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1、(2)动词的现在分词形式(do+ing)Most verbs +ing walkwalkingVerbs ending in e -e + ing comecomingShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant Doubleconsonant run-runningswim-swimming动词加“ing”(现在分词)的变化规则:1、接在动词后面加“ing”2、“元音+辅音+e”结尾的单词把e去掉再加ing。3、重读闭音节双写最后字母再加ing,单词有:runrunning、swimswimming、putputting、getgetting、sho

2、pshopping1.) What is Mary doing? Shes shopping.2.) Is Betty swimming now? No, she isnt. Shes running.3.) Its seven thirty in the evening. Were having dinner at home.*关于句型转换:. 否定句,在be 动词 is am are 之后直接加not 变成 isnt, am not, arent 一般疑问句,直接把 be 动词 is am are 提到主语的前面,即句首 对划线部分提问,即特殊疑问句,先找到与与划线部分相关的疑问词,然后把

3、be动词提到主语前面,然后是主语和句子中除划线部分外的其它单词依次按顺序抄下来。备注:只要是句子中出现be动词的都可以用以上规律来进行句型转换。eg:Lily is watching a VCD of Japanese cartoons.否定句_一般疑问句并回答_对划线部分提问_3.一般现在时:用来叙述经常性发生的事情、习惯和爱好等,或者是指一些客观存在的事实或规律。时间词有sometimesoftenusuallyalwaysevery morning(afternoon,evening,day,week,year)on Monday等(注意此时要先弄清叙述的人或事物是否第三人称单数。即he

4、 、she 、it或其它任何除I 和you之外的单数人称或物品)1、如果叙述的人或事物是第三人称单数行为动词要加上s或es,其变化规则和名词的复数形式变化规则一样。 John likes going hiking. Mary often gets up at seven oclock. Mr Li cooks supper every evening.4.) How does he go to school?-He goes to school on foot.5.) Does he go to school on Saturday?-Yes, he does.(第三人称单数一般疑问句句前是d

5、oes,句中的动词要用原形。)动词第三人称单数变化规则:1)直接在动词后面加“s”。2)以“s、x、sh、ch”结尾的单词,在动词后面加“es”。 wash-washes watch-watches fish-fishes3)以“辅音+y”结尾的单词,把y改i再加es。 carry-carries study-studies fly-flies4)go 和do 的第三人称单数是goes 和does2、叙述的人或事物不是第三人称单数行为动词要用原形。1.)I usually go to school on foot.2.)We play football every Sunday afterno

6、on.3.)What do they do on Sundays? -They play chess.*关于句型转换 否定句,如果句中是动词原形,那么在动词原形前加dont. 其余不变 如果句中是动词第三人称单数,那么在动词第三人称单数前加doesnt, 并把谓语动词还原。一般疑问句,如果句中是动词原形,那么在主语前加dont. 其余不变 如果句中是动词第三人称单数,那么在主语前加doesnt, 并把谓语动词还原。 对划线部分提问,即特殊疑问句,先找到与与划线部分相关的疑问词,然后把在主语前看情况加do 或does,然后是主语和句子中除划线部分外的其它单词依次按顺序抄下来,抄的时候注意原来的谓

7、语动词需要还原。Lily does her homework after school every day. 否定句_ 一疑并回答_ 划线提问_ They always go shopping on Sundays. 否定句_ 一疑并回答_4.一般将来时:叙述将要发生的事情或打算。时间词有:tomorrow, tonight, next Monday(Tuesday), next week(month, year) ,this morning(afternoon),.later等结构是be going to+动词原形。如果所接的动词原形刚好是go或come,可把用is going和is com

8、ing来表示将来。有时,be going to +加动词原形 可以和 will+动词原形进行互换。 What are you going to do tomorrow?-I am going to visit my grandparents. Are they going to sweep the floor tonight?-Yes, they are.3)Where is Sarah going next week?-Shes going the park.*关于句型转换, 由于一般将来时态的句子中也有be动词,所以它的变化规律和之前在现在进行时中提到的相类似。如果是用will+动词原形来

9、表示将来的,只要把will 加上not 变成wont就变成了否定句,而把will 提前则变成疑问句。Lucy is going to play the violin at the concert.否定句_5.过去时:一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状态连用, 如yesterday, last weekend, last Sunday, just now, a moment ago,ago, last 等.(1) be 动词的过去式: am/iswas arewere I/He/she/it was(not). You/we/they were.一般疑问句wa

10、s, were 放在句首。 (2)过去式基本结构 肯定句(Positive) 动词过去式 I went shopping last night. 否定句(Negative) Didnt + 动词原形 I didnt go shopping last night.一般疑问句(Yes/No) Did + 动词原形? Did you go shopping last night?特殊疑问句(wh-) What did+ 动词原形? What did you do last night? (3)动词过去式的变化:规则动词的变化:一般动词 +ed planted,watered,climbed以不发音的

