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1、【学习内容】Section A 1a1c【学习目标】:1.掌握下列单词:2.掌握句型: B:【学习过程】:一、值日报告:二、旧知回顾Task:展示预习作业1、三、合作探究:小组对话练习句型: Im Task2:完成1a。 Im camping.1. camping 2._ 3 ._ 4._ 5._ 6._7. 8. Task3:听磁带,完成1b.四、展示质疑:Task1:小组自主学习,完成1c。展示学习成果-对话练习五、拓展深化:现在进行时常可用来表示将来的动作的用法:某些表示位置移动的动词,如:go,come,leave,arrive等,其现在进行时可表示将来的动作。如My father i

2、s leaving for Nanjing tomorrow. 我爸爸将明天动身去南京。Im going camping next week. 我下周要去野营。六、检测反馈:用所给动词的现在进行时填空 1. I _(plan ) to spend time in the beautiful countryside.2. -What are you doing for vacation?-I _(go )camping with my parents.3. Look, the bus _(come ) !4. _ you _(do ) anything special tonight?5. Sh

3、e_(go ) sightseeing next weekend.王丽华 审核:Period2 Section A 2aGrammar Focus 1. 试读单词:plan What are you doing for vacation,Hector ? Im visiting cousins .A. 翻译下列词组 1. 去观光_ 2. 去度假_ 3. 计划做某事_ 4. 去野营_【学习内容】Section A 2aGrammar Focus 1.学习单词: Im .【学习重点】:When are they going on vacation ?二、旧知回顾旧知回顾: Practice dia

4、logueT: Hi, , What are you doing for vacation ?S: Im Then who are you ving with ? I with sb.完成 2a. 1.小组读题目,弄懂题目的意义和要求。 2.听录音两遍,填写表格“what”的内容.3.小组分别派人到黑板上展示自己的答案。完成 2b. 1.再听录音两遍,填写表格“when”的内容.。2. 小组分别派人到黑板上展示自己的答案。四、展示质疑: 完成 2c Groupwork (1) 学生分组仿照列子练习自己的假期计划。(2)分组到教室中间展示对话。(3)完成表格中的询问。 总结Grammar foc

5、us Plan的用法: planned planning.n: make plans for sb.v plan to do sth根椐题意和所给的字母提示,填入正确的单词。1. A: Hows the w_ _ ther there? B: Its sunny.2. A: How l_ _ _ are you staying there?B: I am staying there for three weeks. 3. A: W_ _ _ _ are you going for vacation? Italy. 4. My mother often t_ _ _ _ walks after

6、supper. 5. My father often goes f_ _ _ ing by the river on Sundays Period 3 Section A 3-41朗读并默写单词Page100,101(从Tibet到Hawaii)2. 理解下列短语。 Go hiking, just for ,go away, sendfrom ,get back 1) Where are they going?.2)How long are they staying ?1.写出些列短语的汉语意义。 Go hiking just for go away sendfrom get back 2.写

7、出下列汉语句子的意思。1)Im going hiking in the mountains.2) Send me a postcard from Hong Kong!课堂导学【学习内容】Section A 3-4掌握下列单词:away, send, postcard, 1)理解短文3a,的意思2)会使用how long检查预习作业情况Task 2:简单解答预习中存在问题。Page15 Part3听磁带,完成表格。学生两人一组练习对话,然后分组表演对话。学生讲解本文里的重点语法项目,其他学生补充。Task1: 小组讨论练习3b的对话。根据例子表演信息表里的对话,小组分别表演。学生组内独立完成 4

8、 Vacation Dreams,然后展示。go +Vingeg : go bike riding, go swimming, go sightseeing, go hiking go camping方框选词补全对话,选择适当的句子完成对话。 Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation? . Im leaving on Friday. How about you? Im going to sports camp. Oh , cool! . A: On the eleventh. . What about you, Tom?C: Im going to

9、the beach with my family. .a. When are you going?b. Sounds great!c. Who are you going with?d. We are leaving this weekend. e. I am going to the beach.f. Im visiting my cousins in Canada. Period 4 Section B 1a 2c1. 朗读并默写单词Page101(从bike到Italy)2. 朗读下列短语: 1) go bike riding 2) go sightseeing 3) go fishin

10、g4)take walks5)rent videos1.写出下列短语意义。take walks _ return to _ think about _ 骑自行车旅行_ 去观光_ 去度假_【学习内容】Section B 1a2cbike, ride 2. 掌握句型:How long are you ving ? How long are you ?师生一对一对话练习,以Where are you going for vacation?和What are you doing there? 练习Task2. 小组对话练习看图,学词汇。对话练习,完成1b。听磁带,完成2a。Task4:听磁带,完成2b

