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1、8、Long period grating:长周期光栅9、Optical sensor:光学传感器10、optical fiber sensors:光纤传感器11、Evanescent field::倏逝场12、biochemical sensing:生物医学传感13、Simultaneous Localization and Mapping(SLAM):同时定位与地图构建14、Loop Closure Detection:回环检测15、General Graph Optimization(g2o):开源的图优化库16、Massive multiple-input multiple outpu

2、t(MIMO):大容量多输入多输出17、time-division duplex system(TDD:时分双工系统18、frequency-division duplex system(FDD):分频双工系统19、spectral efficiency:频谱效率20、joint transmission coordinated multipoint:联合传动协调多点21、GSM:全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile communications)22、MSC:移动业务交换中心(mobileswitchingcenter)23、WAP:无线应用通讯协议(Wirel

3、ess Application Protocol)24、redundancy :冗余度 25、sampling :抽样 26、quantitative:量化27、demodulate:解调 28、multiplexable:多路复用的 29、resolution:分辨率30、Simultaneous Localization and Mapping:即时定位与建图31、Visual Odometry:视觉里程计32、Laser Scanner:激光雷达 33、Time-domain:时域34、Finite-element:有限元35、Carrier-frequency:载波频率36、 peak

4、-to-average power ratio:峰均功率比 37、wavelet packet division multiplexing:小波包分复用 38、adaptive transmission:自适应传输 39、Embedded System:嵌入式系统40、ASIC:专用集成电路41、integrated ecosystem:综合生态系统42、Water quality monitoring:水质监测43、chemical oxygen demand:化学需氧量(COD)44、ultraviolet-visible:紫外-可见光光谱(UV-Vis)45、electrode:电极46

5、、semiconductor:半导体47、triboelectric:摩擦电的48、Molar extinction coeffcient:摩尔消光系数 49、electrodeposition:电沉积50、Heterojunction:异质结二:英译汉1、We consider their application to blending realtime panoramic videos, a key problem in various virtual reality tasks. To evaluate the performances and suitabilities of the

6、six algorithms for this problem, we have created a video benchmark with several videos captured under various conditions.翻译:我们将其应用于混合实时全景视频,这是各种虚拟现实任务中的关键问题。为了评估六种算法在这个问题上的性能和适用性,我们创建了一个视频基准,在不同的条件下捕获了几个视频。2、As human eyes are sensitive to color and lighting inconsistencies within images, image blend

7、ing is used to provide smooth transitions between image parts from different sources.由于人眼对图像中的颜色和光照的不一致很敏感,因此图像混合用于提供来自不同来源的图像部件之间的平滑过渡。3、Taking casual videos by personal devices such as smartphones has become a popular way to record highlights of peoples personal lives.However, despite the increasi

8、ng sensor resolution, the field of view (FOV) of the cameras are still limited by the built-in consumer-grade lens, making the captured videos less immersive.翻译:通过智能手机等个人设备拍摄休闲视频已经成为记录人们个人生活亮点的流行方式。然而,尽管传感器分辨率越来越高,但摄像机的视野(FOV)仍受限于置的消费级镜头,使拍摄的视频少了一些真实感。4、The optimization principle to achieve the opti

9、mal thresholding segmentation is maximizing the rough entropy. The authors pointed out that maximizing the rough entropy to get the required thresholding implies minimizing both the object roughness and background roughness.实现最优阈值分割的优化原理是使粗糙熵最大化。作者们指出,为得到所需阈值而使粗糙熵最大化意味着使目标粗糙度和背景粗糙度最小化。5、Although min

10、imizing both the roughness usually leads to an optimal thresholding image, it seems that the essential explanation why maximizing the rough entropy/ implies minimizing both the roughness seems unsatisfied due to the opposite changes of object roughness against the background roughness. 虽然使两者粗糙度最小化一般

