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1、s Geraldine? 傑拉丁在哪 Shes gone. She didnt belong here. 她走了 她不屬於這裏 Its all Wanda. 都是旺達做的s all Wanda. 漫威s all Wanda. 影業 Sweet, sweet Tommy, dont you wanna sleep? 好湯米啊 你不想睡覺嗎 Mommy wants to sleep. 媽媽想睡覺 If you go to sleep, 如果你肯睡覺 我保證 I promise you will be my favorite twin. 你就是雙胞胎裏我更喜歡的那個 Oh, come on now,

2、 darling. 好了 親愛的 You know we love them both equally. 你知道我對他們的愛是一樣的 Well, dont tell him that. 別跟他說啊 No luck with Billy? 比利也不睡嗎 Tried reading to him, but for some reason, 我試過給他讀書 不知爲何 Charles Darwins The Descent of Man made him cry even harder. 查爾斯達爾文的人類的起源讓他哭得更響了 Care to dance, darling? 想跳舞嗎 親愛的s alm

3、ost like were on a date. 我們簡直像是在約會 Keep it down, lads, I was about to get my leg over. 小點聲 夥計們 我要有豔福了 Vis? 小幻 Would you mind grabbing their binkies? 你可以去拿他們的奶嘴嗎 Course not. Binkies all round, I think. 當然 我看兩個都需要奶嘴 Now, I know parents arent supposed to take shortcuts, 我知道家長不該耍賴 but I think this situa

4、tion calls for one, dont you? 但我覺得眼下的情況是迫不得已了 是吧 So, go to sleep, my babies. 好吧 睡吧 寶貝們 And go to sleep. 睡吧 Well, I dont think its very funny. 這可不好玩 Why wont you do what I want? 你們怎麼不肯聽我話 Whats that, dear? 你說什麼 親愛的 That is not where those go! 那個纔不能插那裏呢 Noise cancelation is not their primary function?

5、 消除噪音不是它們的主要功能嗎 Look, I think its. 我覺得成. What are we doing wrong? 我們做錯了什麼 Oh, dont worry, dear. Well figure it out. 別擔心 親愛的 我們會解決的 Perhaps we all need more time to get to know one another. 或許我們都需要更多時間來熟悉彼此 Maybe. Or maybe we just need some help. 或許吧 或許我們是需要幫助 Hiya, kids! 好啊 孩子們 Oh, Agnes! 艾格妮絲 Agnes

6、, I was just fluffing this pillow. With my face. 艾格妮絲 我剛剛正在用我的臉拍這個靠墊 Oh, I was just on my way to Jazzercise 我正準備去做爵士健美操 when I heard your new little bundles of joy 可我聽說你新生的小可愛 were on a sleep strike. 不肯睡覺 - Who told you that? - Uh, my ears. -誰告訴你的 -我的耳朵 Anyway, Auntie Agnes is here 反正 艾格妮絲阿姨來了 and I

7、ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve. 我知道些訣竅 Agnes, youre a lifesaver. 艾格妮絲 你真救我命了 Very well. But be careful of their belly buttons 那好吧 但小心他們的肚臍 and remember to support their heads, 記得托住他們的頭 and when was the last time you washed. 你上次洗手是什麼時候了 Actually, you know what? It would be. 其實 還是. Just. Maybe

8、 we better not. 我們還是別了 Do you want me to take that again? 你要我再來一次嗎 Im sorry? 什麼 You want me to hold the babies. 你要我抱寶寶的 Should we just take it from the top? 我們要從頭再來一遍嗎 What?t be silly. 別傻了 Vision, lets. Lets let Agnes give it a try. 幻視 讓艾格妮絲試試吧 Fussy babies, meet buns of steel. 可愛寶寶 看看這鋼鐵般的屁股 We dar

9、e you to stay awake. 你們敢不敢一直不睡 Wanda. 旺達 What was that about? 剛剛怎麼回事 What was what? 什麼怎麼回事 What was what? That, that with Agnes just now. 什麼怎麼回事 剛剛艾格妮絲那一出 Well, I think she just got confused for a moment. 我覺得她就是有一下犯糊塗了 She seems fine now. 她現在好像沒事了 But what she said, the way she looked at you. 但她說的話

