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1、至少有五六代的美国人都用象牙香皂洗浴。点击朗读 So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination. Not even Proctor & Gamble knows how many billions of bars of Ivory have been sold. The company keeps a precise count, however, of the billions of dollars it earns. Annu

2、al sales of Ivory Soap, Ivory Snow, Crest toothpaste, Folgers coffee, and the hundreds of other products now marketed under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella exceed thirty billion dollars. 使用象牙香皂来洗手、洗脸以及给小孩子洗屁股的人不计其数。就连宝洁公司也弄不清楚到底卖出了多少亿万块象牙香皂,但它却准确记载了象牙香皂赚来了多少亿美元。每年,象牙香皂、象牙雪花膏、佳洁士牙膏、佛吉斯咖啡以及其他数百种宝洁公司旗下的产

3、品的销售额超过了300亿美元。点击朗读 The company has grown a bit since it was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati, Ohio, by a pair of immigrants named William Proctor and James Gamble, each of whom pledged $3 596.47 to the enterprise. For decades Proctor & Gamble manufactured candles and soap in relatively modest quantiti

4、es. It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars, which they did shortly before the Civil War. The companys big break came with the introduction of its floating soap and the realization that an elaborate advertising campaign could turn a simple, though high-quality, product in

5、to a phenomenon. The soaps brand name was lifted from “out of ivory palaces”, a phrase found in the Bible. So successful was this new product and the marketing effort that placed it in the hands of nearly every American that the company soon built an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale.

6、 1837年,两个外国移民威廉普罗克特和詹姆士盖博尔各投资3 596.47美元,在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市成立了宝洁公司,至今公司已经有了巨大发展。在创建后的几十年里,宝洁公司规模较小,主要生产蜡烛和香皂。直到二十多年后(即美国内战即将爆发之前),公司的销售额才突破100万美元。随着漂浮香皂的推出,以及意识到一系列精心策划的广告活动可以让一种简单然而优质的产品成为一种时尚,宝洁公司才有了巨大的发展。这种漂浮香皂的商标源于圣经中的“出自象牙宫殿”一语。这种新产品和它的营销手段极其成功,以至几乎所有的美国人都在使用它。这样,宝洁公司很快就在一个名叫艾弗里代尔的地方修建了一座新的大型工厂。点击朗读 Pr

7、octor & Gamble never forgot the advertising lessons it learned with Ivory. For instance, it was among the first manufacturers to use radio to reach consumers nationwide. In 1933 Proctor & Gambles Oxydol soap powder sponsored a radio serial called Ma Perkins, and daytime dramas were forever after kno

8、wn as “soap operas.” Over the years the company added dozens of new product lines such as Prell shampoo, Duncan Hines cake mixes, and the ever-present Tide, “new and improved” many a time. To this day, however, Ivory Soap remains a Proctor & Gamble backbone product. 宝洁公司将广告在营销象牙香皂的过程中所起到的巨大作用铭记在心。比如

9、说,宝洁公司成为第一批通过广播向全国消费者推销的商家之一。1933年,宝洁公司为推销奥塞度肥皂粉,赞助了一部广播连续剧珀金斯大妈。从此,这类白天播出的连续剧就被称为“肥皂剧”。多年以来,宝洁公司陆续推出了几十种新产品系列,如绿宝洗发水、邓肯汉司蛋糕现料以及不断推陈出新的汰渍洗衣粉。然而,直至今日,象牙香皂仍是宝洁公司的拳头产品。点击朗读 I vory remains a favorite among consumers, too, and no wonder. With a bar of Ivory Soap in your hand, you are holding a chunk of A

10、merican history. If you like, you can even wash your hands and face with it and be assured that it is “ninety-nine and forty-four-one-hundredths percent pure.” And it floats. 象牙香皂一直理所当然地成为最受消费者欢迎的产品。手握一块象牙香皂,也就把握住了一段美国历史。如果你愿意,你甚至可以用象牙香皂来洗脸或洗手,同时坚信它的“纯度高达99.44%”,而且它还可以浮在水面。点击朗读 The latter quality of

11、 Ivory Soap is especially attractive to children. Generations of little boys armed with toothpicks, miniature flags, or leftover parts from model ships there are always a few have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships. A note of warning for any small boys who may be reading this: Mot

12、hers tend to frown on the practice. 象牙香皂在水中漂浮的这种品质对孩子们尤具吸引力。一代接一代的小男孩们总爱用牙签、小旗或玩具模型船的旧零件(总会找到几个)把象牙香皂改装成浴缸里的战舰。说到这里,我要给可能读到这篇文章的男孩子们提个醒:妈妈可不喜欢你这样做呵。(613 words)点击朗读单词Barn.(a place with) a counter where alcoholic drinks are served 酒吧,吧台a piece of solid material that is longer than it is wide 条,长方块bath

