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1、教学目标知识与能 力目标通过本课学习,学生能够谈论日常 活动和活动的频率和次数。过程与方 法目标通过本课学习,学生体验合作价 值,认识交流意义,在教师指导下学 会自主归纳 “How often do you.的答 语,学会正确做事;掌握本课话题的写 作技巧。情感态度 与价值观 目标学生在学习的过程中收获快乐、 树 立合作精神和团队意识。学生通过对不 同活动的学习,端正做事态度身心健康 发展。教学重难点重点1、 复习并懂得运用的重点词汇:go shopp ing, shop, read, watch TV, go to the movies2、 学会并会运用的难点词汇: exercise, do

2、 exercise, help with housework, use the intern et.3、 重点句型,要求大部分学生学会并能进行顺畅的对话:What do you usually do on weekends? I usually go to the movies.What does he do on weekends? He sometimes goes to the movies.How ofte n do you shop? I shop once a mon th.How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV twice a w

3、eek.难点1. 通过活动和对话让学生意识到频率副词在句子中的位置 (头前助后)。2. 第三人称单数谓语动词在重点句型中的运用。教学策略与设计说明学生合作讨论归纳如何谈论活动的频率和次数。教学 谈论日常活动和活动的频率和次数”让学生在语言知识与技能方 面得到收获,过程教学中注重培养学生的合作和自主归纳能力,情感态度 方面则着眼于培养学生的分辨能力和选择意识,使学生身心健康。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图1、 简单介绍本 课要学习的内 容。2、 完成1a,进一步搜集其他 活动,为完成1b学习任务服Stepl1. Tell the class whatOrga nizi ng the c

4、lass and leadi ng in new class5分钟we re learning this class.2. Help stude nts to do 1a and ask them other activities.Do 1a and thi nk of other activities.务。媒体设计思 想:导入新课,让学 生了解本课所学内容。In troduce my own weeke nd activities让学生在自然 亲切的语境中 学习新的词 汇。学生了解 教师活动,并 学习新词汇并 使用频率副?词。Step2Lear ning new words do1b& 1c

5、7分钟Stude nts lear n about my activities in order to lear n new words and freque ncywords “ alwaysoftenus uallysometimeshardly ever never.Step3Before-liste ningWhile-liste ningPost-liste ningLear n more about1、学生在前面Liste ning(一)Liste ning One8分钟freque ncy words andknow the differe nces betwee n them1

6、) Stude nts liste n to 1b and write the activities.2) Stude nts liste n aga in and fill in the bla nks with freque ncy words.Stude nts practice the conv ersati on in 1b and make their own conv ersati ons的练习基础上 完成1b。2通过增加听 力练习,使学 生进一步学习(二)Liste ning twoTeacher leads stude nts to be familiar with Chen

7、gTao s activities and “ Hoofte n he does it? ”Post liste ningEn courage the stude nts to say out the ways to an swer“ Howofte n doyou ?.w1.Students listen to 2a. Number the activities 1-5 in the order they hear them.2. Stude nts liste n aga in and match the activities in 2a with how ofte n Cheng Tao

8、 does them?和掌握频率3学生练习对 话并将对话真 实化。1、 继续听力练 习,进一步熟 悉重点句型。2、 培养学生自 主归纳的学习 能力和习惯。媒体设计思想:1、核对听 力答案,进一 步巩固频率副 词的使用。2、 让学生明确任 务,根据2c要 求进行对话练 习。Step4Practic e突出2c中的表格。6分钟1. Before we go into 2c, lets lear n some new words.(手持单词 卡片)Read after me :surf. Ca n you surf?I think its1. Surf.No.Y es.Intern et.S1:I

9、get n ews.S2:I look for some in formatio n.句型操 练,让学生学 会使用目标句 型进行问答, 提高口语交际 技能。difficult and dan gerous. But maybe excit ing.Lets look at the sec ond word:Internet.(手 持第二张卡 片)Do you know theIn ternet?What do you ofte n do on the In ternet?Yes. We can do many thi ngs on the Intern et.But whatS3: I pla

