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PEP四年级英语下册recycle2The second period第二课时Word格式文档下载.docx

1、能够通过完成给单句排序并组成对话的任务复习第四单元和第六单元的核心句型能够通过活动养成勤俭节约的好习惯Read and tick() or cross()能够通过阅读信件、判断句子正误的活动综合复习有关天气、商品价格、农场动物等话题的内容教学重点能够运用所学知识完成相关的任务。教学难点能够在图片的帮助下完成信息的收集与处理。教学准备1.预习状元大课堂创优作业100分状元作业本中本课时的相关内容。2. PPT课件、课文录音、视频等。Teaching purpose利用单词卡片帮助学生复习表示天气的单词和句型。利用时钟教具引导学生复习描述时间的句型“What time is it? Its”。教学

2、过程Step 1: Pre-task 1. Greetings.2. Lets play.Ask students to work in pairs. Students choose one or two things and then ask and answer the questions.A: Is this your ? B: Yes, it is. /No, it isnt. Are these your ? Yes, they are. /No, they arent. Theyre s.在听之前请学生先熟悉表格,对学生进行听力技巧指导;在听后再请学生根据表格进行问答练习,增加学生

3、的语言实践机会。Step 2: While-task1.Read, write and say. (1)Teach the word “mine”.Show the book to students.T: Look!Its my book. Its mine.Write down “mine=my” andteach it.Students learn to make sentences.Ss: It my It(2) Teach the wor “yours”.Pick up a book from onestudent and ask. I this your book?S1: Yes,

4、it is. Oh!s your book. Itsyours.Write down “yours=your” and teach it.Stuents practice it in pairs.s your Its yous.(3) Look and answer.Studentslook t the pictures in “Read, wite and say” on page 68. Wha o you see in their hands? (4) Read and wrte.Studets read the conversations and write dow the rigt

5、words.(5) Check theanswrs. (课件出示:案)(6) Praticethe conversations.2. Readand nuber.(1) Lok and the pictures to stuents. Let tudents look at the pictures and pratice the dalogues in pairs. 课件出示:购物情景图(2 Read and numbr.Student read the sentences and number he sentences in right orders in the book

6、.(3 Listen and check.Play the recording.Studens listen to it and check th answers. (课件出示:答案)(4) Lisen and read.Students read the conversations after listening to the recording.(5) Emotional education. Thrift is a good tradition of our Chinese nation. We should buy only the right ones, not the expens

7、ive ones.3.Read and tick() or cross(). (1) Look at the pictures.Show the pictures to students. Let students look at the pictures and talk about them. Today well read a letter. Who is it from? Who is it to?Look at the picture and answer the questions. (课件出示:教材P69信件)s from Wang Ke to his grandpa. What

8、 things do you see? Ss: A hat, a bowl of noodles, a dog and ducks.(2) Read and answer.Show some questions on the PPT. (出示课件)Students read the letter and answer them. Where is Wang Ke? Where is his grandpa? He lives in the city. His grandpa lives in the country.Use pictures to help students understan

9、d the words “city” and “country”. (课件出示:“城市”及“乡村”图片) Whats the letter about?s about a hat, the food, a dog and some ducks.(3)Read and tick() or cross().Students read the letter and tick or cross the sentences.(4) Check the answers.(5) Listen and read.Play the recording. Students read the letter afte

10、r the recording.Step 3: Post-task“My day”1. Create a situation.Lets sing.Sing the songsMary has a little lamb, This old hat and How much is that doggie in the window?板书设计作业设计1. Try to write a letter to your friend.2. Do the exercises. (见“状元成才路”系列丛书创优作业100分对应课时作业P18第四题) 教学反思1.教师的“教”以引导为主,通过图片和问题引导学生理

11、解文本大意。2.注重学生情感态度价值观的渗透,帮助学生在活动中培养勤俭节约的好习惯。3.充分利用多种活动增加学生的语言实践机会,帮助学生复习相关语言,并在合理情景下综合运用所学语言。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsBe able to fill in the blanks through looking at the pictures and reading the sentences. Consolidate the relevant possessive case of the nouns.Review the core sentence patterns

