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1、全新版大学英语阅读教程2第二版2翻译及原文Becoming Educated Barbara JordanIn this autobiographical excerpt from Barbara Jordan:A Self-Portrait (1979),Jordan narrates her learning experience in Boston University that leads to a real insight into the true meaning of education.So I was in Boston University in this new and

2、strange and different world,and it occurred to me that if I was going to succeed at this strange new adventure, I would have to read. I felt that, in order to compensate for what I had missed in earlier years,I would have to work harder, and study longer, than anybody else. I still had this feeling

3、that I did not want my colleagues to know what a tough time I was having understanding the concepts, the words, the ideas, the process. I did not want them to know that. So I did my reading not in the law library, but in a library at the graduate dorm, upstairs where it was very quiet, because appar

4、ently nobody else there studied. So I would go there at night after dinner. I would load my books under my arm and go to the library, and I would read until the wee hours of the morning and then go to bed. I did not get much sleep during those years. I was lucky if I got three or four hours a night,

5、 because I had to stay up. I had to. The professors would assign cases for the next day, and these cases had to be read and understood or I would be behind, further behind than I was.成为受过教育的芭芭拉乔丹在本自传摘自芭芭拉乔丹:一幅自画像(1979),约旦叙述她在波士顿大学学习的经验,导致一个真正的洞察教育的真正含义。所以我在波士顿大学在这个新的和奇怪的和不同的世界,它发生了,如果我想在这个陌生的新冒险成功,我

6、就会去读。我觉得,为了弥补我错过了早些年,我将不得不更加努力地工作,学习,比任何人都长。我仍然有这样的感觉,我不希望我的同事们知道什么是艰难的时间我在理解概念,话说,想法,这个过程。我不想让他们知道。所以我做了我的阅读而不是在法律图书馆,但是在一个图书馆在研究生宿舍,楼上,在那里,它很安静,因为显然没有其他人那里学习。所以我将去那里晚上晚饭后。我将加载我的书在我的胳膊,去图书馆,我会读直到凌晨,然后上床睡觉。我没有得到太多睡眠期间。我很幸运,如果我有三个或四个小时一晚,因为我不得不熬夜。我不得不。教授们会分配情况下为第二天,这些情况下必须阅读和理解或我将在后面,落后于我。I was alway

7、s delighted when I would get called upon to recite in class. But the professors did not call on the ladies very much. There were certain favored people who always got called on, and then on some rare occasions a professor would come in and would announce:We are going yo have Ladies Day today. And he

8、 would call on the ladies.We were just tolerated.We were not considered really top drawer when it came to the study of the law.At some time in the spring,Bill Gibson,who was dating my new roommate, Norma Walker, organized a black study group,as we blacks had to form our own.This was because we were

9、not invited into any of the other study groups.There were six or seven in our group-Bill,and Issie,and I think Maynard Jackson-and we would just gather and talk it out and hear ourselves do that.One thing I learned was that you have to talk out the issues,the facts,the cases,the decisions,the proces

10、s.You could not just read the cases and study alone in your library as I had been doing;and you could not get it all in the classroom.But once you had talked it out in the study group,it flowed more easily and made a lot more sense.我总是很高兴当我将呼吁在课堂上背诵。但教授们不叫“女士们“非常多。有某些受益的人总是有呼吁,然后在一些罕见的场合教授会来的,并且会宣布:

11、“我们要你今天有女士。“和他将呼吁女士们。我们只是容忍。我们并不认为真正上层的抽屉里当它来到法学研究。在春天,比尔吉布森,他是我的新室友约会,诺玛沃克,组织了一个黑色的学习小组,正如我们黑人不得不形成我们自己的。这是因为我们没被邀请到任何其他的学习小组。有六个或七个在我们组比尔,萨,我认为我们只是梅纳德杰克逊和收集和交流和听到自己这样做。我学到的一件事是,你必须讲出来的问题,事实,情况下,决策,这个过程。你不能只是阅读病例和研究独自在你的图书馆是我一直在做;你不能得到它所有的在教室里。但是一旦你曾在学习小组,它流更容易和更有意义了。In the past I had got along by

12、spouting off. Whether you talked about debates or oratory,you dealt with speechifying.Even in debate it was pretty much canned because you had,in your little three-by-five box,a response for whatever issue might be raised by the opposition.The format was structured so that there was no opportunity f

13、or independent thinking.(I really had not had my ideas challenged ever.) But I could no longer orate and let that pass for reasoning. Because there was not any demand for an orator in Boston University Law School.You had to think and understand and reason.I had learned at twenty-onethat you could no

14、t just say a thing is so because it might not be so,and somebody brighter,smarter,and more thoughtful would come out and tell you it was not so.Then,if you still thought it was,you had to prove it.Well,that was a new thing to me.I cannot,I really cannot describe what that did to my insides and to my

15、 head.I thought:I am being educated finally.From The Thoughtful Reader,ed.Mary C.Fjeldstad,Thomson&Heinle,2002.在过去,我已经在滔滔。无论你谈论辩论或演讲,你处理演说。即使是在争论它几乎是罐头,因为你已经在你的小5寸盒子,一个响应任何问题可能引发的反对。该格式结构意味着,没有独立思考的机会。(我真的没有我的想法永远挑战。)但我可以不再演说和让,通过对推理。因为没有任何一个演说家需求在波士顿大学法学院。你必须思考和理解和原因。我已经学会在二十一个你不能就说一件事情是,因为它可能不会如此,

16、有人更明亮,更聪明,更加深思熟虑出来,告诉你它不是如此。然后,如果你仍然认为这是,你必须证明它。嗯,这是一个新东西给我。我不能,我真的不能描述了我的内心,我的头。我想:我正在接受教育最后。从思考的读者,艾德。玛丽C.Fjeldstad,Thomson&Heinle,2002。Classroom Notetaking Clarissa WhiteKonwing how to take lecture notes is an important skill to students because notetaking helps students keep up with the latest ideas and provoke further thinking over issues involved in a particular subject.In this essay,you are given some tips on how to take notes.One reason you

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