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1、Blow(1). vi. (风)吹;吹动;刮It was blowing hard. / The door blew open.(2).vi.吹响;吹奏;鸣响Do you hear the bugle blowing?你听到军号在吹吗?(3).vi.吹气;呼吸困难急促;喘气(4).vi.(轮胎等)爆炸;(保险丝等)烧断(5).vt.吹动,吹A gust of wind blew all the dust away.(6).vt.使充气,使爆炸The explosion blew several buildings down.(7).vt.发布(新闻等);传播(谣言等)blow ones nos

2、e擤鼻涕blow out吹灭Dont blow out the light.blow over (一阵风暴,风波等)过去The storm will soon blow over.被淡忘The impression is so deep that it can hardly ever blow over.blow up(1)刮起来Soon a gale blew up.(2)打气,吹起来get the tire blown up(3)爆炸,炸毁The ship blew up.(4)发脾气,责骂He blew up (at me) when I told him I couldnt do it

3、.(5)爆发,突然开始The volcano unexpectedly blew up.n.1.打,一击;打击a blow to the face朝脸部的一击2. (精神上的)打击;灾祸3.突然袭击,攻击at a (one) blow一下子,一举come to blows动手互殴get a blow in打着,击中strike a blow against反对,企图Breakvt.1.打破,打断,使碎裂break the window / break ones leg (摔断腿)损坏,弄坏break the instrument破坏,违反, break an agreement / break

4、 the law4.使(突然)中止,打断break ones journey5.打破(纪录) break the recordvi.1.破碎,折断The vase has broken to pieces.2.争吵,决裂break from ( with) the old traditional ideas3.(嗓音,天气)突变After an hour of heavy rain the storm broke.4.(黎明,风暴)开始Day broke.5.(云雾)消散,停止The mist(雾)was breaking.6.(身体,精神)垮了His health broke.n.1.破裂,

5、破裂处2决裂,绝交a break between the two countries3.破晓at (the) break of day4.休息(时间),间歇have a break5.中止,中断,停顿a break in the conversation1. break away(from)逃脱,摆脱break away from the guard与断绝来往,脱离改掉,破除break away from the old habit2. break down(机器等)坏The car I was in broke down.(身体)垮了,(计划)失败,(精神)支持不往His health br

6、oke down. /The plan has broken down.(3)中断The conversation broke down at this point.(4)压倒,破除break down fetishes(迷信)3. break forth迸发,突然A shout of joy broke forth.4. break in(1)强行进入,打进来Thieves broke in during the night.(2)插话,插嘴,打岔Dont break in while others are speaking.5. break into(1)强行进入,打进break into

7、 the palace(2)突然开始break into cheers6. break off突然停止They broke off their conversation.He broke off in the middle of a sentence.中断,断绝,绝交break off the talk中断会谈break off with ones old friends与老朋友绝交7. break ones heart使心碎8. break out突然发生,爆发A fire broke out during the night.The economic crisis first broke

8、out in the United States.9. break out (of) (从监禁的地方)跑出来,摆脱10. break through突破,打破,冲破The river broke through its banks and flooded the country.They have broken through in a number of directions.11. break up(1) (会议)结束,散会After midnight, the party broke up.驱散(集会),破坏(罢工) The police tried to break up the cr

9、owd.学期结束,停课The school has broken up for the holidays.12. break up into分成,分解Sentences can be broken up into clauses, and clauses into phrases.Bring1.带来,拿来Bring me the basket, please.2.使(人)来到;把引来What brings you here today?3.产生;引起;导致;使发生Her three children brought her joy.4.促使;劝使She couldnt bring hersel

10、f to believe the news.5.使处于某种状态bring water to a boil把水烧开6.(货品)售得,换得The painting brought 20 pounds.bring about引起,实现,使发生Our aim is to bring about a communist society.bring around使回心转意,使改变看法They tried to bring him round to their views.使痊愈The doctor will bring him round all right.bring back(to ones mind

11、)使回想起The story brought back my unhappy childhood.bring down使倒下,使下降The wind brought down a number of trees.击落,推翻The more enemy planes were brought down.bring forth使产生,引起The weather brought forth a host of diseases.bring forward提出Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting.提前They decided to br

12、ing forward the date of the meeting.bring home to使明白bring home to the broad masses the risk of smokingbring in收(庄稼) bring in rice(使)得到(收入)This will bring them in several thousand yuan.bring on使发生,引起Dirt often brings on diseases.bring out说明,阐明bring out the meaning of a passage出版,推出bring out a type of

13、 TVbring to (round)使苏醒,使恢复知觉bring to an end (a close)结束,停住He brought his story to an end.bring to attention(notice)使注意bring to bear on对施加(压力,影响)bring to light使发现,使了解到bring to ones senses(reason)使清醒起来(明白过来)bring to victory (safety)使胜利(脱险等)bring up提出,提起bring up questions抚养,培养呕吐Callvt, vi.1.(名)叫,称(呼) T

