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1、 好吧也许有一点点 Okay, maybe.昨天晚上是满月 It was a full moon last night 我妈妈听它哭得眼睛都快哭瞎了 and my mom heard it crying its eyes out.因为她一直不停的做噩梦 Cuz she cant help having a nightmare 所以她起来给我拿了一杯热牛奶 so she brought me a glass of warm milk.兄弟我以为你只是想出来转转 Dude, I thought you wanted to, you know, hang out 重温我们小时候的美好时光 and r

2、elive the good old days, like we were kids 是的啊但是你看 I do, but just look at it.这只宝可梦精灵简直是为你量身定做的 That is the perfect Pokmon for you.杰克我并不想要一只宝可梦精灵 Jack, Im not looking for a Pokmon, 我跟你说过的 Ive told you this.我已经仔细想了很久了好吗 I have thought long and hard about this, ok? 水属性的不适合你 Water type is not right for

3、you, 火属性的也是但是卡拉卡拉 neither is fire type, but Cubone is.很孤独 .lonely.一点没错 E_actly!谢谢你杰克非常感谢 Ok, thank you Jack.Thank you for that.你还有更扎心的大实话要跟我说的吗 Are there any another emotional truth bomb you wanna drop on me? 以后再说但现在我手里这个更实在 Maybe later, but right now the truth is in my hands.沙雕球 Stupid ball.是啊去吧 Ye

4、s,yes! 记住了抓宝可梦精灵可不单单是技巧的事 OK.Remember catching a Pokmon is not about skill.所以一定可以做到的 So you can do this.真是会鼓舞人 Good pep talk.必须要它选择你 OK, it has to choose you too, 所以得让它愿意成为你的伙伴 so make him want to be your partner.嘿卡拉卡拉你好吗老铁 Hey, Cubone.Whats up, buddy? 你知道不是谁都能 You know not everyone can.把他们死去亲戚的头骨戴在

5、头上但是 pull off wearing the skull of their dead relatives, but.你肯定可以 .you know, you sure can.好吧它不喜欢谈论这个 Okay, he doesnt like that.一点也不喜欢 He did not like that.杰克 Jack! 快点扔出去 Throw it! -只管扔出去-像个男人一样 - Throw the ball.- Like a man.我成功了 I did it! 抓到了 Still got it! 不是绿色的光 The lights not green.它还没有变成绿色的 It s

6、till hasnt turned green yet, 杰克不太妙啊是吧 Jack, thats bad, right? 快跑 Run! 他没有选择我 He didnt choose me.快跑 Run! 他没有选择我杰克 He didnt choose me, Jack! 我看见了 I can see that.我不是它的选择 Im not its choice.那是只气炸了的卡拉卡拉 That was one angry Cubone.让我回想起很多我妈妈的事情 He remind me a lot about my mom.我知道我可能会有点婆婆妈妈的 So umm.I dont kn

7、ow if this is gonna sound corny, or whatever 有话直说吧我懒得生气了 Just say it, Jack.Im too tired to be angry.我很担心你 Im worried about you.-又来了-我们认识的人都离开了镇子 - This again! - OK, listen, everyone we know has left town.现在我也要离开了 and now Im leaving too.没关系啊 Yeah, but thats okay.你要在时机到来时做出最好的选择 You gotta do whats bes

8、t for you with the time that you got.我也是这样做的 Thats what Im doing.你知道我一直被工作压得喘不过气 You know Im crushing at work, 但很快我就要升职了 getting a promotion real soon.保险评估员还能晋升成什么 What is the promotion for insurance appraiser, 高级保险评估员吗 Senior Insurance Appraiser? 不实际上比我现在还要高两级 No, actually thats two steps up, above

9、 where Im at.这话我听得我都要吐了这些都是虚的 Youre gonna make me throw up.Thats not a real thing.终于有信&;hearts;号&了 Oh, I finally have service.等等5 封语&音&邮件怎么会有 5 封 Wait, 5 voicemails? Why do I have 5 voicemails? 可能是紧急保险案件 Maybe its an insurance emergency.是谁 Who is it? 是莱姆市警&察&局 Umm, Its the Ryme City Police Departmen

10、t.发生了一起事故 There was an accident.警探在惨烈车祸中牺牲 不要别 Please dont.好吧好汉舔吧谢谢 Alright hero please do, thank you.谢谢你 thank you.你的舌头很友好 You have very generous tongue.这是谁的大舌头 Is this Lickitung belong to anyone? 谁的啊 Anybody? 没人吗 No? 感谢您旅途的陪伴 Thank you for travel with us.请您回到座位观看本则短视频 Please sit back to watch this

