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1、D. absorbing4. The degree in which a man _ his work and gives it the quality of his own mind and spirit is the measure of his success in giving his nature free and full expression. A. demolishes摧毁;推翻B. standardizes使合乎规格,使标准化C. individualizes赋予个性,个别地加以考虑D. abolishes废除,废止5. In common with other develo

2、ped economies, Britain has advocated(提倡;拥护;鼓吹;为辩护;) the creation of a high-skilled, high-waged(高技能,高技术) economy by _ the education and skills of its workforce(全体员工; (国家或行业等)劳动力).A. renewing(使)复原,(使)更新;重新开始B. overthrowing打倒,推翻;使终止;C. decreasing缩短,减小,减少D. upgrading提升;使升级;提高档次6. No one on the planet is

3、 going to escape the effects of global warming, and for billions the resulting environmental deterioration(恶化;变坏;退化) is going to make life _ more difficult.A. considerably相当,非常,颇B. terminally末尾,一定时期地C. originally起初,原来;独创地,独出心裁地D. regularly有规律地,按时,照例7. Digital television will enable users to access a

4、 wide range of new services, such as pay-per-view TV, the downloading of video games or software, or channels _ in sports or teleshopping.A. interfering干预;调停;妨碍;干涉;B. specializing专门从事,专攻C. participating参加,参与D. consisting由组成;包括;存在于8. Earthquakes are immensely destructive(极大的破坏性), mainly because most

5、cities in regions of high seismic(地震的) risk are dominated(受控的) by buildings that are simply not built well enough to _ the severe(严峻的;严厉的;剧烈的) ground shaking of a major quake.A. sustain维持; 支撑,支持B. withstand经受,承受,禁得起C. guarantee保证,担保; 保证人D. inspect检查,检验; 视察9. By giving students access to(入口,出口;接近) a

6、new world of information, sparking creativity(激发创造力), and _ rich communication and collaboration(合作,协作) across vast distances, computers have long been a powerful tool for education.A. preventing预防;阻碍B. disrupting使混乱,扰乱C. facilitating促进;使便利;推进D. manipulating控制,操纵,影响10. While more and more women are

7、_ roles as managers, a new study reveals(显示) that these women are increasingly turning to the stereotypically(带有成见地) more male traits(特征), such as aggression(侵略;攻击,进攻), to get results.A. defining规定;使明确;精确地解释B. assuming假设;假定;呈现C. regarding关于; 就而论;至于D. interpreting解释;理解;演绎11. The potential negative ef

8、fects of violent video games(暴力视频游戏) on adolescent antisocial behavior(反社会行为), and youth violence _, is a highly debated issue, both in academic circles(学术界) and among the general public and policy makers(公共政策制定者).A. on averageB. on purpose故意地;特地;C. in particular尤其, 特别D. in advance预先,事先; 提前12. A new

9、 digital watermarking system(数字水印系统) not only protects music and media files from online pirates(网络盗版) but also ensures that the quality for _ users is as good as it gets.A. unauthorizedXX的,越权的;未经许可的B. temporary临时的,暂时的; 短暂的C. malicious恶意的,有敌意的;蓄意的;预谋的D. legitimate合法的,合理的;正规的13. There is relatively l

10、ittle _ of opinion and scholarship(奖学金; 学术; 学识) about whether generational differences(代际差异) exist that are worth taking into consideration in the workplace, colleges, and universities, and other contexts(背景; 投资环境; 设备场境).A. permission允许; 批准B. minority少数;少数民族;未成年C. absence缺席,缺勤; 缺乏D. consensus一致;舆论;一

11、致同意14. Young peoples worlds have changed in a variety of ways, many of which have a _ on the sort of education and training that they demand.A. contact联系,接触vi B. bearing关系; 方位; 态度,举止nC. lead榜样;领导D. stake 股份;重大利益15. Nowadays graduates in the labor market are expected to be flexible(灵活的), to direct an

12、d steer(操纵,控制; 引导) their own work as well as that of others, to take responsibility and to mould(形成; 陶冶,训练) jobs to make best use of their _ in the global market economy.A. expectations希望;预料;(被)预期B. blunders(因无知、粗心等造成)的错误C. competencies能力D. defects 缺点; 弱点16. No generation is more at ease(安逸,自由自在;自然)

13、 with online, collaborative(合作的;协作的) technologies than todays young people“digital natives”, who have grown up in a/n _ computing environment.A. immersive拟真的;B. emergent紧急的; 浮现的; 突然出现的C. hostile敌人的,敌对的;怀有敌意的;不利的D. rural乡下的,农村的;田园的;地方的17. Whereas university research and development departments(发展部门)