14、hey call her Xiao Hong.2.呼叫,喊叫,鸣叫Call me at 7 oclock please.He called and called but no one came to his help.3.拜访,到某处找人I hope youll call again.Youd better call at his office./call on sb4.打电话Lets call his office.5.召集(会议),下令(罢工)6.召唤,征召call a taxi / call a doctorcall at (火车,轮船)停留,停靠Does the ship called

15、 at Hong Kong?call attention to引起对的注意call away叫走,叫开The doctor was called away a moment for叫(某人),接(某人) I will call for you at nine.要,索取He entered the restaurant and called for a glass of beer.要求,需要有This problem calls for careful in(1).来访,到那里去(2).找来,请来call in a doctor at once.(3)

16、.收回call on sb to do sth(1).请(叫)某人做某事The Chairman called on Mr Brown to speak.(2).号召某人做某事call out大声叫,调来,请去He called out with pain.Doctors are often called out in the middle of the the roll点名call to mind使想起I cant call his name to to order让保持(会场)秩序,让肃静call up给打电话征召(入伍)Carryvt.vi1、搬

17、,拿,扛,抬2、通过(决议等)The meeting carried the motion by a large majority.会议以较大的多数通过了这项提议。Carry away使失去理智,使入迷He was carried away by emotion.这时他被感情支配失去了理智。拿走carry into effect(practice)实施,实行carry off夺走,抢走,获得,使死掉The army term carried off most of the medals.carry on进行,继续进行carry out实行,执行They also carried out oth

18、er experiment.carry thought进行到底,完成Our fight will be carried through.我们的战斗将进行到底.carry weight (说话)有份量,有力量,有影响Catchvt.& vi.1.抓住,逮住,挂住He caught my hand and held it tightly.The nail caught her coat.2.赶上,搭上I want to catch the early bus.3.听到,嗅到,听懂What? I didnt catch what you said.Do you catch my meaning?4.

19、染上(疾病) Be careful, you may catch cold.5.(出其不意地)碰上,撞上(某人做某事,多指不好的事)She caught him smoking a cigarette.I caught the boy at it again.我又撞上这孩子在干这事.6.给撞上,给碰上(多用于被动结构)He has been caught in the rain and is wet through and through.The ship was caught in a hurricane.catch at想抓住,设法抓住He will catch at any opport

20、unity to practice English.catch by surprise(off guard)出其不意(趁其不备)catch fire着火catch hold of抓住,抓牢catch on受到(大家的)欢迎(喜爱),理解The play caught on well.catch ones eye (attention)引起注意A red pencil-mark on the fifth page caught his eye.catch sight of望见Just then they caught sight of us.catch up with sb赶上某人You go

21、on.I will catch you up.Well spare no effort to catch up with the advanced countries.Changevi.1.改变,使改变Well change the date to Feb.2.换(衣,药,钱),交换Can you change this $5 note for me ?3.改变,变化The weather has changed for the better.4.换(转)车Passages for Xian change at Zhengzhou.change hands转手This house has ch

22、anged hands twice this year.change into换上(衣服) There we changed into hospital clothes.change ones mind改变主意I have made my mind and nothing you say will change my mind.change ones tune改变腔调n. (c.)(u.)There has been a change in the programme.He lived through a time of great social change.他是从社会发生重大变革的时期生活

23、过来的.n.(u)找回的零钱I handed over a pound and got 38 pence change.Comevi.& link.v1.来She is coming right away.There comes the bus.2.(指时间)到来the winter was coming.Then came the day of his examination.3.用于各种引伸意义Who comes next?下面该谁?Success comes when you work hand.努力才能成功.4.(跟不定式)经过某一过程发生某一情况But gradually they

24、came to see the menace to themselves.但他们渐渐看出了他们面临的威胁.5.(作link.v,和某些形容词和分词连用)变得,成为Wrong never comes right.错的不能变成对的.That day their wish finally came true.Your shoe laces have come undone.你的鞋带散了.6.(用现在分词或不定式形式)即将到来的,未来的They began talking about their coming holidays.Im sure well do better in times to co

25、me.Can you come swimming with us?(come swimming=go swimming)come about发生How did the accident come about?come across碰到In the course of the experiments, they came across a series of new e along(1).跟(我们)去,一道去Tom wants to come along with us to the movie.(2)赶快Come along, its nearly twelve oclock.(3)进行,生长

26、The other jobs are also coming along nicely.其他工作也进行得很顺利.come at(1)向袭击(2)拿到Ive been looking for that article, but cant come at it anywhere.(3)弄清楚Its difficult to come at the exact facts.弄清确切事实是很困难的.come by得到They didnt come by their honours easily.他们这些荣誉不是轻易得来的.come down(1)下降,下落The temperature has come down.(2)病倒,患病These workers came down suddenly with food poisoning.这些工人突然食物中毒了.(3)传下来These customs came down to us from our e down on责备,斥责The doctor came down on him e first在前面,名列第一She came first in the e for来拿,来取,来找I have come for the e forward涌现Many activists have come forward.涌现了

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