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译林版3AUnit8 Happy New Year教案Word格式.docx

1、 Lets learn English Now.2.Greeting.Step2:Presentation.1.Brain storm(脑筋急转弯)a. What letter is an animal(动物)? B(bee)b. What letter is a question? Y(why为什么)c. Why are the letter G and letter S in“gloves”close(亲密) to each other(互相,彼此)? Becausethere is love between them !2.绕口令。a. I scream, you scream, we

2、all scream for ice-cream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋!b. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?3.引入课题:T:Lets have are rest, enjoy a song, please. Guess the name.Happy New Year!让学生通过猜歌名直接引出课题。We know Chinese New year is coming soon. Lets learn Unit 8 Happy New Year!.教师出示课题:Unit 8 Happy New

3、 Year!全班读课题。4.教授单词a doll ,a CD, a car,a ball。 On New Year Day, what can we get from our relatives?(教师解释) Red packet(学生一年级学过),gifts(提醒学生复数). Yes. We can get red packets and gifts.I have some gifts here. Can you read them?PPT出示:a flower, a chocolate, a red packeta doll ,a CD, a car(有学生会说toy car),a bal

4、l.说到ball的时候,T(教师出示足球):Boys and girls, look. I have a ball. Its a Its a football.(一年级学过)Can you play football?S: Yes, I can./No, I cant.出示书本四个单词和图片:a doll ,a CD, a car,a ball,学生拼读。Whats this? Its a 5.教授句型:This is for you.当学生说得好的时候,教师给与贴纸奖励。当教师给奖励的时候,说Here you are.,提示学生回答Thank you.PPT: Here you are. T

5、hank you.让学生先复习学过的内容,再引出下面的教学内容I also can say This is for you.出示句子:教读句子:教师领读,学生跟读。You can answer me Thank you!示范练习:6.Story time 教学a. Story time 理解We know Chinese New Year is coming soon.Helen and Mike are ready for new year.Who gives Helen and Mike gifts? Lets enjoy the story now.看卡通片教学:Uncle John这两

6、个单词都学过,所以学生比较好掌握。Helens gift: a dollMikes gift: a ballTims gift:教授单词:robot分图理解:Task 1 :How to greet on New Years Day?Happy New Year!If someone says it to you, you should be polite. You can say Happy New year to him.Task 2 :When you give the gifts ,you should say:This is for you./Its for you.Task 3:

7、When you dont know the things name, you can ask:Answer:讲解this和that的区别:this 说话内容离说话人近that说话内容离说话人远示范:This is XX. That is XX.b. Read Story time.(1)注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读(2)角色扮演Step3:Consolidation.1.Fun time.复习Whats this/that?Its a a.活动:教师出示布袋:装有上述的一些东西和其他学过的可以作为礼物的物品。全班问,让一个同学摸,答对的可以得到奖励。b. Take out a paper

8、,try to draw pictures on the paper. Guess Whats this/that?2.课外知识拓展。中西方新年差异:Western countries New YearDay : the first of January. The children can get gifts.Chinese New Year: Spring Festival. It always comes in February. The children can get red packet.Open the gifts:Western countries: You should ope

9、n the gifts at once. And you should praise .China: Its not polite to open the gifts at once.The same: You should say Thank you.作业设计:1.Copy the new words 4 times.2.Recite Story time after class.3.Try to make a gift as a New Year present, give it to your father and mother.板书设计: Unit 8 Happy New Year!

10、Its a a doll a ball a carWhats that? a CD a robotThis is for you. Thank you.Its for you. 教学反思: (2)1.能熟练地会听、说、读并拼写单词:2.能熟练地听懂、会读、会运用句型:(拓展in English,并会用Its a 来回答。3.会说“Happy birthday”,并知道用“Thank you”来回答。4.明白Cartoon time的幽默之处。1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会运用句型: (拓展in English),并会用Its a 来回答。2.会说“Happy birthday”,并知道用“Than

11、k you”来回答。能熟练地听懂、会读、会运用句型: (拓展in English/Chinese),并会用Its a 来回答。卡片,PPT,单词小图片(学生自己画的图片)等。Warm up.“Lets learn” “A bottle” “Numbers” Now lets start our English lesson.2.Free talk.a.复习单词,句子接龙。出示单词,学生利用单词造句:例如:a dollI have a doll. I can see a doll. I like dolls.There is a doll. This is a doll(1)Read after

12、 the tape.(2)Read it together.(3)Try to read by yourself(注意语音语调)c. Listen and judge.PPT播放图音例如W Whats this ? Its a robot. S:Yes. You are right. Its a ball. No. Its a doll.教师出示句型Whats this in English?in English: 用英语提示学生回答:Whats that in English?1.Sing a song :Happy New year!a.出示歌词,读歌词。虽然一年级学过了,但是学生会唱但是

