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1、Here, we wish to introduce two possible sets of signs to jot down figures speedily: (1) Using commas (,), each representing one group of three naughts. For example, “forty thousand” can be represented by “40,”; “seven million” can be represented by “7,”. (2) Resorting to “th”, “m”, “b” and “tr”, res

2、pectively representing “thousand”, “million”, “billion” and “trillion”. For example, “forty thousand” can be represented by “40 th”; “seven million” can be represented by “7m”.3. Interpreting Cardinal NumbersIt is easy to interpret numbers below one hundred because there is a regular set of numerals

3、 in English. Equivalents of the Chinese “百” and “千” can be found in English, i.e. “hundred” and “thousand”. However, since there are not equivalent cardinal numbers of “万” and “十万” in English, figures involving five and six digits must be interpreted with caution. There is an equivalent cardinal num

4、ber of “百万” in English, which is “million”. But no English equivalents can be found for “千万” and “亿”. So, in interpretation, we must convert “千万” into “ten million” and “亿” into “one hundred million”. The Chinese “十亿” is “a billion” in American English. But in British English, it must be converted i

5、nto “one thousand million”. 4. Interpreting Fractions Fractions are composed of the numerator and the denominator. Cardinal numbers are used for the numerator while ordinal numbers are used for the denominator. When the numerator is one, the denominator is read in its singular form. If the numerator

6、 is not one, the plural form should be used for the denominator. In case the numerator and the denominator are big numbers, both are pronounced as cardinal numbers, but they are joined by the word “over” in between. For example, 23/75 is read as “23 over 75”. The full number in the fraction is read

7、as a cardinal number and is connected by the word “and” with the fraction number. 5. Interpreting DecimalsThe decimal point is pronounced as “point”. All the numerals after the decimal point are read one by one as ordinary cardinal numbers. For example, “3.25” is read as “ three point two five”.Proc

8、edures: 1. Cardinals, fractions, decimals and percentages For cardinal numbers, ask students to familiarize themselves with the conversion of numbers between Chinese and English, which is always a big headache for interpreters since Chinese adopts a four-digit system while English adopts a three-dig

9、it system. Also note that “and” is not used after hundreds in American English. For fractions, students should not only know how to deal with the interpreting of fractions with small denominators, but also fractions with large denominators. In the latter case, “over” is usually used before the denom

10、inator and after the numerator to express the fraction more clearly. For decimals, students should pay attention to three points: 1) the zero immediately before the decimal point can be omitted when spoken; 2) numbers after the decimals are spoken separately; 3) the zero following decimal point is s

11、poken as “o”, the same as the letter of the alphabet. Skills: Interpreting figures I (Figures switching)I. Instructors explanation-difference between Chinese and English figuresFigure interpreting constitutes a highly difficult problem to beginners. This is because Chinese and English have different

12、 ways of expressing numbers. In Chinese, we have a series of numerical characters to express particular figure, e.g. 十、百、千、万、百万、千万、亿、十亿, which are actually the multiples of “十”. But in English, there are no equivalents of “万” and “亿”. Relevant figures have to be converted on the basis of “thousand”,

13、 “million” and “billion”. As a result, interpreter trainees often feel handicapped in their desperate attempt to make the conversions. Another reason is that figure, which are illogical in nature, are extremely difficult to remember. No matter how good an interpreters memory is, he/she cannot expect

14、 to memorize all figures, especially big ones. It is obvious that without prior training, one can hardly avoid making mistakes. Only through intensive training can we achieve proficiency in handling this problem. -熟记几个基本单位的转换1万=ten thousand10万=one hundred thousand100万=one million1000万=ten million1亿=

15、one hundred million10亿=one billion-掌握记录方法。在口译过程中,如果遇上数字(尤其是多位数的数字)频繁出现,单靠大脑记忆就不够了,这时需要笔记来辅助记忆。将阿拉伯数字与中文和英文数字单位结合起来用。-除了记下数字本身以外,更重要的是确保记住与数字有关的内容,即 “What is the number about?”。如果光是记下数字,而忘了这个数字是关于什么的,那么这个数字就没有任何意义了。-数字由于没有逻辑意义,不能通过理解来推理,所以在必须一次记准确,这就要求译者对两种语言表达数字的方式十分熟悉,要能做到听到一个数字就能即时正确译出,近乎机械反映。在练习的