10、她看你的眼神 How did she look at me? 她怎麼看我了 Well, I didnt. 我不知. Lavender. Its supposed to have a calming effect. 薰衣草 據說有安撫的效力 Ralph sprays it on me every night. 拉夫每晚都往我身上噴 But theres no taming this tiger. What? 但本母老虎沒人可以馴服 是吧s so strange. 好奇怪啊 Thats not fair. 這不公平s not Agness fault that she has an unusual

11、ly high libido. 艾格妮絲性慾異常旺盛又不能怪她 Wanda? 旺達 Did you really not see what I saw? 你真沒看到我看到的嗎 Dont mind me. Im just looking for your dark liquor. 別介意 我就是在找你的烈酒 - What? - Not for me. -什麼 -不是給我 For the twins. What kind of babysitter do you think I am? 給雙胞胎的 你們當我是什麼樣的保姆啊m just gonna go and check in there. 我去

12、那裏看看 Vision, the boys havent slept in days. 幻視 兒子們好幾天沒睡覺了 You and I both need a break 你和我都需要休息一下了 and Agnes is just being neighborly, thats all. 艾格妮絲只是想做個好鄰居罷了 Do you hear that? 你聽到了嗎 Hear what? 聽到什麼 Absolutely nothing. 什麼聲音都沒有 They finally fell asleep. 他們可算睡了 Theyre empty. 嬰兒牀空了 Then where are the

13、twins? 雙胞胎哪去了 - Mommy? - Daddy? -媽媽 -爸爸 Kids. 孩子啊 You cant control em. 你管不住他們 No matter how hard you try. 不管你多努力 Well, hi! 你們好啊 How are you doing, baby? 你還好嗎 寶貝 - Yeah. - Yeah. -嗯 -嗯 - Yeah. - Yeah. 西景的問候fn方正综艺简体fs14 You wander the world with a vision Of what life could be 你漫遊世界 幻想生活的可能 fn方正综艺简体fs14

14、 You wander the world with a vision Of what life could be 新澤西 西景fn方正综艺简体fs14 But then the years come and teach you To just wait and see 但年歲讓你明白 只需要等着瞧 fs34旺達馬克西莫夫 主演fn方正综艺简体fs14 Forces may try to pull us apart 可能有力量想拆散我們 fn方正综艺简体fs14 But nothing can phase me If youre in my heart 但只要你在心中 我什麼都不怕 fs34幻

15、視 和fn方正综艺简体fs14 Crossing our fingers, singing a song 祈禱祝福 唱起歌謠 fn方正综艺简体fs14 Were making it up as we go along 我們邊走邊看 fn方正综艺简体fs14 Through the highs and the lows 經歷跌宕起伏 ll be right, well be wrong 有對 有錯 fs34湯米 向您介紹fn方正综艺简体fs14 And there will be days 有些日子 fn方正综艺简体fs14 We wont know which way to go 我們會感到前

16、路迷茫 fs34比利! 和fn方正综艺简体fs14 But well take it higher 但我們會繼續高飛 fn方正综艺简体fs14 Youre all I desire 你是我想要的一切 fn方正综艺简体fs14 When the going gets tough 當日子艱難 fn方正综艺简体fs14 When push comes to shove 當關鍵時刻到來 re making it up 我們邊走邊看 fn方正综艺简体fs14 Cause we got love 因爲我們相愛 fn方正综艺简体fs14 We got love 我們相愛 fn方正综艺简体fs14 Baby,

17、 we got. 親愛的 我們有 fn方正综艺简体fs14 WandaVision 旺達幻視 視 旺集 第s the first thing you do remember? 你記得的第一件事是什麼 Pain. 痛苦 And then, Wandas voice in my head. 然後 腦子裏響起旺達的聲音 Did you try to resist? 你抵抗了嗎 There was this feeling keeping me down. 有種感覺抑制着我 This hopeless feeling. 一種無助感 Like drowning. 像淹溺 Like drowning. 光

18、子瑪利亞蘭博 It was grief. 是悲痛 You can sit up now. 你可以坐起來了 Great. 好啊 So am I cleared? 我沒事了嗎 Once I get a look at these. 等我看看這些s my uniform? 我的制服呢 In analysis. 在分析 Mighty glad to have you back, Captain. 你回來太好了 上尉 How you feeling? 你感覺怎麼樣 Like myself. 像我自己 Well, thank heavens for that. 那謝天謝地了 Uh, whats the l

