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1、它太长了!How long is the Great Wall?长城有多长?s more than forty thousand li long.它有四万多里长。Forty thousand li?四万里?Yes. Thats more than twenty thousand kilometres!是的。就是两万多公里!Wow! Thats really long!哇!那真的很长!How old is it?它有多少年历史?s more than two thousand years old?它超过2000年了。Oh, thats very old.哦,那真的很老。Can you tell

2、me more about the Great Wall?你能多给我说说关于长城的事吗?3. Listen and say.3. 听录音,说一说。s more than two thousand years old.它超过2000年了。Unit 2 Its more than four hundred metres high!第二单元 它有四百多米高!1. Look, listen and say.1. 看图,听录音并说一说。How tall is the tree?这棵树多高?s thirty metres tall.它有三十米高。s really tall!哦,那真的非常高!它有多老了?s

3、 my secret.那是我的秘密。s eight hundred years old.它有800岁了。2. Listen and read.2. 听录音,说一说。Simon, look at this building.西蒙,看那栋楼。s so high!它真高啊!s the Empire State Building. 它是帝国大厦。s an office building.它是一栋写字楼。Can you tell me more about it?你能给我多说说这栋楼吗?All right. Its more than eighty years old. 好的。它有80多年的历史了。An

4、d it它有400多米高!Wow, thats really high!哇,那真的非常高!Yes. Do you want to climb the stairs to the top?你想爬楼梯到顶层吗?Well.呃3. Listen, point and say.3. 听录音,指一指,说一说。The bridge is more than two kilometres long. 桥有超过两千米长。The river is five hundred metres wide.河有五百米宽。The building is two hundred metres high. 楼有两百米高。4. L

5、isten and say. Then sing.4. 听录音,说一说。然后唱歌。THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA中国的长城The Great Wall of China is very, 中国的长城非常,very long, very, very long, very, very long. 非常长,非常非常长,非常非常长。The Great Wall of China is very, very long. 中国的长城非常非常长The people who built it were very, very strong, 建造它的人们非常非常强壮,very, very str

6、ong, very, very strong. 非常非常强壮,非常非常强壮。The people who built it were very, 建造它的人们非常,very strong. 非常强壮。Thousands of people built it. 是成千上万的人建造了它。Module 2 Unit 1 I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.第二模块 第一单元 我昨天去了纽约的唐人街。Theres a Chinatown in New York.纽约有一个唐人街。s good.哦,那很好。Are there any Chinatowns

7、in China?中国有唐人街吗?Oh, all towns in China are Chinatowns!哦,中国的所有城镇都是唐人街!2. listen and read.2. 听录音,读一读。Im going to send an email to Mum.我要给妈妈发一封电子邮件。TO: :SUBJECT: Chinatown, New York主题:纽约唐人街Dear Mum:亲爱的妈妈:I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday. 我昨天去了纽约的唐人街。I had a big surprise. 我大吃一惊。There were Chin

8、ese people everywhere.那儿任何地方都有中国人。There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants.那儿有许多许多中国的商店和餐馆。The people spoke Chinese and English.人们说中文和英语。We ate in a Chinese restaurant. 我们在一家中国餐馆吃饭。The food was different from the Chinese food in China.里面的食物和在中国的中餐不一样。Then we saw a lion dance in the

9、street. 然后我们看见街上有舞龙狮。Simon really liked it. 西蒙真的很喜欢。He wants to visit China and learn Chinese. 他想去游览中国并学习汉语。He really wants to go to the Great Wall.他真的非常想去长城。Love, Daming爱你的,大明I went to Chinatown in New York yesterday.我昨天去了纽约的唐人街。We saw a lion dance in the street.我们在街上看见了舞龙狮。Unit 2 I went to a libra

10、ry yesterday.第二单元 我昨天去了图书馆。Yesterday, I went to Chinatown. 昨天,我去了唐人街。I saw a lion dance there. 我在那儿看见了舞龙狮。Look at this photo.看这张照片。You can see it now.你现在能看见它了。Dear Max,亲爱的马克斯:We went to the Ming Tombs yesterday. 我们昨天去了明十三陵。It was exciting! 太令人兴奋了!There were lots of stone animals and a big red gate.那

11、儿有许多石头雕的动物以及一个红色的大门。Did you know they found clothes and money in the tombs.你知道他们在坟墓里找到了衣服和钱币Dear Baobao,亲爱的宝宝:I went to a library yesterday. 我昨天去了图书馆。It is very big. It has books, CDs and computers.它很大。那儿有书、CD以及电脑。My favourite are books about the US and Canada.我最喜欢的是关于美国和加拿大的书Dear Julie,亲爱的朱莉:I wrot

12、e a story in English class yesterday. 我昨天在英语课上写了一个故事。My teacher liked it very much! 我的老师非常喜欢它!I want to write a book when I am big. 我想等我长大了,写一本书。I want to visit many countries and write about them.我想参观许多国家,并写写它们4. Listen and say. Then chant.然后齐声唱。Simple Simon met a farmer when going to the fair. 辛普乐

