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1、Passage 3September 15, 2013 Fine One week ago, we finished our mid-exams. Today I was having a PE lesson while I fell down and hurt my foot. I was in greatly pain at that moment, but I tried to act as if nothing has happened until the class was over. Though I had difficulty walk back to my classroom

2、, I still didnt tell anyone but even refused the offer of help of my classmates. As result, the hurt in my foot became bad. Now I know Im wrong. We can tell others our need for help and accept his help. Some day we can not help others in return. In this way, we can get along to each other happily an

3、d peacefully. Passage 4Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes past, but no bus came. Both upset and annoyed, I decided to walk on feet. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would

4、have caught it. If I chose to take a next bus, I would have to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste all the effort that we have put it in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, Ill think of this experience.Passage 5How harmful cigar

5、ettes are getting now! My grandmother died of lung cancer at age of sixty on Jan 27, 2009. Only then did I know cigarettes were the mainly cause of her cancer. She knows smoking was harmful, so she just couldnt quit. She always hid her addiction, hoped that I would never start smoking. My grandmothe

6、r was my role models and I loved her so much. Now I still wake up in every day wishing that smoking has never been invented. Our promise to her is that I will never smoke as long as I live, so that I dont have to go through which she did. Passage 6Today it was a sunny day. In the morning I went to a

7、 nearby food store to buy some breads. After the man in the store packing the bread in a small bag for me, I began to walk home with bag in my hand. On the way I met my next-door neighbor, Miss Wang, that was walking her dog .We greeted with each other and begin to talk about the weather. As we were

8、 talking, his dog came up at the bag in my hand though the bread gave off a delicious smell. As a result, some of the bread fell to the ground or the dog began to enjoy it. Five minutes late, I was back at the store to buy bread again.Passage 7An most interesting thing happened to me last winter. Du

9、ring my winter vocation, I spend my lucky money on a special gift for Grandma. One Friday afternoon, I went to a cell phone store and chose a larger button phone special designed for seniors. I gave them to my grandma when I came to visit her at the weekend. Upon receive the phone, Grandma was very

10、happy and eager learn how to use it. I had patiently explained all the important functions she needed. Grandma learned carefully but wanted to have a try straight away. Under my help, she successfully called her good friend. That afternoon Grandma proudly told the neighbor that she could make calls

11、with the new phone I bought her. They all praised what thoughtful I was.2016高考英语短文改错专练(一)答案与解析本文是一篇记叙了作者与父亲周末看电影时所发生的一件小趣事。 a。考查冠词的用法。文中my father went to see the film提到的“看电影”,用英语表示时,应用see a film或go to the cinema。除此,英语中类似的说法还有:see a doctor, see a play等等。 to。考查介词搭配的用法。句子But in our surprise, he came ba

12、ck just about中的介词短语应是to ones surprise,意为“使某人惊讶得是”。除此,英语中类似的表述还有:to ones delight, to ones joy等等。that。考查定语从句的用法。文中told us about the funny thing what had happened in the cinema里面的thing为定语从句中的先行词,what had happened是定语从句,修饰thing,其引导词应为that,在从句中作主语,因为what不能引导定语从句。when。考查特殊句式的用法。文中was sitting in his seat wh

13、ile a woman came to里面的while不能与be doing结构连用。在特殊句式be doing when 句型中,when用作并列连词,相当于and then,其意义为:正在做突然.或正在做这时.。类似的表述还有:had done when 刚要了这时, be about to do when刚要做这时, be on the point of doing when 刚要做这时等句式。him。考查逻辑关系。从语意上来看,此处的逻辑关系应为:电影院里的那个女的这时向着父亲走过来。因此应用him来指代父亲才合乎逻辑。Surprised。考查形容词作状语的用法。文中Surprisin

14、g, they looked at里的Surprising作形容词用,置于句首,作状语,表示缘故,作用相当于because引导的缘故状语从句。因为其逻辑主语为they,指人,应用Surprised。tickets 。考查名词数别的判定。文中they looked at their ticket carefully里的ticket指二人合起来的电影票,应用tickets。8. carefully前面加more。从语篇整体上来看,逻辑关系应为这时父亲和那个女的把电影票看得比前面还认真,最后才弄清了事由。因此应用carefully副词比较级。made。考查时态的用法。从语篇对话的时刻上来看,这时,应

15、为父亲向那个女的道歉,承认自己适才弄错了,因此,动词的时态应用一样过去时。10.去掉 out 。考查动词短语的辨析。文中The fact was that his ticket found out under the glass里的found out意为“查清楚;弄明白”,可是,此处要表达“发觉;看到”的意思,应用find才对,用过去分词,作定语,修饰ticket。本文是以第一人称记叙了作者去年与家人一块过中秋节时去动物园游玩的事。in。考查介词短语的用法。从结构上来看,文中went to the park at their car判定,语意为作者“坐着某人的车去了公园”,英语中,表示“打着某

16、人的车”,应用bycar/inonesacar, 可同义转换,都是“开车”“坐小汽车”的意思,但不能说 bycar/by acar。standing或前加who。考查there be句式的用法。在there be句式中,主语后可跟v-ing形式作定语或直接添加关系词来组成定语从句,修饰该主语。3. 去掉front前面the。从整体文意来看,应为作者和父母亲来到公园门口时,看到了售票窗口前面站着许多游人。因此,证明游人是站在窗子的外面而不是站在窗子的里面等候买票。因此,利用 in front of the ticket window才符合语境意义。bought。考查句子结构的用法。全面地看来,句

