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1、科勒律治;乔治。戈登。拜伦;珀。比。雪莱;约翰。济兹;简。奥斯汀(二) 考核要求1)识记:a.浪漫主义时期的界定b.历史文化背景2) 领会:a.浪漫主义思潮的意义与影响。b.浪漫主义文学创作的基本主张及对后世文学的影响。、3) 应用:a.名词解释:浪漫主义b.浪漫主义时期文学特点的分析2.该时期的重要作家1) 识记:浪漫主义时期的重要作家,代表作品及其主要内容。重要作家的创作思想,艺术特色及其代表作品的主题结构,人物塑造,语言风格,社会意义等。a.浪漫派诗歌(所选作品)的主题,意象分析b.小说傲慢与偏见的主题和主要人物的性格分析。一、概述1. 一般识记English RomanticismEn

2、glish Romanticism, as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth & Coleridges Lyrical Ballads & to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scotts death & the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament.2. 识记 Historical & Cultural ba

3、ckgroundDuring this period, England had experienced profound economic & social change. The biggest social change in English history was the transfer of large masses of the population from the countryside to the towns. As a result of the Enclosures & the agricultural mechanization, the peasants were

4、driven of their land; some emigrated to the colonies; some sank to the level of farm laborers & many others drifted to the industrial towns where there was a growing demand for labor. But the new industrial towns were no better than jungles, where the law was the survival of the fittest. The cruel e

5、conomic exploitation caused large-scale workers disturbances in England. 来源:考试大-自考3. 领会(1) Influences of the Romantic MovementRomanticism constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. In essence it designates a lite

6、rary & philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life & all experience. It also places the individual at the center of art, making literature most valuable as an expression of this or her unique feelings & particular attitudes & valuing its accuracy in portrayi

7、ng the individuals experiences.(2) The Romantic views about literaturea. The Romantic period is an age of poetry. Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley & Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic re

8、volution.b. The Romantic period is also a great age of prose. The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen & Walter Scott.c. Besides poetry & prose, there are quite a number of writers who have fried their hand at poetic dramas in this period.4.应用(1) Literary Termsa. The Romantic M

9、ovementIt expressed a more or less negative attitude towards the existing social & political conditions that came with industrialization & the growing importance of the bourgeoisie. The Romantics felt that the existing society denied people their essential human needs, so they demonstrated a strong

10、reaction against the dominant modes of thinking of the 18th-century writers & philosophers. Where their predecessors saw man as a social animal, the Romantics saw him essentially as an individual in the solitary state & emphasized the special qualities of each individuals mind. Romanticism actually

11、constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer.b. The Gothic novelIt is a type of romantic fiction that predominated in the late 18th century & was one phase of the Romantic movement, its principal elements are violence, horror & the supernatural, which strongly appeal to the readers

12、emotion. With its descriptions of the dark, irrational side of human nature, the Gothic form has exerted a great influence over the writer of the Romantic period. Works like The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) by Ann Radcliffe & Frankenstein (1818) by Mary Shelley are typical Gothic romance.(2) Characte

13、ristics of Romantic literature in English history.The Romantic period is an age of poetry Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley & Keats are the major Romantic poets. They started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. Wordsworth & C

14、oleridge were the major representatives of this movement. They explored new theories & innovated new techniques in poetry writing. They saw poetry as a healing energy: they believed that poetry could purify both individual souls & the society. The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination,

15、 but also stress the concept of spontaneity & inspiration, regarding them as something crucial for true poetry. The natural world comes to the forefront of the poetic imagination. Nature is not only the major source of poetic imagery, but also provides the dominant subject matter. Wordsworth is the

16、closest to nature.To escape from a world that had became excessively rational, as well as excessively materialistic & ugly, the Romantics would turn to other times & places, where the qualities they valued could be convincingly depicted. Romantics also tend to be nationalistic, defending the great p

17、oets & dramatists of their own national heritage against the advocates of classical rules who tended to glorify Rome & rational Italian & French neoclassical art as superior to the native traditions. To the Romantics, poetry should be free from all rules. They would turn to the humble people & their

18、 everyday life for subjects, Romantic writers are always seeking for the Absolute, the Ideal through the transcendence of the actual. They have also made bold experiments in poetic language, versification & design, & constructed a variety of forms on original principles of structure & style.二 该时期的重要

19、作家 I. William Blake1.一般识记: His lifeEnglish poet, artist, & philosopher, born in London England, Nov 28, 1757, and died in London, Aug 12,1827. Blake made distinguished contributions to both Literature & art. He ranks with great poets in the English language & may be considered the earliest of the ma

20、jor English Romantic poets. His poems range from lyrics of childlike simplicity to mystical or prophetic works of great complexity. As an artist he is best known for his engravings, which are among the masterpieces of graphic art.2. 识记 His political, religious & literary viewsBlake never tried to fi

21、t into the world; he was a rebel innocently & completely all his life. He was politically of the permanent left & mixed a good deal with the radicals like Thomas Paine& William Godwin. Like Shelley, Blake strongly criticized the capitalists cruel exploitation, saying that the dark satanic mills left

22、 men unemployed, killed children & forced prostitution. Meanwhile he cherished great expectations & enthusiasm for the French Revolution, & regarded it as a necessary stage leading to the millennium predicted by the biblical prophets. Literarily Blake was the first important Romantic poet, showing c

23、ontempt for the rule of reason, opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century & treasuring the individuals imagination.3. 领会 His poems(1) Early worksThe Songs of Innocence (1809) is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy & innocent world, though not without its evils & sufferings. For i

24、nstance, Holy Thursday with its vision of charity children lit with a radiance all their own reminds us terribly of a world of loss & institutional cruelty. The wretched child described in The Chimney Sweeper, orphaned, exploited, yet touched by visionary rapture, evokes unbearable poignancy when he

25、 finally puts his trust in the order of the universe as he knows it. His Songs of Experience (1794) paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war & repression with a melancholy tone. The benighted England becomes the world of the dark wood & of the weeping prophet. The orphans o

26、f are now fed with cold & usurious hand. The little chimneysweeper sings notes of woe while his parents go to church & praise God & his Priest & Kingthe very instruments of their repression. In London, the city is no longer a paradise, but becomes the seat of poverty & despair, of man alienated from

27、 his true self. Blakes Marriageof Heaven & Hell (1790) marks his entry into maturity. The poem was composed during the climax of the French Revolution & it plays the double role both as a satire & a revolutionary prophecy. In this poem, Blake explores the relationship of the contraries. Attraction &

28、 repulsion, reason & energy, love & hate, are necessary to human existence. Life is a continual conflict of give & take, a pairing of opposites, of good & evil, of innocence & experience, of body & soul. Without contraries, Blake states, there is no progression. The marriage, to Blake, means the rec

29、onciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.(2) Later worksIn his later period, Blake wrote quite a few prophetic books, which reveal him as the prophet of universal political & spiritual freedom and show the poet himself as the spokesman of revolt. The major ones ar

30、e: The Book of Urizen(1794),The Book of Los(1795)。The Four Zoas (1796-1807) & Milton (1804-1920)。4.领会 Characteristics of Blakes poemsBlake who lived in the blaze of revelation, felt bound to declare that I know that This world is a world of IMAGINATION & Vision, & that The Nature of my work is visionary or imaginative.From childhood, Blake had a strongly visual mind; whatever he imagined, he also saw. As an imaginative poet, he presents his view in visual images instead of abstract terms.Blake writes his poems in plain & direct language. His poems often car

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