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1、对话双方在同一地点对话双方在或要去不同的地方对话双方的一方去了多个地方通常所涉及如下地点:1、At hospital:examine、headache、cold and flu、pill、blood pressure2、In the post office:mail、post、stamp、envelope、package、airmail3、At hotel:book a room、a single/double room4、At restaurant:menu、order、bill、beer、wine5、In the library:book、magazine6、In the bank:cas

2、h、check7、At airport:flight、take off8、At a shop:size、color、style、supermarket、discount、chain store9、In a house:family、parents、kid、relative、housework、wife、husband常见的人物关系有:Doctorpatient waiter/waitresscustomer secretaryboss shop assistantcustomer driverpoliceman teacherstudent salesmancustomer husbandwi

3、fe receptionisttourist lawyerclient通常,在这几组人物关系中,我们会听到以下词或者词组:、doctor and patient:trouble、check、pain、sore、fever、heart、stomach、lungs、blood test、prescription、light diet、when did it start、open your mouth、husband and wife:dear、darling、sweetheart、my love、cook、picnic、TV、dinner、shop assistant and customer:s

4、ize、color、try on、price、discount、Can I help you?What size do you wear?Is that cash or charge?此外,在听人物之间关系的题目时,说话人之间的语气尤其重要,如果是上司跟下属之间的关系,语气一般较强硬,有命令的意味;而如果是夫妻之间,则语气较为甜蜜,随意;朋友之间较亲切;服务员对顾客一般较尊敬。总之揣摩语气与做题能否成功也有很大的关系。涉及数字计算的听力大致可分为三类:加减法计算 乘除法计算 混合计算 无论是哪种计算,其特点是计算都较简单,一般不会超出口算和心算的范围。在做题的过程当中:1最好做简要的笔记,依笔

5、记去区分或计算,计算速度很关键。2这类题的特点是学生听到什么就选什么往往会错。3-teen结尾的数词与以-ty结尾的数词容易混,要正确分辨。4以-th结尾的序数词容易与其对应的基数词相混。我们可以根据语言知识判断,一般在日期,周年,楼层用序数词;而价格,房号,时间等用基数词。涉及因果关系的对话主要有两种情况:先结果,后原因;先原因,后结果。一般说来,涉及因果关系的题目的重点在原因上,因此要特别注意对话中后者的答语。做此类题目:1熟练掌握表示因果关系的词或者词组:because、since、so、as、because of、as a result of、cause、result in 、due

6、to、owing to、on account of、now that、so that等。2通过问题和选项预测,在听的过程中注意表示因果关系表达法、习惯用语、虚拟语气及分词的时态和语态。涉及建议、行动与计划的对话大致可分为三类:1、对话涉及一方行动。2、对话涉及双方行动。3、对话涉及他人行动。特点:信息量多,不须推理,只须听清记准对话内容。若题目涉及一方,则要记清行为相对应的时间和先后顺序;若题目涉及双方,则要听清记准谁干了什么或要干什么。 深层语篇理解听这类题目要注意: 1、首先要注意两个人的态度是否相同,如果不同,要分清各人的态度,因为这时问题往往问的是其中一人的态度或看法,不要混淆。 2、

7、说话人态度没有明确表达,而是比较含蓄,通过语气、语调变化来体现。 3、注意对话中含委婉拒绝、含蓄反对或间接批评,其中否定意义是暗指而非明指,即”no”之类否定词常不出现。高考阅读理解命题特点要求考生读懂公告、说明、广告以及书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文章。考生应能:)理解主旨要义;)理解文中具体信息;)根据上下文推断生词的词义;)作出简单判断和推理;)理解文章的基本结构; 1 .主旨大意题 1) Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? 2) This passage is mainly about /

8、 mainly discusses / deals with _. 2. 事实细节题 1) According to the text, which of the following (sentences / statements) is (NOT) true? 2) Which of the following is NOT included / mentioned in the passage? 3. 猜测词义 1) The underlined word “” is used to express the idea that_. 2) The word “” in the passage

9、 means_. 4. 推理判断题 1) We can infer from the passage that _. 2) Which of the following sentences from thetext BEST indicates that the teacher is very considerate? 5. 观点意图题 1) What does the author want to tell us most? 2) The authors purpose of writing this passage is _. 6. 文章结构题 1) Which of the follow

10、ing most accurately describes the organization of the passage?2) The author organizes the passage by高考任务阅读命题特点 高考任务型阅读的解题思路 任务型阅读一般的解题思路可归纳为四步曲, 即“审题”“略读”“细读” “复核”。 注意以下解题技巧: 注意表格前的小标题,它通常是段落和表格的 主题句,有助于理解文章。理解表格设计,表 格一般包括列标题和行标题,通过阅读这 些标 题和表格里的内容;可迅速了解表格的结构和表格的设计原理。同时也可缩小信息范围,确定考查 内容。根据所给任务型阅读1.从词法

