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1、m fine too.Hows the weather today?二、 互助探究Read the story by yourself and thi nk about the questi ons三、 点拨提升Answer the questions(展示幻灯 片)Let ssee the story again.Teacher and students repeat the story.1.Warm-upSit down please .Are you ready for En glish class? How are you today?I fine thanks,and you?2.L

2、isten, can you understand?OK!Let slisten to a story about Becky3.Listen the story.4.Show the questio ns.First :Is baby Becky old or young?Second : what does she want?Third : who has ice cream?Fourth :where does she draw the ice cream?四、 巩固练习ReadAll of the students read the story in groups and role-p

3、lay read ing. Now,let show the Baby Becky ”. readBecky mother ”五、 课堂总结Listen(放录音)Can you understand?Let listen to a story about Becky.Listen the story.Show the questi ons:First:ls baby Becky old or young?Second:Third: who has ice creamFourth:Fifth :Did baby Becky mother buy the ice cream?

4、Read the story by yourself and think about the questi ons.5.Talk ing in groups:Everybody tak ing ingroups,a nd an swer thequseti ons.6:Answer the questions(展示 幻灯片)7: Let see the story againTeacher and students repeat the story (出示板书)8: Read:9:Show time:All of the boys read Baby Becky ”.All of the gi

5、rls read Becky smother ”Read the other part.Homework:To use simple En glish torepeat the story to pare nts.To find a similar story,for the English class, to share with your part ner.板书Lesson 6 : Baby Backywhat does She want?作业设计To use simple En glish to repeat the story to pare nts.教学反思7 课题 Aga in ,

6、please!1 .能从小故事中找到本单元所学的单词,会拼写单词。2.重点句型:复习本单元常用句型,熟练掌握。第一单元单词以及运用。教具:录音机、磁带、图片、小奖品、小黑板Some pictures , vocabulary cards1.CIass Opening and Review2.Greeti ng在开始上课环节,可以通过师生、 牛牛之间的对话来复习本单元的重 点句型 What time is it?和一般短 语:help.What would you like for _?I would like _.3.Show the aids ,let the students read a

7、nd un dersta nd.1丄isten,Tick and Cross:Stude nts should liste n to the audiotape and put a tick in the small square at the bottom of each picture that is true accord ing to what they hear on the audiotape. They should put an X above the picture if it is not shown what they hear on the audiotape. Che

8、ck as a class.2.Listen ,match and write.Let teh students listen to the tape.Students match each of the items from 1-8 with each of the five characters in the house by writi ng.1.Class Opening and Review Greet ingUse the quiz in the student book as review. Observe the stude nts closely.Use the storyb

9、ook andaudiotape.Prepare to ReadStudents should listen to the audiotape and put a tick in the small square at the bottom of each picture that is true accordi ng to what they hear on the audiotape. They should put an X above the picture if it is not shown what they hear on the audiotape. Check as a c

10、lass.3.3丄isten ,match and write.Liste n and circle:Letthe students listen to the tape and circle the correct picture from each pair in number 1-4that is referred to in the story.Check as a class.The tape says:1.Here is a clea n dish.2.What time is it? Its half past seve n.3.The tomatoes are in the f

11、ridge.4.What is Li Mi ng doi ng? He is drying the dishes.四、 巩固练习Discuss :Let the stude nts read and practicethe words and these senten ces of this less on.五、 课堂总结Class Clos in g.Let the stude nts do all the exercises of workbook.4.Liste n and circle:(1).Here is a clea n dish.(2).What time is it? hal

12、f past seve n.(3).The tomatoes are in the fridge.(4).What is Li Mi ng doi ng?He is drying the dishes.5.Discuss:6.Class Closi ng.Let the stude nts do all the exercises of workbook.Again ,please!1.What is the boy doing ? He is putting the dishes on the table.2.Where is the correct? in the fridge.3.The

