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1、 What anxious visions haunt(萦绕) the person who thinks too much about the future? He may envision(想象,幻想) the horrible mushroom cloud; the earth shriveling from the radiation; the overpopulated, abused earth gone dead. He may imagine his own life going awry(出错,失误), appointments missed; advancements gi

2、ven to someone else; his house burned to the ground; his love lost; everything in his life as in a nightmare, slipping away from him. There is no end to the disasters a person can worry about when he focuses anxiously on the future. There are events in his future, including his own demise(死亡,终结), ov

3、er which he has little or no control, but he can ruin his life worrying about them. There are some disasters he may be able to prevent, but he must do that by living well in the present, not simply by worrying about the future.The present moment, which is even now moving into the past, is the realit

4、y I know, and I dont want to miss it. The wild-cherry cough drop dissolving in my mouth is sweet and soothing. Even my sore throat and back-ache have meaning. The cool night air, the crackling noise of my furnace, my cat yawning and stretchingthese are the tangible有形的) realities I can recognize. The

5、y exist in this moment, together with my own breathing, the warm lamp overhead, the jerking of my typewriter. Among with these are the realities of other people and of all life on this earth, which matters to me now, not at some past or future time.Everyone needs a sense of history, I think, particu

6、larly a feeling for his own roots, but history needs to keep its distance to be appreciated. It is also vital to have some sense of direction, which means making plans for the future but not becoming preoccupied with them. What is most important, I believe, is living in the present, that is, being a

7、live now.Questions;1. Find out the thesis statement and tell whether the thesis is emphasized or not? 2. How does the essay end? Does it give you a sense a completion?3. What strategy does it use?7.Big Ideas in Small Words(Example)In English, most often short words are as good as long ones, and simp

8、le words like “bright sun,” “fresh air,” and “sweet home” are best of all. Though small, these words can meet our needs with grace, charm and strength, and can cast a clear light on (express clearly) big things like: war and peace, love and hate, and life and death.As has been said in THE MIRACLE OF

9、 LANGUAGE by Richard Lederer, many of the pithy(terse and forcible) proverbs use very simple words in the expression of excellent ideas, “ Where there is a will, there is a way” , “Rome was not built in a day”, “ Two heads are better than one”, to name only a few.Many of the ancient poets and orator

10、s recognized the power of small words in making a straight line between two minds. Several hundred years ago, William Shakespeare used small simple words in his play KING LEAR. “And my poor fool is hangd ! No, no ,no life! Why should a dog, a horse, a rat have life, and thou no breath at all?”In the

11、 Bible, with which many English speakers are familiar, the short words which describe the beginning of human life sound like this: And God said, Let there be light, and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good.Modern great leaders or poets have also been using simple English words in

12、 their speeches or writings. During Word War II when Hitler was nearly occupying the whole of Europe, and many people thought the end of mankind was drawing near, Winston Churchill responded in his ringing words: “ lets fight by the sea, land, and air, with all our might and with all the strength th

13、at God can give us.” A tit-for-tat(针锋相对) struggle was forged(carried on steadily), and Hitler was defeated. And now lets hear what Robert Frost said in his poem THE DEATH OF THE HIRED MAN, “Home is the place where , when you have to go there, they have to take you in.” Even more terse words are prob

14、ably ten twoletter words by William H. Johnson when he described his secret of success, “ If it is to be, it is up to me.”Many of us tend to use long words to speak our minds, if they say just what we want, thats okay. But if big words make the way dark for those who hear what we say and read what w

15、e write, we might as well as use small words. Like fast friends, they wont let us down.Questions for study:1. How does the writer open the essay?2. What is the topic sentence of paragraph 2?3. Why does the writer cite Shakespeare and the Bible?4. How many examples are given in paragraph 5 and how di

16、fferent the examples in this paragraph from the ones in paragraph 4?What point is the writer making by giving the many examples? Are they relevant?8. Individualism and Collectivism(comparison and contrast)Americas individualist culture springs from a 2,000 years tradition of Roman and Greek arts, ph

17、ilosophy and government, as well as the moral and legal traditions of Christianity. By contrast, Chinas culture, including its arts, philosophy, and government is rooted in the Confucian ethic, Taoism, Buddhism, and more recently, Chinese Socialism.(roots of American individualism and the Chinese co

18、llectivism)American individualism ( “me” ism) and Chinese collectivism (“we ism) are poles apart. For millennia, millions of Chinese have coped with limited land and resources. Economic and social imperatives coupled with Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist ethics, have constrained Chinese to subordinate

19、 individual goals to societal needs. Centuries of collective culture made some of Chinese socialism historically inevitable.(the causes for Chinese collectivism )By contrast, it is obvious why Americans are the most individualist people on earth. Mere centuries ago, Europeans settled a vast, relativ

20、ely unpopulated continent, where they enjoyed unprecedented freedom and opportunity as their government mobilized them to settle the frontier. Though Americas frontiers have vanished, the frontier mentality of individualism remains the emotional and philosophical cornerstone of American culture.(the

21、 causes of the American individualism)Individualism and collectivism permeate (penetrate) every aspect of Eastern and Western culture, influencing American and Chinese economics, politics, morals and values, and especially communication patterns. This is important, for research has proved that the n

22、umber one cause of failure in international business and relations is not economics or even business but cross-cultural communication. And culture is often the culprit behind the miscommunication.(the significance of knowing about differences between .)9. People on the Slopes(classification)When I f

23、irst learned to ski, I was amazed by the shapes who whizzed by me and slipped down trails marked only by a black diamond signifying “ most difficult,” while others careened awkwardly down the “bunny slopes.” These skiers, I discovered, could be divided into distinct categoriesfor my own entertainmen

24、t and for the purpose of finding appropriate skiing partners.First are the poetic skiers. They glide down the mountainside silently with what seems like no effort at all. They float from side to side on the intermediate slopes, their knees bent perfectly above parallel skis, while their sharp skills

25、 allow them to bypass slower skiers with safely executed turns at remarkable speeds.The crazy skiers also get down the mountain quickly, but with a lot more noise attending their descend. At every hill, they yell a loud “Yahoo!” And slam their skis into the snow. These go-for-broke athletes always w

26、hiz by faster than everyone else, and they especially seem to love the crowded runs where they can slide over the backs of other peoples skis. I often find crazy skiers in mangled messes at the bottoms of steep hills, where they are yelling loudly, but not the famous “Yahoo!”After being overwhelmed

27、by the crazy skiers, I am always glad to find other skiers like myself: the average ones. We are polite on the slopes, concentrate on improving our technique with every run, and ski the beginner slopes only at the beginning of the day to warm up. We go over moguls (small hills) much more cautiously

28、than the crazy or poetic skiers, but still seek adventure with a slight jump or two a day. We remain a silent majority on the mountain.Below us in talent, but much more evident on the mountainside, are what I call eternal beginners. These skiers stick to the same beginner slope almost every run of e

29、very day during their vacation. Should they venture onto an intermediate slope, they quickly assume the snowplow position (a pigeon-toed stance) and never leave it. Eternal beginners weave from one side of the run to the other and hardly ever fall, because they process so slowly; however, they do yell quite a bit at crazies who like to run over the backs of their skis.Having

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