14、may once have been the primary arena(表演场地,舞台;竞技场) for testing new tools and theories, the survey data(调查数据) reveal(显露;揭露;泄露) that corporations(公司;法人) now have the _ in adopting new innovations(采用新的创新).A. right正确;权利B. edge边;优势;边缘,端;锋利,尖锐C. controlD. license许可证,执照;特许18. Access to technology in school

15、is particularly important _ increasing disparities(不同;不等;不一致;悬殊) in technology access outside of school.A. in tune with与协调, 与一致B. in line with跟一致,符合;本着C. in need of需要D. in light of按照,根据19. Taking an international overview on anything, in this case the out-of-school education of the gifted and talent

16、ed, offers _ which can sometimes cut right across anyones cultural assumptions.A. perspectives透视;透视图;观点;全景B. prosecutions起诉;原告;实施;从事C. obligations债务;义务;债券;合约D. objections反对;异议;厌恶;反对的理由20. Obesity(肥胖,过胖;肥胖症) is a national health crisis(危机;危难时刻) and if current trends continue, it will soon _ smoking i

17、n the U.S. as the biggest single factor in early death, reduced quality of life and added health care costs.A. distinguish辨别;辨别出,识别;有别于;使杰出B. modify改变; 减轻C. imitate模仿,效仿; 仿造,伪造D. surpass超过; 优于; 胜过PART 2: Cloze (15%) In this part of the test, youll read an incomplete passage with 15 blanks. Read the

18、passage carefully, and choose the best answer from choices marked A, B, C and D. Then on your ANSWER SHEET, find the number of the question and mark your answer with a single line through the center.One of the greatest assets a manager can have is a happy and satisfied team of employees. However, bu

19、ilding such a team is a _21_. Unless youre in senior management, you may be limited _22_ the amount of compensation or the promotion opportunities you can provide to your employees. Fortunately, these arent the only factors that influence employee job satisfaction, or _23_ the most important. Provid

20、ing tangible proof to your employees that their efforts are recognized, while often _24_ as secondary to other factors, is still very important. Reasonable employees will understand that wage increases do have their limits, _25_ they expect to be adequately compensated. However, other types of incen

21、tives, such as bonuses or prizes for the _26_ achievers in key performance categories, can be just as effective. It is crucial that both increases and other monetary incentives be performance _27_. Employees should always receive greater rewards and more recognition when they are giving a higher qua

22、lity of work. _28_ being fair, of course, it also sends the message that the organization values and recognizes those who _29_ their jobs instead of just doing the bare minimum.The culture and the work environment factor highly into employee job satisfaction. Employees who enjoy being around their c

23、oworkers and respect their management team are more _30_ to stay in a job when they agree with the companys goals and values.Another major _31_ to job satisfaction is how the employee feels about their role and responsibilities. Studies show _32_ those surveyed about their level of job satisfaction

24、have cited factors such as the desire for _ 33_ in their work, having a variety of tasks to _34_, being properly trained and equipped to do their jobs, and having work that is challenging and requires thought and creativity. Employees looking to _35_ a company will have an interest in their personal

25、 development and opportunities for advancement as well. Above all, employees want to feel that both they and their work are valued and appreciated by the company.21.A. blessingB. handicap障碍; 缺陷; 不利条件C. challengeD. failure22A. in favor of赞成支持(某人或某事物); 以取代B. in terms of根据; 用的话; 就而言C. on behalf of 为了的利

26、益; 代表D. on top of在上边; 在上方; 除之外23.A. necessarilyB. viciously邪恶地,敌意地C. accurately正确无误地,准确地; 精确地D. collectively全体地,共同地24.A. to rankB. being ranked25.C. rankedA. therefore因此; 所以; 故C. otherwise否则,不然D. ranksB. unless除非,如果不D. but但是; 而是; 除了; 只因为26.A. topB. bottomC. lowD. peak最高的; 最大值的27.A. driving驱使; 驱赶B. driven奋发努力的; 发愤图强的28.C. counting计算A. In addition to除之外C. With regard to关于; 就; 说起D. counted有价值; 数出总数; 算得上B. Regardless of 不管, 不顾D. For the sake of为了29.A. specialize in专攻,精通,以为专业B. excel at(在某一活动方面)表现杰出,擅长于C. draw on利用; 凭借D. ward off避开,挡住; 架30.A.

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