11、e结尾 +d liked辅音字母加y结尾 -y+ ied studystudied, cry- cried重读闭音节单词,末尾只有一个辅音字母 双写最后一个字母+ed stop stoppedplan - planned不规则动词的变化:原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式 原形 过去式sweep swept teach taught have had go wentkeep kept think thought do did find foundsleep slept buy bought eat ate say saidfeel felt drink drank is/am was t

12、ake tookread read give gave are were mean meantput put sing sang drive drove meet metacut cut begin began speak spoke make madelet let ring rang write wrote see sawfly flew run ran ride rode come camedraw drew sit sat hear heard tell toldgrow grew learn learned/ learnt get got know knew1.肯定句: I visi

13、ted my grandparents last weekend.I was busy last weekend.They were sad yesterday.2.否定句: I didnt visit my grandparents last weekend.I wasnt busy last weekend.They were not sad yesterday.3.一般疑问句: Did you visit you grandparents last weekend?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.Were you busy last weekend?Yes, I wa

14、s. / No, I wasnt. Yes, we were. / No, we werent.4.特殊疑问句: What did you do yesterday? I played football. Where did Mike go last weekend?He went to the library. Where were you yesterday? I was at home.否定句,如果句中是动词过去式,那么在动词原形前加didnt. 并把谓语动词还原 如果句中是动词was 、were,那么直接在was 和were 后加not变成wasnt和werent一般疑问句,如果句中是

15、动词过去式,那么在主语前加Did. 并把谓语动词还原 如果句中是be动词was 、were,那么直接把was 和were 提到主语的前面。 对划线部分提问,即特殊疑问句,如果句中是动词过去式,先找到与与划线部分相关的疑问词,然后把在主语前加did然后是主语和句子中除划线部分外的其它单词依次按顺序抄下来,抄的时候注意原来的谓语动词需要还原。 如果句中是be动词was 或were,那么只要在写上疑问词后,把was 或were放到主语的前面,其余照抄就可以了。 The Greens went to see a Beijing opera last weekend at Hongxing Theatr

16、e.在一般疑问句中,some 要变成 any,但表示请求或邀请的除外。 在对主语提问的句子中,疑问词后面的句子顺序和陈述句相同。如:Who runs faster? 在使用Be动词的句子在变成疑问句时,注意I 和am, You 和are, I和 was, You 和were,在人称上的转换和搭配。 题目:1. I am ( ) a book now. (read)2. He ( ) off his hat. (take)3. I ( ) my friend tomorrow.(visit)4. She( ) her homework yestrday.(do)5. She ( )shoppin

17、g yesterday.(go)6. They ( ) to the zoo next Monday.(go)7. We ( )the projects.(flish)8. You ( ) very nice to your friends.(be)9. Tom ( )see a movie with Jenny.(go)10. I ( )a little bee flying around the red flower.(see)11. Johnny( ) football yesterday.(play)12. Bobby ( )TV everyday.(watch)13. Darcy (

18、 )the winner in the game. (be)Class: Name:( )1. Good morning! !A.Morning ! B.Hello ! C.Hi ! )2. Nice to see you again ! .A.How are you ? B.Nice to see you , too . C.How do you do ? )3.Good night,mom !A.Night ! B.Good night ! C.Good evening . )4.How do you do ? B.Fine,thanks . )5.How many story books

19、 do you have ?A.I have 10. B.I can see 10. C.Thirty yuan. )6.Do you have new teachers?A.Yes,we do . B.Yes,we dont. C.Yes,we have . )7.Whos your art teacher ?A.Mr Zhu. B.Miss Zhu. C.Hes tall. )8.Whats he like?A.Hes tall and strong . B.Yes,he is. C.Mr Zhu. )9.Is your English teacher young?A.No,she isn

20、t. B.Yes,she is . C.No,she is. )10. ? Her name is Chen Jie.A.Whats your name ? B.Whats she name ? C.Whats her name ? )11. I like Chinese,math and English.A.What classes do you like? B.What do you like? C.What are you like ? )12. We have English and P.E.A.What do you have on Mondays ? B.What do you h

21、ave ?C.What do you have on Monday? )13. Its Monday.A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ? C.What day is today ? )14. I watch TV and do my homework.A.What do you do ? B.What do you do in Mondays?C.What do you do on Sundays ? )15.May I have a look ?A.Sure.Here you are . B.Look ! C.Here you are

22、. )16.Our math teacher is Canada.A.from )17.I three new teachers.A.has C.have )18.Whats Chinese teacher like ? B.your C.youre )19.My P.E.teacher is thin.A.too C.very )20.There are days in a week.A.six C.eight )21.There are month(月)in a year(年).A.ten B.eleven C.twelve

23、 )22.I often watch TV Saturday .A.on )23.I like P.E. I dont lime music.A.but B.and )24.This is apple. It is red apple.A.a , a,an, a )25.What do you like ?A.classes B.class C.classs六年级英语测试题 )1. How are you ?A.Fine,thanks. B.Yes,it is. C.How are you ? )2. Nice to meet you !A.Fine,thank you. B.OK. C.Nice to meet you ,too ! )3. How do you g

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