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1、12期中考试1314Unit 5 What does he do?1516Unit 6 How do you feel?1718Recycle 219期末复习元旦20期末考试21学期结束六 年级 英语 教学计划本册教材分析 本册使用的新版PEP教材,在原教材的基础上拓展了话题的深度和广度。调整了语言知识呈现体系,体现循序渐进原则。在内容的设计上体现更强的趣味性,故事线索注重语言技能的培养。读写两种技能有机结合,适当降低了学习难度,减少了功能句,词汇量及核心句型。加强语音训练,培养学生自主学习能力。教学重难点1.能够在情境中运用本册六个单元的四会句型。2.能够听,说,读,写本册六个单元的四会单词

2、及词组。3.进一步养成良好的书写习惯。4.进一步养成听英语、读英语和说英语的良好习惯。 5.能运用相关的语言知识和技能,完成某项任务。学情分析教学对象为六年级学生。他们已经接触了三年英语,有一定的英语基础。但六年级的学生对英语学习兴趣整体有所下降,两极分化比较严重。所以本学期我将面向全体学生,以学生的发展为宗旨,因材施教,分层教学,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。教学措施1、直观教学法;2、着重单词发音的示范性教学;3、注重对学生学习过程的评价;4、借鉴学习融入语文数学课改方法。六 年级 英语 第 一 单元教学计划学生已经学过in,on,in front of

3、, beside等方位词以及句型Where is the ?Its 的表达。教学目的能够听说读写本单元的胡四会单词、词组和句型;能够在情景中运用本单元的问路句型并且作答;知道英语句子有升降调并能够正确朗读。教学重点本单元的四会单词、词组和句型的听说读写掌握;在情景中运用本单元的问路句型并且作答;教学难点四会单词和词组的正确拼写;四会句子在情景中的正确运用。基础知识science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital, crossing; Where is the ?Its ; How can we get there ?Turn le

4、ft/right at the基本技能能够在迷路时主动寻求帮助。教学方法TPR,任务型教学法,情境教学法课时安排六课时 六 年级 英语 第 二 单元教学计划本单元学习内容与学生生活联系紧密,学生比较有兴趣学习。能够听说读写本单元的四会单词、词组和句型;能够在情景中运用本单元谈论交通方式的句型;知道英语句子中单词之间的连读现象。在情景中运用句型谈论交通方式和交通规则;by taxi, by ship, on foot, by bus, by subway. wait, slow, down, go , stop;How do you come/go ?I usually/often come/g

5、o ;DontI/You must .能够辨认一些常见的交通标志了解并遵守交通规则。 六 年级 英语 第 三 单元教学计划能够在情景中运用句型谈论或描述自己的活动计划;知道英语多音节单词有重音,重读的语言现象。在情景中运用句型谈论活动计划;see a film, take a trip, comic book, this morning等表示活动和时间的词组;Where are/is going?Were /Im going ;What are/isgoing to do?Were/Im going to .能够在活动前做好合理计划,鼓励自己“做中学”。 六 年级 英语 第 四 单元教学计划学

6、生在五年级学过本单元的四会单词及其ing形式,谈论爱好这个话题比较切合学生平常的生活。能够在情景中运用句型谈论他人或自己的爱好;知道英语句子中通常需要重读哪些单词。在情景中运用句型谈论他人或自己的爱好;dancing , singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu, cooks Chinese food, studies Chinese, does word puzzles, goes hiking;What are hobbies? SheHe likes;Does heshe like ? Yes, heshe doe

7、s. No, heshe doesnt.能够询问别人的兴趣爱好。 六 年级 英语 第 五 单元教学计划Unit 5 What does she do?学生学习过相关的表示职业的英文单词和句型,比如teacher, nurse 和 What is hisher job?能够在情景中运用句型谈论他人的职业和生活情况;知道逗号是英语句子中停顿的标志。在情景中运用句型谈论他人的职业和生活情况;factory worker, postman, businessman, police officer, fisherman, scientist, coach;What does he do? He is ;

8、Where does she work? She works ;How does he go to work? He goes to work .能够询问别人的职业和生活情况。 六 年级 英语 第 六 单元教学计划本单元的学习内容对学生来说是全新的,但是涉及的话题与学生生活息息相关。能够在情景中运用句型谈论他人的情绪和心理状态、疏导情绪或提出建议;知道英语句子中单词之间失去爆破的现象。在情景中运用句型谈论他人的情绪和心理状态、疏导情绪或提出建议;feel, sad,angry, happy, worried, afraid, wrong, ill, see the doctor, do mor

9、e exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten;How does feel? What should do?能够从心理状态上和情绪上关心他人。UNIT 1How can I get there?Period 1 Lets learn P5Learning aims(学习目标)1.Learn:science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital2.Learn:Where is the library? Its near the post office并进行关键词的替