11、上考虑。当我们根据阅读提示判断这一词为名词时,我们就要考虑名词的单复数形式,如果判断所填的词为动词则考虑它的原形、第三人称单数、过去式、过去分词、现在分词、动名词;若判断为形容词或副词则考虑它们的原形、比较级和最高级;若是数词则要考虑基数词和序数词;若是代词则考虑代词的主格、宾格、所有格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词及反身代词。若是介词则考虑固定搭配。2)从句法上考虑,若确定所填之词是连词或关系代词或关系副词则判断这是属于哪种从句,名词性从句(主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句)、定语从句、状语从句等。高考英语书面表达命题特点 江苏高考的英语作文一般都避开热门话题,用学生自己的笔写自

12、己身边的事,不会考政治意义浓的文章。书面表达评分原则1、 先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定档次。第五档. 2125分第四档. 1620分第三档. 1115分第二档. 610分 第一档. 15分 0分2、主要内容: 内容要点; 覆改所有内容要点 词汇和语法的数量和准确性; 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇 上下文的连贯; 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分语言的得体性; 语言地道,规范3、拼写和标点是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。4、词数少于130和多于170的,从总分中减去2分。5、如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。增强书面表达效果的技巧1. 使用较高级的词汇2.

13、 使用较丰富的句式3. 使用恰当的连接词一、怎样使用较高级的词汇1. Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.Thanks to the good weather, our journey was comfortable.2.We all think he is a great man.We all think highly of him .3.Suddenly I thought out a good idea.A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly st

14、ruck me.4.The students there neednt pay for their books. Books are free for the students there.5. As a result the plan was a failure.The plan turned out to be a failure.6. When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow.At the news of his death, she went pale with sorrow.7. She went to Austria

15、 in order to study music. She went to Austria for the purpose of studying music.8. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited.The more he spoke, the more excited he felt.9.In our school, there are twenty-six classrooms.Our school is made up of twentysix classrooms.丰富的句式:(常用到的句型结构) 利用不同的句型来表达同一个意思,

16、能增加文章的文采。1. 感叹句 e.g. How happy I was when I received your letter! What a kind boy he is! How disappointed he was !2. 强调句 e.g. It was this young boy that helped the old granny. I do hope you can come if possible. 3、 倒装句 e.g. Only in this way can you solve this problem. There comes the police car. Har

17、dly had they got to the station when they met the young man.4、 省略句 e.g. They read while walking or riding on a bus. Come to me if necessary. 5、 with短语 e.g. I saw a young lady walking slowly in the street with a handbag in her hand. 6、 定语从句 e.g. In my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we c

18、an find much useful information. Lets come to the main teaching building, at the back of which stands the school library.7、 各种名词性从句 e.g. Thats what I should do. We should do a favour to whoever needs help at present. 8、 各种状语从句 e.g. Time passed quickly before we knew it. The moment we reached the far

19、m, we got down to harvesting. So long as we work harder at our lessons, well catch up sooner or later. Do call me before hand so that I can meet you at the airport. They had to wait because the rain was getting more and more heavily. 高考大纲中常用的连接词1.表示递进;在同一话题上补充内容 另外,还有:what is more; besides; also; mo

20、reover; in addition2. 表示转折关系 但是, 然而, 相反:but; however; yet; instead; on the other hand; on the contrary. 3. 表示因果关系 因为,因此,所以: since; as; because (of ); so; thus; therefore; as a result;4. 表示条件关系 如果,只要: if ;on condition ( that ); as long as 除非: unless 否则: or else5. 表示时间关系 当 的时候 : when ; while 在之后: afte

21、r 在之前: before 直到: until 一就 : as soon as 后来, 然后: later; afterwards 不久: soon 近来: lately; recently 自从 :since 从那时起: from then on6. 表示特定的顺序关系 首先, 最主要的: above all 其次: secondly 然后: then; next 最后: finally; in the end7. 换一种方法表述 换句话说: in other words; that is to say; 8. 进行举例说明 例如,比如: for instance; for example;

22、 like; such as9. 用于陈述事实 实际上: in fact; actually; as a matter of fact 跟你说实话 : to tell you the truth 10. 对一个话题进行总结 总而言之,总的来说: on the whole; in short; all in all; in general; in a word11. 其它常用到的副词 Therefore ; otherwise ; finally ; furthermore ;Thus ; namely ; although ; afterwards ; personally; 议论文模版 (1

23、) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 ) There is a widespread concern over the issue that _作文题目_. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一_. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first p

24、lace, _原因一_.Furthermore, in the second place, _原因二_. So it goes without saying that _观点一_. People,however,differintheiropinionsonthismatter.Somepeoplehold the idea that _观点二_. In their point of view, on the one hand, _原因一_. On the other hand, _原因二_. Therefore, thereis nodoubtthat _观点二_. As far as I

25、am concerned, Ifirmlysupporttheviewthat _观点一或二_.Itis not only because _, but also because _. The more _, the more _. (2)利弊型的议论文Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)_作文题目_. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in _题目议题_. Generally speaking, it is widely believe

26、d there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, _优点一_. And secondly _优点二_. Just As a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, _讨论议题_ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _缺点一_. In addition, _缺点二_.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of _讨论议题_ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the _讨论议题_.( 3 ) 答题性议论文 Currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)_作文题目_ .It is really an important concern to

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