1、读写译教师用书unitonegraduateeducationUnit OeGraduaEductionh Te ntrouction Withicaeenrolmnt ihigher educaton Chin, mre andm eople arepuuinmatesor docoratedegres owever, oing tgrauate schol is atemendouinvesmn o tim, er nd mony.Yohuldbe certin tht thnvestment wllhlyo ce our ture goas.f ou ave strong dre for
2、 avanced stdi of chosn subject, ifyu ae ureabot r are gas and a avnced degreesreqired fr entance to our chsen fie, then gaduaecholis the righ lace for youGradutestudy canb er challeing but rewaringThs rtice frst presents hre sils eede o be ucceslin gradae schoo, ael,skills a detecive, nslator and di
3、lomt.Ithn dicses ecallenges wig fyo n gaute sho, cleges o cosin a uitable rauate pogram,of studyig undepresures, o alancin wor,ersoal lfe an scool demad. I ls pints out stategi o uccess, su s choosig te rght shol, anin well outim ad handing stress. Lanuageonts1.vrsu prep (Par. 1): soppose to; inotra
4、ttoe. peaeversus war he prosad onsofganic versu ioganic produe pter/libaryaccss (Pr ): te opportnity to se h omputer/ibraycess n.: heright or oporunity to use soetingeg.hav roabandiress ccess tothe inter 3.lsts thsskis as dtive (atacolectn,anaysis, nd interretti), translao (rfraig gven ideas fordivr
5、se gps), ad dlomat(neoiton,conflict edai, anel aking) (Par ): the thee sls (that gradute ogramshould hl he studen acuie) are listd as folows:1) skils s a decti n collctn, nalzing d tepretng data; 2) skilsatranslator paiinghe ame das diffeen grous; 3)sklls asa dpomat n neotiain, meiatng conits a ang
6、dalsdetecive n.:a persn, epecially a polc ofice, hos ccupaion iso investgatand slve cimeiplom n.: a officialresenting coutrybroadg Wtn/emanretired/eniodiploat4.Benefits f a asters ere icludeintllctal imovement, ernaldelopmnt, acusio o ehancedrbal/itingskils, adancmet n rer ositions,and etworking wit
7、h peer andcolaue.(Par): A astsdgree my rig ou lot benefits. t mayhelpyou prove yor itlle a develo asa perso; i may help yuto acquire the imroe skills in spking driing; i may brin youchnces ofcreer omotion as wea a growng socalnetwork pr ncolgues. *inellectal a.:of rrelatin tothe intellect. tlleualst
8、imulatondsablitacusitionn.:elrnng odeveloing of a skl,hbit, or qualitye.g.teacquison foreiglanuae kowldg acqistionece : inesify, increse, or urther improe h ality, value, r exeno . ehnceth competienes/employablty stdent enhance learninopotuitiespeer n:a prsoof te sae age, staus, or abity as anotecif
9、eeson g errevieers His paprwas critiid b hisacademic ers. 5.rigality (Pr2):tebtyt hik ndependently and creaeye. poe ofgenine origilit orinltyofthogh/i/desig/poject6.Olin degree acquisition boastsof scheue flebiliy,sudnts settg their w a, o travel time, and 24/ b inraction. (Pa.3): Pursungan linegre
10、has oe flexibleshed; studens enjoy more feeom in ettg hr on tudypae; ty dont nospend ti traveling to teclassrm; te have thcnenice of nternet neraction i heiracher an clasmates for 24 hous a day, 7 ays a wek *fleibliy n:capabiity toadap onew circstaesrreqirementse.g. flexibiity f adminitrationThsdyse
11、xic childenne the lebiliyad diverty of thetaching mehods.7.asse v (Par. ): dermine;mesure; valuatee.g.assss the pact/efecienesrisks/suitabiitThe Group Prjc wileassesed o he basisf asentaion it trct tmelimi.8.potenial a.(Par. 3): xiting ssibliy.g ptentialsdenscustomrs/arket/ht/impact/benefit/hza9.rli
12、ace n (Par 4):act of elyg;ependencee.gavy/xcesie/contud/incrased rele n Ittimeo due einen privatecars. 10.ealistic a(Par. 4): awaeof thgs s y eall are.g.eremain/seem/ea/look/beme elsti heschol ndren oon eane to vo more resi expectations.11.adaptive a. (Par. 4): able to adjust*adapt v:make it; adjus;ake uitabletoe.gadt th currculumThe movi s adapted from the bes-sellingautoo
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