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1、名人轶事;用法:anecdote后可接of, about, concerning或in regard to,引出“轶事涉及的内容”。如:He listened to this anecdote about the Presidents childhood.练习:She told me some_about how people always took her for her twin sister when they made an appearance for a show. A. anecdotes B. assessments C. Assistance D. frameworksane

2、cdote_ our English teacher. A.of B.for C.about D.with He has a talent _ recollection andanecdote. A.of B.for C.about D. in Healsoservesup by farthebest_the real workingsofstatecapitalism. A.of B.for C.over D.about 352.applicant的用法applicant (n) 申请人、请求者;He gave every newapplicantthe once-over.他匆匆地看一下每

3、一个新来的申请人。As the wage of the job was low, there were fewapplicantsfor it.因为工资低,没有什么人申请这份工作。.The jobmust have good verbal skills.应聘这份工作的人必须具有良好的语言表达技能。applicant for a loan借款人;applicant for the credit开证申请人;job applicant求职人员;an applicant for Party membership入党申请人;applicant后接for,表示“的申请人”。 She is a hopefu

4、l applicant for the position.The secretary arranged a(n) _time and place for the applicants to have an interview. A.important B.spare C.public D.convenientSo what is the procedure?All the applicants _before a final decision is made by the authority. A.interview B.are interviewing C.are interviewed D

5、.are being interviewedJohn Smith is the New York Times _ at Beijing. A. resident B. correspondent C. ambassador D. applicant The enterprise is an_ this credit. A.of B.for D.with Many personnel managers say it is getting harder and harder to_ honest applicants from the growing number of dishones

6、t ones. A. dissolve B. discount C. disguise D. distinguish353. artificial的用法artificial人造的、人工的、假的、做作的;This orange drink contains noartificialflavourings.这种橙汁饮品不含人工调味料。This dress is made offibers.这件衣服是人造纤维的。She welcomed us with ansmile on her face.她脸上挂着虚委的笑容来迎接我们。Hermanner made me sick.她那装腔作势的样子令我恶心。a

7、rtificial rainfall人工降雨;an artificial earth satellite人造地球卫星;artificial fertilizer化肥;artificial limb假肢;artificial teeth假牙; artificial后接介词to,表示“在某人看来是虚假的,不自然”。The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette, which may seem artificial to foreigners.artificial指非自然环境所产生,在某种意义上为人类所创造的东西;也用于与自然物相对照的人工物;形容人时则指其言

8、谈举止做作或拘谨。artificial作“人工的;人造的”“虚假的;不真挚的”解时不用于比较等级。It is wrong to regard all slow students as_troublemakersit is only a minority of them who are responsible for the fight. A. potential B. artificial C. conventional D. constantAll units of measurement are _, because space, time, weight, and other dimen

9、sions are not naturally divided into units. A. objective B. traditional C. artificial D. controversialI was fitted antooth _ the dentist. A. for D.with The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette, which may seem_ foreigners. A.for C.of There were some _ flowers on the table. A. a

10、rtificial B. unnatural C. false D. unrealThe ships generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated _ instead of mechanically. A. manually B. automatically C. artificially D. synthetically She likes the _ flower instead of the natural one. A. article B.adventure C.ancient D.artificial354. asso

11、ciation的用法association (n)社团、联合、友谊;Have you joined the teachersassociation?你加入教师协会了吗?About 20 people have registered in theassociation.大约有20人已登记加入这一协会。Horwath refers to Horwath InternationalAssociation, a Swiss verein.浩华是指浩华国际协会,为一个根据瑞士法律所组成的社团组织。Whatassociationdo you have with the color green?绿色会使你产

12、生什么联想?establish an association建立协会;form an association结社;have an association with与有交往;bring up an association引起联想;alumni association校友会;association of enterprises企业集团;association of ideas联想;association with与的联系;an association of ideas联想; association后接with,表示“与某人或某事联系”。 His English benefited through

13、his long association with British children.association在句中用作主语时,其谓语动词的数视其着眼点不同可使用单数形式或复数形式。association也可作“联合,结合,交往”解,后常接with引导的短语;association引申可作“联想”解,还可作“因果关系”解。There existed an obvious _between the accounts of the witnesses, so a judgment was not announced in court. A.association B.authority C.conf

14、lict D.restrictionThese decisions will have a vital _ on their attitude towards the West. A. connection B. association C. bearing D. referenceSurely it doesnt matter where the student associations get their money from; what _ is what they do with it. A.counts B.applies C.stresses D.functionsI benefi

15、ted a lot from my_ him. A.for B. of C. on D.with They are building the dam in _ with another firm. A. comparison B. association C. touch D. tuneResearchers at the University of Illinois determined that the _of a father can help improve a childs grades. A.involvement B. association C.intetaction D. c

16、ommunication 355. attain的用法attain (v)达到、获得、取得;We canattainwhatever goal we set in our mind.我们设定了什么目标,就能实现什么目标。We should be able tothat goal.我们应该能够实现这个目标。The countryattainedits independence in 1972.这个国家在1972年获得了独立。Im determined tomy purpose at any cost.我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。She pulls every string tothe end.她

17、想尽一切办法来达到目的。attain ones goal达到目的;attain the top of a hill到达山顶;attain to manhood达到成年时期;attain to达到,获得;attain to distinction出名;attain to mans estate达到成年;attain to power得到权力;attain作动词,后接介词to,表示达到的程度或地位。This plant attains to a height of 10 ft. 用作vt与作vi加to,有时可通用,一般说来,在表示“目的、理想、愿望”等的词前用attain;在表示“权力、繁荣、名望

18、、知识、智慧”等的词前用attain to;在表示“年龄”等词前,两者都可。India attained _independence in 1947, after _long struggle. A.不填;a B. the; a C. an;不填 D. an; the They lack sufficient resources to _ their campaign for long. A. sustain B. contain C. retain D. attainThe committee _ a conclusion after four days of heated discussi

19、on. A. achieved B. attained C. arrived D. reachedThe cheetah canspeeds of _ 97 kph. A. to B.up to C. over to D.into Greater efforts are needed before we can _ our goal. A.dozen B.attain C.avenue D.rewardShe has _ some very unpleasant habits recently.A.obtained B.gained C.attained D.acquiredIn typhoo

20、n,winds _ a speed greater than 120 km per hour.A.assume B.accomplish C.attain D.assembleIn the second experiment they _ a very clear result.A.obtained B.acquired C.won D.attainedNo _ without pains.A.obtains B.gains C.attains D.acquiresShe _ a good knowledge of English from Mr. Chens lectures. A.achieved B.attained C.acquired D.gainedKeys:351. ACBD352. DCBAD353. ACBDAAD354. CCADBA355. AADBBDCABC

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