11、都会得到一副最优阈值图像,但是从本质上对为什么使粗糙熵最小化意味着使两个粗糙度最小化的解释似乎是不尽人意的,因为目标粗糙度与背景粗糙度的变化是相反的。6、There are three basic operators which form the basis for edge detection. They are Sobel operator, which detects edges using 33 convolution matrixes, Robert cross operator, which detects edges using 22 convolution matrixes,

12、and Prewitt operator, which is similar to Sobel operator and is used to detect vertical and horizontal edges in image . 边缘检测的基础由三个基本算子组成,分别是用3x3的卷积矩阵检测边缘的Sobel算子,用2x2的卷积矩阵检测边缘的罗伯特交叉算子,以及与Sobel相似的用于探测垂直和水平边缘的Prewitt算子。 7、Plasma resonance sensing technology is one of the most practical and most promis

13、ing biomedical detection technologies for single molecule detection.等离子体共振传感技术是当今实用化最强、最有可能实现单分子检测的生物医学检测技术之一。8、It is not only the medium for signal transmission, but also the sensitive component itself. Fiber optic sensors offer significant advantages over electronic and bulk sensors.它不仅是信号传输的媒介,也是

14、敏感元件本身。 与电子传感器和体光传感器相比,光纤传感器更具有明显的优势。9、Fiber-optic communication technology has dramatically changed the way people communicate on a global scale. It has been found that optical fibers are not only a medium for long-distance transmission, but also an excellent material for preparing optical devices

15、having special functions.光纤通信技术极改变了人们在全球围的通信状况。 已经发现,光纤不仅是用于长距离传输的介质,而且是用于制备具有特殊功能的光学器件的优异材料。10、Plasmonics is one of the most powerful technology for biomedical detection which may realize single molecule detection.11、Optical microfibers and nanofibers have diameters close to or smaller than the wav

16、elength of the guided light.光学微纤维和纳米纤维的直径接近或小于导光的波长。12、The combination of high sensitivity plasmonic technology and flexible optical fiber sensors provides a new method for in-situ detection of modern biosensors.高灵敏度的等离子体共振传感技术与纤细的光纤载体相结合,为现代生物传感研究提供了一种可实现在体原位检测的全新方法。13、We present ORB-SLAM2 a comple

17、te SLAM system for monocular, stereo and RGB-D cameras, including map reuse, loop closing and relocalization capabilities. The system works in real-time in standard CPUs in a wide variety of environments from small hand-held indoors sequences, to drones flying in industrial environments and cars dri

18、ving around a city.本文为单目、立体和RGB-D相机提供完整的SLAM系统ORB-SLAM2,包括地图重建,循环关闭和重定位功能。 该系统可在各种环境中的标准处理器中实时工作,从小型手持室装备,到工业环境中飞行的无人机和城市周围的汽车。14、Our backend based on Bundle Adjustment with monocular and stereo observations allows for accurate trajectory estimation with metric scale. Our system includes a lightweig

19、ht localization mode that leverages visual odometry tracks for unmapped regions and matches to map points that allow for zero-drift localization. 后端基于光束平差法,具有单目和立体观察能力,允许使用公制尺度进行精确的轨迹估计。该系统包括轻量级定位模式,利用未映射区域的视觉测距轨迹,并匹配允许零漂移定位的地图点。15、Visual SLAM can be performed by using just a monocular camera, which

20、 is the cheapest and smallest sensor setup. However as depth is not observable from just one camera,the scale of the map and estimated trajectory is unknown.In addition the system bootstrapping require multi-view or filtering techniques to produce an initial map as it cannot be triangulated from the

21、 very first frame. Last but not least,monocular SLAM suffers from scale drift and may fail if performing pure rotations in exploration. By using a stereo or an RGB-D camera all these issues are solved and allows for the most reliable Visual SLAM solutions.可以通过只使用单目相机来实现视觉SLAM,这是最便宜和最小的传感器设备。 然而,由于仅从

