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1、3. 在那儿的男孩是个学生4.正在唱歌的那个男孩是个学生提高学生完成:5. 在打篮球的那个男孩是个学生6.被人嘲笑了的那个男孩是个学生7. 要到到赞扬的那个男孩是个学生 二:添加状语1 We are working.我们在努力工作。We are working hard.(副词做状语,表示程度)2 We sing我们经常在那里唱歌We often sing there.(副词做状语,表示频率,做状语,表示地点。)3 They came.They came here to see us.(表目的)4 We are working.We are working day and night.(词组做

2、状语,表示时间)5 They will flyThey will fly to London.(介词短语作状语,表示方位。6 He entered the room.He entered the room, laughing and talking. (现在分词做状语,表示伴随方式)7.We were happy and returned home.- We were happy and returned home after we had finished collecting all the rubbish.(添加状语从句) 8.He worked like a madman in the

3、 garden on Saturday. 在周日,他像疯子一样在花园里劳动. 9.给下列句子按要求添加状语从句(答案不是唯一的)_(条件) well not go out for a walk._(时间), I stopped eating. I worked_(时间)The country is not strong_(原因)You must speak louder _(目的)三、句子的多层扩写 句子的多层扩写与单层扩写的道理是一样的。 He is sleeping.(尝试添加状语,定语等)扩写句子时有一点很关键,即要划清句子的主要成分,并搞清单词的词性,如它是名词还是动词,是形容词还是副

4、词。按要求扩写下面的简单句(可以有不同答案)The boy is playing.1.加宾语2.加状语3.给主语加定语4.给宾语加定语课后巩固练习:1你看见在课桌上的书吗?2.在那边玩耍的男孩是我的弟弟。3.我们应该帮助生病的孩子4.多层次扩写下面的简单句 _Tom was watching TV.以下内容供提高学生掌握:1 Some students became worried.Seeing this, some students became very worried.(线在分词做状语,表示程度)2. He jumpedHearing the news, he jumped with j

5、oy.(现在分词做状语,表示时间)3Well try our best to help him.Moved by the story, well try our best to help him.(过去分词作状语,表示原因)Because we were moved by the story, well try our best to help him.4.We should study hard.- As we all know, “Practice makes perfect”. So we should study hard.(添加谚语)提高学生掌握:-使句子高档的方法方法1. 使用从句

6、或非谓语动词使句子高档(自己课前用所学知识把下列句子连接成一个句子,可以考虑用连词,非谓语,从句。 1. They arrived at the school. They felt the happy atmosphere. 2. I will be given another chance. I will succeed. 3. He wants to improve his English. He studies hard. 方法2. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力1.We can save the earth by changing the way we live. 2. The cloc

7、k tower stands on the other side of the street. 方法3. 尝试多样化表达方式In recent years, Beijing has been advancing very fast.All these make peoples lives convenient, pleasant and colorful.(1)_which_(2)With the development of _ (3)_so _ that_如何在内容上言之有物如何做到短话长说?、附加成分作解释说明方法添加与所给信息有关的前因后果及条件,目的等内容例一:这样更方便照顾父母。原

8、因It will be much more convenient to look after your Parents_例二:因广告过多, 影片放映晚点. 后果There were so many advertisements that they delayed the time of showing the film, _2. 举例说明 青少年应尽我们所能保护环境拯救地球We teenagers should do what we can to protect the environment and save the earth._3. 结尾提出倡议或号召珍惜每一滴水Therefore, w

9、e should no longer be indifferent about this. To protect our valuable water resources, we_简单句句子扩展练习(教师版)这个男孩是个学生答案:1 The hansom boy is a student.2 The boy in the room is a student.3 The boy there is a student.(副词做定语,只限于地点副词)4.The boy who is singing is a student.5 The boy playing basketball is a stud

10、ent.6 The boy laughed at is a student.7 The boy to be praised is a student. Practice If you are too tired, well not go out for a walk. When she came in, I stopped eating. I worked until he came back (The country is not strong because it is not large. You must speak louder so that /in order that you

11、can be heard by all.二、句子的多层扩写 He is sleeping. He is sleeping in class. He is sleeping soundly in the English class. He is sleeping soundly in the English class when the teacher calls his name. He, who attended his friends birthday party till midnight yesterday, is sleeping soundly in the English cla

12、ss when the teacher calls his name.1.加宾语 2.加状语 3.给主语加定语 4.给宾语加定语Have you seen the book on the desk ?The boy playing over there is my brother.The boy who is playing over there is my brother.3.我们应该帮助生病的孩子We should help the children who are ill. Arriving at the school, they felt the happy atmosphere.2.

13、 I will be given another chance. I will succeed.If I am given another chance, I will succeed.Given another chance, I will succeed.3. He wants to improve his English. He studies hard. In order to improve his English, he studies hard.方法2. 巧用倒装结构增强句子的表现力 Only by changing the way we live can we save the

14、 earth2. The clock tower stands on the other side of the street. On the other side of the street standsthe clock tower .(1)_ which_In recent years, Beijing has been advancing very fast, makes peoples lives convenient, pleasant Beijing, peoples lives are becoming more and more convenient, pleasant an

15、d colorful. Nowadays, Beijing is developing fast peoples lives are getting more convenient, pleasant and colorful.拓展:因为父母越来越年迈。 as they are getting older and older. 这导致观众不耐烦甚至恼火 。which made audience impatient and some of them even annoyed. For example, we can use recyclable bags instead of plastic bags, refuse to use single-use products, plant more trees and save water and energy.Therefore, we should no longer be indifferent about this. To protect our valuable water resources, we should call on people to cherish every drop of water. Otherwise, maybe the last drops of water will be our tears.

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