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1、背书支票 to endorse a cheque 清付票款 to pay a cheque|to honour a cheque 支票退票 to dishonour a cheque 拒付支票 to refuse a cheque 拒付支票 to stop payment of a cheque 提示要求付款 to present for payment 见票即付持票人 payable to bearer 支付指定人 payable to order 已过期|无效 out of date|stale 请给出票人 R/D|refer to drawer 存款不足 N/S|N.S.F.|not s

2、ufficient funds|I/F|insufficient funds 文字与数字不一致 words and figures differ 支票交换时间已过 account closed 更改处应加盖印章 alterations require initials 交换时间已过 effects not cleared 停止付款 payment stopped 支票毁损 cheque mutilated 信用证用语篇一、信用证用语追加信用证 additional credit|additional L/C 信用证金额 amount of credit 赊帐金额 credit balance

3、可撤消信用证 revocable L/C 不可撤消信用证 irrevocable L/C 保兑信用证 confirmed L/C 不保兑信用证 unconfirmed L/C 可转让信用证 assignable L/C|transferable L/C 银行信用证 bankers L/C 有追索权信用证 with recourse L/C 无追索权信用证 without recourse L/C 单一信用证 simple credit 无条件信用证 open credit|free credit 普通信用证 general letter of credit 旅行信用证 circular let

4、ter of credit 特别信用证 special letter of credit 信用证底帐 letter of credit ledger 信用证发行帐 letter of credit issued account 信用证余额|信用证结欠 credit balance 开立信用证 to open a credit 通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank 电开信用证 to cable a credit 取消信用证 to cancel a credit 开出信用证 to issue a credit 在某银行开立信用证 to arr

5、ange a credit with a bank 修改信用证 to amend a credit 延展信用证有效期 to extend a credit 增加信用证面额 to increase a credit 寄出信用证 to send a credit 请发给信用证 to take out a credit 二、信用证例文我们已开出以贵方为受益人的保兑信用证。 We nave opened a confirmed credit in your favour. 以贵方为受益人,我们开出不可撤消的的保兑信用证。We have opened a confirmed and irrevocabl

6、e credit in your favour. 我们被请求已开出以贵方为受益人的信用证,特此通知。We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favour. 我们已开出商业信用证,特此通知。We intimate to you that we have issued a commercial letter of credit. 付款方面用语付款方法 mode of payment 现金付款 payment by cash|cash payment|payment by re

7、ady cash 以支票支付 payment by cheque 以汇票支付 payment by bill 以物品支付 payment in kind 付清|支付全部货款 payment in full|full payment 支付部分货款|分批付款 payment in part|part payment|partial payment 记帐付款|会计帐目内付款 payment on account 定期付款 payment on term 年分期付款 annual payment 月分期付款 monthly payment|monthly instalment 延滞付款 payment

8、 in arrear预付货|先付 payment in advance|prepayment 延付货款 deferred payment 立即付款 prompt payment|immediate payment 暂付款 suspense payment 延期付款 delay in payment|extension of payment 支付票据 payment bill 名誉支付|干与付款 payment for honour|payment by intervention 结帐|清算|支付 settlement 分期付款 instalment 滞付|拖欠|尾数款未付 arrears 特许

9、拖延付款日 days of grace 保证付款 del credere付款 to pay|to make payment|to make effect payment 结帐 to settle|to make settlement|to make effect settlement|to square|to balance 支出|付款 to defray|to disburse 结清 to clear off|to pya off 请求付款 to ask for payment|to request payment 恳求付帐 to solicit payment 拖延付款 to defer

10、payment|to delay payment 付款被拖延 to be in arrears with payment 还债 to discharge 迅速付款 to pay promptly 付款相当迅速 to pay moderately well|to pay fairly well|to keep the engagements egularly 付款相当慢 to pay slowly|to take extended credit 付款不好 to pay badly|to be generally in arrear with payments 付款颇为恶劣 to pay very

11、 badly|to never pay unless forced 拒绝付款 to refuse payment|to refuse to pay|to dishonour a bill 相信能收到款项We shall look to you for the payment|We shall depend upon you for the payment |We expect payment from you 惠请付款kindly pay the amount|please forward payment|please forward a cheque. 我将不得不采取必要步骤运用法律手段收回

12、该项货款I shall be obliged to take the necessary steps to legally recover the amount. |I shall be compelled to take steps to enforce payment. 惠请宽限let the matter stand over till then.|allow me a short extension of time. |Kindly postpone the time for payment a little longer.索取利息 to charge interest 附上利息 to

13、 draw interest|to bear interest|to allow interest 生息 to yield interest 生息3% to yield 3% 存款 to deposit in a bank|to put in a bank|to place on deposit|to make deposit 在银行存款 to have money in a bank|to have a bank account|to have money on deposit 向银行提款 to withdraw ones deposit from a bank 换取现金 to conver

14、t into money|to turn into cash|to realize 折扣用语 从价格打10%的折扣 to make a discount of 10% off the price|to make 10% discount off the price 打折扣购买 to buy at a discount 打折扣出售 to sell at a discount 打折扣-让价 to reduce|to make a reduction 减价 to deduct|to make a deduction 回扣 to rebate 现金折扣 cash discount货到付款|现金提货 c

