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1、此致敬礼!第二篇:体育教育专业毕业生的自荐信尊敬的领导:您好!我叫haoord,是东北师范大学体育系的一名好范文。 自信、自强、挑战、拼搏 是我的座右铭,出生在教师之家的我从小就崇拜为人之师的父母,希望将来也能像他们一样桃李满天下,俗话说一份耕耘,一份收获,在经过四年的磨练后,收获颇丰的我更加希望走上人生的一个新的起点,接受未来的风雨洗礼,成就一番事业。我的大学四年的生活过的充实而富有挑战,从大一刚一开始,我就被辅导员老师任命为团支书,主持班内团的工作,在我工作的三年中,班级连续三年获全市优秀班级,全校优秀团支部,而我本人也连续两年被评为优秀团干部。有一句话说:机会总是让给有准备的人 。由于我


3、,一年获二等奖学金,201X 201X年度被评为优秀社会实践个人,201X 201X年度连续两年被评为校优秀学生。从这三年的健美操兼职教练社会实践中,我不仅增强了社会经验,包括带操经验、人际交往经验和各种公司管理经验,而且巩固增加了我的专业知识,使我主动学习和获取了课堂上没有的知识。更重要的是,这种经历,使我提前走入了社会,在社会中扮演了重要角色,理解了教师这一行业的辛酸与苦乐,而且开拓了我的视野,更加看到了自己的缺点和不足,并及时改正。为以后步入工作岗位打下了坚实的基础。四年的大学生活转瞬即逝,但我的未来还有梦。我对未来充满了信心与希望。即将走上工作岗位的我,将以十分的热情、百分的执着、千分

4、的努力、万分的信心迎接新一轮的太阳!自荐人:haoord第三篇:体育专业毕业生自荐信做一名人民教师,是我一直追求的夙愿,能考入xx大学,可以说已经迈开了我人生理想的第一步,也是一个良好的开始。 良好的开端是成功的一半 ,因此,我倍加珍惜大学四年时光,认真学习,刻苦训练,并且各课成绩优异,每年都获得二等奖学金,专项成绩突出,十项成绩:100米:10秒9;400米:50秒8;铅球:11.6米;跳远:7.06米;跳高:1.95米;100米栏:15秒4;铁饼:35米;撑竿跳:3.9米;标枪:51米;1500米:4分27秒。目前又开始学习健美操,决心以自己的一技之长,为全民健身贡献微薄之力。在校期间,根

5、据体育教师的特点,我不但努力提高自己的业务能力,力求做到一专多能。而且通过教育实习证明自己有较强的组织能力、教学能力,力求教学方法新颖有效,且在实习中获得优异成绩。在学习思想上,我积极进取,平时高标准要求自己,坚持马列主义毛泽东思想,并采取先进的思维方式,客观地看待问题,学习运用辩证唯物主义分析解决问题。在生活上,我非常注重人际交往。校园也是一个小社会,我知道只有有了一个良好的 人际关系 ,生活、学习才能够有一个良好的心境,才能有事半功倍的效率。因此,我常常参加一些活动,从中培养自己的交往能力;平时注意团结同学,乐于助人,往往以他们摆脱困难为自己的快乐。也正因为如此,我的生活充满阳光,充满乐趣

6、。现在,我就要进入社会,此时的我,可谓踌躇满志。想实现自己的人生价值,体现教师的风采;又想报效祖国,回报教师的恩情。我相信,经过四年的学习锻炼,我已具备了走上教师岗位的条件,同时,我认为:江河不厌小溪,才有其滚滚波涛;高山不厌其碎石,方有其巍峨雄伟。 因此,我坚信,贵校定会任贤唯举,慧眼识才,我希望贵校能给我加入你们队伍的机会,我知道虽然我的讲台很窄,但我的足迹将遍步四方,我可以用青春和知识为自己插上博空万里的翅膀,必尽我绵薄之力,为贵校作出贡献。xxx第四篇:关于体育专业毕业生的求职自荐信关于体育专业毕业生的求职自荐信,关键词是自荐信,体育专业,201X年7月,我将从西北农林科技大学毕业,并




10、信09年体育教育求职信模板非常感激您在百忙之中来审阅我的求职信。 我叫*,是一名即将毕业于陕西省xxx大学09级体育教育专业的学生。毕业将至,面对这个不断发展的社会,我已经做好了进入社会的准备。尽管呆在 象牙塔 我还缺乏很多社会经验,尽管我自身还存在很多不足,但面对将来,我信心百倍。我相信只要有激情,有信心,谦虚的在社会中不断汲取经验,不断充实自己,不断的努力进取,定会成为一名合格的、优秀的社会所需人才。作为学生,在学校的主要任务就是学习。大学四年中,我基本完成了我的学习任务。考试成绩无不合格课目,平均成绩80分以上,并且在201X-201X学年获得三等奖学金、在学习课本知识的同时,我广泛阅读

11、各类书籍、杂志,同时提高自己的实践能力。10年暑假,我赴农村进行 三下乡 社会实践,进行了新农村建设试点调研,在认真完成学习任务的同时,我还注重自己思想的提高和自身能力的提升。多次参加院系组织的各种活动,比如演讲赛、辩论赛、运动会等,并在其中屡屡获奖。除了参加院系活动以外,还积极参加国家、省面向大学生举行的活动,在一次次洗礼中我学到了好多。在实习期间。在实习中,我认真听导师的话,耐心讲解每节课,我彻底明白了 台上一分钟,台下十年功 这个理。我不但加强自身素质修养,在大学中还注重提高自己的服务意识,有较强的组织能力和集体荣誉感及团队合作精神。身为一名共产党员,更应该时时谨记 为人民服务 的宗旨。

