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1、feeling, idea, or action is one that you have or do without thinking or reasoning. 本能的presentative 表象的;直觉的;有圣职推荐权的 able to be known or perceived immediately 能被感觉的 /capable of knowing or perceiving in this way 能感觉的蔑视;高傲的,自满的;disdainIf you feelforsomeone or something, you dislike them because you thin

2、k that they are inferior or unimportant. 轻蔑complacent自满的;得意的;满足的Aperson is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous.imperiousIf you describe someone asimperious, you mean that they have a pro

3、ud manner and expect to be obeyed. 专横的; 傲慢的; 飞扬跋扈的_增强,促进,加深,加重, 恶化 ;污染;传染,感染的;邪恶,堕落exacerbate使加剧;使恶化;激怒If somethingexacerbatesa problem or bad situation, it makes it worse.expeditekspdatIf yousomething, you cause it to be done more quickly. 加快contaminateis contaminatedbydirt, chemicals, or radiation

4、, they make it dirty or harmful. 污染contagiousA disease that iscan be caught by touching people or things that are infected with it. Compare . 接触传染的 A feeling or attitude that isspreads quickly among a group of people. 有感染力的vitiate损害,弄坏;使无效;污染 is vitiated, its effectiveness is spoiled or weakened. 损害

5、.的效能; 削弱.的效能depravityvery dishonest or immoral behaviour. 堕落nefariousIf you describe an activity asnefarious, you mean that it is wicked and immoral. 恶毒的; 不道德的pernicious有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的 If you describe something aspernicious, you mean that it is very harmful. 极为有害的profaneProfanebehaviour shows disres

6、pect for a religion or religious things. 亵渎的; 渎神的Something that isis concerned with everyday life rather than religion and spiritual things. 非宗教的; 世俗的改善,平息,缓和;减弱,阻止,阻碍,使虚弱,使衰弱debilitate使衰弱;使虚弱are debilitatedsomething such as an illness, it causes your body or mind to become gradually weaker. 虚弱Toan

7、organization, society, or government means to gradually make it weaker. 逐步削弱enervate to deprive of strength or vitality; weaken physically or mentally; debilitate 使失去活力; 使衰弱ameliorateIf someone or somethingamelioratesa situation, they make it better or easier in some way. 改善assuagean unpleasant feel

8、ing that someone has, you make them feel it less strongly. 缓解; 减轻 If youa need or desire for something, you satisfy it. 使满足mitigate浪费、挥霍;卖弄的,夸耀的extravagantsquandermoney, resources, or opportunities, you waste them. 浪费 (金钱、资源或机会)profusion If there is aprofusion ofsomething or if it occursin profusion

9、, there is a very large quantity or variety of it. 大量; 丰富dissipate When somethingdissipatesor when youdissipateit, it becomes less or becomes less strong until it disappears or goes away completely. 驱散; 消散 When someonemoney, time, or effort, they waste it in a foolish way. 浪费 (金钱、时间、努力等)improvident

10、浪费的;无远见的;无先见之明的 not provident; thriftless, imprudent, or prodigal 浪费的; 轻率的ostentatious ostentatious, you disapprove of it because it is expensive and is intended to impress people.ostentatious, you disapprove of them because they want to impress people with their wealth or importance. 炫耀的pomposity 自

11、大;炫耀;浮夸 Pompositymeans speaking or behaving in a very serious manner that shows you think you are more important than you really are.supercilious If you say that someone issupercilious, you disapprove of them because they behave in a way that shows they think they are better than other people. 自大的;

12、过分骄傲的condescending condescending, you are showing your disapproval of the fact that they talk or behave in a way which shows that they think they are superior to other people. 显得高人一等的blatant喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的 You useto describe something bad that is done in an open or very obvious way. 公然的强调小气,节俭,贫穷的,无

13、足轻重的, 琐碎的pettinessmiser If you say that someone is amiser, you disapprove of them because they seem to hate spending money, and to spend as little as possible. 吝啬鬼; 守财奴penurious pnjrs吝啬的;缺乏的;贫困的frugalitypaltry不足取的;无价值的;琐碎的;卑鄙的 amount of money or of something else is one that you consider to be very

