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冀教版九年级英语上册Unit 1 Great People教案Word格式.docx

1、4. How can we succeed in life?5. I think we should try our best to have a great and happy life .过程与方法: 通过课前预习掌握基本知识,通过合作探究解决较难知识,通过堂达标巩固所学知识。重点:掌握本课的生词和短语 掌握本文重点句子.难点:deep in thought, think about, wonder about, be good to, succeed in, write down学法指导:阅读理解短文,勾画出生词、短语和句型,完成预习自测目。将预习中不能解决的问题写出来。知识链接:一 课

2、前预习1. 预习单词,各组完成各组的学习任务。2. 小组讨论:什么才是幸福?3预习自测根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1). There is a short (对话) in this lesson. I need two students to read it. 2). The businessman has a lot of money and a lovely family. I think he is a (成功的) man. 3). This (调查) showed that 13 students go to school by bus, and 20 by bike. 4). Whe

3、n Janes parents are away, one of her (邻居) comes to take care of her. 5). The (意思) of the word “text” in chinese is “正文”. 二“I”的疑惑 (学生自主预习反映的典型问题)教学流程Step1 Class opening情景导课 1. 问候。2. 简单对话,导入新课.【PPT】Step 2 Self-learning 自主学习1. 写出本课的单词短语单词,对照【PPT】2. 让学生自由朗读课文,完成Q1。Step3 Co-operative studying合作学习读对话,完成Q2

4、【PPT】Step4 Exhibition and exchange展示交流 每个组同学到台前展示各组学习任务,并由中心发言人在前黑板展演探究结果。(其他小组补充,并点评,老师点拨。)探究一:What is the meaning of the life ? Life n. “生活” 不可数;“某种方式的生活” 、“生命”可数 mean v. 意味着 , meaning n. “意义”,可数 ,the meaning of “ 的意思”询问某物、事是什么意思的句型_?=_?探究二 thought n. 沉思,深思 in deep thought 沉思,深思听了他的话,我陷入可沉思。_.探究三

5、复习几种”成功” succeed v. success n. successful adj. successfully adv.“成功做某事” (运用下面的句型写例句)(1)Have success in sth.doing sth.(2)Succeed in sth.doing sth.取得成功;达到目的” 后跟名词或v-ing形式(3)Be successful in sth.doing sth.(4)Do successfully succeed in “取得成功;=have success (in)doing sth.=be successful (in)doing sth.=do s

6、th. succeessfullyeg:Shesucceededininventingthenewmachine.= Shehas _newis _ ininvented themachine_.探究四if 与whether 引导宾语从句通常可以互换。 只能用whether的情况:(1) 不定式前 只能用whether(2) Whetheror not 固定搭配中(3) 介词后,只用whether(4) 用if 会引起歧义的Step5 Guiding and promoting(能力提升) P19 Part4Step6课堂检测。I 用所给词的适当形式填空。Success try ones be

7、st mean neighbour survey1. You should pay attention to the two different_ of the word .2. I m sure you will _ if you work hard from now on .3. Mike should like _ his friends about their favorite food .4. My sister always _to help her classmates. 5. One of our _helped us look after our dog when we we

8、re away.II 单项选择( )1. English is my favourite subject , and I am good _ it .A for B to C at D of( )2. She gets _and she is _.A successful success B successful successfully C success successful D successful successful ( )3.Could you _the old things in the past ?A think B think of C thing about D think

9、 about ( )4.If our government _ pay attention to the safety of the food ,our health _in danger. .A isnt ; is B doesnt ;will be C wont ; is D isnt ; will be ( )5. -Hi ,Bruce . Here is a letter for you . - Thanks .I wonder _.A who the letter was form B who was form the letter C who was the letter form

10、 D who form the letter was Step7 小结备注 1. Understand the meaning of the text 6. 2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson.7. 3. Finish the activity book of lesson 7.4. Preview the “Think about it” in next lesson。课后作业课堂设计教学反思 Lesson 8 A Universe of Thought1. 掌握生词短语:universe, mind, century, lifetime

11、, solve, relativity, anyone, death, nuclear, weapon, divorce, be famous for/as, Theory of Relativity.重点句型:1) Albert Einstein was ine of the greatest minds of the last century.2) Einstein is most famous for his Theory of Relativity.3) After he fineshed school,he went on to study physics in Switzerlan

12、d.4) He signed his last letter before he passed away. 2.通过本课相关知识学习,学生能基本听懂课文,并找出所提问题答案;能够对 Einstein 进行简单描述,学习科学家对事业的执着精神本课短语的使用,be famous for/as/to的区别1.after,before引导的时间状语从句。2.Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.等定语从句的使用2. 小组查找最喜欢的诺贝尔奖获得者有关资料。3预习自测。小组相互听写在导学案上。1) 单词:_2)

13、短语:make mistakes_ learn from sb/sth _one of+n.(c,pl) _ solve a problem_be famous for/as/to _ Theory of Relativity _ be born in_ go on to do sth _in the field of_ The Noble Prize _pass away_ give up doing sth _ nuclear weapon _ be widely regarded as_ Fill in the blanks:1. His (看法)is right.2.What do y

