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1、Aa;a Bthe;aCa;the Dthe;the考查冠词。consideration意为“考虑”,它被后面的定语所限制,所以要用定冠词the;as a whole是一个习惯短语,意为“作为一个整体,从整体的角度来看”。答案:B3Its unbelievable that most of the selfcentered children take _ for granted that life can be nothing but sadness.Ait BoneCthat Dthose考查固定搭配。take it for granted“认为是理所当然的,想当然地认为”,其中it作形式宾

2、语,真正的宾语是that从句。句意:大多数自私的孩子想当然地认为生活里只有悲伤,这令人无法想象。A4Since last October,about 43 percent of the winter wheat in China _ by lack of rainfall.Ahad been affected Bwas affectedChas been affected Dis affected考查动词时态。since后接表示过去的时间状语,句子的谓语动词强调对现在的影响时须用现在完成时。5The increase in the number of the students makes th

3、e limited computers not _ to each student.Aavailable BaffordableCadaptable Dacceptable考查形容词辨析。学生人数的增加使有限的电脑不能供用于每个学生。available意为“可获得的,可用的”;affordable意为“买得起的;付得起的”;adaptable意为“能适应的”;acceptable意为“能接受的”。6His teacher demanded the boy _ at once,aiming to let him catch up with his classmates soon.Ato take

4、 action Btake actionCtook action Dtaking action考查demand用法。demand后接宾语从句时,从句谓语动词一般用虚拟语气,即should动词原形结构,should可以省略。7_ in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password (密码) of your computer.AWhat is required BWhat requiresCIt is required DIt requires考查it作形式主语。本句中that引导的从句作真正的主语。主语从句放

5、在句首,句子常常显得比较笨重,因此常把它移至句子末尾,而用it作形式上的主语。若选A,则需在that前加谓语动词is。8_ youve passed the test,you can drive a car on your own.But you still should be careful.AEven if BThoughCUnless DNow that考查状语从句。既然你已经通过考试,你可以自己开车;但是仍应该小心。even if意为“即使”,though意为“尽管”;unless意为“除非”;now that意为“既然”。根据句意,只有now that符合。D9Shirley had

6、 been working hard for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at the first _.Aattention BattemptCpurpose Ddesire考查名词辨析。雪莉一直为生物考试努力学习,因此她确信能一次通过。attention意为“注意力”;attempt意为“尝试”;purpose意为“目的”;desire意为“欲望”。at the first attempt为固定搭配。10You cant imagine what great difficulty I had

7、_ out such a difficult problem.Awork BworkedCto work Dworking考查短语用法。have difficulty (in) doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”。你想象不出我解出这样一道难题有多难。D 11Miss Lius son doesnt know what to _ at the university;he cant make up his mind about his future.Atake in Btake overCtake up Dtake on考查短语动词辨析。刘女士的儿子不知道在大学学什么,他也不能为他的将来做出

8、决定。take in意为“接受,欺骗”;take over意为“接管,接任”;take up意为“开始从事”;take on意为“承担”。12When _ the public schools with private schools,we can notice many differences between them.Acompared Bbeing comparedCcomparing Dhaving compared考查非谓语动词。当我们把公立学校和私立学校进行对比时就会发现他们之间的许多差异。分析句子结构,主句主语与分词之间的关系为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除A、B两项;根据句意可知,c

9、ompare与notice两个动作并无明显先后顺序,故选C。13With so many people _ her,the young girl defeated the others and became the winner of the Beauty Contest.Ain favor of Bin respect ofCin return for Din honor of考查短语辨析。有这么多人支持她,小女孩打败其他对手,成为选美大赛的获奖者。in favor of意为“支持”;in respect of意为“关于,就而言”;in return for意为“作为(对的)回报”;in h

10、onor of意为“为向表示敬意”。14But for their common efforts,they _ so much in their research into renewable energy sources.Awould achieveBwould not have achievedCwould not achieveDwould have achieved考查but for引导的虚拟条件句。题干中的“But for their common efforts”表示与过去事实相反的假设,句子主干表达与过去事实相反的结果,因此谓语动词要用“would(not)have done”。

11、15_ from heavy destruction,the rainforest may take a long time to return to its original state.ASuffering BHaving been sufferedCSuffered DHaving sufferedsuffer无被动形式,故排除B、C两项;根据句意,破坏已经造成,故使用分词的完成式,表示“遭到破坏”这一动作先于谓语动作发生。项现在分词作状语所表示的动作与谓语动作几乎同时发生。.完形填空(难度系数,建议用时16)On my birthday this year,I decided to d

12、o something very different.I had been _1_ so much and I wanted to reach out to bring happiness to someone else.So,that _2_,I bought some flowers and went to a hospital.I had no _3_ who I was going to present the flowers to,but I would find someone who needed _4_.I asked the nurses in the hospital,wh

13、o thought it _5_ that I didnt have anyone in particular to see._6_,they gave me the room number of a(n) _7_ lady,who needed some comfort.I entered the room with the flowers.The elderly woman looked up,staring at me _8_.She was greatly moved when I told her about my _9_ in being there.She was an ampu