14、small. 微小的; 微不足道的negligible简明,简单,朴素succinct succinctexpresses facts or ideas clearly and in few words. 简明的austere austere, you approve of its plain and simple appearance. 朴素的 If you describe someone asaustere, you disapprove of them because they are strict and serious. 严厉的concise concisesays everyth

15、ing that is necessary without using any unnecessary words. 简洁的spartan spartanlifestyle or existence is very simple or strict, with no luxuries. 简朴的laconic laconic, you mean that they use very few words to say something, so that they seem casual or unfriendly. 寡言的; 言简意赅的pithy pithycomment or piece of

16、 writing is short, direct, and full of meaning. 简明扼要的复杂 complicatedintricacy / intricateintricateto describe something that has many small parts or plexhas many different parts, and is therefore often difficult to a group of buildings designed for a particular purpose, or one large bui

17、lding divided into several smaller plexityComplexityis the state of having many different parts connected or related to each other in a complicated way.convoluteto form into a twisted, coiled, or rolled shape 盘旋; 卷曲rolled longitudinally upon itself 旋转的convolutedIf you describe a sentence, idea, or s

18、ystem asconvoluted, you mean that it is complicated and difficult to understand. 晦涩的; 复杂的inscrutable_和蔼的,友好,易接近的; 仁慈的,亲切的; 慷慨的;宽宏大量benevolent 仁慈的;慈善的;亲切的 If you describe a person in authority asbenevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair. 仁慈的profusion丰富,充沛;慷慨lavish丰富的;大方的unstinting慷慨的;大方的;无限制的

19、Unstintinghelp, care, or praise is great in amount or degree and is given generously. (帮助、关爱、赞扬)慷慨的liberality,lbrlti慷慨,大方;心胸宽阔,胸怀广阔bountiful宽大的munificenceliberality in bestowing gifts; extremely liberal and generous of spirit.magnanimity 宽宏大量;Magnanimityis kindness and generosity toward someone, esp

20、ecially after defeating them or being treated badly by them. 宽宏大量magnanimousbenign任性的;鲁莽的,好斗的;挑剔,苛刻 ;易怒的;严格,严厉,苛刻,有敌意audaciousdesSomeone who istakes risks in order to achieve something. 大胆的belligerent 交战的;好战的;交战国的belligerentperson is hostile and aggressive. 好斗的contentious诉讼的;有异议的,引起争论的;爱争论的 issue ca

21、uses a lot of disagreement or arguments. 引起争议的capriciouskprsoften changes their mind unexpectedly. 反复无常的; 易变的cantankerous脾气坏的;爱吵架的;难相处的 is always finding things to argue or complain about. 爱找碴的; 爱发牢骚的fastidious 挑剔的;苛求的,难取悦的;(微生物等)需要复杂营养地 fastidious, you mean that they pay great attention to detail b

22、ecause they like everything to be very neat, accurate, and in good order. 极其注重细节的squeamish 易呕吐的;易生气的;神经质的;过于拘谨的;洁癖的squeamish, you are easily upset by unpleasant sights or situations. 神经质的acrimonious 严厉的;辛辣的;刻薄的Acrimoniouswords or quarrels are bitter and angry. (言辞或争辩) 激烈的antagonisticn,tnstkIf a pers

23、on istosomeone or something, they show hatred or dislike toward them. 仇恨的; 不相容的inimical 敌意的;有害的 Conditions that areinimicalsomething make it difficult for that thing to exist or do well. 不利的irascibleirascible, you mean that they become angry very easily. 易怒的; 爱生气的petulant 暴躁的;难以取悦的petulantis unreaso

24、nably angry and upset in a childish way.peevish 易怒的,暴躁的;带怒气的;撒娇的 peevishis bad-tempered.precipitous 险峻的;急躁的,鲁莽的 precipitousslope or drop is very steep and often dangerous. 险峻的;change is sudden and unpleasant. (变化)突然的; 急剧的action happens very quickly and often without being planned. 轻率的; 仓猝的pugnacity好

25、斗,好战 Pugnacityis the quality of being pugnacious.querulous爱发牢骚的,抱怨的;爱挑剔的often complains about things. 爱发牢骚的tumultuousevent or period of time involves many exciting and confusing events or feelings. 激动的; 混乱的reaction to something is very noisy, because the people involved are very happy or excited. 欢腾的; 喧哗的hostilityimpugn_

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