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1、 Come on and tell us. You are a long way from home cowboy. You have my sympathies. 警察2:哟,你的到底是谁,来告诉我们。你是背井离乡的牛仔。我很同情你。 Leon: I guess thats a locals way of breaking the ice. Anyway, you know what this is all about. My assignment is to search for the presidents missing daughter. 里昂:我猜这是你家乡的问候方式。不管怎么样,

2、你知道的就是全部。我的任务就是搜索总统失踪的女儿。 What, all by yourself? (laughs) 警察1:什么,全靠你一个人,(笑) Im sure you boys didnt just tag along so we could sing Kumbiyah together at some Boy Scouts bonfire. Then again, maybe you did. 里昂:我肯定你们两个孩子,都不会只是跟着我,一起唱着童子军军歌。不过,或许你们会吧, Oh, you crazy American. Its an direct order from the

3、chief himself. I tell you its no big thing. 噢,你真是个疯了的美国人。这是总统本人直接下达的命令,我告诉你这没什么大不了。m counting on you guys. 我指望你们了。(Car stops on road, Cop 2 gets out to pee) (车停在路上,警察2下车撒尿) It was right before I was to take on my duties of protecting the presidents daughter when she was abducted. Thats the ultimate

4、reason Im in this lonely, rural part of Europe. According to our intelligence, theres reliable information of a sighting of a girl that looks very similar to the presidents daughter. Apparently shes being withheld by some unidentified group of people. Who would have thought my first job would be a r

5、escue mission?里昂(想):我在总统女儿遭绑架之后,马上接收到保护总统女儿的命令。这是我来到这偏僻的欧洲农村的最首要的原因。从我们的情报机关那里知道,有可靠情报说,有人在这里附近看到一个很像总统女儿的女孩。显然她被神秘组织的人控制了。谁会想到我的第一个任务就是营救她呢, Ah, its freezing. So cold all of a sudden. Ah, must be my imagination. (Gets back inside) Sorry it took so long. 啊,都结冰了。突然变冷了。啊,这一定是我的幻觉。(Car on bridge, stopp

6、ing) (车在桥边,停下) Just up ahead is the village. 到了村头了。ll go and have a look around. (Gets out of car) 我会去周围看一看(下车) Well stay and watch the car. Dont want to get any parking tickets. 警察2:我们留在这里看着车,我不想被索要停车票。 Right, parking tickets. 好吧,停车票 Cop 1 (mocking tone): Good luck. 警察1(嘲笑的语气):祝你好运 Leon (to himself

7、): Geez, who are these guys?里昂(对自己说):唉,这是什么人, (rolls down window) Did you say something?(摇下车窗)你说什么, (radio rings) (收音机声音) (Note: If you go back and talk to the cops, Cop 1 says What, did you lose you r nerve?, and Cop 2 says What, did you forget your makeup or something? Also, if you try to go back

8、along the bridge, Cop 2 says Not that way cowboy. This way.) (笔记:如果你回头对警察说话,警察回答你:“什么,你神经坏了吗”,警察2说“什么,你忘了拿你的化妆品还是其他东西,”,同样,如果你尝试单独走回桥头,警察2说“不是那边,牛仔,这边”) (As you approach, the house, you see the view from inside the house and a shadow of a man) (随着你的靠近,屋子里,你会看到一个从屋里看到的视觉,以及一个男人的影子) (Leon enters the h

9、ouse) (里昂进屋子) Ah, excuse me. Sir? (pulls out photo) I was wondering if you might recognize the girl in this photograph?啊,打扰一下,先生,(拿出照片)不知道你可否认得照片里的女孩, Villager: (speaking some other language) 村民:(说着其他语言) Sorry to have bothered you. 不好意思,打扰你了 (Villager grabs and axe and tries to kill Leon, who rolls

10、out of the way) (村民拿起斧头想杀死里昂,里昂滚出攻击范围) Freeze. I said freeze!别动,我说别动!(You see the truck start and head towards the car. Leon hears gunfire and screeching, and finally the sound of both cars going into the river). (你看到货车开动,朝车子撞去,里昂听到枪声和惨叫声,最后听到两辆车子跌入河流) damn it . 艹 (Bell tolls; all villagers go throu

11、gh door and leave) (钟声响起,所有村民通过门离开了) Wheres everyone going? Bingo?他们去哪里,去玩游戏, (Resident Evil 4 logo) (Leon opens cabinet) (里昂打开橱柜) ?: A little rough, dont you think? Youre.not like them? ,:你不觉得你有点粗鲁,你.跟她们不一样, No, you?不,你呢, Okay. Only one, very important question. You got a smoke?,:好了,只有一个很重要的问题,你抽烟吗

12、, I got gum. 只有口香糖 (Men enter) (有人进来) Perfect. The big cheese. 好吧,一个大的芝士 (Leon attacks and fails horribly) (里昂攻击进门的人,但可怕地失败) What?什么, Chapter 1-2 1-2章 Feeble humans. Let us give you our power. ,:像虫子一样弱小的人类,让我给你我们的力量吧。 Hahahaha. Soon, you will become unable to resist this.intoxicating power. 哈哈哈哈。一会儿