16、时候要清楚的知道每一位数字在译入语中相对的表达,这样才能在记下数字后很快的确定第一位数字的位置以迅速正确地翻译。要如此,在练习的时候要不厌其烦,不断增加数字的长度,反复对译。-另外尤其要注意数字出现零的情况,避免陷阱。Expressions:达到 reach, total, number, total, peak at, bein total占%: account for, take up; constitute; make up上升:rise, increase, climb, jump, skyrocket, augment, up下降: fall, drop, decline, decr

17、ease, precipitate, down 稳定/波动: level out/off, remain stable, fluctuate, stand/stay at, to reach a peak 例子:3亿8千6百24万零80(386million 240thousand and 80)一百五十万零八千(one million five hundred and eight thousand; 1.508m)六十二亿二千九百八十四万五千(six billion two hundred twenty-nine million eight hundred and forty five th

18、ousand; 6b, 229m.845 th)出生率 birth rate增长率 growth rate死亡率 mortality rate分别由1990年的2.106%和1.439%下降到1997年的1.657%和1.006%, dropped from 2.106% and 1.439% in 1990 to 1.657% and 1.006% in 1998 respectively3.1 数字口译简介 (15分钟)(1) 万,十万,百万,千万,亿,十亿,百亿,千亿(2) 倍数:is x times as much as=is x times larger than (3) 动词:达到

19、;上升,下降(4) 记录:英-中:千=,百万=,十亿=:50,230, 146071.英语数字分段法:* 第一段位:one ten hundred* 第二段位: thousand ten thousand hundred thousand* 第三段位: million ten million hundred million* 第四段位: billion ten billion* 第五段位: trillion2.汉语数字分段法:个 十 百 千万 十万 百万 千万亿 十亿 百亿 千亿兆(万亿)3. 英汉数字对比Arabic English Chinese1 One 一10 Ten 十100 One

20、 hundred 一百1,000 one thousand 一千10,000 ten thousand 一万100,000 one hundred thousand 十万1,000,000 one million 一百万10,000,000 ten million 一千万100,000,000 one hundred million 一亿1,000,000,000 one billion 十亿10,000,000,000 ten billion 一百亿100,000,000,000 one hundred billion 一千亿1,000,000,000,000 one trillion 一兆

21、(万亿)* 英语在数字超过千以后,以“thousand” 的倍数来表达。百万以上的数字则用“百万”的倍数表达。比如: 一万(十千) ten thousand 十万 (百千) hundred thousand 百万 million 千万(十百万) ten million 亿(百百万) hundred million 十 亿 billion * Model 12.上百万的数字最简便的表达法是把百万以后的数字用point 多少表达。如: 396 万 3.96 million 3,965 万 39.65 million 3 亿 3,9650万 396.5 million 3. 10 亿(billion

22、)以上的数字“百亿”为“十十亿”: 129亿 12.9 billionUnit 5 Population (II) Interpreting figures II II. Expressions-Interpreting Indefinite Numbers (不确定数字)1. Interpreting Approximate Numbers (大约)CH: 约、大约、大概、来、左右ENG: about, around, roughly, approximately, some, more or less, in the neighborhood of , or so, or thereabo

23、ut, in the rough2. Interpreting Numbers Smaller than Round Numbers (少于) 少于、低于、不到、不及、不足、以下 fewer than, less than, under, below, within3. Interpreting Numbers with the Meaning of “Nearly” (将近) 近、快、将近、几乎、差不多、差一点儿、差一点儿不到 nearly, almost, toward, close on4. Interpreting Indefinite Numbers Which Mean “More

24、 Than”(多于) 多于、大于、高于、超过、多、以上 more than, over, above, upwards of, and more, odd, and odd5. Interpreting Numbers Which Are Between Particular Numbers (介于) 到、至、介于之间 from to , (anywhere) between and Interpreting Indefinite Numbers (不确定数字)* two miles or so; some thirty persons; more or less forty pages;* round about eight oclock; somewhere about four provinces* 十

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