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EgovernmentWhat can China learn from EuropeWord文件下载.docx

1、In China,e-government introduction officially started on Jan22,1999 when government online project(GOP)was formally launched by China Telecom and the State Economic and Trade Commissions Economic Information Centre along with the Information Offices of more than 40 central government departments1The

2、 goal of the project is to establish the basis for the development of e-government in China ,provide more effective coordination between and across governments at different levels,increase public access to government information while reducing government expenses by increasing administrative efficie

3、ncy,promote procurement of goods and services online,and enhance the informatization of the economy and society in China1Not like the independent e-government strategy of China,the e-government strategy of Europe is included in eEurope programme On Dec8,1999,the European Commission launched eEurope

4、initiative,which proposes ambitious targets to bring the benefits of the Information Society within reach of all Europeans21In order to achieve those targets,European Commission drew up the“eEurope 2002 action plan”in 2000 and this was strengthened by the“eEurope 2005 action plan”in 20023E-governmen

5、t is an important part of eEurope and its action plan,the aim of e-government is to make public information more easily accessible by extending and simplifying Internet access,ensure inclusion and security in online public service delivery,provide multilingual content and make it available on variou

6、s platforms to promote e-government23|1 E-government in Europe and ChinaIn this article,we perform an analysis of e-government in Europe and ChinaThe statistical data for our analysis mainly come from the “ Global e-government readiness report ”published by United Nations Department of Economics and

7、 Social Affairs (UNDESA)4 and official statistics of Europe and China11 E-government readinessE-government readiness index is a composite measurement of the capacity and willingness of countries to use e-government for ICTled development4Besides the assessment of government website development patte

8、rns in a country(web measure index),e-government readiness index also takes telecommunication infrastructure index and human capital index into count Table 1 E-government readiness index:EU and ChinaCountryE-government readiness index Web measure indexTelecommunication infrastructure indexHuman apit

9、al index20032004China041604360332O加50116O11108000790EUl507070734056206560595058009640966EU25O65l068105030600050404930946O950Source:UNDESA,2004 The termEUl5refers to the 15 countries that formed the European Union (EU) until the end of April 2004,whileEU25refers to the current 25 member states of EUF

10、rom Table 1 we can see that both EU and China made some progress in e-governmentThe Chinas e-government readiness index increased from 0416 to 0436,and its global rank also increased from 74 to 67According to UNDESA4-“Improving access of public services to more than a billion people ata pace that pl

11、aces it further ahead in global e-government rankings than last year is a major feat”But Chinas e-readiness index was still below the mean of EUl5(0734)and EU25 (0681)From Table 1 we can also see the specific indicators:Chinas web measure indexThis is the main factor leading to the change of e-gover

12、nment readiness index,which improved from 0332 to 0405,but still lagged behind that of EUl5(0656)andEU25(0600),respectivelyBoth telecommunication infrastructure index and human capital index changed very little from 2003 to 2004EU member states showed sound foundation of human capital,the mean human

13、 capital index of EUl5 and EU25 were 0966 and 0950 respectively,higher than China(0790)And the gap between China and Europe in telecommunication infrastructure was even bigger:it(0111)was around 15 of EUl5(0580)and 14 ofEU25(0493)12 E-participationThe e-participation index assesses the quality,usefu

14、lness and relevancy of the information and services and the willingness of countries to engage citizens in public policy making through the use of the e-government programs4Table 2 E-participation index:E-participation index 2003 E-participation index 2004China O069 0082 0450 0448 0379 0373UNDESA,20

15、04As we can see from Table 2,during the increment of Chinas e-participation index(from 0069 to 0082),both EUl5 and EU25 declined a littleNevertheless,the large gap between China and Europe still existed2 What Can China learn from Europe?21 Setting up an action plan to support strategyChinas GOP is s

16、upposed to be a three-stage project and its ultimate objective is to make government offices and agencies become paperlessThe GOP itself is an ambitious project Nevertheless,there is no specific and consecutive plan to support this projectIn comparison,the European Council set up the eEurope action

17、plan which is to ensure that the targets of eEurope are reached by defining the necessary measuresIn the e-government part,not only challenge and eEurope response are stated,the action,actors and deadline are also clearly declaredTable 3 isan example of concrete action planTable 3 eEurope action pla

18、nEgovernment partAction Actor(s) DeadlineAction Actor(s)DeadlineEssential public data online including legal,administrative cultural,environmental and traffic informationMember states,supported by European Com missionend of 2002Ensure member states electronic end visit main basic public servicesMemb

19、er statesend of 2002/2003Simplify the online business procedure, quickly built procedure for establishment of a companyMember states,European Com missioneEurope 2002 action plan,2000Comparing with eEurope and its action plan,Chinas GOP lacks of a practical and consecutive scheme to achieve its aimIn

20、 order to make further progress,China government needs to set up an action plan like eEurope,specifying the responsibility of each participant and defining the necessary measures22 Strengthening central coordinationCentral coordination is a feature of European e-government strategy,which can bring s

21、trategies from different agencies together,ensure compatibility and reduce duplication5EU has a framework for the exploitation of public sector informationThe e-government strategy of each member state should comply with the frameworkIn practice,member states and the European Commission have been co

22、-operating in this area through the interchange of data between administrations(IDA) programme which was used as a basis to develop pan-European services and exchange best practicesIn addition,new applications have been developed through the EU framework programme,which have the potential to support

23、 innovative solutions2|Whats more,there are also central co-ordination systems inside the member states of EUItaly,for example,launched a nation-wide network of regional competence centres (RCCs) for the development of e-government at the beginning of 2002The general objectives of RCCs project are:5

24、 supporting regional and local actors in defining and implementing e-government programmes and projects,while ensuring coherence with the national strategy;identifying and developing construction;promoting and supporting collaboration among the different levels of government within and across region

25、sNow all local governments in China arc implementing GOP,but a lack of coordination and standardization leads to a large amountof repetitive work,waste of money and even the formationof information islands6 An e-government cooperation system will surely resolve those problems in certain degree23 Imp

26、roving telecommunication infrastructure and ServiceAlthough China has made remarkable progress,China is still faced with the arduous task of modernizing telecommunications infrastructure and service in comparison with EUOne problem is the low penetration:until December 2004,the penetration of fixed

27、phone and mobile phone is 24and 25 respectively 7 while that of Internet is only 738Another problem is disparity of telecommunication infrastructure:according to Ministry of Information Industry(MII)and China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC),the rural telephone penetration rate is about 13

28、,and 13 of the urban level;And the percentage of phone lines of east,middle and western provinces is 48,32and 20,respectively7;while the percentage of Internet users of east,middle and western provinces is 53,26and 21,respectively8|So it is clear that the funds and talents of the telecommunications industry flow unevenlyCompetition,as experienced from Europe,is an effectiveway to improve basic infrastructure and serviceLower p

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