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1、These rules to be read in conjunction with Appendix 1: RoboCupJunior (International) Robotics Performing Arts - Graz, 2009. 本规则需与附则1一起阅读。Preface - RoboCupJunior Dance performance and two categories:序言RCJ舞蹈表演及其两个种类RoboCupJunior Dance encourages teams to create a stage performance with which a robot(s

2、) performs to or with music (1 to 2 min). We have recognized two types within the dance performance - Dance and Theatre Performance. The Dance includes performances with which a robot(s) dances to music. Teams are encouraged to synchronize a robot(s) to music. The Theatre Performance includes perfor

3、mances with which a robot(s) acts with music. This also includes a robot(s) playing (i.e., acting or pretending to play) the instruments or singing. In order to accomodate the difference types of performance, we will have two different score sheets for 2009. The score sheets are available here. Team

4、s are encouraged to use the score sheets when preparing their dance or theatre performance.RCJ舞蹈鼓励队伍创作一个1到2分钟、有音乐的机器人舞台表演。在舞蹈表演中我们发现有两种类型:舞蹈和舞台剧表演。舞蹈即为机器人伴随音乐起舞,参赛队需要关注的是机器人与音乐的同步。舞台剧表演为有音乐的机器人表演,也包含机器人演奏乐器(或者“假装”演奏)或唱歌。为了适应这两种不同的表演形式,2009年我们将使用两张不同的计分纸,这两张计分纸在2009RCJ舞蹈-附则2中。参赛队在准备舞蹈或者舞台剧表演时最好参考计分纸上

5、的要求。1. STAGE. 舞台1.1. Size.尺寸1.1.1. See also Appendix 1. When the whole body (main body itself, not including any huge extention from the body) of a robot moves outside the marked boundary of the performance area, it will not disqualified, but receive a score penalty. Human performers may be outside

6、this marked area. Any performance involving a height greater than 4m vertically from the stage floor must be discussed with the judges and permission sought. The boundary of the performance area will be marked with a 50mm black tape line, surrounded by a 20mm red tape line. This will enable programm

7、ing to be used to identify which side of the boundary a robot finds itself. The floor provided shall be made of flat (non-glossy) white painted MDF (compressed wood fibre). Teams are encouraged to practice on the same flooring type to reduce set-up time at the International competition. While floor

8、joints will be taped to make them as smooth as possible, robots must be prepared for irregularities of up to 3 mm in the floor. 参见2009RCJ舞蹈-附则1。机器人(只包含机器人主体,不包含主体的延伸部分)移动到表演区域标志边界外面时不会被取消参赛资格,但会受到分数上的处罚。参赛队员可以站在标志区域的外面。任何涉及到垂直高度距地板高于4米的表演必须与裁判讨论并寻求许可。表演区域的边界将会用50mm宽黑色胶带标志出来,周围用20mm宽的红色胶带围起来。这可以使用程序让

9、机器人自己判断处于边界的哪边。赛场提供的地面是平坦的(非光泽)白色漆面的压缩木纤维地板(MDF)。鼓励各队在同样的地板上练习来节省在国际比赛中的准备时间。白色的地板结合处将会用胶带粘帖使其尽可能的平坦。但机器人需准备应对地面至多3mm的不平整。1.1.2. The dance stage will be made available for teams to practice on. In fairness to all teams who may wish to practice, a booking sheet will be used to reserve the stage for s

10、hort periods of time. Last team practice on stage before performance time starts must fully clean up the stage and clear the stage area at least 3 minutes before the performance start time. 舞台将会允许各队在上面练习。为公平起见,所有参赛队如需在舞台上做短时间练习需要预定。在正式表演时间之前最后一个在舞台上练习的队伍必须在正式表演开始时间之前,至少提前3分钟,完全撤离并清理好舞台。1.2. Lighting

11、.照明1.2.1. The organizers may make variable lighting including spotlights available, but teams should not expect the performance area to always be able to be darkened, with direct, intense spotlights available. (Hint: It is recommended that teams design their robots to cope with variations in lightin

12、g conditions, as lighting naturally varies from venue to venue. I f necessary, teams should come prepared to calibrate their robots based on the lighting conditions at the venue.) 主办者将提供一定数量的聚光灯。在场地使用直射强光的聚光灯的情况下,各队不可期望能够让表演区域变暗。(注意:源于不同赛场的自然照明会产生变化,建议各队在设计机器人时要能适应灯光的各种变化。如需要,各队应做好到场后调试机器人适应比赛场地照明条件

13、的准备。)1.3. Scenery. 布景1.3.1. Teams are encouraged to provide their own scenery. Organizers will endeavour to provide a projection screen and projector for teams wishing to use images from a digital source (e.g., computer) at the rear of the performance area as part of their performance. 鼓励各队提供自己的布景。主

14、办者将尽力为将使用数码资源(如计算机)放映图片的队伍提供投影屏和放映设备。这将作为他们表演的一部分。2. ROBOTS. 机器人2.1. Size.尺寸2.1.1. Robots may be of any size.机器人不限尺寸。2.2. Team.参赛队2.2.1. There may be any number of robots on a team.各队机器人数量不限。2.2.2. Each team may perform one and only one routine. The performance of that same routine will be repeated

15、if they proceed to the finals for their division. Some modifications (improvements) of the performance using the same music may be accepted. Please consult with judges if you have any questions regarding performance modications.各队可表演而且只能表演一轮。即使晋级到决赛也将重复表演。只要使用相同音乐,允许在表演上进行修改或改进。如对表演的修改有任何疑问,请与裁判商议。2

16、.3. Control.控制2.3.1. Robots must be controlled autonomously. No member of the team may make physical contact with the robot while it performs, unless this forms part of the performance and has been discussed and approved by the judges PRIOR to the performance. Robots must also be wirefree in that th

