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1、 (Put “run fast” on the Bb.)b. Read in pairs!1. Sing a song.1. Greetings2. Sing a song “Come on and join into the games”4.学生自读课文明白大意.按要求做动作.c. Read in pairs. 邳州市小学教师备课用纸(三) 第 页 年 月 日教 师 活 动D. Consolidation3. speak loudlya. I say you do. fastrun loudlyspeakb. Put “speak loudly” on the Bb. and read lo

2、udly.c. You say s. do. cry loudly sing loudly 4. Teach dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly in the same way 6. Hand out the cards to some students, ask the others to guess. 7. Show Ss some photos and talk about them. Does he run fast? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt .Ask Ss try to say “Does he

3、 ?” 8. Talk about the picture in pair.Put “speak loudly” on the Bb.5. Listen to the tape and read after the tapeAsk Ss try to say “Does he ?9. Make a dialogue and act it.Do a survey 教师备课用纸(四) 第 页 年 月 日B. Look read and learn.speak loudlyrun fastdance beautifullyjump highwalk carefully1. Four skills:

4、an e-mail, busy, town, age, usually, what does she usually do? He/she usually 2. Three skills: Im busy, were the same age 3. Require the students to read and act the dialogueA. Free talk Free talkT: Hello, . Nice to see you. How old are you? How old are you, Ying Ling? Oh, youre the same age.1.引导学生看

5、B部分.教师自问自答Whats he doing? Hes running . Does he run fast?Yes, he does. He runs fast.1. What does he/she usually?a. What do you usually do? I usually play football. What does he usually do? He usually2. Look at the picture and talk about it.复习上节课所学内容.S: Nice to see you . Im eleven. Im eleven , too. Y

6、es. We are the same age.2.学生理解词组的意义后,让他们听录音跟读.b. Reading and practice.c. E-mail, surf the Internet, busyWhats Wang Bing doing? Is he surfing the Internet? Hes busy.E. Homework.3. Listen to the tape, answer the question.e. Does Wang Bings friend live in London?f. How old is his friend?g. Does he usua

7、lly play football?h. Does he play well?3. Listen and act 游戏.教师说出一动词和副词搭配的词组.d. town, ageDo you live in the city? No, Im in a small town. Are you twelve? Yes, I am. And you? Im twelve, too. Youre in the same age.4. Imitate!5. Practice in groups.1. Act the dialogue.2. Talk about your own friends.学生做动作

8、.如老师说jump high, 学生跳起来,尽量跳的高.Copy these words.B .C and DWhat do you usually?I usuallyWhat doI1.进一步掌握本单元所学的动词词组2.进一步掌握句型“What doesusually do?” “He/She usually”能用该句型询问他人日常生活规律3.通过本课学习能灵活区别运用Do? Yes,do./No,dontDoes? Yes,does./No,doesntA. Say a rhymeB. Revision3. Lets say together.1. 图片闪现,生说本单元所学的词组2. In

9、troduction I usually read English books and watch TV on Sundays.My brother usually does his homeworkMy parents usually3. Do a survey in group4. 从他人口中了解你的同学e.g. SA: Excuse me ,B What does C usually doSB: She usuallySA: Does D? Yes,/No,1. Try to read. (投影呈现)2. Listen to the tape. say together.说本单元所学的词

10、组S1: What do you usually?S2: I usually What doS3: IC. Ask and answerD. Look and readE. Assign homework5. Play a gamea. 游戏目的:复习What does? Does?b. 游戏准备:师准备各类图片c. 方法:看看,问问,猜猜1. 出示图片,师生示范一例Use: He goes to schoolHe hasHe likes5. 师提供类似的图片,出示关键词,生试说(同桌),比比谁说得既流利又正确。提示:go to school at sevenhave six lessons

11、everydayhave lunch at 11:10 like singing 一生看图,师生共猜(个别:Does)2. 同桌问答1. 扩充对话,比比哪组说得好.1. Look at the pictures2. Listen to the tape, then repeat3. Try to say (If you are the boy)4. Describe试说(同桌),比比谁说得既流利又正确。1. 回顾本单元所学的词组,单词,试默2. 用所学的句型描述你同学的日常生活,兴趣爱好E. Look and read. F. Listen and repeatAn English frien

12、dI go to school from Monday to Friday.He goes to school from Monday to Friday.1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的动词词组 2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语A Free talkB Presentation C practice教师出示Read and say部分的挂图进行句型介绍This is Yang Ling. She likes making clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说句型Ya