11、 short informational video 欢迎您来到莱姆市 weling you into Ryme City.回顾历史宝可梦精灵早已成为 Throughout history, Pokmon has been 我们这个世界中的一部分 part of our world.早期的人类常常会捕捉它们 Early humans used to catch them 并且训练它们使用独特的能力来实现共赢 and train them to use their unique powers for the mon good.渐渐演变成了现在的宝可梦精灵对战 This relationship

12、evolve into what we now refer to as Pokmon Battles 一位伟人改变了这一切 One man changed all of this.克利福工业的创始人兼主席 Howard Clifford, 霍华德·克利福 founder and chairman of Clifford Industries.他被诊断患有某种罕见的退行性疾病 Diagnosed with a rare degenerative disease 他从公&司&辞职到世界各地去求医问药 he resigned from his corporation, and sear

13、ch the world for a cure.事实证明我一直找寻的治疗之法 And it turned out, the cure I was looking for is 能让自己进化 for me to evolve into a better version of myself.而且我发现 And I discovered how to do that 这得通过与宝可梦精灵成为搭档 through a partnership with Pokmon.他想和全世界分享这一伟大发现 And he wanted to share that discovry with the world.罗杰

14、&克利福 克利福工业主席 这就是霍华德&克利福创立莱姆市的初衷 This is what inspired Howard Clifford to build Ryme City.一个人类和宝可梦精灵互利共存的地方 A place where humans and Pokmon can live side by side.宝可梦精灵不像其他地区那样生活在野外 Unlike other regions, where Pokmon live in the wild.在这里我们一起生活和工作 Here, we live and work together.没有对战没有训练师 No battles, n

15、o trainers.也没有精灵球 No Pokeballs.一个更强大更和谐的世界 A stronger, more harmonious world.莱姆市全体公民 From all our citizens, 欢迎您的到来 wele to Ryme City.没有杰尼龟救火不会这么容易的 Fighting fires wouldnt be the same without the Squirtle partners.吉田警督 嗨蒂姆 Hi, Tim.吉田警督 Lieutenant Yoshida.你&爸&爸是精英中的精英 Your dad was the best of the best

16、.他是这个地方的一个传奇 He was a legend in this precinct.谢谢谢谢你这么说 Thank you, thank you for saying that.失去他和他的搭档是我们极大的损失 It was a terrible tragedy losing him and his partner.他的搭档 His partner? 他的宝可梦精灵 His Pokmon.我不清楚 Oh, I didnt know.不好意思它是在生我的气吗 Im sorry, is yours mad at me? -布鲁吗-嗯 - Snubbull? - Yeah.他表面上看起来可能很

17、暴躁 He may look grumpy on the outside, 但我保证他的内心是非常可爱的 but I assure you he is adorable on the inside.不介意的话我想问一句 If you dont mind me asking, 为什么你没带宝可梦精灵过来 how e you dont have a Pokmon.我大概记得哈利曾经说过 I thought I remember, Harry said you wanted to 小的时候你想成为一名宝可梦精灵训练员 bee a Pokmon trainer when you were young.

18、是的最终也没能实现 Yeah, that didnt out.我现在在保险公&工作所以 Uh I work in Insurance now, so.我理解 I understand.但是蒂姆不要什么事情都自己扛着 But Tim, please dont put this all on your self.没有人应该独自承受那么多 No one should go throught this type of thing alone.如果你像你&爸一样 If you are anything like your dad.我不像他 Im not.我是我奶奶带大的 I wa

19、s just really raised by my grandmother.你有他公&寓&的备用钥匙吗 You have the spare keys for his apartment? 我该去那里收拾下东西了 I should go wrap things up there.当然有 Of course.-这是他的地址-太好了 - Heres his address.- Awesome.愿意的话我可以送你过去 I can take you over if you want.不不用了我自己就行 No, no.Im all good.非常感谢 Thank you so much.蒂姆 Tim.

