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1、校训:School Motto:对我们将要服务的人民、政府和社会要有十分清楚的认识;在工程学、自然科学和人文科学方面要得到均衡发展;既要形成合理的知识结构,又要力争在自己感兴趣、有特长的学术领域内形成自己的专业特长。强化知识更新,树立“终身受教育”的观念,已经成为时代的欢呼。Will be to serve our people, the Government and the community should be very clear understanding of the engineering, natural sciences and human sciences should be

2、 balanced development it is necessary to form a reasonable knowledge structure, but also strive in their own interest, expertise in the academic and form their own professional expertise. Strengthened to update their knowledge, establish a life-long education concept has become times of joy.“无知”求知心切

3、,永远把自己当作学生,问一些“傻问题”。Ignorance - knowledge eager never see themselves as students, asked some stupid question.向别人学习,如果不比从书本上学习更重要的话,起码和那同等重要。Learning from others, from the books, if not more important study, and that at least equally important. 一定要充分利用生活中的闲暇时光,不要让任何一个发展自我的机会溜走。We must make full use o

4、f their spare time in life, not to allow any one of the self-development opportunities slip. 每个学员不撒谎,不欺骗,不盗窃,也决不容忍其它人这样做。Every student, not lying, deception, theft, and will never tolerate other people to do so. 个人要服从集体或更大的整体,服从部队,服从一个团队。Collective or individual should be subordinated to the greater

5、 whole, subject to forces, subject to a team. 纪律和军容是我们比其它学校甚至部队要求更严格的地方。Discipline and the military capacity of our troops than other schools even more stringent local requirements.最重要的是,在关键的时候能够坚持原则。The most important thing is, when can stick to the key principles.恪尽职守的精神比个人的声望更重要。And fulfill their

6、 duties than the spirit of personal prestige is more important.世界上极需这种人才,他们在任何情况下都能克服种种阻力完成任务。The world badly in need of such personnel, in any case they can overcome all obstacles to complete tasks.我们要做的是让纪律看守西点,而不是教官时刻监视学员。What we have to do is to guard West Point discipline, rather than instructo

7、rs time monitoring students. “魔鬼”隐藏在细节中,永远不要忽视任何细节。Devils hidden in the details, should never overlook any details. 千万不要纵容自己,给自己找借口。Do not condone their own, find excuses for himself. 哪怕是对自己的一点小的克制,也会使人变得强而有力。Even if it is for their own small point restraint, people will become strong. 为了赢得胜利,也许你不得不

8、干一些自己不想干的事。In order to win, you may have to do some things themselves do not want to do. 学会忍受不公平,学会恪尽职责。Tolerate unfair Institute, the Institute due diligence. 只要充分相信自己,没有什么困难可以足够持久。If fully believe in themselves, nothing can be durable enough. 等待比做事要难得多。Wait for the much more difficult than doing t

9、hings. 要有信心,把握自己的未来。Have confidence, seize their own future.不要沉沦,在任何环境中你都可以选择奋起。Do not sink, in any environment you can choose to rise. 有耐心的人无往而不利。Patience of the people into a disadvantage.确信无法突破的时候,首先要选择的是等待。Not convinced that breakthrough, the first choice is to wait. 如果你没有选择的话,那么就勇敢地迎上去。If you d

10、o not have a choice, then bravely Yingshangqu. 责任、荣誉、国家!Responsibility, honor, country!以林肯为榜样,汲取他的生活经验和奋斗精神。To Lincoln as an example, draw on his experience of life and the spirit of struggle.只要你不认输,就有机会!As long as you do not admit defeat will have the opportunity!要培养各方面的能力,包括承受悲惨命运的能力。To develop th

11、e capacity of all aspects, including the tragic fate of the capacity. 冲动,决不是真正英雄的性格。Impulse is not the real heroes character.适应环境,而不是让环境适应你。Adapt, and adapt to the environment, rather than to you. 历经严酷的训练是完善自我的必由之路。After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection.速度决定成败。Speed determine suc

12、cess or failure. 不要怕有疯狂的想法,只要你肯努力。And not be afraid of a crazy idea, as long as you make efforts. 首先要建立起自信心。First to establish self-confidence. 胜利,是属于最坚韧的人。Victory is among the most tenacious people.要敢于战胜一切恐惧。Should have the courage to overcome all fear. 要感谢生活中的逆境和磨难。Would like to thank the life of

13、adversity and suffering. 主动锻炼自己,培养果决的性格。Take the initiative to temper themselves, must cultivate fruit character.要立即行动,不要拖延。To immediately take action without delay. 现实中的恐惧,远比不上想象中的恐怖那么可怕。目标要明确,信念要坚定。Goals must be clear, faith must be firm. 只有自己去做,才可能知道能否成功。Only their own do know that success is pos

14、sible.做一个真正无畏的人。Done a truly fearless person. 要战胜恐怖,而不是退缩。To defeat terror, and not flinch. 失败者任其失败,成功者创造成功。Losers of its failure to create successful success. 要敢于“硬干”,不要怀疑自己。We must be bold in hard money and not to doubt their own. 没有什么不可能“没有办法”或“不可能”常常是庸人和懒人的托辞。Nothing is impossible - no way or im

15、possible is often mediocre and the lazy excuse. 成功始于觉醒,心态决定命运。Success began awakening, decide the fate mentality.任何个人,在危机来临时,都要想到打破常规。No individuals, the crisis comes, must break the conventional thinking. 要利用好经验,而不是受他们的束缚。To make good use of experience rather than by their shackles.要敢于异想天开。We shoul

16、d dare to whimsical.尽量多动脑,少出力。As many mental and physical, less effort.要保持“头脑简单”,敢于去干所谓“办不到”的事情。To maintain the simple-minded and the courage to Quan so-called things.正确的战略战术比优势兵力更重要。The correct strategy and tactics more important than superior force. 22条军规22 Army Regulation 1、无条件执行; unconditional i

17、mplementation;2、工作无借口; work without an excuse;3、细节决定成败;the details determine success or failure;4、以上司为榜样;Division for more than an example;5、荣誉原则;the principle of honor;6、受人欢迎;welcome;7、善于合作;at cooperation;8、团队精神;teamwork;9、只有第一;only the first;10、敢于冒险;to take risks;11、火一般的精神;the general spirit of th

18、e fire;12、不断提升自己;and continuously improve their own;13、勇敢者的游戏;the brave of the game;14、全力以赴;go all out;15、尽职尽责;dutifully;16、没有不可能;is impossible;17、永不放弃;never give up;18、敬业为魂;dedicated to the soul;19、为自己奋斗;for their struggle;20、理念至上;the concept of the supremacy;21、自动自发;spontaneous;22、立即行动。to take immediate action.

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