12、我工作扎实,团结同学,深受老师、同学好评,无论学习还是工作,我本着诚信做人,踏实做事的原则,在不断成长的过程中,我将时时的严格要求自己,谦虚的向别人学习,不断的完善自己。无论成功与否,我都会及极大的热情、饱满的信心、不懈的努力迎接每一个挑战。谢谢领导对我的指导,我都会怀着感恩的心,感谢你百忙之中对我的关注,继续努力。体育教育专业英文求职信i am a northeast normal universit department of phsial eduation of the 97 graduates, m name is xxx, self-onfidene, self-reliane, h

13、allenge, hard ork is m motto. house as born in teahers from an earl age, i orship the division of human parents, hope that in the future as the an桃李满天下a offin, saing a ork, a harvest, after four ears of training, the produtive i hope that took the life of a ne starting point, the ind and rain to ree

14、ive the baptism of the future, areer ahievements. ind and the aves ill be, the hite ji un-fan sea , m four-ear universit lived a full and hallenging, from the ver beginning of freshman ear, i as appointed as deput ounselor teahers ollege part branh seretar, presided over the lass mission ork, as a r

15、esult of the efforts of m ork, a serious and responsible, in the subsequent demorati eletions in the hole lass i as reognized as the offiial ollege branh blok, in m three ears of ork, lasses for three onseutive ears b the it exellent lasses,优秀团支部shool, and i mself have been named to onseutive ears o

16、f outstanding adres. there is a saing that: the opportunit to alas be prepared to give the people. sine i have the ultural aspets of their on talent, and good performane in the publi forum for self-displa self, self-training, i served as lass in the part branh seretar of the orporation at the same t

17、ime, has been seleted as the ultural minister of ear in st. paul that ear, but also served as hair of the sports institute of ultural ork, as a literar minister house, in m ork in 201X, presided over a variet of large and small theatrial performanes, dane and various dane performanes are horeographe

18、d b m hand, eah sreening of the same b me to serve as moderator b the house leadership, teahers and students alike. over the past four ears, i have to ever ativit, ever performane is as the opportunit to exerise their on, ever time i put the gain and loss are summed up together, an inrease of their

19、on experiene, sum up his or her on a. in this four-ear soial ork, m greatest ahievement is this: to learn a method, a method of ork, a kind of observation, analsis of problem-solving abilities. this apabilit ill be apanied m life sine the end of the road, don-to-earth ork for the future and la a sol

20、id foundation. hard ork, not forgetting the responsibilities, i ork hard at the same time, i did not forget he as a student in shool, students learn the voation, so i set up eah hksi ourses are done in-depth stud of theoretial ourses, i thoroughl understand the books on the basis of the information

21、through the librar, ultural lessons, to do a good job in m profession at the same time, all-round development of ourses in four ears of m best rate of 85%, ere all ranked among the integrated third , to onseutive first-lass sholarship, on a lass to XXrd xuejin ear97-the ear98 as named best individua

22、l soial pratie ,1998-201X the ear for to onseutive ears as named the best students to shools. hen i do a good job in their on learning at the same time, i still do not forget he is a adre of students. student leaders the responsibilit of not onl outstanding but also to lead their students make progr

23、ess together. fats have proved that i pull m a large number of students to lasses, i graduall formed a good learning atmosphere, mutual help and inter-shool lasses than i have in effet bee a learning atmosphere. than the shool, get help, for here as a onentrated expression. four ears, i have lasses

24、the entire shool has been ranked highest grade, and do not have a hole lass of students drop out eah ear-end ativities评优ourse i alas aounted for the largest proportion of students. moreover, i have the abilit and personal harm to expand to the entire ear, the entire sports institute and the northeas

25、t normal universit. i am engaged in aerobis professionals, beause this tpe of professional has bee ver popular the last to ears, so the students are loving shool, espeiall in the preparation of teahing pratie of the previous semester, the morning exerises ever morning, i have the obligation to e pla

26、ed in the gmnastis hall of musi, the ation of m on portfolio to teah ou. in this a, the formed a kind of ourtard atmosphere, and ever morning have been so spontaneous ativities, students not onl jump, even the teahers also jumped up to follo. in this a, not onl b the exerise itself, but students als

27、o reeive the benefit. more training in eduation this is the ase. i am a middle shool affiliated to the head attahment point of the internship, so i should help m group of students eah. hen the enounter problems, i have the dut to help them, best to do m best. that ear, m internship for outstanding a

28、hievements. people alive, ith the status quo an not be total, it is neessar to alas reate their on hallenges, inreased life experiene, to experiene the aves of life, thinking it is in this drive, the bination of their professional harateristis, i hose the soial part-time - be a健美操教练, this is done th

29、ree ears at the time, i an think of is the impat studies do not on, but e proved that in doing so, not onl ithout a negative impat on their studies, but m hard ork to bee the driving fore soure. in order to be able to set more suitable for oung people in mind aerobis good, i am sleepless nights from the searh data to look at video, from atering to the health are nutrition, is doing all the knoledge are used, and finall hard ork pas people, from three ears of soial pratie, i not onl enhane the soial experiene, inluding experiene ith speaking, interpersonal experiene and management experi

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