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新仁爱版七上《U2T2 What does she look likeB》教案.docx

1、新仁爱版七上U2T2 What does she look likeB教案Topic 2 What does she look likeSection B. Material analysis本节课主要活动是1a和2。进一步学习询问人物外貌特征的表达方法“What does he/she look like?同时学习把某物给某人“give sth. to sb.= give sb. sth.; 交际语言: Sorry, I dont know her. Oh, I see. Ill give it to her.等;另外,还将综合复习颜色、身体部位类单词以及询问国籍和描述他人外貌特征的表达法。

2、语音板块将学习字母l, w和组合wh的发音规则。. Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够掌握并应用新学习的单词: give, letter, sorry, like, tall, will, young等; 能够用英语询问和描述人物外貌特征的表达方法: She is tall and she has short brown hair;能够用英语询问人物外貌特征的表达方法:What does she look like?初步了解辅音字母l/ w/ wh 的读音规则。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问人物外貌特征的表达方式; 能运用表示询问人物外貌特征的表达方式进行简

3、单的交流; 能根据图片内容口头做对话; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确书写和使用新学习的单词。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践; 能够认真、标准地书写单词; 能够培养学生善于观察周围人或物的能力。. The key points and difficult points Key points 正确使用英语描述人物外貌特征的表达法:She is tall and she has short brown hair;正确使用表示询问人物外貌特征的表达方法:What does she look like?.正确使用实义动词:have /has及其

4、否认形式dont/doesnt have。 正确使用助动词:do/does。 Difficult points 正确使用实义动词:have /has,特别是have的第三人称单数否认形式; 助动词do/does的应用; 能够掌握由What引导的询问人物外貌特征的表达法;辅音字母l/ w/ wh 的读音规则。. Learning strategies 能培养借助图片听说的习惯。. Teaching aids 录音机、教学挂图、闪卡和黑板。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityInt

5、roduction(6minutes)1.The whole classwork.2.Individual work.3.The whole class work.4.Individual work.1.Students greet with the teacher: Good morning, Miss Chen.2.Do 3. Students answer the question one by one: Its red. Its white. Its blue.3.Students answer the question: He is from Cuba.4.The student d

6、escribes: He has brown hair and black eyes.1.The teacher greets with students: Good morning, boys and girls.2.Show the first picture of 3, then ask the question: What color is it? Point at the flag and ask students to answer the question one by one.3.Ask the next question: Where is he from? 4.Ask: W

7、hat does he look like? 老师解释:他长什么样?Let one student describe the boy.(老师以相同的方式呈现以下三幅图片)Presentation(12minutes)1.Pair work.2.The whole classwork and individual work.3.The whole classwork and individual work.4.Pair work.1.Do 1a. Students ask and answer in pairs:A:What does she look like? B: She has2.Rea

8、d the word after the teacher; Some students make some examples with: give sth. to sb./ give sb sth. 3.Students listen to the tape and pay attention to the question; One student answers the question: To Maria;Then all students follow the tape.4.Students read the dialogue in pairs;And two pairs act ou

9、t the dialogue.1.Show a picture of Maria, then let students describe the picture in pairs.2.Show a letter to students and says:“Here is a letter for Maria. Then teach the word “letter for several times; The teacher then says: “Please give the letter to her. (老师做出相应的动作并解释give sth. to sb.= give sb sth

10、) Let students make some examples.3.Play the tape and ask students to pay attention to the question: Whom is the letter to? Play the tape; Then choose one student to answer the question; Then the teacher let students listen and follow the tape. Pay attention to “Sorry, I dont know her. Oh, I see.4.G

11、ive students 2 minutes to read the dialogue in pairs;Choose two pairs to act out the dialogue.Consolidation (10minutes)1. Individual work.2.Pair work.3.Group work, individual work and pair work.1.Do 1b. Students read and fill in the blanks and one student checks the answer.2.Do 1c. Read 1a and make

12、up a new conversation in pairs; Two pairs share their conversations.3.Do 2. Learn the new words and describe the pictures in groups; Then match the descriptions with the pictures; With the help of teacher, students check the number;Then ask and answer in pairs.A:What does the young woman/old man/boy

13、/girl look like?B: 1.Let student read the dialogue and fill in the blanks by themselves. Choose one student to check the answer.2.Let students read 1a again and make up a new conversation in pairs; Choose two pairs to show their conversations.3.Teach the new words: young, man, women; Then show the p

14、ictures of 2 and let students match the descriptions with the pictures one by one注意提醒have的第三人称单数否认形式; Check the the answer;Give students some time to ask and answer in pairs. Practice (11minutes)1.The whole classwork and individual work.2.The whole classwork and group work.3.Individual work and the

15、whole class work.1.Do 4. Read after the teacher for several times; Read the four questions and try to answer them;Listen and write down answers to the four questions;Listen again and check the answers by themselves;At last, students color the picture by themselves.2. Do SectionA4a.Students read the word letter together and read the other words after the teacher; Work in groups and make a summary about the pronunciation of l.3.Do Section A4b. Read them by themselves; And some students read the ph

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