10、换操练。Important &difficult points(重难点)1.掌握本节课重点单词。2.掌握句型:Excuse me. Where is the library? Its near the post office.Learning steps (学习步骤)Step1 :预习温故1. Greetings. 2. T: Can you sing English songs ? S:Yes, I can . T: What are you doing ? S: Im reading a book/writing a letter. Step 2. 新课内容展示1. T:Show word

11、 cards to teach the new words:science , museum , post office , bookstore, cinema, hospital2. T:Where is our school? (引导学生回答)S:Its near / behind Xinhua Bookstore.T: Where is the book store ?S:3.Listen to the tape and read Lets talk.4.运用所学句型操练Lets learn.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)1.运用图片操练重要单词和词组。 There

12、is a bookstore in our city. Where is it? Its next to the post office. (可小组操练)3.Make a map and talkPeriod 2 Lets try Lets talk P4Lets talk Where is the museum shop/ Its next to/ 句型并能在情景中熟练运用。2、能够听懂Lets try部分的录音。1 流利朗读运用Lets talk 的对话并能在情景中熟练运用。1. Go over words in p5:science museum. post office booksto

13、re cinema hospital2.T: Where is the post office? Its near the shop. Where is the library? Its next to the cinema.(熟读并操练句型)1 . Learn;Lets talkListen to the tape and read after the tape.2. Ask and answer;Where is the museum shop? Its near the door .Where is the post office?Its next to the museum. 3.Li

14、sten to Lets talk again.4.Lets try ,Listen and tickStep 3. 合作交流,师生共建1.Talk about the places in your city/town/village. Is there a park near here ? Yes, there is. Where is it? Its next to the bookstore.Period 3 Lets learn P71.掌握单词: crossing, turn, left, straight, right , turn left, turn right, go str

15、aight Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here?3.学会应用问路和指路。1.掌握本课重点单词和句型。 预习温故1. T: Is there a bookstore near here?Its next to the post office.2Go over words : science museum post officeLets learn1. 用图片学习单词短语:crossing, turn, left, straight, right , turn left, turn right, go straight Where is

16、 the bookstore/post office? Go straight /Crossing.3. Listen to the tape and read after it.4. 小组自编对话,操练。1. 小组朗读Lets learn比赛。2. Be a tour guide(可选上)3. 看图学会问路和指路。Period 4 Lets try Lets talk P61.学生掌握: interesting, Italian restaurant, pizza, street, get2.Listening practice: Lets try 3.Learn Lets talk 学会情

17、景交际对话应用。1.Go over the following words: turn left turn right go straight crossing Now we are at school. How can we get to the book store? Go straight and turn right. You can see the book store. 1. Learn: Lets talkDo you like pizza? Yes, I do. Where is pizza from?Its from Italy.3. Listen to the tape.

18、(听录音,跟读对话)4. T:Where is the restaurant? Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. How can they get there? Turn left at the book store . 5. Lets try p6 Tick or cross.1. Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like How can you get there? I can . I like films. How can I get to the cinema? Turn left /right

19、 at2. 小组讨论编新对话。并展示对话。Period 5 Read and write p8,91. 掌握单词: GPS, gave, feature follow far tell 2. Complete Read and write .3. 培养学生阅读能力。1Complete Read and write .2培养学生阅读能力。 How can Mike get there?Then turn right at the hospital.1.T:Look at the pictures and answer: Which of these can help you find a pla

20、ce? map , GPS1. Fill in the blanks. Then retell the story.2. Check the answer: They go straight and turn left. They turn right and then turn right again.3. Tips for pronunciation.(可选上)Period 6 Lets check Lets wrap it up story time p10,111.复习Unit 四会单词11个。2.复习介词 next, near, beside, behind, in front of

21、.3.听力训练 Lets check, story time2.复习介词next, near, beside, behind, in front of.1.T: What can GPS do? It can find the way.2.读一读,译一译。1. Listen and tick the places you hear.2. Write the words under the picture.3. Listen again and answer.Lets wrap it up1. Try to write more words: next, near, beside, behind

22、, in front of.2. Have a try to make sentences with these words.3.Tell the story. Period 1 Section A Lets learn Write and sayP151. 能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot、by bus、by plane、by taxi、 by ship 、 by subway、by train。2. Learn: How do we get there? How do you get to?By bus.3.了解出行方式知识 ,培养学生选择不同的出行方式的表达与交流。1. learn

23、: on foot、by bus、by plane、by taxi.2.能够听、说、读、写句子:How do we get there ? How do you get to ? By bus/ taxi/ subway/On foot导学探究1.Greetings T: Welcome back to school. Nice to see you again. Nice to see you ,too. 2. Go over : How are you ? How old are you ?1.用图片taxi , train ,plane 的图片引入这些单词。老师教读:taxi by taxi.2. Use the same way to learn the other words: by bus, by plane, by ship, on foot3.T: Lets go to Pan Zhihua Park/Beijing. S: Great!By bus. How do you get to school?. S: On foot/By bus/bike.(请分小组进行操练)

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