12、 of Unit 4 and Unit 6 by completing the task of ordering the sentences.Help students develop the good habit of thrift through activities.Read and tick() or cross(Review weather, prices, farm animals and other topics by reading the letter and judging sentences.Teaching PrioritiesBe able to finish the

13、 relevant tasks by using what they have learned.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to collect and process the information by observing the pictures.Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPre-taskAsk students to work in pairs.2. Work in pairs. Choose one o

14、r two things. Then ask and answer questions.Lead students to review the sentence structures “Is this your? / Are these your?”.While-task1. Read, write and say.(1) Teach the word “mine”. (2) Teach the word “yours”.(4) Read and write.(5) Check the answers.(6) Practice the conversations.(1) Learn and p

15、ractice the word “mine” and make sentences with it. (2) Learn and practice the word “yours”.(3) Look at the pictures. (4) Read the conversations and write down the right words.Help students understand and practice the words “mine” and “yours”. Lead students to complete the task and practice the conv

16、ersations.2. Read and number.(1) Look and say. Show the pictures to the students. Let students look at the pictures and practice the dialogues.(2) Read and number.(3) Listen and check.(4) Listen and read.(1) Look at the pictures and practice the dialogues in pairs.(2) Read the sentences and number t

17、he sentences in right orders.(3) Listen to the recording and check the answers.(4) Read after the recording.(5) Get emotional education.Use two pictures to help students review the sentences about shopping. Lead students to complete the task independently. Help students develop the good habit of thr

18、ift in the activities.3. Read and tick() or cross(Let students look at the pictures and talk about them.Show some questions on the PPT. Use pictures to help students understand the words “city” and “country”.(3)Read and tick() or cross( ).(1) Look at the pictures and talk about them. (2) Read the le

19、tter and answer the questions.Learn the words “city, country”.(3) Read the letter and tick or cross the sentences.(4) Check the answers. (5) Listen to the recording and read the letter after it.Lead students to predict the content of the letter by observing the pictures.Help students get the main id

20、ea of the letter with the questions and pictures. Help students understand the words “city” and “country”.Post-taskLetSing the songs.Keep students interested in learning. Help students consolidate the knowledge what they have learned.Homework2. Do the exercises.【素材积累】 1、只要心中有希望存摘,旧有幸福存摘。预测未来的醉好方法,旧是

21、创造未来。坚志而勇为,谓之刚。刚,生人之德也。美好的生命应该充满期待、惊喜和感激。 人生的胜者决不会摘挫折面前失去勇气。 2、我一直知道,漫长人生中总有一段泥泞不得不走,总有一个寒冬不得不过。感谢摘这样的时候,我遇见的世界上最美的心灵,我接受的最温暖的帮助。经历过这些,我将带着一颗感恩和勇敢的心继续走上梦想的道路,无论是风雨还是荆棘。 1、人生只有创造才能前进;只有适应才能生存。 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。我不知道将来会去何处但我知道我已经摘路上。思想如钻子,必须集中摘一点钻下去才有力量。失败也是我需要的,它和成功对我一样有价值。 2、为了做有效的生命潜能管理,从消极变为积极,你必须了解人生的最终目的。你到底想要什么?一生中哪些对你而言是最重要的?什么是你一生当中最想完成的事?或许,你从来没有认真思量过生命潜能管理旧是以有系统的方法管理自我及周边资源,达成 。先讲一个我个人的经历。我高二旧摘创业了。办校刊,拉赞助,学校外面租房子,开书店,仿佛是懂事完了,吊炸天了,那时候脑壳里旧只有创业两个字,谁的话我都不听,人挡杀人,佛挡杀佛。基本要求是做困难的事。因为一个人要想有所成旧,旧必须做那些困难的事。只有做困难的事,才能推动社会发展进步。

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