13、,你们会难以抗拒这股迷人的力量 Hey. Hey. Wake up. 嘿,嘿,醒醒。 Ai yi yi. Crawl out of one hole, and into another. ,:唉依依。爬出一个洞,又掉进另一个 You want to tell me whats going on here? 里昂:你想告诉我这是发生什么吗, Americano si? Now what brings a bloke like you to this part of the world?Easy, whoever you are. 美国人,是什么带了你这样的家伙去到地球的这个地方,别紧张,你是什么

14、人, My names Leon, I came here looking for this girl. Have you seen her?我的名字是里昂,我来这里寻找这个女孩,你见过她吗, What, are you supposed to be a cop or something? Nah, you dont look the type. ,什么,莫非你是个警察,还是别的,啊,你看起来不像, Maybe. 或许吧 Okay, Let me guess, shes the presidents daughter. 好吧,我猜猜,她是总统女儿。 Thats too good for a g

15、uess, want to start explaining?猜的真是太好了,要解释一下吗, Psychology powers. Nah, just kidding with you amigo. I overheard one of the villagers talking something about the presidents daughter in the church. ,:直觉的力量。呐,只是跟你开个玩笑,朋友。我在教堂听一个村民谈话,提到总统女儿 And who might you be?那,你是谁, Me, Im Luis Sera. I used to be a co

16、p in Madrid. Now Im just a good for nothing guy, who happens to be quite the ladies man. 我,我叫路易斯。我曾经是个警察,在马德里。现在我是个一无是处的家伙,或者开始变成一个很有女人缘的男人。 Whyd you quit?为什么不当警察了, Luis: Police see, you put your life on the line, no one really appreciates you enough for it. Being a hero isnt what its cracked up to

17、be anymore. 路易斯:警察如你所见,你把你的性命放到第一线上,没人会给你足够的感激,成为一个英雄也不是如传说中的那样备受赞扬。 Used to be cop myself, only for a day though. 以前我也当过警察,只有一天 I thought I was bad. 路易斯:我想我够坏了。 Somehow I managed to get myself involved with the incident in Raccoon City, on my first day in the force 不知为何,我被卷入浣熊市的一次事件,我上任当日. That is

18、the incident with the viral outbreak right? I think I might have seen a sample of the virus in the lab at my department. 路易斯:那次事件是伴随着病毒扩散吗,我想我可能在我宿舍的实验室里看过病毒样本。(man enters with axe) (男人拿着斧头进来) Do something cop!给点反应吧,警察 After you!我跟着你呢 (Leon hears voices behind door. Mendez grabs Leon and chokes him,

19、 but then drops him.) (里昂听到门后的声音,门萨德抓住里昂还勒住他,但然后就放下他) Mendez: Hmmmm. You carry the blood as us it seems. Nevertheless, youre an outsider. Just remember, if you become a nuisance (?), you face severe consequences. 门萨德:嗯,你有着和我们一样的血液。但无论如何,你都是一个外人。你要记住,如果你变成一个讨厌之人,你将要面对严重的后果 (Mendez leaves) (门萨德离开) Sam

20、e blood?什么,同样的血, Chapter 1-3 (On ridge, Leon sees a boat in the lake) (在山脉上,里昂看到有船在湖上) Whats that?那是什么, (Men dump body) (男人扔下另外一个人) *. (Men speak other language and leave) (男人说着其他语言离开了) Chapter 2-1 Note: This only happens if you saved the wolf in the trap at the beginning of the game. 提示:这剧情只有在游戏开头,

21、你从陷阱里救了一只狼,才会发生。(Leon and El Gigante are facing off. On the ledge above, the wolf appears and howls) 里昂和El Gigante(巨人的名字)对峙。在岩架上,出现一只狼并嚎叫 Hey. Its that dog!嘿。是那只狗 (Wolf leaps down, and starts distracting El Gigante) (狼跳下,并开始使巨人分心) (Leon enters room) (里昂进入屋子) Ashley!阿什莉 Ashley: Dont come!阿什莉:不要过来 Hey

22、, take it easy!嘿,放松点 No! Get away!不要。走开 Calm down. Everythings going to be just fine. My names Leon, Im under the presidents order to rescue you. 冷静下来。所有事情都正在变好。我的名字叫里昂,我是在总统命令之下来营救你的。 My father?什么,我父亲, s right. I have to get you out of here. Come with me. 里昂:是的.我不得不带你离开这里。跟我来。Priest ?ll take the gi

23、rl. 神父,:我会带走这女孩。 Who are you?你是谁, If you must know, my name is Osmund Saddler, the master of this fine munity. 如果你必须知道,我的名字是奥曼德?萨德勒,是这个好宗教社群的主人。 What do you want?你想干什么, Saddler: To demonstrate to the whole world, our astounding power of course. No longer will the United States think they can police

24、the world forever. So we kidnapped the Presidents daughter to give her power then.send her back. 萨德勒:当然是向全世界证明,我们的令人惊讶的力量。不久以后,美国会认为他们能够永远管理这个世界。所以我们绑架总统女儿,给她力量,然后送她回去。 No.Leon, I think they shot something in my neck. 不里昂,我想他们注射了一些东西在我脖子里。 What did you do to her?你对她做了什么, We just planted her a little gift. Oh, theres going to be one hell of a party when she returns

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