15、ash on deliver (C.O.D.) 货到付现款 cash on arrival 即时付款 prompt cash 净价|最低价格付现 net cash 现金付款 ready cash 即期付款 spot cash|cash down|cash on the nail 凭单据付现款 cash against documents 凭提单付现款 cash against bills of lading 承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A) 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 汇票汇单用语一、汇款用语汇款|寄钱

16、 to remit|to send money 寄票供取款|支票支付 to send a cheque for payment 寄款人 a remitter 收款人 a remittee 二、汇票汇单用语国外汇票 foreign Bill 国内汇票 inland Bill 跟单汇票 documentary bill 空头汇票 accommodation bill 原始汇票 original bill 改写|换新票据 renewed bill 即期汇票 sight bill|bill on demand . days after date|. days after date . 日后付款 . m

17、onths after date|. months after date . 月后付款 见票后日付款 days after sight|. days sight 见票后月付款 months after sight|. months sight 同组票据 set of bills 单张汇票 sola of exchange|sole of exchange 远期汇票 usance bill|bill at usance 长期汇票 long bill 短期汇票 short bill 逾期汇票 overdue bill 宽限日期 days of grace 电汇 telegraphic transf

18、er (T.T) 邮汇 postal order|postal note (Am.)|post office order|money order本票 promissory note (P/N) 押汇负责书|押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation 副保|抵押品|付属担保物 collateral security 担保书 trust receipt|letter of indemnity 承兑|认付 acceptance 单张承兑 general acceptance 有条件承兑 qualified acceptance 附条件认付 conditional acceptance

19、 部分认付 partial acceptance 拒付|退票 dishonour 拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance 由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment 提交 presentation 背书 endorsement|indorsement 无记名背书 general endorsement|blank endorsement 记名式背书 special endorsement|full endorsement 附条件背书 conditional endorsement 限制性背书 restrictive endorsement

20、 无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse 期满|到期 maturity 托收 collection新汇票|再兑换汇票 re-exchange|re-draft 外汇交易 exchange dealing|exchange deals 汇兑合约 exchange contract 汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract 外汇行情 exchange quotation 交易行情表 course of exchange|exchange table 汇价|兑换率 exchange rate|rate of exchange 官方汇率 offi

21、cial rate 挂牌汇率|名义汇率 nominal rate 现汇汇率 spot rate 电汇汇率|电汇率| T.T. rate|telegraphic transfer rate 兑现率|兑现汇率 demand rate 长期汇率 long rate 私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill 远期汇票兑换率 forward rate套价|套汇汇率|裁定外汇行情 cross rate 付款汇率 pence rate当日汇率|成交价 currency rate 套汇|套价|公断交易率 arbitrage 汇票交割|汇票议付 negotiation of draft 交易

22、人|议付人 negotiator 票据交割|让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill 折扣交割|票据折扣 to discount a bill 票据背书 to endorse a bill 应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000|a balance in our favour of $ 51,000 收到汇款 to receive remittance 填写收据 to make out a receipt 银行柜台用语一、银行用语请入收款人的户号 account payee 请支付票款 advice to pay cheque

23、s 惠请通知该支票的经过 advise fate 金额有错误 accounts differ 文字与数字所记载金额不同 words and figures differ 签名有误|印鉴不符 signatures differ 请明天再次提出为荷 present again tomorrow 保证付款 good for payment 请照会发票人 refer to drawee (R.D.) 无交易 no account 款额不足|存款不足 not sufficient (N.S.)|no sufficient funds (N.S.F.) 已无存款 no funds 如支票不获兑现时, 不必

24、出具拒绝证书。 notto be protested in case of dishonour|protest waived|no protest 需要出具拒绝证书 to be protested 没有通知 no advice 未受指示 no orders 禁止转让|不可转让 non-transferable|not transferable 已付款 received payment|payment received 上开价金已收到 value received|for value received 上开价金系经核算 value in account 上开金额与发票相同 value as pe

25、r invoice 上开金额与通知书相符 value as per advice 无追索权 without recourse 有追索权|偿还请求权 right of recourse 请求偿还清单|清偿帐户 recourse account 偿还准备金 recourse fund 拒绝偿还|拒绝追索 recourse repudiation 二、银行业务例文定期存款的条件为年利6%,存期6个月以上,只要金额1,000元,我们均乐意接受。We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000,

26、for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a. 谨同函寄上新开定期存款第500号存折一份,面额100,000元,请查收为荷。该面额等于您寄来换新的旧存折本金加上利息之和。Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal. 如存款为100元以上,我们将乐意接受。We shal

27、l be glad to receive deposits of 100 yen and upward. 三、结算到目前为止,我公司应收帐尚有二万美元。兹奉上结算报告书一份,敬请查收为荷。Enclosed we hand you a statement of account to date, showing a balance of $20,000 in our favour, which we trust will be found in order. 上开帐目,现正核对, 如无错误,将遵照贵公司的指示,将转入新开的帐户内。This account is under examination,

28、 and if found correct, it shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions. 您昨日函敬悉。兹遵照贵方请求,同函附上结算报告书,敬请惠予查收为荷。Your favour of yesterday was duly received, and we hand you herewith a statement of your account as requested, which we hope you will find correct. 兹奉上棒铁总价为512,000元清单一份,恳请列入我公司贷方帐项为荷。We hand you our account on the bar iron, amounting to $512,000, which kindly pass to our credi

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