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1、 35How should sales representatives view customers? 58How to do a job advertisement? 44How to make a good compensation system? 41Is profit maximization the primary goal of a business? Why? 70Is the supply and demand issue the only concern of pricing decisions? 64Is there a best legal system? Give an

2、 example if you think there is, and explain why if you think there is not.13Usually who are involved in strategic decision making process? 27What are the “4Ps” in marketing activities? 62What are the advantages of Sole Proprietorship? 14What are the components of compensation? 39What are the differe

3、nces between a limited partner and a general partner? 15What are the differences between civil law and criminal law? 12What are the differences between finance accounting? 9What are the factors that affect the optimal capital structure? 79What are the five eras of marketing identified by Perreault a

4、nd McCarthy? 50 55What are the five key functions of business? 7What are the main responsibilities of a financial manager? 51 69What are the major factor affecting successful strategies? 20What are the six steps in strategic management? 19What are the stages of changing function of Human Resource Ma

5、nagement? 32What are the steps in human resource planning? 37What are the theoretical frameworks of strategic management? 21What are the traditional activities in promotion? 65What are the two kinds of sales promotions? 68What are the two primary methods of financial forecasting? 72What does “place”

6、 mean in “4Ps”? 63What does common lay emphasize? 11What does validity mean? 48What is compensation? 38What is employee placement? 47What is Human Resource Management? 30What is job analysis? 33What is marketings function? 8What is meant by stakeholders? 5What is meant by the concept of “middlemen”?

7、 56What is recruitment? 42What is risk? Can you identify some risks that businesses face? 80What is the base of recruitment? 43What is the condition for professionals to form a professional partnership? 16What is the core view of contingency theory? 25What is the difference between an independent pr

8、oject and a mutually exclusive project? 75What is the difference between the function of a line manager and that of a staff manager? 61What is the difference between training and development? 49What is the focus of IO theory? 22What is the influence of the Internet on strategic management? 54What is

9、 the most important capital in an organization? 31What is the reason that many markets are not as competitive as they should be? 28What resources can be used for sustained competitive advantage? 26What were the characteristics of the production era? 57What will a financial manager do if the value of

10、 liabilities and equity exceeds the value of assets? 52 73Whataretwokeytrendsthatchangedthecontextofstrategicmanagement? 29When does an initial public offering or a seasoned offering occur? 77When is personal selling of great importance? 66Where to advertise the job opening? 45Why are businesses not

11、 isolated entities? 4Why are strategies, resources and competencies are assumed to be fairly similar among competitors within a given industry? 23Why does resource-based theory focus primarily on individual firms rather than on the competitive environment? 24Why is control important for business? 3W

12、hy is debt financing bencficial? 53Why is debt financing beneficial? 78Why is strategy important? 18Why is the information systems function important? 10Why is the job analysis important? 34Why is the role of marketing in the company changing? 59Why must business sustain a profit? 2回答问题答案1、Individua

13、ls and groups pursue business for both monetary gain and for personal identification and recognition.2、Business must sustain a profit for the livelihood of the business as well as the individuals who are dependent upon the business for their livelihood.3、The control will provide for successful opera

14、tion of the business.4、But impact and are impacted by other businesses.5、Stakeholders mean that somebody has rights in a business.6、7、The five key functions are Management, Marketing, Accounting, Finance and Information Systems.8、Marketing is responsible to see that the right product is available to

15、 the right customer, at the right time, in the right place, and at the right price.9、Finance is the process of acquiring, controlling, and planning the use of a business funds in order to accomplish the goals and objective of the business effectively and efficiently. This is different from the accou

16、nting function which records the business transactions.10、The objective is to ensure that the right information is available to make the decision that needs to be made now. Without accurate information, the success of the business is by random chance. Information systems enable companies to create c

17、ompetitive advantages and to excel in the marketplace.11、It emphasizes the principle of stare decisis, that is , the authority of prior decisions in resolving current cases.12、The role of court decisions is minimized.13、It is impossible to answer the question of which of these legal systems is the b

18、est. Most tend to favor the system used in our own nation and culture. An evidence of a mature society, however, is its willingness to question and criticize its own system and attempt changes and improvements when possible.14、An individual simply owns and runs his own business.15、A limited partner

19、has no right to participate in partnership management. Unlike a general partnership, a limited partnership must file its articles of partnership with the State. General partnerships can be formed without doing this, or any other formalities for that matter.16、As a condition for forming this type of

20、organization, state laws typically require the partners to show evidence of liability insurance to protect consumers.17、No, not all of them. Larger companies are often publicly held corporations, which trade its shares on the stock markets.18、Strategy refers to top managements plans to develop and s

21、ustain competitive advantage so that the organizations mission is fulfilled. Following this definition, it is assumed that an organization has a plan, its competitive advantage is understood, and that its members understand the reason for its existence.19、1) Analyze the opportunities and threats or

22、constraints.2) Analyze the organizations strengths and weaknesses in its internal environment.3) Reassess the organizations mission and its goals in light of the previous two steps.4) Formulate strategies.5) Implement the strategies.6) Engage in strategic control activities.20、1) Strategic managers

23、thoroughly understand the competitive environment.2) The mission and goals of the organization are simple and consistent with the strategy.3) Strategic managers understand the organizations resources and how they translate into strengths and weaknesses.4) Plans for putting the strategy into action.5

24、) Possible future changes in the proposed strategy.21、Industrial organization, Resource-based theory, Contingency theory22、The central tenet of industrial organization theory is the notion that a firm must adapt to influences in its industry to survive and prosper, and thus its financial performance

25、 is primarily determined by the success of the industry in which it competes.23、Because IO focuses on industry forces。24、Resource-based theory views performance primarily as a function of a firms ability to utilize its resources. An organizations resources are directly linked to its capabilities, wh

26、ich can create value and ultimately lead to profitability for the firm.25、Contingency theory represents a middle ground perspective that views organizational performance as the joint outcome of environmental forces and the firms strategic actions.26、Those resources must be valuable, rare, not subjec

27、t to perfect imitation, and without strategically relevant substitutes.27、Strategic decisions involve more than one area of an organization, and usually require obtaining and allocating sizable human, organizational, and physical resources.28、While it is often possible to make “win-win” strategic de

28、cisions, most involve some degree of trade-offs between alternatives, at least in the short run.29、1)Commoditization refersto theincreasingdifficultyfirmshavedistinguishingtheirproducts andservicesfromthoserivals.2)Mass customization, referstoabilityindividualizeproductandserviceofferingsmeetspecifi

29、cbuyerneeds.30、HRM is the area of management concerning itself with the recruitment, selection, training, development, compensation, retention, evaluation, and promotion of the people within an organization.31、The Human capital.32、1)the scientific management movement 2)the personnel department 3)welfare improvement33、A purposeful and systematic process for collec

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