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Module 3 Unit 5高一英语上海新世纪版Word格式.docx

1、(1)(戏剧)一场,一景;(电影、广播等)一场(2)(戏剧)场景,布景 e. g. This play is divided into three acts, and each act has three scenes.(3) 景色,风景e. g. The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east. (4) 现场,出事地点e. g. the scene of the crime . 犯罪现成4. breed n. 品种e. g. a breed of dog 某一品种的狗The islande

2、rs are a strong breed of people. v. (bred, bred) (1)繁育,下崽e. g. Some animals will not breed in cages. (2)育种 e. g. Many farmers breed sheep and cows. (3)训练,教育,养育e. g. He is born and bred in the country, and he doesnt like the big cities.5. track n.(1) 足迹,痕迹,车辙e. g. The hunter followed the animals trac

3、ks. e. g. following the track of an airplane on radar. 用雷达跟踪飞机的航道 vt. 跟踪,追踪,尾随e. g. The police tracked the terrorists to their hide-out. 警察追踪恐怖分子至其藏匿处。6. sense n. 官能,感觉,判断力,见识,感,意义,理性e. g. a keen sense of humor 敏锐的幽默感He has a good sense of smell. Vt. 感觉,感知,觉察,意识到e. g. He sensed that his proposals we

4、re unwelcome. 7. come to do sth. 逐渐开始e. g. He came to realize the importance of learning English. 8. in a way 在某种程度上,从某一点上看e. g. In a way, youre right. 9. turn up 出现,调高e.g. Its twelve oclock, but John hasnt tufted up yet. I cant hear it clearly. Would you mind turning up the radio?10. tell sth. apar

5、t 把区分开来e. g. Can you tell these three dogs apart?11. guard against sth. 预防某事物e. g. Theyve been doing very well, but they should guard against overconfidence.12. on the scene 在场,到场,出现e. g. Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 13. track sb./sth. down 经追踪或搜索而发现某人/某物14. Theres no sense in doi

6、ng sth. 做事情是没有意义的e. g. Theres no sense in waiting three hours. 15.apart from 除之外,撇开来说e.g. Apart from his nose, hes quite goodlooking.16. in some ways 就某些方面而言 in no way 决不 in several different ways 用几种不同的方法on ones way to 在去的路上 by the way 顺便make ones way 一路前进,向前 under way 进行中all the way 一直,一路上e. g. He

7、 ran all the way to the station only to find the train had left.I made my way towards the harbor. The construction of the bridge is under way. 17. turn down(1)调低速度、音量、强度或流量e.g. Turn down the radio, please. (2)拒绝e. g. We politely turned down the invitation. 类似词组:turn toturn to sb. for help 求助于某人 turn

8、 out(1)生产,制造e.g. an assembly line turning out cars. 生产小汽车的流水线 (2) 证实e. g. The new comer turned out to be the best player on the team.(3) 结果 turn over 翻转,翻身e. g. The engine turned over but wouldnt start 18. . but it does give us a real picturedo 用于句中无其他助动词时,以加强动词的肯定语气。e.g. He does look tired. He does

9、 get up early in the morning. 19. work ase. g. He worked as a taxi driver before he became a famous writer.20. train vt. ; vi.(1)(常与along, up连用)培植,修剪,修剪(植物)(2) (常与to 连用)培养,教导,训练e. g. Mr Hart has trained his daughter for years. (3) 接受训练,锻炼e. g. I trained to be a doctor. (4) (为参赛或应考)锻炼,训练e. g. I am tr

10、aining for the race. She is training to become a nurse. 21. in addition to 除了外e. g. We saw a Mickey Mouse cartoon in addition to the cowboy movie.比较: in addition adv. 另外 e. g. Life in the country is peaceful. In addition, you can enjoy more fresh air there.22. share n.(1)(属于或由某人做的)部分,一份e. g. We gave

11、 each of the five children an equal share. (2)股份,股票e. g. They sell shares in companies at the stock exchange. go shares 平分;均摊v. 分享,均分,共有,分配e. g. They share their joys and sorrows. 23. rely on/upon sb/sth (to do sth) 指望或依赖某人/某物e. g. You can rely on it that it will be fine next week. He relied on them

12、 to tell him the truth. depend on依赖,决定于e. g. It all depends on how you tackle the problem. 24. not. but 不是而是e. g. They saw not one dead lion but ten. 【单项练习】I. Multiple choice.( )1. While two detectives were _at the door, two others opened the parcel.A. kept guard B. kept the guardC. keeping guard D.

