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教案外研版book 2 Module 1 Our Body and Health Habits2Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、Culture Corner 通过阅读来比较三个西方国家医疗保健体系的优劣,使学生对西方的医疗保健制度有个初步的认识。Task 通过对健康问题的调查研究,汇报并讨论,是学生反思自己是否有健康的生活习惯,从而养成良好的生活习惯。Module File 对整个模块的学习内容进行小结,巩固本模块的知识。. 教学重点和难点. 教学重点(1)本单元的生词和短语。(2) 弄清名词作动词后的确切意思;will和going to的区别。(3) 有关健康生活方式的讨论。. 教学难点(1) 学会谈论健康问题。(2) 了解一些有关健康生活的信息。(3) 学习有关健康的文章。. 教学计划本单元分为四个课时第一课时:I

2、ntroduction, Speaking(1), Culture Corner第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary,第三课时:Grammar(1), Function and Grammar(2)第四课时:Listening and Vocabulary, Pronunciation, Everyday English and Speaking(2)第五课时:Writing, Task and Module file. 教学步骤Period 1 Introduction, Speaking 1, Culture CornerTeaching Goals:1. To arou

3、se Ss interest in learning about the good healthy habits.2. To develop Ss ability in discussing. Teaching procedures:Step1. IntroductionPurpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to talk about illness 1. Leading-in Ask Ss the following questions: Have you ever got such illnesses like the flu and the to

4、othache? How do you feel when you get these illnesses? How do you get rid of them?And do you know why people would get such illnesses?2. Pair workAsk Ss to go through the sentences in Activity 2 on P1, and then talk about themselves to each other. For example: I take at least two hours exercise a we

5、ek, but I sometimes get colds and flu.3. Group workAsk Ss to read the four proverbs together; Then discuss what the proverbs mean either in English or in Chinese.(1) You are what you eat.人如其食Your body and even mental state is affected by the type of food you eat.(2) A healthy mind is in a healthy bo

6、dy. 健康的思想寓于健康的身体之中If you are clear about eating healthily and follow a sensible diet, you are likely to be clear thinking in other areas of life.(3)Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起的人享有健康、财富和智慧Sleeping late or sleeping in the morning are not good for the body, t

7、he mind or for business.(4) An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天吃苹果,不必上诊所It is important to eat fresh fruit and vegetables everyday in order to stay healthy. 4. Ask Ss to think of some Chinese proverbs connected with health. For your reference:(1)饭后走一走,活到99(2)苦口良药(3)身体是革命的本钱Step 2. Speaking (1)

8、Propose: To develop Ss speaking ability.(Group work) Ask Ss to decide on the five most important things that they should or shouldnt do in order to stay healthy, then put them in order of importance.How to stay healthyThings you should doThings you should not doSuggested Answers: Various answers are

9、 acceptable.Step 3. Culture Corner To let Ss know something about the health care system in foreign countries.1. (Individual work) Ask Ss to read the passage individually, and then finish the form.Health care system in three countriesHealth careDoctorsHealth insuranceBritainAmericaCanadaSuggested an

10、swer:freeWork for governmentRecently, more people use itPay by the people themselvesWork for themselvesPoor people dont have money to pay for it.2. (Group work) after finish the form , ask Ss to tell the differences among the three health care system, and then decide which one is the best , explain

11、why.3. (Team Work) Explain some key points of the passage.(1)pay vi & vt 支付,交纳 pay sb 付钱给某人 Eg We are paid by the hour. pay for sth 花钱买某物 Eg She pays $200 a week for this apartment. pay for sth 付某物的钱 Eg Ill pay for the tickets.(2) own vt属于,拥有Eg Do you own your house or rent it?adj & pron 自己的,本人的Eg I

12、t was her own idea. (3) putinto 将投入Eg Hes putting a lot work into improving his English.(4) become ill 生病Step 4. Home work Write a short composition about how to stay healthy.Periods 2 Reading and Vocabulary, Grammar 11. To get Ss to master the reading skills of scanning and skimming.2. To let Ss ma

13、ster the language points in the textbook.3. To let Ss master the grammar rules that nouns used as verbs. Step1. Revision To let Ss review what had learnt last period ,and lead them to the new content.1. Ask Ss the following question:Do you still remember the words connected with illness?flu, get/cat