10、ygames.S4: I liste n tothe music.S5: I chat with my frie nds.浏览互联网An imalWorld.Total Soccer.Lucky 52.Super Girl.Sports game.2. 填写表格。3. S 3 and S4does surf the In ter net mean?(老师将两 张卡片并排 展示)You are right. Lets look at this word: programWhats your favorite TV program?2. OK.Please look at this form. H

11、ere are some activities that we can the con versati on on the right of the form in 2c.4.学生两人一 组对话练习。5. S5: How ofte n do you surf theS6: I surf the In ter net twice a week. What do you do on theHow ofte n do you do them? Write them dow n.3. S3 and S4 Could you please read thecon versati on f

12、or us?4. Well done!Please work in pairs. Try to know how ofte n your part ner does those things and get more in formati on. 下面请二人 一组活动。了 解你同伴多 I read n ews. And sometimes I listen to music.久做一次这 些事情,最好 了解更多的 信息。5. Stop here.Who would like to prese nt your con versati on to us?Step51让学生 学会根据给定 的信息进行叙

13、 述,通过对范Lead the stude nts to文的句子和结Show ingCheng Tao s weekend activitiesan alyze the article1.Stude nts are leaded toabout Cheng Taos activities by finding the topic senten ce, body partan alyze the article.2.Try to say somethi ng about their own activities.构的分析,让 学生掌握写作and con clusi on。技巧。2学生试 着说一些

14、自己 的周末活动。课堂小结及检 测一、This class we velearnt some frequency words, now do a survey a ccording to you.4分钟二、课堂检测用 how often, how soon, how long 填空1、 - is he going to hand in his homework? -In a minute.2、 - did you do this task?-For about three mon ths.3、 - does Mary go to the movies?-Twice a week.布置作业1分钟

15、1. Listen to Section A 1b&2a and imitate the intonation and stress.(听 Section A 1b&2a, 模仿语音语调)2. Write a short passage(文章)about how often you do different activities in 2a.Un it2 How ofte n do you exercise?(Section A 1a -2c).How ofte n do you do ?板书设计Always usually ofte n every day100% 80% 30%-50% o

16、n ce a daysometimes hardly ever n ever twice a week20% 5% 0% three times a mon thnever 2) On cethree times a weekm on thyear.3) Every dayweekm on th.教学反思虽然八年级学生对英语学习已具备了情感储备 (对英语学习不再陌生) 为学习本单元提供了主观条件,具有J 疋的语言基础(对 般现在时、 般现在时的部分时间状语在七年级就已掌握.)为本单元学习和教学目标实 现搭好了平台。但是,学生经过暑假的休整,久违了英语课堂,一开始肯 定会有些不适应。如注意力不集

17、中、思维不活跃、课堂纪律较难控制等。 根据以往的教训,此时花再多的时间煽激情、讲纪律也于事无补,那样反 而会使课堂更加枯燥乏味,萎靡学生精神,降低学习兴趣。如果按常规上 新课一一教生词、记短语、操练句型、讲析语法,有可能出现因课堂内容 多、知识难度与思维跨度大,而导致大多数学生感到紧张、压抑,一时难 以接受新知识,最终产生厌学情绪。再者,如果不能很好的调动学生的学习积极性,他们就无法做到积极主动学习,随之,课堂将会死气沉沉,导 致整节课以失败而告终。这样的教学肯定不能实现教学目标、达到“第一 堂课”的教学愿望!正所谓“教无定法”,在本堂课的教学中便得到了很好地验证,它充 分展现了教学过程中的生

18、成性特点。确实上好一堂课的前提是要求我们教 师认真备好课,做到“三备” :备教材(了解课标、钻研教材),备教法(多法结合),备学生(方方面面,整体特点、个体差异),做好预设 (宏观设计)。但在新课程改革的今天,我们偶尔也会遇上这样的困惑: 明明是本着先进教学理念、教学方法扎扎实实地备好了一堂课, 结果一上, 却走了调,收效甚微。究其原因,教师按课前设计的程序,按部就班,刻 意将学生纳入自己既定的理想的教学轨道,却忽视了学生的个性和思维的 发展(这是一个不定的变数);忽视了教学过程的生成性特点。这样无异 于一种新型的填鸭式教学。其教学目标似乎可望实现,但是教学过程却得 不到优化,更谈不上实现课堂教学的创新,教师教育智慧的真正体现。

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