13、 man is readi ng n ewspapers in the chairs.The stude nts do all the exercises of workbook.8课题Aga in ,please!第1课时Stude nts will complete eight exercises to dem on strate theirin dividualliste ning ,speak in g, read ing and writi ng skills.通过师生互动、生生互动培养孩子们的听说及综合语言的运用能力。单词卡片,录音机,实物钟表Some picturesvocabu

14、lary cards一、展示目标,激趣设疑1.Greet in g.Greeti ng.Classope ningandClass ope ning and words ofthisun it,let thepractice.studentsreadA. Review the words of the二、互助探究roomsUse the cards, letchildre nsaybathroom, bathtub, dishes,the words as quickly as they can.Use a game topracticethek

15、itche n, livi ng room,words.( one stude ntdescriberefrigerator, shower, sink,things, the other student guessthem.stove, toilet Use the cards, letPay atte nti on to the pronun ciati on of kitchen and chicken ”. 1 use achildre n say the words ascha nt topractice,chicke n,quickly as they can.chicken, c

16、hicken, chicken inkitchen. Chicken is meat, kitchen ” is a room.三、点拨提升2. Use a game to practice theReview ciea n, dirty, dry and wet ” Comparative the words, rememberwords.( one stude nt describethe opposites. Wecanusesenten ces toshowthe things, the other studentthe words.Example: These dishes are

17、clea n.guess them.they are dry.Payatte nti onto1.Look and write:Ask the stude nts to look at each of the five pictures and finish the sentences on the right of each by filling in the blank.Check as a class.2.Read and write:Students should read each of six senten ces and fillin the blanks with one of

18、 the pronouns in the yellow box above . Check as a class.3.Look and say:Discuss the picturein part 8 as a class by ask ing and hav ing stude nts an swer thefollowi ng questi ons for each pers on in each room of the house.Sing a song of Goodbye ”o closethe class. Draw your bedroom or livi ng room. Ta

19、lk about your picture to the class.3.Look and write:Ask the students to look at each of the five pictures and finish the sentences on the right of each by filling in the bla nk.Check as a class.4.Read and write:Stude ntsshould read each of six senten ces and fill in the bla nks with one of the prono

20、uns in the yellow box above . Check as a class.5Look and say:Discuss the picture in part 8 as a class by ask ing and hav ing stude nts an swer the follow ing questi ons for each pers on in each room of the house.6.Sing a song of Goodbye ” to close the class.7.Homework: Draw yourbedroom or living roo

21、m. Talk about your picture to the class.dirty, dry,wetcook , make, washWhat time is it? = What the time?9 课题 lesso n7 On the School Bus1.学习并掌握umbrella ,Ms. , driver等词汇。2.Se nten ces:Do you always go to school by school?umbrella ,Ms. , driver .Do you always go to school by school?图片、录音机、2.复习常用短语:eat

22、breakfast watch TVgo to the park take showersIn this morning ,I eat braekfast at 6:00 .Let the stude nts read and practice the words and senten ces.(指名让学生回答)What do you eat for breakfast ?S1:I like noodles , I eat noodles for breakfast .S2:.Key Con cepts:1.AIways / usually /sometimes / never的教学。教师利用

23、 Danny Jenny Steven LiMing 周吃早餐 的图表学习单词。2.Tell the students to turn to page20 in their students books.Go over the text.Point out the new words for thisless on:un brella,driver,Ms.Use fashcards or real object to teach the new words first.I n this morni ng ,I eatbraekfast at 6:Let the stude nts read a

24、nd practice the words andsenten ces.3.学生回答:What do you eat for breakfast ?I like no odles , I eat no odles for breakfast .4.Key Con cepts:The stude nts to tur n to page 20 in their stude nts books.Go over the text.Po int out the new words for thisThe students find which word can be associated withumbrella. Draw a li ne to connect rainy and un brella. Pay attention to these two words in the less on.

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