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1、4. get out (of ) 从离开出去下来He tried to get out of bed , but couldnt .Acar stopped and a girl got out of it .但从汽车火车船飞机马匹上下来, 用get off .5.follow (1) 跟随 I followed him up the hill . 我跟着他上了山.(2) 沿着前进 Follow this road until you get to the post office .顺着这条路一直到邮局.(3) 听懂,理解 Could you speak more slowly ? I can

2、t follow you .(4 )follow sb. to do sth. 跟着某人做某事Please follow me to read the story .6. amazing 形容词,修饰名词 令人惊奇的, 令人惊讶的 what an amazing book !amaze 动词 使某人惊讶 Your letter amazed me .be amazed at 对 感到惊讶 Everyone was amazed at the bad news .7. shout at 大声喊叫 多指因生气而非善意的大声叫喊Dont shout at the little boy . He is

3、 too young .shout to 大声喊叫 多指因距离远而不得不大声叫喊We should shout to him , or he cant hear us .8. happen 发生 具体事件偶然的没有预见的发生(1 ) happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事Ihappened to meet one of my old friends in the park yesterday .(2 ) sth happens to sb. 某人发生了某事An car accident happened to him last month .上个月他发生了交通事故.take place

4、发生 (1) 按计划进行或按计划发生Great changes have taken place in China in recent years .最近几年中国发生了巨大的变化.(2 ) (运动 活动会议等) 举行The meeting will take place next Friday .take the place of 代替, 取代Plastics can sometimes take the place of wood and metal .塑料有时能代替木材和金属.take ones place 坐某人的位置, 代替某人的职务.Come to take my place . m

5、y seat is near the window .9. anywhere 任何地方 常用于否定句或疑问句中.Did you go anywhere last night ? You cant get it anywhere .somewhere 某个地方 用于肯定句come and see me . Then well go out somewhere .everywhere 处处, 到处 = here and thereIcant find my pen though I looked for it everywhere here and there .10. silence 名词, 寂

6、静 无声Theres nothing but silence in the room . 屋内寂静无声 .Keep in silence . 保持沉默.silent 形容词, 沉默的, 寂静的The old house was quite silent . 这所老房子寂静无声.The cat moved on silent feet . 那只猫无声地走动着.11. hear 听到 Can you hear someone knocking at the door ?(1) hear of 听说 , 后接表示人或物的词Ihave never heard of him before . 我以前从来

7、没有听说过他.(2 ) hear about 听说, 后接表示事件的名词Ive just heard about his illness .我刚刚听说他生病的事.Have you heard about the accident ? 你听说了那场事故吗?(3 ) hear from 收到某人的来信Iheard from my daughter in New York yesterday .我昨天收到在纽约的女儿的来信.12. 主语 + be + one of the + 形容词最高级 + 复数名词 + in of 短语 . 是中最的之一.This was one of the most imp

8、ortant events in modern American history .这是美国历史上最重要的事件之一.Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in china .13. experience (1)名词 经验, 不可数名词 ; 经历, 体验, 可数名词Have you had any experience of fishing ? 你有钓鱼的经验吗?Could you tell us about your experiences in Africa ?你能给我们谈谈你在非洲的经历吗?(2) 动词 经历, 感觉The childre

9、n experienced many difficulties this time .这次孩子们经历了许多 困难.experienced 形容词 有经验的be experienced in at doing sth. = have much experience in at doing sth.做某事很有经验.She is an experienced teacher .他是一个经验丰富的教师.He is very experienced in at repairing cars . 他修车很有经验.14. as as 和 一样 . 两个as之间用形容词或副词的原形.He works as c

10、arefully as she . 他和她一样工作认真.She is as tall as her mother . 她和母亲一样高.not as as. 不如某人he isnt as so old as he looks . 他不像看起来那么老.She doesnt run as so fast as her brother .她不如她哥哥跑得那么快.15. have fun = have a good great wonderful time =enjoy oneself玩得开心,过得愉快Did you have fun at the party ?= Did you have a goo

11、d great wonderful time ?= Did you enjoy yourself ?have fun doing sth.开心做某事 Im just having fun playing the guitar .16. accident 事故, 意外遭遇 He was killed in an accident .他死于一起意外事故.traffic accident 交通事故 Many people die in traffic accidents every year .by accident 偶然, 意外地 We met at the airport by accident

12、 .17. scared 恐惧的, 害怕的afraid恐惧的, 害怕的 Im very scared afraid . 我很害怕.be scared afraid of sth 害怕某物 Are you scared afraid of snakes ?be scared afraid to do sth害怕做某事He is scared afraid to go out at night .be scared afraid of doing sth害怕做某事He is scared afraid of going out at night .18. think about 考虑 (某个计划

13、) They are thinking about moving to Beijing .think of 认为 What do you think of the movie ?= how do you like the movie ?你认为这部电影怎么样?think over 仔细思考 We need a few days to think over this matter .新人教版八年级下册英语知识点(二)感叹句.1. what 引导的感叹句(1) What a beautiful girl (she is ) ! 多么美的姑娘呀 !(2) What a clever boy ( he

14、is ) ! 多么聪明的男孩呀 !(3) What interesting pictures ( they are ) ! 多么美的图片呀 !(4) What tall buildings ( they are ) ! 多么高的楼呀 !(5) What delicious food ( it is ) ! 多么可口的食物呀 !(6) What bad weather ( it is ) ! 多么坏的天气呀 !规律: what + ( a an ) + 形容词 + 名词 ( + 主语 + 谓语) + !名词为不可数名词或复数名词时, 形容词前面不能有a an .2. how 引导的感叹句(7)

15、How heavy the box is ! 多么重的箱子呀!How fast he runs ! 他跑得多快呀!(8) How careful the girl is ! 多么细心的姑娘呀!How well she plays the piano ! 她的钢琴弹得多好呀!如果说明的是人或物, 两种感叹句可替换. ( 以上(1) 到(8) 句 )新人教版八年级下册英语知识点(三)过去进行时:1.过去进行时的用法:(1)过去某一时刻正在进行的动作。What were you doing at 8:30 this morning ?When I called him , he was having

16、 dinner .(2) 过去某段时间正在进行的动作。What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday ?Iwas reading the whole morning yesterday .(3) when while 引导的时间状语从句中,过去进行时的使用:While引导的从句中, 动词用过去进行时或表示状态的延续性动词when引导的从句中, 动词用过去式Mary was having dinner when I saw her .While we were swimming , someone stole our clothes .The w

17、eather was fine while we were in Beijing .While were talking , the teacher came into the classroom .He likes reading while I like dancing . 他喜欢看书而我喜欢跳舞.Tom is very confident while Mary is shy and quiet .Tom很自信可是Mary既腼腆又文静.2.过去进行时的构成:(1)肯定句:主语 + was were +动词ing形式 + 时间状语。(2)否定句:主语 + was were + not + 动

18、词ing形式 + 时间状语。(3) 疑问句:was were + 主语 + 动词ing形式 + 时间状语 ?肯定回答:Yes , 主语 + was were . 否定回答:No, 主语 + was were + not .3. 根据例子, 和词组提示,构成类似对话。What were you doing last night ? I was working in the office .Were you working in the office last night ?Yes, I was . No , I wasnt .(1) Mr Zhang , make a model plane(2) Wei Hua , play the piano , at 8:00 this morning(3) the twins , play computer games , last night(4) the smiths, watch TV , at noon yesterday

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