19、atest? 最新情況怎麼樣了 Theres a briefing in ten. Pants are encouraged. 十分鐘後有簡報 最好穿褲子 - Thank you. - This is Dr. Darcy Lewis. -謝謝 -這是達西劉易斯博士s the one who discovered the broadcast. 是她發現了放送信號 - Im. - Monica. I know. Um, big fan. -我是 -莫妮卡 我知道 我是大粉絲 Were gonna need to take these again. 我們需要再拍一次s something wrong

20、 with the machine. 機器不太對勁 Those are blank. 那是空白的 Like I said. 我說了 Well, what about her labs? 她的實驗室分析呢 I need another blood draw. 我得再抽一次血 No, no, no. Were done here. 不不 我們到此爲止吧 She does that. See you at the briefing. 她就會這樣 簡報見 Morning. 早 We are now assessing a clear picture of this crisis. 我們現在對危機有清晰

21、評估了 And thanks to Captain Rambeau, 多虧蘭博上尉 we now have first-person intel 我們現在有西景異常現象 from inside the Westview Anomaly. 內部的第一手情報 Our initial theory had Wanda Maximoff 我們最初猜測旺達馬克西莫夫 as one of many victims. 也是受害者之一 We now know she is the principal victimizer. 我們現在知道她是主要施害者 Jimmy. 吉米 Quick history on ou

22、r subject. 讓大家簡單瞭解一下我們的目標 Born in Sokovia in 1989 to Irina and Oleg Maximoff, 1989年出生於索科威亞 父母是艾莉娜和奧列格遭到襲擊 索科威亞 both killed during an air raid 雙雙死於空襲 when Maximoff and her twin brother, Pietro, were ten. 馬克西莫夫和她的雙胞胎哥哥皮特當時十歲 The twins were subsequently radicalized, 這對雙胞胎兄妹便成了激進分子 volunteering at HYDRA

23、. 主動加入了九頭蛇s an oversimplification of events, but, yes. 這麼形容此後的一系列事件有些輕描淡寫 不過沒錯 After unspecified experimentation with the Mind Stone, 在用意識寶石進行不明實驗後 Maximoff gained telekinetic and telepathic abilities. 馬克西莫夫獲得了隔空取物和心靈操控的能力 Back up, Jimmy. Does Maximoff have an alias? 倒回去 吉米 馬克西莫夫有假名嗎 - No, sir. - No

24、 funny nickname? -沒有 長官 -沒有什麼奇怪的綽號嗎 Not a one. 一個都沒有 And earliest tracking had her using her powers against the Avengers. 早期記錄顯示她曾用她的超能力對抗復仇者們 Is that correct? 對嗎 Right before she earned their trust and became one herself. 後來她獲取了他們的信任 也成爲了他們中一員 Lagos and Germany, we all know how that turned out. 拉各斯

25、 德國 我們都知道後來的結局 Lagos and Germany, we all know how that turned out. 旺達馬克西莫夫 在逃恐怖分子 Thanks, Jimmy. 謝謝你 吉米 Now that we have the lay of the land, 我們現在瞭解情況了 lets talk about strategy. 該討論戰術了 - It is the policy. - I try not to speak ill of people. -政策要求. -我儘量不說人壞話 Then allow me. Haywards a. 那我來說 海沃德就是個. .t

26、errorists. 恐怖分子 Wandas not a terrorist. 旺達不是恐怖分子 By your own account, you described the experience 根據你的描述 你稱遭到 of being under her mind-control as 她的精神控制是Excruciating, terrifying, a violation.折磨 可怕 受侵犯的 Wanda, whats up? 旺達 你好嗎 And now that Ive gone all corporate. 現在我是大公司白領了 My point is, I dont believe she has a political agenda 我的意思是 我認爲她沒有政治訴求 or any inclination toward destruction. 以及造成毀滅的傾向 Monica, she blasted you halfway across New Jersey. 莫妮卡 她把你炸出了半個新澤西 And I survived because she chose to protect me. 我還活着 因爲她選擇護住了我s holding thousands of pe

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