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高中英语 Unit3 Australia 专项训练1 新人教版选修9Word文档格式.docx

1、6、Can you tell me how can I get to the bus station?_7、Do you think what will happen?_8、He will answer for that his brother is honest._9、I dont doubt whether John will e on time._10、I dont know he was here._III阅读理解When are you smartest? From 18 to 25, according to I.Q.(智商) scores; but you are wiser a

2、nd more experienced with increasing ageYou are sharpest in your 20s; around 30, memory begins to decline (下降), particularly your ability to perform mathematical putations“But your I.Qfor other tasks climbs,” says Berkeley psychologist Arthur JensenYour vocabulary at age 45, for example, is three tim

3、es as great as when you graduated from collegeAt 60, your brain possesses almost four times as much information as it did at age 21、This trade-off (协调) between sharpness and wisdom has led psychologist DrLeopold Bellak to suggest that “maturity quotients (成熟商)” be adopted for adults.Women also get a

4、n additional advantage of good health later in life: National Institute of Health figures show that the attack of such “old age” diseases as arthritis (关节炎), rheumatism (风湿病), and heart illness begin around age 60 in men, at age 65 in womenIt is hard to deny (否定) the generally greater fitness of wom

5、en: Life expectancy (估计寿命) for men is now 68.3; for women 75.9、Says US aging authority William Kannel, “Older women with low blood pressure are almost immortal (长生不老的).” However, psychologists believe that by entering the petitive job market in increasing numbers, women may eventually give up their

6、advantage.1、The sentence “ your I.Qfor other tasks climbs” means _. Ayour I.Qfor other tasks stops decreasingByour I.Qfor other tasks increasesCyour I.Qfor other tasks stays the sameDyour I.Qfor other tasks decreases2、The “old age” diseases mentioned in this passage are _.Aarthritis, heart illness,

7、headacheBarthritis, heart illness, rheumatismCarthritis, rheumatism, feverDarthritis, headache, rheumatism3、Which of the following statements is NOT true?AYour brain, at age 60, possesses almost 4 times as much information as it did at age 21.BYour ability to perform certain mathematical putations b

8、egins to decline around 30.CYour vocabulary begins to decline after 30.DYour memory begins to decline around 30.4、The scientists mentioned in this passage are _.AWilliam Kannel, Leopol Bellak, Arthur JensenBArthur Jensen, Leopold Bellak, BerkeleyCArthur Jensen, William Kannel, BerkeleyDLeopold Bella

9、k, Berkeley, William Kannel5、The last sentence suggests that _.Athere may be a relationship between job stress and life expectancyBwomen can do nothing to cope with the attack of “old age” diseasesCwomen are not suited to highly petitive job situationsDwomen are better at statistics改写成分词做状语的句子。1、Whe

10、n she was walking in the park, she saw an old friend.2、As they were blind, how could they see the elephant?3、As he had been there many times, he offered to introduce the history of the country.4、After they rebuilt this way, these temples look even more beautiful.5、As she was excited, she could hardl

11、y say a word.【答案】I.答案及提示:1、C 2、C 3、B 4、D 5、C 6、AII.答案及提示:1、正确的句子应该是:That men must die is a fact.分析:that引导主语从句,虽然没有词义,也不在句子中作任何句子成分,但是that绝对不可省略2、正确的句子应该是:Whether he es or not matters a lot.whether和if都表示“是否”的意思,在名词性从句中起引导从句的作用;但是在主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、介词及个别动词之后的从句中,一般用whether而不用if3、正确的句子应该是:The reason why

12、he didnt go to school was that he was ill.如果reason作句子主语时,起标语从句只能用that引导,而且that不可省略但reason的定语从句一般只用why来引导4、正确的句子应该是:The dictionary is very useful, that is why I bought it yesterday.why和because都可以引导表语从句,但两者的侧重点各不相同why所引导的表语从句是上文出现饿情况或发生的事情所带来的结果;即主句是原因,表语从句表示结果,简单理解就是前因后果because所引导的表语从句是用来解释所出现的饿情况机器原

13、因;即主句是结果,表语从句表示原因,简单理解就是前果后因5、正确的句子应该是:The news that we are having a holiday tomorrow is not true.这里的从句是同位语从句,不是定语从句,因为该从句是对the news的内容进行更具体、更详细的说明可以带同位语从句的名词主要有:fact, news, idea, truth, hope, suggestion, doubt, belief等,引导这些同位语从句的连词一般都用that,而且that不能省略6、正确的句子应该是:Can you tell me how I can get to the b

