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Model Test 1Word下载.docx

1、C) cry D) moan3) Many difficulties have _ as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.A) risen B) raised C) arisen D) aroused4) If we were _the structure of the atom, it would be impossible for us to study nuclear physics.A) conscious of B) unaware of C) unconfident of D) ignorant of5) It i

2、s quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge.A) intensive B) expansiveC) extensive D) expensive6) Because of a dense fog the plane was _ for two hours.A) canceled B) postponed C) delayed D) prolonged7) A woman who _ the accident said that both cars were going at hig

3、h speed when they crashed.A) witnessed B) observedC) beheld D) glanced8) The leader of the two countries feel it desirable to _ funds from armaments(军备)to health and education.A) derive B) depriveC) dispatch D) divert9) _ attained a decisive victory in the hard-fought battle surprised us greatly.A)

4、That they B) Because they C) It is they that D) They10) The workers demanded that their wages _ by 10 percentA) raised B) raising C) be raised D) be raising11) The neighbours do not consider him quite _ as most evenings he awakens them with his drunken singing.A) respected B) respectfulC) respective

5、 D) respectable12) You will find it worthwhile to keep _ good terms with the supervisor of your department.A) at B) on C) in D) to13) Once we were out of the traffic jam, we were able to _ our normal speed.A) repeat B) drive C) retain D) resume 14) Only by chance _ that both her parents were killed

6、in a car accident.A) did I hear B) had I heard C) I heard D) I had heard15) _ there is no short cut in other subjects, there is none in English either.A) Like B) Just like C) Just as D) As16) They were very emotional at that moment and could not talk about the matter like _ people.A) genuine B) rati

7、onalC) sensitive D) intelligent17) In order to wait on a customer, the two waitresses had to _ the conversation.A) set out B) set offC) break out D) break off18) We had _ that we took a walk almost every day at that time.A) so beautiful days B) very beautiful daysC) too beautiful days D) such beauti

8、ful days 19) The students study hard to _ the expectations of the college authorities.A) live by B) live up toC) live with D) live through20) Watching football match is one thing, but playing skillfully yourself is _. A) another B) another one C) the other D) the other one21) Enterprises jointly own

9、ed by Chinese and foreign investors are quite _ about the qualifications of their employees. A) confidential B) particular C) optional D) drastic22) The bank wont lend you the money without some _ that you will pay it back.A) profit B) guarantee C) interest D) charge23) Reading ability in English is

10、 _ through practice.A) required B) inquired C) acquired D) received24) Will you _ my luggage while I go away for a while?A) notice B) observe C) watch D) glance25) In the _ of evidence, the police could not take action against him.A) shortage B) absence C) lack D) presence26) _ monkey is several yea

11、rs old _ it begins to show sighs of independence from its mother.A) It is not until when B) It is not until thenC) It is not until as D) It is not until that27) The factory, with all the machines and products, _ burnt down last night.A) were B) was C) has been D) had been28) Very little time _ to fi

12、nish the work if we had had the right method to do it.A) would be needed B) would have been neededC) will be needed D) was needed29) I consider it an honor _ to give a speech in your university.A) be invited B) being invitedC) to have been invited D) to have invited30) They all thought I did wrong b

13、ut the results _ my action.A) justified B) supported C) approved D) benefited Part II Reading Comprehension (50%)Section A Multiple Choice There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B),

14、 C), and D). You should choose one best answer and then write your choice on the Answer Sheet.Passage One When a mother expects her child to go to college, the child is less likely to drop out of school than a kid with no such parental hopes. Moms expectation is thus a form of social capital that in

15、creases the childs chances for future success. “Social capital, at its core, is about the value created by fostering connections between individuals,” writes Eric L.Lesser, editor of Knowledge and Social Capital, a collection of essays on the impact of social capital on people and organizations. In

16、families, the quality of social capital depends on the physical presence of adults and the level of attention they give to their children. A divorced father who has little contact with his son may not maintain enough of a relationship to build social capital for the family; this shortfall(不足) could

17、increase the likelihood that his son will drop out of high school. A mother who purchases a second copy of her daughters textbook to study herself, so that she can help her child excel in school, creates a high level of social capital. Within an organization, a strong network of relationships can cr

18、eate social capital by fostering shared company values and traditions, and teamwork. Longer-term connections among employeeswhat the late sociologist James Loleman called “dense relationships”can build trust and understanding among people, freeing them to take creative risks. “The strength of these

19、ties makes possible transactions in which trustworthiness is taken for granted and trade can occur with ease, according to Coleman. Informal connections among employees can be especially effective in building social capital. Even a small number of people who share common experience can create larger

20、 networks within an organization to more effectively solve work problems, share resources and knowledge, and master new technology. These “communities practice” can be indispensable for new employees who are looking for knowledgeable guides within the company to help them succeed in their new positi

21、ons. Social capital plays an important management role for knowledge-based organizations: It helps to create the climate of mutual trust, respect, and obligation that allows people to readily share documents, contribute knowledge, and understand the value of co-workers contributions. “While technolo

22、gy can facilitate the management of explicit knowledge, it is social capital that truly impacts the effectiveness of such efforts,” writes Lesser.31. Social capital means _.A) investment in human relations B) investment in childrens education C) investment in companys networkD) investment in human r

23、esource32. According to the passage, in which situation, is a child more likely to drop out of school?A) If the parents have expectation of his/her future education.B) If the child is from a single-parent family.C) If the parents have little contact with him/her.D) If the mother or father helps the

24、child to study better.33. A strong network of relationships in an organization means _.A) groups with the same traditions and interests whose members like to spend spare time together B) strong ties among employees which can lead to trust and cooperationC) an inner Internet which can provide various

25、 working opportunities for employees.D) teams which will share the profits made through their common efforts34. Social capital is important because _.A) It can facilitate the management of explicit knowledgeB) It will make possible the share of profits among employeesC) It will make the group purcha

26、ses possibleD) It will help the mutual trust and respect among people35. Social capital can be built through all of the following EXCEPT _.A) parents care about their childrenB) informal connections among employeesC) shielding each other among employeesD) shared company values and traditionsPassage

27、Two In managing information resources, the medium may be the key to an effective system. The medium is a vehicle, a tool, or a container for holding information; the information itself is the thing of value. Three popular categories of information media are paper, film, and electronic storage device

28、s. The media choice must not be viewed as a choice among these three, however; it must be viewed as an opportunity to select from a multitude of media possibilities in combinations that build effective systems. In many instances the person responsible for information resource management is not the p

29、erson who determines the medium in which information will be created. In such a case, the manager of a films information resources faces a challenge in making a significant contribution to the organizations objectives. For effective management of information resources, media conversion may be necessary. Examples include keying or scanning paper documents to convert them to electronic media. Other processes convert electronic media from

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