14、ou do with your (头脑)?3.A ( 世纪)is one hundred years.4.The teacher has (解答) many problems.5.Is the sentence true or (错误的)?6.He lived in (瑞士).7.Liu Hulans (死)is very great.8. People should give up (核武器).9. He (离婚) his wife last year.二“I”的疑惑 (学生自主预习反映的典型问题)理解课文,完成课后习题1-3。完成课后习题Q3探究一 .be famous as+_;意为“_

15、” to+_;例:1.杭州以美丽的西湖而出名。_2.爱迪生作为伟大的发明家而出名。_探究二Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 此句中who has never made a mistake为一个定语从句,修饰anyone.注意:当先行词时不定代词anyone 时,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用who.探究三go on to do sth 继续做某事Eg: After cleaning the floor, I went on to clean the window.翻译:_1)go on to do

16、sth 接着做另一件事,即接下去做与原来不同的一件事。2)Go on doing sth 继续不停的做同一件事。The students went on talking and laughing all the way.翻译:_3) go on with sth 间断后继续做原来没有做完的事。Eg: After a rest, we went on with our lesson.翻译:_典例:After he had finished his maths, he _his physics.A: go to do B: go on doing C: went on to do D:went o

17、n doing探究四 die v-死;死亡。强调瞬间的动作,过去式和过去分词为:_,现在分词为:_. 不能与一段时间连用。 He _two years age. dead adj-强调状态。可与一段时间连用。 His father _ for two years. death n-意为:是名词。His _ makes me sad._是die的现在分词可作形容词,意为:垂死的,将死的。 The _ man was saved.那个快死的人得救了。The man was found_(死亡)on the eve of the Grammy Awards.Her mothers_surprised

18、 us all.A: die B: died C: death D: dead探究五. Albert Einstein had one of the great minds of last century 本句中mind意为 “ _”, 是名词,短语make up ones mind 意为 “ _”, mind作为动词,意为 “介意、在乎”,mind sb. doing sth.介意某人做某事,回答:Of course / certainly not. 或Youd better not.(1)-Would you mind me_(open) the door?-Of course not.

19、Its too hot in the room.(2)Do you mind me smoking(吸烟) here? -_A. Yes, please B. No, please dont. C. Not at all. D.No, You cant.探究六.“The most important thing is not to stop questioning” Einstein said. 爱因斯坦说“最重要的事情就是不要停止问。本句中主语是the most important thing 谓语是系动词is , not to stop questioning作表语。(1)I have a

20、n eight-year old son. Her wish is _(be) a doctor in the future. (2)My mother is a cleaner. Her job is _(clean) streets.(3)After I finish the university, My hope is _(go) abroad soon. (4)My ambition is _(become)a policeman in the future, What about yours?Step5 Guiding and promoting(能力提升) 班级活动 选择题( )

21、1.Lei Feng _ for many years, but he still lives in our hearts. A. died B. has died C. has been died D. has been dead( ) 2. -Do you mind me _ on the light? -Of course not. A. turn B. to turn C. turning D. turns( ) 3.China is very_ the Great Wall and pandas. A. famous as B. famous for C. ready to D. r

22、eady for( ) 4.I dont know anything about it _ my father told me. A. until B. because C. if D. About( ) 5. He and I are good friends, We usually learn a lot_each othern. of B: from C: across D: to 备 注 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦(1879.3.14-1955.4.18)犹太裔物理学家。他于1879年出生于德国乌尔姆市的一个犹太人家庭(父母均为犹太人),1900年毕业于苏黎世联邦理工学院,入瑞士国籍。1905年

23、,获苏黎世大学哲学博士学位,爱因斯坦提出光子假设,成功解释了光电效应,因此获得1921年诺贝尔物理奖,创立狭义相对论。1915年创立广义相对论。爱因斯坦为核能开发奠定了理论基础,在现代科学技术和他的深刻影响下与广泛应用等方面开创了现代科学新纪元,被公认为是继伽利略、牛顿以来最伟大的物理学家。1999年12月26日,爱因斯坦被美国时代周刊评选为“世纪伟人”。 Lesson9:Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”1. 掌握本课重点单词和短语的用法:1). devope发展(v)-developing发展中的 -developed发达的- development发展 (n)hero

24、(pl)-heroes 英雄 2).a new type of 一种新类型 so that(为了) come up with想出,提出办法 in the 1960s 在二十世纪六十年代初 devote(oneself) to(致力于)doing because of 由于,因为 benefit from(从中受益) be honoured with(被授予荣誉) in ones spare time(在某人的空闲时间) work on doing sth 从事做某事 set a good example树立榜样 day after day一天又一天 make friends交朋友 graduate from(毕业于) 3)句子 a. The grain of this new type of rice would be as big as a peanut so that farmers could rest in the cool shadows of big rice plants. b.He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953.c.He cam

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