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Module 4 Unit 1 学案.docx

1、Module 4 Unit 1 学案Module 4 Unit 1 学案学习目标: 能够使用will +动词原形的结构来描述将来的生活。学习任务:第一部分 知识要点1. 生词:写出下列单词的汉语意思并读出单词。life _ future _ cable TV_ calculator _cell phone _ chalk _ paper _ ruler _satellite _ no _你能找出上面的名词当中有哪些是不可数名词吗?2. 习语:写出下列习惯用语的汉语意思。in the future _ talk to _第二部分 阅读理解1. 第9页练习题6:阅读课文,根据问题选择肯定或者否定的

2、答案。2. 阅读课文回答:How does Betty think the students will talk to their teachers?第三部分 语法学习1. 课文中 Students will talk to their teachers on their computers.中的on 应当翻译成 _。例题:翻译下面的句子我们通过电话交谈。We talk to each other _ _.表示通过某种方式还可以用介词_来表达。试比较by 和on 在用法上的区别。I am going to send some pictures to Linda by internet.We c

3、an learn many things on the internet.2. 介词with 的用法I often play football with my friends. 中的with 的意思是_.The teachers wont write on a blackboard with chalk. 中的with 的意思是_.动词use 是使用的意思,但是用法和介词with 不同,可以进行同义句转换。例如上面的例句还可以写成The teachers wont use chalk to write on a blackboard.例题:同义句转换1. I watch the footbal

4、l match by TV. I watch the football match _ _ _.2. We use a computer to do homework. We do homework _ _ _.3. 情态动词will 的用法。 情态动词will +动词原形来表达将要发生的事情,will 没有人称和数的变化,后必须接系动词或行为动词的原形。例题:写出下列动词的适当形式People _(live) on the moon in the future.Tom _( be) a teacher in the future.There _(be) computers on studen

5、ts desks in the future.思考:根据你所学知识推断,如果将will + do 的句型变为一般疑问句则_,如果变为否定句则_.例题:将下面的句子变为否定句和一般疑问句。Students will study at home._第四部分 课堂任务1. 请想想你将来的生活,做什么职业,怎样上班,过着什么样的生活,写一篇小短文。 I will be in the future. I will take a to work. I will live in 2. 互相谈论将来的生活。例: A: What will you be in the future? B: A: Where wi

6、ll you work/live in the future? B: .Module 4 Unit 2 学案学习任务:第一部分 知识要点1. 生词:写出下列单词的汉语意思并读出单词。farm _ rain _ weather _ wind _so _ cheap _ fuel _ expensive _short _ get _ rough _ spring _autumn _ strong _ comfortable _heat _ machine _ dull _ job _free _ climate _ technology _ transport _easy _ interestin

7、g _ difficult_ smooth _uncomfortable _ weak _练习: 课本第11页第4部分,将形容词和它的反义词联机。2. 习语:写出下列习惯用语的汉语意思。all year _ get warm _ at the North Pole _heavy rain _ strong winds _on the Internet _ dull jobs _heavy work _ free time _use to do_ three days a week _ no one _习题:汉译英1. 我们一周上5天课。We go to school _ _ _ _.2. 在我

8、们班没有人有计算机。_ _ has a computer in our class.3. 明天将会下大雨。There will be _ _ tomorrow.4. 老师们用粉笔在黑板上写字。Teachers _ chalk _ _ on the blackboard.5. 在春天天气将会变暖。The weather _ _ _ in spring.第二部分 阅读理解1. 阅读课文,将图片与课文段落进行联机。2. 回答下面的问题。1. Why will everyone have a small car?2. When will there be bad weather?3. How will

9、 we heat our homes?4. How often will people work?第三部分 课堂任务写一篇描述未来生活的短文,包括天气、交通工具、工作和学习等方面的情况。例: I think the weather will 第四部分 课后总结单项选择1. The text is very _ for you , There are many new words in it.A. easy B. difficult C. dull D. interesting.2. Which season do you like? -_.A. Rain B. Wind C Spring D.

10、 Monday3. He is very _, for he can carry such a heavy stone.A. weak B. strong C. tall D. old4. There will _ an English party in our school this evening.A. have B. is C. are D. be5. The shoes in this shop are _, so many people come to buy.A. cheap B. expensive C. strong D. heavy6. He is _ in Chinese,

11、 he cant speak Chinese well.A. strong B. weak C. good D. luckyModule 4 Unit 3 学案学习任务:第一部分 知识要点1. 生词:写出下列单词的汉语意思并读出单词。dream _ robot _2. 习语: think about _ care for _第二部分 阅读理解阅读13页Around the world 并回答What will the robot do?第三部分 课堂任务1. 设计你理想的学校,把你的想法记录下来。The schoolThe classroomThe lessons2. 互相提问例: A: What will your dream school have? B: . A: What will be there in the classroom? B: A: How will the students have their lessons? B: 3. 课堂作文 Our dream school_第四部分 课后总结

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