11、。利用2b的问题,进行小组对话练习。 展示练习成果。1. take walks=go for a walk2. fishing eg. go fishingfish 单复数同形 fishes 指不同种类的鱼 还可以做动词3. rent rent sth. from sb. rent sth. to sb.用所给的词的正确形式填空。 Im going fishing and swimming for vacation. A: That _ (sound) nice. What are you doing there? Im _ (take) walks after supper in the e

12、vening. 3. I dont like _ (eat) junk food. I eat it only three _ (time) a month. 4. A: What did you do last night? I _ (watch) TV. How long _ you _ (watch) it? I _ (watch) it just for half an hour. 5. A: What _ your father do on Sundays? He often _ (read) newspapers. Period 5Section B 3a41.朗读并默写单词Pag

13、e101(从famous到finish)2.朗读下列句子: 1)I always take vacation in “Europe. 2) This time I want to do something different. 3) Ben is going to Canadas Great Lakes. Take walks( ) go fishing( ) go bike riding( )Rent videos( ) sleep a lot( )2.写出下列句子的汉语意思。【学习内容】Section B 3a41)掌握下列单词: Famous ,Europe, something , l

14、ake, leave ,countryside, nature, forget, finish2)理解短文3a, 3b的意思1)动词短语think about的用法2)something different的用法3)plan to do sth.的用法检查预习作业完成情况对话练习(三两个人)完成3a。先看3a中的问题,听磁带,把序号相应的图片填在活动旁的括号里。 小组检查答案。 听录音,完成3b小组展示答案。1. Pierre Lambert , the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer . 著名法国歌星皮

15、埃尔,在这个夏季,准备度个长假。 take a (long) vacation . 去度(长)假。 2. He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but finally decided on Canada . 他考虑要去希腊或西班牙,但最终决定去加拿大。 think about (doing)sth . 考虑(去做)某事。 eg. He often thinks about going camping . 他经常考虑去野营。 decide on 决定(后面加名词) eg. decide on a blue coat 决定(要买)一件蓝色上衣 de

16、cide on Canada 决定(去)加拿大 3. I want to do something different . 我想做一些不寻常的事。 something 为不定代词,另外还有anything , nothing , somebody , anyone 等,都是不定代词。当有形容词修饰这些不定代词时,切记放在这些不定代词的后面。 eg. something different 不寻常的事 somebody important 重要人物 Is there anything wrong ? 有什么不对的吗?写出相应的短语词组1.和朋友们一起度过时光 2.去运动野营 3.去登山 4. 去

17、观光 5 . 骑自行车旅行 6 .读书 7.多久一次 8. 出示某物给某人看 9.给我买书 10.等不及了11. 忘记要做某事 12.忘记做过某事 13. 租借影碟 Period 6【预习内容】self check 【预习重点】朗读并默写单词Page101:Thailand , tourist写出下列单词、短语的汉语意义。tourist( ) in the mountains( ) this weekend( )利用self check 1 中的词汇编写写一篇约50个词的短文介绍你的假期计划【学习内容】self check【学习目标】 1、复习本单元的重点单词、短语。2、复习本单元的重点句型。

18、3、能正确运用一般现在时态来描述日常生活习惯4、学会健康的生活方式,培养科学健康的世界观和积极进取的人生观。利用本单元的重点词汇介绍一个的生活习惯。小组讨论找出本单元的重点单词与短语,并列举出来:1)重点单词:2)重点短语: Task1 :小组讨论,合作完成用所给动词的适当形式填空,完成 1 。Task2: 两人一组朗读所填写的句子。小组分别派同学到黑板上去展示答案。 小组完成2的导游计划表并分组展示。plan to do sth . 计划去做某事,to后面加动词原形。 eg. My classmates plan to go to a picnic . 我的同学们计划去野餐。 help sb

19、 do sth . 帮助某人做某事。 在Unit 1 中,我们学过“help me to study more”这样的句子, help sb (to) do sth . to 可加可不加,意思不变。句型转换 1. I dont like winter. (对画线部分提问)_ _ dont you like?2. I dont know what I should do. (同义句)I dont know what _ _.3. Dont climb the tree. Mother said to the boy. (合并为一个简单句)Mother told the boy _ _ _ the tree.4. Mr Smith is busy now. He is writing a book. (同义句)Mr Smith is _ _ a book now.5. The policeman may show you the way. (对画线部分提问)_ _ show you the way?

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