14、tee (被截肢者)and she explained to me that she was very worried _10_ they were going to fit her with a prosthetic leg(假肢)She knew that as she was getting used to the“_11_”leg,she would be in _12_.Later,in the following two hours,we _13_ a lot and both felt very happy.I _14_ until it was dark.I will alwa

15、ys remember how _15_ she was the moment she received the flowers from mea _16_.She called me her angel and said she had no more_17_.I _18_ that story with my neighbor and she _19_ that she was going to do the same thing on her birthday.And I hope that she will _20_ others to be kind and do the same

16、thing.You never know you might be considered someones angel one day!语篇解读:生日当天,作者决定去给病人献花,在给病人带来感动的同时,作者也意识到:也许有一天人人都会成为他人的“天使”。1.A.shown BtoldCgiven Dbought根据后面的I wanted to reach out to bring happiness to someone else可知作者认为自己被给予了很多,因此也想把幸福带给他人。2A.week BafternoonChour Dnight根据倒数第二段的Later,in the follo

17、wing two hours.和until it was dark可知,作者应该是下午去的医院。3A.belief BsenseCmessage Dideahave no idea“不知道”;去了医院,但作者并不知道要把花送给谁。4A.paying attention to Bcheering upClooking after Dlooking down upon根据第二段needed some comfort可知答案。cheer up“使高兴”。5A.strange BluckyCdifficult Dtrue护士们认为到医院看望病人,却不知道看谁,很奇怪。6A.Instead BStill

18、CBesides DTherefore虽然感到奇怪,护士们还是把一位病人的房间号码告诉了作者。7A.young BoldChappy Dstrong根据下一段中的The elderly woman.可知这是一位上了年纪的病人。8A.angrily BsuddenlyCquickly Dconfusedly老人不认识作者,所以看到她进来,就“疑惑地”盯着她。9A.purpose BexperienceCfailure Dtrouble作者告诉老人自己来的目的。10A.unless BbutCbecause Duntil老人感到担忧的原因是要安假肢,因此用because表示原因。11A.thin

19、BlongCshort Dnew安装的假肢是老人的“新”腿。12A.surprise BpainCneed Dsightbe in pain“痛苦的,受苦的”。在适应假肢的过程中,会受很多苦。13A.talked BaskedCimagined Dsmiled根据two hours和both felt very happy可知这两个初次见面的人在一起聊得很开心。14A.worked BstoodCstayed Drested作者一直陪着老人在医院呆到很晚。15A.busy BshyCdisappointed Dtouched作者一直记得当老人收到花的那一刻,是多么地感动。16A.strange

20、r BfriendCrelative Ddoctor根据上下文内容可知作者对于老人来说是个完全陌生的人。 BinterestCfear Dchallenge老人刚开始对安假肢很担忧,但是作者的行为感动了她,她不再害怕。18A.repeated BsharedClearned Dchanged作者把自己的这个经历告诉了邻居。share sth.with sb.“和某人分享”。19A.agreed BforgotCjoked Dpromised作者把自己的这个经历告诉了邻居后,邻居许诺说她自己过生日时也要做同样的事情。20A.force BwarnCallow Dencourage作

21、者希望自己的邻居通过自己的行为鼓励他人也要与人为善。.阅读理解(难度系数,建议用时7) (2009浙江六校统考)Certain animals and plants develop characteristics that help them deal with their environments better than others of their kind.This natural biological process is called adaptation.Among the superior characteristics developed through adaptation

22、 are those that may help in getting food or shelter,in providing protection,and in producing and protecting the young.That results in the gradual development of more and more organisms (small living things) that are better fitted to their environments.Each living thing is adapted to its way of life

23、in a general way,but each is adapted especially to its own distinct class (kind)A plant,for example,depends upon its roots to fix itself firmly and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals (无机化学物)It depends upon its green leaves for using the suns energy to make food from inorganic chemicals.These ar

24、e general adaptations,common to most plants.In addition,there are special adaptations that only certain kinds of plants have.Many animals have adaptations that help them escape from their enemies.Some insects are hidden by their body color or shape,and many look like a leaf or a little branch.The co

25、ats of deer are colored to mix with the surroundings.Many animals have the ability to remain completely still when an enemy is near.Organisms have a great variety of ways of adapting.They may adapt in their structure,function,and genetics;in their development and production of the young;and in other

26、 respects.An organism may create its own environment,as do warmblooded mammals,which have the ability to adjust body heat exactly to maintain their ideal temperature despite changing weather.Usually adaptations are an advantage,but sometimes an organism is so well adapted to a particular environment

27、 that,if conditions change,it finds it difficult or impossible to readapt to the new conditions.语篇解读:本文为我们介绍了动植物在与大自然抗争的过程中如何提高它们的生存能力。再次为我们诠释了“物竞天择,适者生存”的自然规律。1Some plants and animals develop superior characteristics so that they may_.Ahelp others of their kind get food,shelter and other things neededBsurvive even in extremely severe conditionsCbecome better adapted to the environments than others of their kindDresult in the evolution and production of more intelligent organisms细节理解题。由第一段第一句“Certain a

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