20、这项工作 This job.需要付出很多 it demands a lot.但是他没有一刻不挂念你的 But you are on his mind every day.他爱你胜过世界上的一切 He loved you more than anything else in the world.很高兴见到你警督 It was nice to meet you, Lieutenant.打扰一下 E_cuse me? 好吧 Ok.哈利&古德曼 你是想抢劫我还是只是想烦我 Are you trying to rob me or just annoy me? 他是我搭档 Hes with me.-我们需

21、要谈谈-是吗 - We need to talk.- We do? 我一直在等着看谁会打开那个信箱 Ive been waiting to see who would open that mailbo_.你刚刚卷入了一个有趣的事件 You just walked into quite a story.这样的事件会传播恐惧 Stories like this spread fear.他们都害怕这些恐惧 And they are afraid of fear.但是我不怕 But I dont fear fear.我说到就一定会做到 I walk the walk and talk the talk

22、 我愿意不惜一切代价拿到真实的独家新闻 and Im willing to do whatever it takes to get the honest scoop 哪怕是血淋淋的真&相& and thats the hard truth.抱歉你到底是谁 Im sorry.Who are you? 露西&史蒂文斯 Lucy Stevens.-CNM 的记者-哦 - Reporter for CNM.- Oh.你这年龄看起来不太像 You seem kind of.young for that.我的工作就是给 CNM 写博客 I work for the CNM blogs, 每天更新宝可梦精灵

23、列表好吗 making Pokmon listicles all day, okay? -十大最可爱的宝可梦-我奶奶喜看 - Top 10 cutest Pokmon.- Yeah, my grandmother loves those.没错新闻快讯它们都超可爱 Yeah,news flash! They are all cute.我发掘故事的本事 Such a waste of time for someone 全浪费到那种事情上了 with my nose for a story.不不现在不行可达鸭 Oh no, no, not now,Psyduck.我得先工作就一会儿 Im worki

24、ng the sorts, just one more minute 好的我先 OK, Im gonna.我需要全程录音然后你告诉我 Im gonna need you to go on record and tell me 所有有关哈利&古德曼的事 everything you know about Harry Goodman.-等等啥-哈利摊上事了 - Wait,what? - Harry is onto something big.非常棘手的 Real big.然后当时突然 And then all of a sudden, 他的车就冲出了桥面 his car crashes over

25、a bridge, 但我不认为事情有那么简单 I think not.这里面肯定有秘密 Something is rotten, 我得把它找出来 and Im gonna get to the bottom of it.我对他不了解 Look, I barely know the guy, 我已经有很多年没有见过他了 I havent seen him for years.你的宝可梦精灵伙伴在哪 Where is your Pokmon partner? 我没有为啥每个人都这么问我 I dont have one, why is everyone keep asking me that? 孤僻

26、之人可能在掩饰什么 A loner.Probably hiding something.好吧我得走了 Okay, Im gonna go.我或许只是一个没工资的实习生 I may only be an unpaid intern, 但我能嗅出故事 but I can smell a story.然后挖掘出来 And Im going to find it.好的那你加油 OK, you do that.来吧可达鸭我们走吧 e on, Psyduck.Lets go.是谁 Who is it? 你好 Hello? 是我斯奈克 Its me, Snakes 我拿到东西了 I got the stuf

27、f.此处致敬电影小鬼当家2 把它放在门边上然后从这滚出去 Leave it on the doorstep, now get the hell outta here.好的约翰尼但是我的钱呢 Alright, Johnny, but what about my money? 还放着些古老侦探片 Still with the old detective films.在莱姆市中 新出土的一批远古梦幻遗物 这他妈 What the.是什么 What.这什么鬼 is this stuff? 给蒂姆&古德曼 亲爱的蒂姆若你愿意再给次机会的话 Dear Tim, I can do better if you

28、 give me a chance.我会做得更好家门会一直为你敞开 I will always have a place for you to stay.你&爸会来车站接你 Your father will pick you up at the station.我不走了 Im not going.什么 What? 我不想走这里是我的家 I dont want to go, this is home, 奶奶我要和你一起待在这里 I wanna stay here with you grandma.天呐 Oh, man.第二十四届宝可梦冠军 这是我生命中最重要的一天 This is the mos

29、t important day of my life.我知道蒂姆 I know, Tim.但你母亲要去看医生不能再拖了 But your mother had to see the doctor.It couldnt wait.谁在那 Someone there? 差点扭伤 Ah! Thats a sprain.好的不慌别怕 Okay, okay, okay 不论你是谁 Whoever you are.我知道怎么用这个 I know how to use this.皮卡丘 So Pikachu? 天了噜 Aw jesus.你好呀小家伙你是怎么进来的 Hey,little guy.How did you.get in here? 我知道你听不懂我说的话 I know you cant understand me.但是放下那台订书机 But put down the stapler, 不然人家就电死你 or I.will electrocute.You.你说啥 Did you just talk? 哇哦你能听懂我吗 Wow, did you just understand

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