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1、 are different logical relations between sound and meaning relation between sound and meaning is a matter of convention concepts are not really the same5. The pronunciation of a language has changed more _ than spelling over the years. A.systematically B. arbitrarily C. logically D. rapidly1. The In

2、do-European language family consists of_.A. all the languages in Europe and India B. all the languages in India and some languages in Europe. C. most of the languages of Europe, the Near East, and India. D. Some of the languages of Europe and all the languages of the Near East 2. The prehistoric Ind

3、o-European parent language is thought to be _. A highly inflected language. B. A highly developed language. A very difficult language. D. A language of leveled endings. 3. The Eastern set of Indo-European language family includes such languages as _. Polish, Welsh and Hindi B. English, French and Ru

4、ssian German, Persian and Irish D. Armenian, Albanian and Bulgarian 4. The Germanic family consists of the four European languages: _. Slovenian, Czech, Romany and Italic B. Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish Scottish, Irish, Welsh and Breton D. Portuguese, Italian, English and German 5. _ onl

5、y made a small contribution to the English vocabulary.A. Latin B. Celtic C. Danish D. Spanish 6. The first peoples known to inhabit what is now England are _.A. Anglo-Saxons B. French speaking Normans C. Celts D. Jutes 7. English is more closely related to _.A. German than French. B. French than Ger

6、man C. Welsh than German D. Irish than Dutch 8. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is the creation of new words by means of _. A. translation-loans B. semantic loans C. word formation D. borrowings 9. Old English vocabulary was in essence _ with a small quantity

7、 of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian. A. Celtic B. Germanic C. Roman D. Irish 10. English has evolved from _. an analytic language to a synthetic language a Celtic language to a British language analytic language to a less inflectional language a synthetic language to an analytic language

8、1. The relationship between the word-form and meaning is _. Most words can be said to be_. A. prescriptive, motivated B. prescriptive, non-motivated C. arbitrary, motivated D. arbitrary, non-motivated of the following is incorrect A. “airmail” means “mail by air” B. “reading-lamp” means “lamp for re

9、ading” C. “green horn” is the horn green in color D. “hopeless” is “without hope” 3. _ explains the connection between the literal sense and triturative sense of the word. A. Etymological motivation B. Onomatopoetic motivation C. Morphological motivation D. Semantic motivation 4. Now people use “pen

10、” for any writing tool though it originally denotes “feature”. This phenomenon can be explained by_ . A. etymological motivation B. onomatopoetic motivation C. morphological motivation D. semantic motivation is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word-meaning. A. Grammatical me

11、aning B. Denotative meaning C. Associative meaning D. Connotative meaning 6. When readers come across the word “home” in reading, they may be reminded of their family, friends, warmth, safety, love. That is because of the “home” has _. A. collocations B. connotations C. denotations D. perorations 7.

12、 “Domicile, residence, abode, home” are almost the same in conceptual meaning, but differ mainly in_. A. connotative meaning B. affective meaning C. collocative meaning D. stylistic meaning 8. _ vary from individual to individual, from culture to culture, from generation to generation, from society

13、to society. A. Connotative and affection meanings B. Connotative and collcational meanings C. Affective and collocational meanings D. Affective and stylistic meanings 9. “Pretty and handsome”, “tremble and quiver” differ mainly in their_ meanings. A. affective B. collocative C. stylistic D. denotati

14、ve word“treacle”has the following senses: (1)wild beast; (2)remedy for bites of venomous beasts; (3)antidote for poison or remedy for poison; (4)any effective remedy; (5)(BrE)molasses. What semantic process has“treacle”undergoneA. centralization B. radiation C. concatenation D. narrowing group of th

15、e following are perfect homonymsA. dear (a loved person)deer (a kind of animal) B. bow (bending the head as a greeting)bow(the device used for shooting) C. bank(the edge of the river)bank (an establishment for money business) D. right (correct)write (put down on paper with a pen) following are the m

16、ain sources of homonyms except_.A. change in meaning B. change in sound C .change in spelling D. borrowing 4.“Charm and glamour”,“ranch and ran”are two pairs of synonyms resulting from_.A. borrowing B. dialects and regional English C. figurative and euphemistic use of words D. with idiomatic express

17、ions 5.“win” and “gain the upper hand”,“hesitate” and“ be in two minds”are two pairs of synonyms resulting from _.A. coincidence with idiomatic expressions. B. figurative and euphemistic use of words. C. dialects and regional English. D. borrowing 1. The part of a piece of writing or speech which su

18、rrounds a word and helps to explain its meaning is called _. context context context context 2. In a broad sense, extra-linguistic context includes_. order 3. From the phrase “ a white paper”, we know that the meaning of the word “paper” here is “document”. This shows that the _ context can define t

19、he meaning of a word. A. extra-linguistic B. grammatical C. lexical D. situational 4. The meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. The structure in which the word in question appears can be called _D_ context. 5. In a narrow sense, context refers to _ in which a word

20、 appears. A. the words B clauses C. sentences D. All of the above 6. The extra-linguistic context many extend to embrace _. A. grammatical context B. lexical context C. cultural context D. linguistic context. 7. In different countries, “trade union” can be interpreted in different ways. This means t

21、hat _ may have a defining influence on the meaning of an expression. A. linguistic context B. collocation of words C. a compound word or a phrase D. cultural background 8. The words that occur together with the word in question are often termed as_. A. grammatical context B. compound words C. lexica

22、l context D. situational context than one variant, which can realize some morphemes according to the position in a word, are termed . A. phonemes B. allomorphs C. morphs D. phones 2. In the words recollection, idealistic, and ex-prisoner, re-, -ion, -ist, -ic, ex-, and -er are . A. prefixes B. suffi

23、xes C. free morphemes D. bound morphemes 3. is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning but has to be used in combination with other morphemes to make words.A. Free root B. Bound root C. Morpheme D. Bound morpheme 4. Affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical rela

24、tionships are known as .A. morphemes B. derivational morphemes C. inflectional morphemes D. suffixes 5. is the basic form of a word, which cant be further analyzed without total loss of identity.A. Stem B. Root C. Morpheme D. Affix 6. A may consist of a single morpheme as in iron or of two morphemes

25、 as in a compound like handcuff.A. stem, root, root B. root, stem, stem C. stem, stem, root D. root, root, stem 1. The new words produced from shortening including clipping and acronyms amount to of all the new words. A. 30% to 40% B. 28% to 30% C. 8% to 10% D. 1% to 5%2. is defined as the formation

26、 of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to stem. This process is also known as . A. derivation, affixation B. affixation, derivation C. derivative, affixation D. affixation, derivative3.De-, dis-, un- , in de-compose, disunite, unwrap, are called . A. pejorative prefixes B. negative

27、 prefixes C. reservative prefixes D. miscellaneous prefixes4. Hyper-, macro-, mini-, sub-, super-, ultra-, belong to . A. prefixes of orientation B. prefixes of attitude C. prefixes of degree or size D. prefixes of time and order5. belong to pejorative prefixes. A. anti-, contra-, counter-, pro- B. auto-, neo-, pan-, vice- C. de-, dis-, un- D. mal-, mis-, pseudo-6. Pan-European means . A. for Europe B. against Europe C. the whole of Europe D. former Europe7.Profiteer, engineer, priestess, kitchenette, booklet are called . A. concrete deverbal nouns B. c

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