17、子We waited a long time and buy three tickets是由并列连词and连接waited 与buy而组成的一个并列句,两个谓语动词时态应当呼应,故用一样过去时。so。全文悉知:主若是由于作者要看动物的急切心理和兴奋的心情才快速穿过拥堵的人群,不幸,这时与父母走失了。因此,应用sothat句式才吻合语境意义。frightening。考查-ing和-ed形容词的辨析。从全篇来看,此处是说明或描述动物的特性,应用-ing 的形容词才合理。前加a。考查固定短语的用法。文中I had hard time looking for是动词短语have a hard time

18、doing something的搭配结构。them。从语境来看,此处是作者在寻觅自己的父母亲。lonely。考查同义词的辨析。从语篇语义推断:此处是作者在与父母亲走失后所表现出来的孤单心情,应用lonely。可是,alone强调独自一个人,没他人协助。covering。考查分词作状语。从句法结构来看,文中 so I had to walk home, covered as much as 5 kilometers此处是作者不能不步行5千米路后才回抵家里,应用此刻分词covering,作状语,表示伴随情形,修饰walk home。本文是一篇日记。记叙了2013年9月15日作者在上体育课时,扭伤了

19、脚,疼痛难忍 。令人不解的是,作者本来能够同意同窗的帮忙但却被拒绝了。事后,自己终于醒悟过来了。若是人碰到了困难,就要面对现实,必然要与赐予帮忙的人一路战胜困难,如此,既救助了自己又帮忙了他人,因为,给他人不带来麻烦本身确实是一种帮忙。文中I was having a PE lesson while I fell down里面的while与特殊句式搭配不妥。依照语意,其句式应为be doing when ,表示“正在做这时.”的含义。great。考查副词的误用。句中was in greatly pain at that moment里面的greatly,是副词,不能作定语,只能作状语。可是,

20、此处语意和结构已经表明,只能用其形容词great作定语,修饰名词pain,表示疼痛的程度。had。考查动词时态的误用。依照语境时刻来推断:句中tried to act as if nothing has happened until the class was over里面的has happened动词的动作时刻已经先于tried to act的动作时刻,应为过去完成时。walking。考查动词短语搭配的用法。通过句式结构来看,句子had difficulty walk back to my classroom是动词短语have difficulty (in) doing something的

21、固定搭配,意为“很难做或干有困难”等意义。 and。从语境来看,此处是作者不但没有告知他人而且拒绝了他人的帮忙,表示隐瞒实情。又从句子结构来看,应为句子 didnt tell anyone but even refused the offer of help of里的didnt tell和even refused两个动词的语意连接或并列。后加a。考查固定习语的用法。从全局来看,As result此处用作插入语,表示补充或说明I所造成的严峻后果,应为As a result。worse。考查形容词比较级的用法。从全篇来看,前面有As a result信息提示,说明情形变得加倍严峻。故用形容词bad

22、的比较级才吻合语境意义。their。从整篇语意来看,句子We can tell others our need for help and accept his help里的his前面有others信息暗示,因此,其须与others逻辑关系取得呼应。9.去掉not。从全文来看,呼吁人们应该相互帮忙,而不是不帮忙。with。考查动词固定搭配的用法。句中get along to each other是动词短语get along with somebody的搭配结构,意为“与某人相处”。本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己在公交站台等车时的真实感受来挑战自己的最大耐心。全文准确地定位了耐心是容不得半点急

23、躁,不然,将前功尽弃。 后加for。句子Once I waited a bus to come at a stop里的固定搭配是wait for to do形式,意为“等着或等待干”的含义。passed 。考查形近词的辨析。句中a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes past中的past,是介词,只能与其宾语一路组成介词短语,充当必然的句子成份。可是,此处是作名词短语30 minutes的谓语,应为动词pass,其过去式为passed。foot。考查介词固定搭配的用法。句中to walk on feet里的on feet是介词短语on foot的误用形式,意为“

24、步行” ,该搭配中的foot不能变成feet。than。文中no sooner had I left when the bus arrived里面的when与此句式搭配不妥。特殊句式no sooner than ,表示”一就.”, 若no sooner置于句首时,该句须用倒装结构。类似的结构还有:hardly when 或scarcely when 等句式。the。从全文来看,作者应是等待下一趟公交车,表示自己已经明白的那一趟车。another。考查数词固定搭配的用法。从整篇语境来看,表明作者若是等下一趟车的话,自己就得再多等候30分钟。英语中,表示数值或数量的在原有的基础上增加即“另外多”含

25、义时,经常使用“another+基数词或基数词+more”形式。did 。文中Only then do I realize my problem里面的only修饰副词,介词短语或状语从句且置于句首时,该句须用倒装形式。因此,此处采纳添加助动词来组成倒装结构,其应与事件发生的谓语动词的时态维持对应。possibly。考查形容词的误用。句子will possible waste all the effort里面的possible是形容词,与句子成份作用不配。 依照句式结构来推断,该句谓语动词waste前面应用副词possibly,作状语,表示对事件的把握程度。9. 去掉it。句中waste all

26、 the effort that we have put it in的effort为先行词,在从句中作宾语,it显示重复。losing。考查形容词固定搭配的用法。句中am close to lose my patience中的固定搭配be close to doing 或to something,to是介词,后跟名词,代词或动词-ing形式,意为“靠近,接近”等含义。作者通过自己祖母死于肺癌的真实事例来叙说抽烟给人们所带来的极大损害。本文强力呼吁:抽烟有害于健康。后加the。 考查介词短语的固定搭配。句子lung cancer at age of sixty on Jan 27, 2009中的at age of,介词at后缺少了the, 固定搭配at the age of,意为“在岁或在年龄”。main 。句子were the mainly cause

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