13、单词却对不上号,所以熟悉单词是有必要的。Happy New Year to you all.祝福大家新年好。(英语字面解释是新年快乐,但是中国的本土文化中多数是说新年好)We are singing. We are dancing.我们唱歌。我们跳舞。b. Sing the song together2.Cartoon time.a.出示图片,教授单词birthday,讲解人物。 Im happy, now. Look, they are our friends. They are happy, too. They are having a birthday party.出示单词:birthd

14、ayir/:/ birthday bird shirt skirt T-shirtI can see a mouse. What can you see. I can see a dog/cat/monkey.(出示单词,虽然学过了,但是有必要复习一下。)b. Watch the cartoon. Now, lets watch the cartoon together. Try to answer my questions.(1)The monkey gives(给) a to Bobby .出示词组 : a toy car 一辆玩具小汽车 What can you say?I can sa

15、y a toy(让学生说说可以组哪些词,复习二年级所学的内容)(2)The gives Bobby a funny clown(搞怪小丑).(how low clow-clown)c. 让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么?d. Read Cartoon time. Try to read it after the tape.分角色朗读。Happy birthday to you.回答Thank you.这篇对话,很简单,没有什么生词。e. Retell the story.Its Bobbys .Bobbys give him(他)some (礼物).The monkey gives him a

16、 .Sam gives him a gift, too. Bobby is very scare(惊吓)after he opens the box.不要求学生熟读,只要理清思路。1.发挥想象力,看图猜猜他们说什么?图1 图2 图3 (1) (2) (3) (1)Happy birthday to you. Sing a song.(2)This star is for you. Thank you. Whats this in English ? Its a star.(3) Happy New Year.2.Try to write them down.不会写的用中文代替,尽量用英语。1.

17、Read Cartoon time.2.Write the dialogues after class.(根据最后三幅图写对话) Whats this in English/Chinese? Its a that Happy birthday! Thank you. (3)1.能熟练地运用句型:Whats this/that in English?,并会用Its a 来回答。2.能熟练地运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。拓展Thisis for you./Thatis for you.3.会新年节日祝福,礼貌用语。3.完成练习。1.拓展Thisi

18、s for you./Thatis for you.2.完成练习。卡片,PPT等。a.上节课要求写对话或者是小故事,请写的好的学生读一读。b.出示图片对话。A: Whats this/that in English?B:puzzle, puppet, a toy bear, a toy panda,2.Magic eyes.图、词、词组、句子,逐渐增加难度。Its, this is, that is, thatsIts for you. This is for you. Thats for you.重点讲解:This is 没有缩写That is = thatsthis cat that CD

19、Its a toy car .This is for you. =This toy car is for you.Rhyme time.Its a doll. Thats for you.=That doll is for you.Read Cartoon time.注意语音语调。Checkout time“Listen and choose”1.先观察图:What can you see?I can see a white robot.I can see two robots.如果学生没有说明颜色,教师就问:What colour is it?Its 2. Listen and choose

20、.听录音选择,并且复述所听内容,试着把听到的内容写下来。Step4:补充习题。完成补充习题各项题目,试着把所听到的内容复述并且写一写。Step5:Ticking time.根据自己的真实情况打勾。use使用 accept 接受 present 礼物 gift 礼物Finish the exercises. Unit 8 Happy New Year!(4)3.能熟练地运用句型Whats this?并能用Its 来回答。4.完成补充习题和相关部分练习。完成补充习题和相关部分练习。卡片,PPT,单词图片等。Warm up and revision.1.Greeting.2.Say a rhyme“

21、Happy new year”(1)Magic eyes逐渐加难度出示图片说本单元的单词。 Whats this?出示单词,大声拼读。出示句型。(2)句型复习:A:Happy new year. Happy new year.3.Checkout time:Listen and choose4.跟录音读课文。5.跟录音读Cartoon time。1.Letters. 1.复习字母。a.听写字母。b.写出所听字母的左邻右舍。c.四线三格写字母。Xx Yy ZZ学生在课堂作业本上认真写,可以放在投影仪下表扬。Step3: Consolidation.1.补充习题。A Listen and tick

22、.听录音,根据所听内容选择相应的图片,并在对应的方框内打钩。教师可以先辅导学生复习每幅图对应的英文。答案:abbbB Look and say.教师应该先要求学生仔细看图,在学生充分理解每幅图图意的基础上,进入活动程序。(1) Help.(2) Thank you.(3) Its a CD. Its for you.(4) Birthday to you. Thank you.(5) Would you like a cake, Bobby?C Look and circle.参考答案:1CD; Mike 2doll; Yang Ling 3robot; Liu Tao 4car; Wang Bing 5 ball; Su HaiD Match and write.E Find and write. Unit 8 Happy New YearUnit8 Happy New Year (5)1.复习本单元的单词及日常用语。2.完成相关练习。能熟练运用本单元的日常交际用语。在掌握所学知识基础上完成一定的练习。卡片 挂图 PPTStep1: Free talk.Review the words and sentences.Happy new year!B

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