13、西蒙去集市时遇到了一个农民。Simple Simon said to the farmer, Let me taste a pear! 西蒙对农民说:“让我尝一个梨吧!”The farmer said to Simple Simon, Show me first your money!农民对辛普乐西蒙说:“先给钱!I havent got any! 辛普乐“一毛都没有!Module 3 Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China?第三模块 第一单元 你有来自中国的邮票吗?ve got some food from China.我有一些来自中国的食物。Ha

14、ve you got any fish from China?你有来自中国的鱼吗?Sorry,I havent.对不起,我没有。But I love Chinese fish.但是我喜欢中国的鱼。What are you doing, Simon?西蒙,你在做什么?m putting my new stamps into my stamp book. 我在把我的新邮票放进集邮册里。These are stamps from Canada. 这些是来自加拿大的邮票。And these are stamps from the UK. 这些是来自英国的邮票。And these ones are ve

15、ry, very old. 这些邮票非常非常古老。Theyre from the US.它们来自美国。Have you got any stamps from China?你有来自中国的邮票吗?No, I havent. You always send me emails. 不,我没有。你常常给我写电子邮件。You dont send me letters, 你没有给我写信,so I havent got any Chinese stamps!所以我没有任何中国的邮票!I will send you lots of Chinese stamps.我以后给你寄很多中国的邮票。Thank you.

16、谢谢。Do you collect stamps?你集邮吗?No, I dont. But its a good idea!不,我不集邮。但是这是个好想法!Here are some stamps from the US and Canada for you.我给你一些来自美国和加拿大的邮票吧。You can make a stamp book with them.你可以用它们做一本集邮册。Great!太棒了!What are you doing?你在干什么?m putting my new stamps into my stamp book.我在把我的新邮票放进我的集邮册中。t. 不,我没有

17、。Unit 2 Collecting stamps is my hobby.第二单元 集邮是我的爱好。s a picture of the sun.这是一张太阳的图片。s a picture of the moon.这是一张月亮的图片。Oh, its a picture of my friend from the moon!哦,这是我的来自月球的朋友的图片!2. Listen and readCollecting stamps is my hobby.集邮是我的爱好。This is my favourite Chinese stamp. 这是我最喜欢的中国邮票。s a picture of H

18、ainan island, 这是一张海南岛的图片,my favourite place in China. 是我最喜欢的中国的地方。We can see the Five-Finger Mountain and a coconut tree. 我们能看到五指山和一棵椰子树。I love it.我喜欢它。What do I need? What do I need?我需要什么?I need something very special indeed. 我的确需要一些特殊的东西。You cannot see it, not at all!你一点也看不到!You cannot feel it, no

19、t at all!你一点也感受不到!So what is it that I need?所以我需要的到底是什么?s the air around us all. 是围绕着我们的空气。Module 4 Unit 1 Thanksgiving is very important in the US.第四模块 第一单元 感恩节在美国非常重要。National Day is his favourite day.国庆节是他最喜欢的日子。Thanksgiving is their favourite day.感恩节是他们最喜欢的日子。Halloween is her favourite day.万圣节是她

20、最喜欢的日子。Childrens Day is our favourite day.儿童节是我们最喜欢的日子。Simon, which festival in the US is your favourite?西蒙,在美国你最喜欢的节日是什么?My favourite festival is Thanksgiving. 我最喜欢的节日是感恩节。This festival is very important to us in the US.这个节日对我们美国人非常重要。What do you do on Thanksgiving?感恩节你们做什么?We always have a big, sp

21、ecial dinner. 我们通常有一顿丰盛而特别的晚餐。We say thank you for our food, 我们对我们的食物、家庭和朋友说“谢谢”。family and friends. We have a lot of fun.我们有很多乐趣。I wrote a poem about Thanksgiving. 我写了一首关于感恩节的诗。Do you want to hear it?你想听听吗?Yes, please.好的,请念吧。Thanksgiving is nearly here. 感恩节快到了。Thanksgiving comes every year. 感恩节每年都来

22、。There is one thing I should say. 我要说一件事。Thanksgiving is my favourite day!感恩节是我最喜欢的日子!Oh, your poem is amazing!哦,你的诗让我很吃惊! for our food, family and friends.我们对我们的食物、家庭和朋友说“谢谢”。Unit 2 Can you tell me about Christmas?第二单元 你能和我说说圣诞节吗?At the Spring Festival, we eat lots of food.在春节,我们吃许多食物。Oh, I love Ch

23、inese food.哦,我喜欢中国的食物。Can we have the Spring Festival now?我们能现在过春节吗?Ha ha. But its autumn now.哈哈但是现在是秋天。Can you tell me about Christmas?你能和我说说圣诞节吗?Sure. Its a very important festival in many counties. 当然。它在许多国家是一个非常重要的节日。It is on the 25th of December.它在12月25日。We put Christmas tree in our homes.我们在家里

24、放圣诞树。There are lights in the streets and the shops.街上和商店里都有彩灯。We give presents and send cards. 我们收礼物也送礼物。We love this festival!我们喜欢这个节日!然后唱一唱。AMERICA, AMERICA美国,美国America, America, there are lots and lots of things to see. 美国,美国,有好多东西要看。s a very big country, from New York to Tennessee. 它是个宽广的国家,从纽约到田纳西。You ca

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