13、 keeping the guard( )2. When the accident happened, the journalist happened _.A. to be in the scene B. to be on the sceneC. being in the scene D. being on the scene ( )3. My mother hates raising dogs at home because she cant stand the _of animals.A. sense B. scene C. scent D. scenery ( )4. Dont come

14、 near me if youve got a coldI dont want_.A. to affect B. to be affected C. to infect D. to be infected( )5. He died _and in great pain.A. horribly B. horrify C. horrible D. terrible( )6. Helen went shopping with me just to_ me company.A. take B. keep C. get D. make( )7. The young man did all he coul

15、d _the job.A. turn up B. turn down C. to turn up D. to turn down( )8. Fever is a_ of many illnesses.A. symbol B. symptom C. symphony D. sympathy ( )9. He and his wife are living_.A. partly B. part C. apart D. paety( )10. It is _that he will be admitted to that university.A. certainly B. certain C. s

16、urely D. sure( )11. He _others in his spare time.A. does help B. does helps C. do help D. do helps ( )12. _on a diet) and youll lose weight soon.A. Keeping B. Keep C. If you keep D. Keeps( )13. She went back home with the _one dollar.A. remain B. remained C. remains D. remaining( )14. There was noth

17、ing _her doing so.A. to prevent B. prevented C. to keep D. kept( )15. _the sun, there are numerous stars in the sky.A. Beside B. Except C. In addition to D. ButII. Fill in the blanks with the following phrases in their proper as in the depth of not. but keep . company pass on work out rel

18、y on share with guard against in addition to1. The little boy does want to _his toys _other children.2._the names on the list, there are six other applicants.3. Can this rope be_?4. William Shakespeare was _a scientist_ a playwright.5. The teacher explained to me how to _the maths problem.6. He was

19、_despair about losing his job.7. If youre going out for a walk, Pe along and _ you_.8. The gold watch was _from generation to generation.9. A doctor must always _infecting the disease to his family. Translation.1.在某种程度上我喜欢这些新的款式。 (in a way)2.他逐渐意识到吸烟的危害性。 (come to)3.记者花了几个星期才搜寻到了那个故事。 (track)4.他虽然什么

20、也没说,但我已意识到他不喜欢这个主意。 (sense)5.他把钟拆开来修理。(apart)6.你每年的大学费用共计2万元。(add)7. 他不喜欢宠物。别指望他会从上海给你带一个来。(rely on)8. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫。(scense)Grammar1. Types of Sentences英语句子按其结构,可以分为简单句(The Simple Sentence) ,并列句(The Compound Sentence)和复合句 (The Complex Sentence)。只包含一个主谓结构的句子成为简单句;有两个或两个以上互不依从的主谓结构相互连接构成的句子成为并列句。含有从句的句

21、子成为复合句,也称主从复合句。根据从句在主句中的语法作用,可分为状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句。2. The Adverbial Clause; The Object Clause在句中用作状语的从句成为状语从句。状语从句的种类如下: (1)时间状语从句e. g. My brother called me as soon as he got to Shanghai. She didnt leave until her baby fell asleep.till或until引导从句中,主句动词为延续性动词,用肯定形式;主句动词为非延续性动词,用否定式。(2)地点状语从句e. g. Please

22、stay where you are.Wherever you go, you must write to your parents. (3)条件状语从句e. g. If you work hard, you will succeed.He never misses school unless he is ill.(4)原因状语从句e. g. As you looked tired, I wont ask you any more questions.He was absent because he was ill. (5)让步状语从句 e. g. Though he is busy, he

23、is willing to help you.However hard he tried, he couldnt open the door.however 引导的从句中,however 后面须紧跟形容词与副词。(6)目的状语从句e. g. He started early in the morning so that he could get there before dark. She spoke clearly and slowly in order that the foreigners could understand her.在 so that 和in order that从句中,

24、谓语动词用情态动词may, might, can, could 等加上动词原形。(7)结果状语从句e. g. He didnt plan his time well, so that he did not finish his work in time. Her English was so fluent that all her teachers praised her.(8)比较状语从句e.g. The driver drives faster than he used to.The more we are together, the happier well be.(9)方式状语从句e.

25、 g; Please do as you are told.The old man runs very fast as if he were a young man.在句子中用作宾语的从句为宾语从句。宾语从句常由连接词that引导,而that一般可以省略。宾语从句可由 what, who, which, whose, where, when, how, why, whether 等连接代词或连接副词来引导。宾语从句保持陈述句的语序。在宾语从句中,如果主句的谓语动词是过去式,则从句中的谓语动词也要用过去范畴的时态。.Multiple choice. ( )1.1 knew nothing abo

26、ut it _you told me.A. if B. until C. when D. as soon as( )2. Please make a mark _you have any questions.A. where B. while C. that D. till( )3. He wont go there _I help him look after his daughter.A. unless B. as C. because D. when( )4._how hard it rained, the students continued working.A. Even if B.

27、 As soon as C. Since D. No matter( )5._ I am free, Ill go and visit the exhibition.A. Although B. After C. If D. Unless( )6. We are not going to operate on her _it is absolutely necessary.A. if B. as C. so long as D. even if( )7._they gave her anything to eat, she would save it up for her little Brother.A. While B. Whenever C. When D. Until( )8. Everything happened quite exactly _we had expected.A. that B. so far as C. as D. as if( ) 9. The boys continued to play basketball _it was rather late.A. since B. though C. because D. as( )10._she got well, she went back

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