13、tub(also bath) a large basin in which one sits to wash the whole body 浴盆, 浴缸billion(the number) one thousand million 十亿chunka thick piece, usu. of irregular shape(一)大块civiladj.of or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的;民间的;国内的cowboya person employed to look after cattle, esp. on horseback in Am

14、erica 牛仔elaboratevery detailed and complicated 详尽而复杂的carefully worked out 精心制作的 be greater than 超过,超出to go beyond what is allowed, necessary or advisable 超出界线floatto (cause to) stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking 使漂浮frownto bring the eyebrows together 皱眉头immigrantsb. coming int

15、o a country from abroad to make their home there 移民importto bring in (sth., esp. goods) from another place or esp. another country 输入;进口ivorythe material from elephant tusks 象牙latterthe second (of two people or things just mentioned)(两者中)后者的leftoverremaining; unused 剩下的manufactureto make or produce

16、esp. by machinery or other industrial processes and usu. in large quantities 用机器制造(尤指大量的)marble大理石mildgentle; not violent 柔和的,温柔的miniaturevery small 极小的modesthaving or expressing a lower opinion of ones own ability than is probably deserved; hiding ones good qualities 谦逊的not large in quantity, size,

17、 value, etc. 不多的,不大的,适中的,适度的naughty(esp. of children or their behavior) not obeying a parent, teacher, set of rules, etc.; disobedient(指小孩或其行为)顽皮的,淘气的notionan idea, belief, or opinion in sb.s mind; concept 观念,概念operaa musical play in which many or all of the words are sung 歌剧phenomenona fact, event,

18、 type of behavior, etc., that exists and can be experienced by the senses, esp. one that is unusual and / or of scientific interest 现象a remarkable or unusual person, thing, event, etc. 非凡的或特殊的人、物、事件等powder(a) dry substance in the form of extremely small grains 粉rivalto equal; to be as good as or rea

19、ch the same standard as 与.匹敌, 与.抗衡seriala written or broadcast story appearing in parts at fixed times 连载小说,连续剧spotlesscompletely clean 一尘不染的;无瑕疵的toothpastea specially prepared substance for cleaning ones teeth 牙膏toothpicka short thin pointed piece of wood, plastic, etc., used for removing food stuc

20、k between ones teeth牙签trademarka special name, sign, word, etc., which is marked on a product to show that it is made by a particular producer, and which may legally only be used by that producer 商标tubfulthe amount that a tub holds 一桶,一盆Phrases and Expressionsby means ofby using 借助,利用frown on / upon

21、to disapprove of 不赞成keep count ofto be aware and know how many there are (of) 知道共有多少Passage ANot Now, Dr. Miracle开始朗读SeverinoAntinori is a rich Italian doctor with a string of private fertility clinics to his name. He likes watching football and claims the Catholic faith. Yet the Vatican is no fan o

22、f his science. 塞韦里诺安蒂诺里是一个富有的意大利医生,在他名下有一连串治疗不育症的私人诊所。他喜欢观看足球比赛,自称为天主教徒,然而梵蒂冈对他的研究却不是很有兴趣。开始朗读In his clinics, Antinori already offers every IVF treatment under the sun, but still there are couples he cannot help. So now the man Italians call Dr. Miracle is offering to clone his patients to create th

23、e babies they so desperately want.在他的诊所里,安蒂诺里已能给患者提供世上所有的试管受精疗法,但对某些夫妇,他仍然无能为力。因此,这个被意大利人称作神奇医生的人现在打算克隆患者本人来帮助他们得到其迫切想要的孩子。开始朗读And of course its created quite a stir, with other scientists rounding on Antinori as religious leaders line up to attack his cloning plan as an insult to human dignity. Yet

24、 its an ambition Antinori has expressed many times before. Whats new is that finally it seems to be building a head of steam. Like-minded scientists from the US have joined Antinori in his cloning adventure. At a conference in Rome last week they claimed hundreds of couples have already volunteered

25、for the experiments.当然这就引起了轩然大波。不仅宗教领袖群起而攻击他的克隆计划,认为这是对人类尊严的玷污,而且其他科学家也出来抨击他。在此之前安蒂诺里已多次表达过他的远大志向,但这次不同的是,他好像是要动真格的了。与安蒂诺里志趣相投的美国科学家已加入了他的克隆冒险试验。上周在罗马举行的一次新闻发布会上,他们宣布已有数百对夫妇自愿成为实验对象。开始朗读Antinori shot to fame seven years ago helping grandmothers give birth using donor eggs. Later he pioneered the use

26、 of mice to nurture the sperm of men with poor fertility. He is clearly no ordinary scientist but a showman who thrives on controversy and pushing reproductive biology to the limits. And that of course is one reason why hes seen as being so dangerous.七年前,安蒂诺里由于使用捐赠的卵子帮助高龄妇女成功生育,一时名声大噪。随后,他率先使用老鼠为生殖力低下的男子培育精子。很显然,他不是一位普通的科学家,而是一个爱出风头的人。他靠争议而成名,并将生殖学推到了极限。为此他便理所当

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