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1、初中英语阅读课教学流程与教学课例会昌实验学校 王久荣一、教学流程与操作要求 (一)、预习检查课前下发预习任务,主要是翻译词组与句子。其中不包括全部生词,让学生在阅读过程中还有猜测环节。(二)、课前热身设计与阅读内容相关的情境性活动,注意生词的复现,从而巩固生词。主要采取小组活动,这样既巩固了词汇,同时也为阅读做了铺垫。(三)、任务阅读1、读前活动(Pre-reading activities)学生可根据标题或课本中的插图猜测课文内容;教师可根据阅读材料设计判断正误题(TF),让学生先判断再速读课文检查。2、阅读活动(While- reading activities)(1)、速读(Fast r

2、eading)教师设计简单的任务。如Whats the article about? Who is Lucky? 或提供每段的小标题,让学生通过选择的形式放在正确的段落。还可设计简单的TF问题。引导学生通过跳读(获取特定信息的阅读)快速完成任务,从而整体理解文章大意。(2)、细读(Careful reading)任务设计:回答问题、选择题、填表、TF问题等;文字字面理解任务。包括学生找出重点词组句子,讨论理解。对于难以理解的知识点在导学案中体现。如:Being blind, deaf, unable to walk, or use your hands easily is something

3、that most people cannot imagine. 此句中 “being”是动名词做主语。谓语动词用单数。“that most people cannot imagine”是定语从句,修饰something。3、课后活动(Post reading activities)(1)、对文章观点及问题的讨论、复述、分角色表演,完成所写文章等。(2)、学生的总结(小组合作):学习所得,语言知识等。(3)、拓展阅读:老师可选择一篇或几篇相关内容的文章,设计任务,学生带任务阅读。这是对阅读技巧及语言知识的巩固性检查。(四)、拓展写作根据本课的阅读课文,可采用不同的形式:如仿写、提示性写作、变式

4、写作等。(五)、展示交流给学生展示和交流的时间和舞台,让每组学生展示自己的观点、方法、成果,自由的与老师、同学进行交流。(六)、归纳总结通过进行一系列的活动,让学生进行总结,形成一定的学习策略。(七)、达标检测针对学习内容,进行及时的练习,从而达到学以致用,扎实落实教学目标。Unit 7 Ill send you a photo of lucky. 阅读课导学案案例【学习目标】:1、 知识目标:理解掌握课本中出现的重点词句。2、 能力目标:掌握阅读和写作技巧。3、 情感目标:A:学生积极参加与他人合作和交流,培养合作精神。B:通过阅读文章,让学生学会遇到问题时的处理方法,并学会勇敢面对生活。【

5、 教学重难点】教学重点:理解掌握clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, bank 教学重难点:掌握阅读技巧,获取信息:理解掌握词组。一 自主先学 (一)试翻译下列短语.1. 立即,马上_2. 帮助某人解决困难_3.不能做某事_ 4. 使某人高兴起来_5. 我将寄给你一张Lucky的照片。_6. 我很感谢你资助“动物助手”。_二学习过程:1、检查预习情况。2、PresentationLook at the screen. Show some pictures and teach the new words: disab

6、led blind deaf donation appreciated unable.3、任务阅读(1)、Fast readingRead this letter quickly, then answer these questions.1. Is the article a letter or o note?2. Whats the article about?3. Who is Lucky? 4. Whats wrong with Liz?(2)、Careful reading Task 1Read paragraph 1 carefully, then answer these ques

7、tions.1. What is “Animal Helpers”? 2.What has Lucky done?Task 2Read paragraph 2 carefully, then fill in the blanks.Being _, _, _ to walk or use your hands easily is something that most people _ _. But there are many people who face these _, and I am one of them. Because I cant use my arms or legs we

8、ll, normal things like _the telephone, opening and _ doors or _things have always _difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of _said that she would like to _ me_. She said she _ talk to“_ _ to see if it would be _ for me to get a _trained dog. She also thought a dog might _ me_. I told her

9、 that I love animals and that Id love to have a dog.Task 3 Read the last three paragraphs, then write down T or F .1. After six weeks of training with a dog at “Animal Helpers”, Liz was able to bring him home. ( )2. Lucky is an amazing cat. ( )3. It s very important that this organization runs outof

10、 money. ( )4. Lucky is clever and even understands some difficult words like “upstairs ”. ( )(3)、 Post reading1. Use information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts.SubjectMiss LiLiz SmithLucky“Animal Helpers”Verbcan fetch trainsdonatedisObject/predicateunable to mov

11、e to “Animal Helpers”animals like lucky.things for disable people.2. Retellthe text.3.Summary: Let the students do it.点拨交流1. Id like to thank you for sending money to“Animal Helpers”, an organization set up to help disabled people.“Animal Helpers”动物助手,一个帮助残疾人而建立的组织。Thank sb. for 为而感谢某人e.g

12、._ _ for your flowers to me。谢谢你送的花。set up引导的是一个省去关系代词that的定语从句。e.g. Thomas has a lab _ _ _.汤姆有一个他自己建的实验室2. Being blind, deaf, unable to walk, or use your hands easily is something that most people cannot imagine.此句中 “being”是动名词做主语。谓语动词用单数。“that most people cannot imagine”是定语从句,,修饰something。3. Then o

13、ne day last year, a friend of mine said that she would like to help me out.Help out 意为 “使某人脱离困境”可分开使用。 e.g. Nobody _ me _when I lost my job.当我丢失工作时,没有一个人帮助我。4. You see, Im only able to have a “dog-helper” because of your kind donation! 此句中的be able to 意为 “能够做的事”, 可用can替换,主语为物时一般都使用can, can没有将来时和完成时,

14、也不能用于其他助动词后面, 所以常用be able to do 来替换。Because of 是介词短语, 表原因, 后面接名词或代词宾语。because 是连词, 词后常接从句。 e.g. (1) 昨天他没有到校是因为他病了。He didnt come to school yesterday _ he was _.(2)由于下雨,运动会被推迟了。The sports meeting has been put off _ _ the rain.(三)、拓展写作Write a short reply to Liz Smith. In your letter:1. Offer to help her more. 2. Say why you are able to help. 3. Say what you could do to help.Dear Liz,_

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