14、ch a cold, toothache, unhealthy, etc.2. (Group work) Ask Ss “How to make ourselves healthy?”(1) Do a lot of exercise.(2) Have a healthy diet.(3) Dont eat too much fat.(4) Early to bed and early to rise.Step 2. Leading-in 1. Word studyT: Now today we are going to learn an interesting article. The mai

15、n character is Zhou Kai, who is a student in senior high school. Lets see how healthy he is. Before read the passage, lets study some new words.(1) anxious adj worried 搭配 be anxious about , be anxious for sbEg He seemed anxious about the meeting. Parents are naturally anxious for their children.(2)

16、captain n leader of a group of peopleEg He was captain of the basketball team at school.(3) injure vt to hurt yourself or sb else Eg Tom injured his knee playing football.相关 injury n harm or damagesEg Tow players are out of the team because of injury.(4) pain n 疼痛Eg You get more aches and pains as y

17、ou get older.v 使痛苦,使苦恼Eg It pains me to see you like this.(5)normal adj ordinary Eg Its normal to feel tired after such a long trip.2. ExerciseTry to finish the exercise in Activity 1on P2.(1) sweets (2) break(an arm), fever, injure, injury, pain, painful (3) normal (4) captain (5) anxiousStep 3. Re

18、ading To promote the ability of vocabulary understanding and analysis, and develop the reading skills.1. Skimming To get a brief understanding of the text.(1) Ask Ss to read the passage and try to answer the questions in Activity 2 on P2.Suggested Answer: Because he is going out to play football in

19、the rain. She thinks he will catch a bad cold. She asks him to at least wear a jacket. (2) Ask Ss to go through part 2 quickly, and then answer the questions Activity 3 on P2: They are connected because they both talk about the way Zhou Kais mother looks after him, and because they both mention the

20、time he got ill through playing football in the rain. Various answers are acceptable. One possible answer is: Yes, Zhou Kai has a healthy lifestyle because his mother give him lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. He eat fish, not fatty meat or sugar and sweets. He also exercises regularly, playing a

21、lot of football.2. Scanning To get Ss to have some details in the text.(1) Read part 2 and then finish Activity 4 and 5 on P3.Suggested answers to Activity 4: a b a b bSuggested answers to Activity 5: broken cold diets injury Flu(Influenza) healthy(2) Ask Ss to find the key sentence of each paragrap

22、h in part 2.Para1: My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of my life.Para2: Im quite healthy.Para3: Im crazy about football.Step 4. Language points To train Ss language capacity.Ask Ss to read the text again and then discuss the

23、 important words, phrases and sentences. 1.sweet adj 甜的;香的;悦耳的;令人愉快的Eg Too much sweet food is bad for your teeth. She has a sweet voice. I cant tell you how sweet this victory is. n 糖果,甜食; (pl)满足Eg Im enjoying the sweets of life.2. When Zhou Kais mother saw him heading towards the front door without

24、 a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. 妈妈看到周凯没穿夹克就向前门走去,担心地盯着他。(1)see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事。Eg I see him having supper. 比较 see sb do sth 看见某人做某事Eg I see you come in.(2)head towards/ for 朝而去; 前往Eg She is heading towards home.拓展该词组还有比喻义,即“将会碰到; 遭到”Eg Are you heading for great difficulties? The world i

25、s heading for many problems.(3) eye n 眼睛 vt 盯着看,注视Eg He eyed me painfully.3. make sure 一定要,确保可用于以下两种句型搭配:(1) make sure +of + n/ v-ing(2) make sure +that 从句 ( 常用一般现在时)Eg Youd better make sure of the time when you have a date. Make sure there is no mistakes in your composition.4. have a sweet tooth =

26、be fond of sweet food 有吃甜食的嗜好,喜爱甜食5. diet n 日常饮食,日常食物vi 节食Eg Mary accept the doctors advice on diet. No sugar in my coffee, Im dieting.相关词组 go on a diet 节食Eg I decided to go on my diet before my holiday.6. would rather do 宁愿做Eg I would rather sleep in bed.拓展 “宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”的表达为: Would rather do than/ would do rather thanEg I would rather play tennis than swim. I would play tennis rather than swim.7. I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.adj /adv + enough to do 表示“能够”, 达到了做某件事的地步。Eg

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