14、us station?由疑问词what, who, when, where, how等引导的宾语从句中要用陈述句的语序,不能用疑问句的语序,即主谓不倒装7、正确的句子应该是:What do you think will happen?动词think, believe, suppose, imagine, say等后接疑问词引导的宾语从句时,该疑问词通常要提到主句的句首8、正确的句子应该是:He will answer for the fact that his brother is honest.that只能在besides, except, but等介词的后面引导宾语从句,其它介词之后通常不

15、能跟that引导的宾语从句,通常采用在that从句前加上类似the fact等词的方法,以次避免出现“介词+that从句“的现象9、正确的句子应该是:I dont doubt that John will e on time.doubt通常表示“怀疑”、“不相信”的意思,它的后面接宾语从句是,在否定句和疑问句中接由that引导的宾语从句;在肯定句中一般接由whether或if引导的宾语从句10、正确的句子应该是:I didnt know he was here.如果主句用过去时,从句一般也要用过去时,前后时态一致,这是基本原则III.答案及提示:1、正确答案是:B通过前面一句“around 3

16、0, memory begins to decline, particularly your ability to perform mathematical putations.”得出increase应该与decline互为反义2、正确答案是:由文章中“National Institute of Health figures show that the attack of such “old age” diseases as arthritis, rheumatism, and heart illness begin around age 60 in men, at age 65 in wom

17、en.”这句中可以看出老年疾病指的是关节炎、风湿病和心脏病3、正确答案是:C由文章中“At 60, your brain possesses almost four times as much information as it did at age 21.”得出选项A是正确的由文章中“around 30, memory begins to decline, particularly your ability to perform mathematical putations.”得出选项B和选项D都是正确的4、正确答案是:A通过对全文的跳读寻找可以找出所提到的科学家的名字5、正确答案是:通过对

18、文章第二段落的理解可以得出正确答案改写成分词做状语的句子1、Walking in the park, she saw an old friend.2、Being blind, how could they see the elephant?3、Having been there many times, he offered to introduce the history of the country.4、Having rebuilt this way, these temples look even more beautiful.5、Being excited, she could hard

19、ly say a word.2019-2020年高中英语 Unit3 Australia 专项训练2 新人教版选修9第一部分:英语知识运用语法和词汇知识1. He is a highly _ doctor in the through out the town.A. respective B. respected C. respectful D. respecting2. The concert has been canceled _ lack of support.A. as B. owing toC. was because of D. lead to3. There are strict

20、 limits on _ the country because a lot of social problem could arises and the country cant take in a lot of new blind ers. . A. emigration ito B. immigration into C. emigration out of D. emigration into4. Its not by any means a brilliant salary but its _for our needs.A. adequate B. abundant C. accur

21、ate D. attached5. They are purely _ weapons, not designed for attacks.A. offensive B. defensiveC. offence D. defensible6. The cancer risks _ smoking have been well documented.A. involved with B. involving withC. associating with D. associated with7. -Why do you look so upset?-There are so many troub

22、lesome problems _.A. remaining to be settled B. remained settled C. remaining to settle D. remained to be settled 8. _ a vocation, and youll forget unhappy thingsA. Going on B. To go on C. Go on D. If you go on9. The boss appeared _ the accident and was not surprised at the news.A. to know B. to hav

23、e known C. knowing D. having known10. Sorry, I havent got enough cash to pay for the bill. I have _ 10 yuan with me. Can I pay for it with my a credit card?A. no less than B. no fewer than C. no more than D. much more than11. _ surprised the family most was _ the girl played basketball very well. A.

24、 That; that B. That; what C. What; that D.What; what12. She decides to climb the high mountain _ as she is a _ person.A. alone , determined B. lonely, determinedC. alone, determining D. lonely, determining13. I remember _ this used to be a very small village.A. when B. how C. where D. what14. Since

25、she left home, I have been worried about her and _ well at all. A. was sleeping B. wasnt sleeping C. havent been sleeping D. have been sleeping15. You must _for catching colds for the weather is so changeable at this time every year A. look up B. look into C. look for D. look out 第二节 完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文

26、后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly 16 . I fumbled(摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had 17 their search. I found one. But I had no matches, for they had taken those. I 18 the bars at the jailer(狱卒). He did not make eye

27、 contact with me. I 19 out to him, “Have you got a 20 ?” He looked at me, shrugged (耸肩) and came over to light my cigarette. As he came close, I 21 . I dont know why I did that. It was as though a spark jumped across the 22 between our two hearts. My smile leaped through the 23 and generated a smile

28、 on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed 24, looking at me directly in the eyes. I kept 25 at him, and his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension(方面) too. “Do you have 26 ?” he asked. “Yes, here, here.” I took out my wallet and 27 fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, 28, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for 29 . My eyes filled with tears, I said that I 30 that Id never see my family again, never have the 31 to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. 32 , wi

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