17、ey must not be connected to a computer or other management device, including power sources, while performing.机器人必须是自主控制的。在表演过程中,除非作为表演的一部分并预先与裁判讨论并征得同意后,否则不允许队员对机器人进行物理接触,在表演过程中机器人必须是无线自由的,不能连接到计算机或其他控制装置上,包括电源。2.3.2. Robots may be started by humans, either manually or with remote control. See also

18、7.1.3.机器人可由人启动,启动方式可为手动或是遥控。参见7.1.3。2.4. Costumes.服装2.4.1. Costumes for robots and/or human performers are encouraged, and will be awarded points.鼓励机器人和/或操纵者使用服装道具,这将会得到加分。3. ROUTINE.流程3.1. Duration.比赛时间3.1.1. Each team will have a total of 5 minutes for their presentation. NOTE that this time inclu

19、des the time for set-up, a possible and encouraged introduction and the performance, including any re-starts due to factors under the teams control. It does not include time needed for packing up and clearing the stage. 每队总获时5分钟用来展示。这5分钟包括了准备环节,介绍环节,以及表演环节的时间,其中鼓励尽可能有介绍环节。还包括任何由于团队控制因素引起的重起时间。另外打开包装

20、和清理舞台所需的时间不包括在内。3.1.2. The duration of a performance routine is no more than 2 minutes and no less than 1 minute.其中表演环节的持续时间不得超过2分钟,也不能低于1分钟。3.1.3. If a team exceeds the time limits explained in 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 in any way by reasons that are their only fault, it will be penalized in assessment. The

21、judges will startone clock at the moment a team member steps on the stage for the 5 minutes period, and another clock at the beginning of the music for the 2 minutes performance period.如有队伍超过3.1.1 和 3.1.2中所述的时间限制,无论是何种方式超过,只要错在该队自身,都将在评分表中扣分。只要有参赛队员进入舞台,裁判就将开启时钟计时5分钟,只要音乐开始,裁判将启动另一个时钟计时2分钟。3.2. Musi

22、c.音乐3.2.1. Teams must provide their own audio source (music) in a Compact Disc (CD-R, CD-RW) in one of the following formats: Audio track; MP3 file. These should be the only accepted audio sources with one (and only one!) file or audio track for the entire routine. Music should be given to the sound

23、 technicians during a teams practice period. Teams are encouraged to bring more than 2 copies of the CD. Each CD should contain only one copy of the music that the team uses for their performance.各队必须准备自己的音源, 必须是如下其中一种格式的光盘:(CD-R、CD-RW)- 音频音轨- MP3 文件;我们仅接受以上格式的光盘作为各队音源,而且只容许其中收录一个(并且是独此一个)文件或音轨使用于整个

24、表演过程中。音乐应在队伍的练习时间中交给音效技术师。鼓励参赛队伍携带两张以上的光盘。 每一张光盘只能收录该队表演时使用的音乐。3.2.2. Teams are strongly encouraged to bring a good quality audio source (music), since their evaluation depends also on the music quality.音效也关系到各队的评分,因此大力提倡各队提供优质的音源。3.2.3. The music should commence at the beginning of the audio source

25、 (music), after a silent leader of a few seconds.音乐必须在音频数据启动后,经过几秒无声的前奏开始。3.2.4. The audio source (music) should be clearly labelled with the teams name.音频数据(即光盘)必须清晰地标上各队的名称。3.3. Humans.参赛队员3.3.1. Human team members may perform along with their robots, and will be considered a prop. There is no pen

26、alty for humans not performing with their robots.队员可以和他们的机器人一起表演、他们将被看作是“道具”,队员和机器人一起表演将不会被扣分。3.3.2. However, human team members must not touch the robots (except to start them). See 2.3.1.除了启动机器人的队员外,其它队员不能接触机器人。参见2. Human team members may touch a sensor(s) during a performance as a routi

27、ne of the performance. The team HAS TO indicate and explain the routine to the judges during the interview.在表演过程中,参赛队员可以触碰传感器。但在面试中,必须向裁判指出并解释这一环节。3.4. Start of Routine. 流程的开始3.4.1. An official will start the music for the routine.由一名工作人员播放程序的音乐。3.4.2. One human team member (or several members if a

28、team uses multiple robots and props) will start each robot, either by hand or remote control. (Hint: Teams are very strongly encouraged to program their robot to begin the routine a few seconds after the music starts. This is because it is extremely difficult to judge precisely when the music will s

29、ound after the audio source is started, and it is hard to time the robots choreography without knowing exactly when the music will begin. Also, depending on the configuration of the dance stage and the sound system at the venue, it is possible that the human starting the robot will not be able to se

30、e the official starting the audio source; and vice versa. Teams should come prepared for these conditions.)一名队员启动其机器人,可采取手动或遥控方式启动。强烈建议各队在音乐播放几秒钟以后才启动其机器人。这是因为很难准确判断音源播放后何时音乐会响起,而在这种音乐响起时间无法确定的情况下,要使得机器人与音乐合拍难度很大。而且,基于舞蹈场地的结构,现场环境影响等因素,启动机器人的队员和播放音频数据的工作人员很可能是相互间看不见对方(动作)的。因此各队必须准备好适应这些情况。3.5. Re-st

31、arts and repeats. 重新启动和重复3.5.1. Teams are allowed to restart their routine if necessary, at the discretion of the officials. Any re-start, unless due to a problem which is not the fault of the team, will result in a score penalty. A maximum of two re-starts will be allowed. After two re-starts, the ream must continue with the penalty or leave the stage.在裁判的监督下,各队可以在必要的情况下重新启动

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