖公园 the Green Lake park 民族村the Nationality Villages 西山the Western Hills 石林the Stone Forest 金殿 the Golden Temple 筇竹寺 the Bamboo Temple大观公园Daguan Park世博园the International Horticutural Exposition (或者表述为EXPO Garden) 动物园 Yuantong zoo 花鸟市场 flower and bird market 东风广场Dongf

16、eng square 昆明会堂Kunming Meeting Hall 艺术剧院 Artist Opera House大观商业城Daguan Commercial Town螺蛳湾日用批发市场 Lousiwan Everday Use Goods Terminal Market高新开发区Area of Kunming High-new Technique Development苏家塘小区Sujiatang Resident District (或Sujiatang Residential Quarter)南屏步行街Nanping Pedestrian Street 昆明医学院第一附属医院(云大医

17、院)No.1 Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical College红会医院The Red Cross Hospital云南省第一人民医院(昆华医院)The First Peoples Hospital of Yunnan Province昆明市第一人民医院 The No.1 Hospital of Kunming 昆明市精神病院Kunming Psychiatric Hospital昆明总医院(四十三医院)Kunming General Headquarters Hospital翠湖宾馆Green Lake Hotel 海逸酒店 Harbour Plaz

18、a Hotel 经贸宾馆Economic Trade Hotel 天恒大酒店Horizon Hotel 邦克饭店Bank Hotel 新纪元酒店New Era Hotel 威龙饭店 佳华广场酒店Kaiwah Plaza Hotel 昆明锦江大酒店Kunming Jinjiang Hotel 金龙饭店Golden Dragon Hotel绿洲大酒店Green Land Hotel 茶花宾馆Camellia Hotel 樱花假日酒店Holiday Inn Kunming 昆明饭店Kunming Hotel泰丽国际酒店Telecom International Hotel机场宾馆Airport Ho

19、tel香宫大酒店Palace Hotel 宝善大酒店 Baoshan Hotel新金花宾馆New Golden Flower Hotel船舶大观酒店Daguan Shipping Hotel春城花园酒店Spring City Garden Hotel 驼峰客栈 The Hump Hotel云南大学Yunnan University 云大附中 Affiliated Middle School of Yunnan University云南师范大学 Yunnan Normal University 昆明理工大学Kunming University of Science and Technology

20、云南民族大学 Yunnan National Minority University昆明冶金高等专科学校Kunming Metallurgy School 昆一中Kunming No.1 Middle School云南财经大学 Yunnan University of Fianc and Economics步行 On foot; 乘飞机:By air; 坐轮船:By ship;坐火车:By train;坐出租车:Take a taxi;乘坐公共汽车:By bus.8、沿着这条路一直走下去,在第二个十字路口左/右转,就在香宫大酒店对面。Go down this street, turn left

21、/right at the second crossing ,its just opposite the Palace Hotel.9、请让我带你到派出所去报案。Let me take you to the police station to report the case.五、查验证件 1、按照规定,人民警察在执行公务时,有权查验外国人的护照和其他证件,请予以配合。According to the regulation ,peoples police who performing their duties have the power to check aliens passports an

22、d other certificates. Please cooperate with us.2、你的签证是工作签证/学习签证,按照规定,你应该自入境之日起30天内到昆明市公安局外国人管理处申办居留证件。联系电话是3017878。Your visa is a work/study visa (W/X),according to the regulation, you should apply for a Foreigner Residence Permit to the Aliens Administration Office of the Kunming P.S.B within 30 da

23、ys after your arrival.The contact telephone number is 3015878.3、你的签证快到期了,请尽快到昆明市公安局外国人管理处办理延期手续。联系电话是3017873。You visa will be expired soon ,please extend it to the Kunming P.S.B. The contact telephone number is 3015878.4、你持的是旅游签证,只能进行旅游、探亲访友或者进行其他私人事务,不得从事工作、学习等与签证种类不符的活动。What your hold is a tourism

24、 visa (L visa),that means ,you just can come to china for sight-seeing, visiting relatives and friends or other private affairs, but you cant engage in any other activities ,such as work / study,etc。六、警务用语(一)堵卡盘查1、我们是警察,请出示你的有效证件。We are police. Please show your valid certificates.2、你携带的这个包是你的吗?Is th

25、is bag yours?3、请你打开包,我们需要检查以下。Please open this bag .We need to check it.4、这把匕首是你的吗?根据我国法律规定,匕首属于违禁物品,我们现在依法予以收缴。Is the dagger yours? According to the laws and regulations, a dagger is a contraband . We now confiscate it in the light of law.5、站住别动!慢慢举起双手,把手放在头上,慢慢转过身去!Stay there, and dont move! Hands

26、 up slowly. Put your hands on the head. Turn around slowly.6、这是搜查令,我们将对房间进行搜查。Here is the Search Warrant. Well search this room.逮捕证:arrest warrant.7、我们将对你进行检查!Well make a check on your body.8、把刀放下!Put down your knife.9、不许打架!Stop fighting!10、不要吵了!Dont quarrel!11、不要拒捕,否则我们要开枪了!Do not resist arrest,or

27、we will shoot!12、你涉嫌抢劫/盗窃,我们现在带你到派出所进行调查。You are suspected of robbery/theft. We now take you to the police station for investigation.13、你有权陈述和申辩。You have the right to make a statement and appeal.(二)喝酒闹事1、不要再喝了。Stop drinking.2、把酒杯放在桌上,站在一边。Put down the glass. Stand there.3、你是否喝过白酒?Have you had alcohol/liquor?4、你喝过多少

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