22、一个摄像机无法观察到深度,因此地图的比例和估计的轨迹是未知的。此外,系统不能从第一帧进行三角测量,需要多视图或滤波技术来产生初始地图。 最后,但最重要的是单目SLAM会受到比例漂移的影响,如果在勘探中进行纯旋转,可能会失败。 通过使用立体声或RGB-D相机,所有这些问题都得到了解决,并提供了最可靠的视觉 SLAM解决方案。16、5G will have to support a multitude of new applications with a wide variety of requirements, including higher peak and user data rates,

23、 reduced latency, enhanced indoor coverage, increased number of devices, and so on.5G将不得不支持具有多种需求的大量新应用,包括更高的峰值和用户数据速率、减少延迟、增强室覆盖率、增加设备数量等等。17、Recent research has identified major challenges such as a massive growth in the number of connected devices and traffic, as well as a wider and more diverse

24、set of requirements and characteristics, starting from low latency and low rate for control messages between devices to multi-gigabits per second for interactive multimedia最近的研究已经确定了当前的主要挑战,例如连接设备和通信量的大幅度增长,以及更广泛和更多样化的要求和特点,从设备之间的控制信息的低延迟和低速率,到交互式多媒体每秒几千兆位。18、5G architecture might turn into an impor

25、tant source of innovation for the future Internet ecosystem.5G架构可能成为未来互联网生态系统的重要创新源泉。19、European policy makers have shown a keen interest in the success of 5G because ubiquitous and high capacity electronic communication infrastructure is recognized as a cornerstone of economic development and produ

26、ctivity growth.欧洲政策制定者对5G的成功表现出浓厚的兴趣,因为无处不在的高容量电子通信基础设施被认为是经济发展和生产力增长的基石。20、5G opens the mobile business ecosystem to new entrants for local service delivery.5G为新进入者提供移动业务生态系统,以提供本地服务。21、Regulations for 5G need to address technical improvements and operation in higher frequency bands.5G的规定需要解决更高频段的技

27、术改进和操作问题。22、it is imperative that the communication protocols can develop and implement communication operations according to the UAVs states and evolution of the flying environment. In other words, the communication protocols should be intelligent and adaptive, with the capacities of decision makin

28、g and self-optimizing. Besides, the protocols should be robust and reliable, as well as have high overall performance.通信协议必须根据无人机的状态和飞行环境的演变来开发和实现通信操作。换句话说,通信协议应该是智能和只适应的,具有决策和自我优化能力的。此外,协议应该是稳健和可靠的,并且具有高整体性能。23、There are many ways to achieve communication. At present, the most widely used is electr

29、ic communication. That is to say, electric signals carry the information to be transmitted through various telecommunication channels to achieve the purpose of communication. This communication is characterized by speed, accuracy, reliability, etc., and is almost free from time, place, space, distan

30、ce restrictions.实现通信的方式很多,目前使用最广泛的是电通信方式,即用电信号携带所要传递的信息,经过各种电信道进行传输,达到通信的目的。这种通信具有迅速、准确、可靠等特点,而且几乎不受时间、地点、空间、距离的限制。24、Network layer is also called Internet layer, because the main protocol of this layer is IP protocol, so it can also be referred to as IP layer. It is the most important layer in the

31、TCP/IP stack and its main function is to send packets from the source host to any target host on the Internet. As we can imagine, since there may be multiple channels connecting the source host and the target host, the network layer has to make a choice among these channels, that is routing.网络层也称互联网层,由于该层的主要协议是IP协议,因而也可简称为IP层。它是TCP/IP协议栈中最重要的一层,主要功能是可以把源主机上的分组发送到互联网中的任何一台目标主机上。我们可以想象,由于在源主机和目标主机之间可能有多条通道相连,因而网络层就要在这些通路中做出选择,即进行路由选择。25、First, since impact events or acoustic emissions a

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