13、ng Ling likes making clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.1 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师说出一个词组并请一位学生指出黑板上相对的图片。2 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如Do you like going shopping?No,I dont. Do you like keeping goldfish? Yes, I do.Eg: Good morning./How are you?/What day is it today?/What lessons do you have in the morning

14、/afternoon?/What subject do you like?教师利用挂图进行问答练习,引出Does Yang Ling like making clothes? Yes, she does. Does Helen like taking photos? No, she doesnt.领说句型。C Read and sayD ConsolidationE Listen and repeat.F Homework把学生分成小组,教师在每组第一位学生的耳边悄悄说出不同的单词或句子,让学生依次在下一位学生耳边轻声说出。然后请每组最后一位学生大声说出他/她所听到的单词或句子,说对的小组为优

15、胜组。Play the game: Whats missing?(教师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生Whats missing?学生说出被抽出图片的动词词组。)Play a game:教师用多媒体课件快速展示图片,一闪即停,然后问学生:Whats missing?让学生看图后猜单词。 the phrases and copy the phrases.2.Read and copy the words and sentences. 教师备课用纸(四) 第 页 年 月 日G. Listen and repeat . H Say a rhymeI usu

16、ally go shopping on Saturdays and Sundays.Do you usually?1. 能进一步掌握句型Does? Yes,does./No,doesnt并能用What does usually do?询问他人日常生活规律 2能初步了解字母u在单词中的读音A. Free talk and revisionB. Say the rhymesC. Play a gameD. Read and act. I usually go shopping on Saturdays and Sundays. Does your mother work on Saturdays

17、and Sundays? What does your father usually do in the evening?内容:a letter for me游戏目的:复习所学的动词词组并进行扩展,灵活运用游戏方法:师说一副词,生做各种动作e.g. cry /laugh/singYoure right. /great!做错的:Youre wrong.Im sorry. Yes, I do. / No, I dont.I usually play chess on Saturdays. Yes, she does. He usually watches TV and reads newspape

18、rs.一生起说,齐说生做各种动作1. Look at the pictures, read after the tape in roles.E. Listen and repeatF. Assign homework2. Change.鼓励学生说,不一定要全面,完整,说一两句也行,还可以用自己的话说。1. T writes some words on the blackboard or use some cards with the words.3. 将单元按读音归类ju: u A Where is it?Is it in the box?3. Try to ask and answer (D

19、ont look at your books.)2. Read together or ask someone to read.4. Look at the picture, describe it then say “The puppet jumps and runs in the bus”e.g. T: Whats this?Ss: Its a puppet. 1. 能熟练表演本课对话2. 模仿Part A并结合重点句型自编对话(分小组进行)Try to write a small passage (About your family member or your classmate)A.

20、Review and checkUnit 5 Review and checkThe boy runs ( ),but the girl does not.The girl dances ( ), but the boy does not.1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配. 2. 复习问句:Does he/she?yes, he /she does. No, he/she doesnt. Step 1.Revision Step 2.Look,read and write. 1. Greetings 2. Freetalk 3. Answer quickly . 1. Show the pic

21、tures (1-4) and answer questions. 1).What does the girl/boy do?2)do he/she?4. Show the pictures (5-8) and answer questions. 1).Does Miss Li like keeping goldfish?2).Does Mr Black like making model ships?3).Does Mrs Brown like cooking?1).Do you have any hobbies?2).Do you like?3).Does he/she?4).What d

22、oes he/she usually do?The way: 当一个学生说出动词时,另一个学生快速的说出相应的副词2. Read the sentences and fill in the blank. 3. Check the answers. Step 3.Look and write. Step 4 Consolidation 4).Does Mr Green like collecting stamps?1. Show the pictures of Part B. 5. 指导学生看第一至四幅图, 并根据句子内容选择相应的副词,在括号中填上相应副词的字母.7. 鼓励学生模仿句型,同桌进

23、行口头练习.答案:b c d a h e g f2. Talk about the pictures. 3. Divide 8 groups and make dialogues 4. Check out. 6. 熟练朗读已完成的句子,并能根据图片进行口头练习.Assign homework: Finish Part A and B. Read it and recite it. B Look and write Unit 5 As got a coughBs got a feverCs got a coldDs got a headacheEs got a stomach ache 通过复习能比较熟练地听、说、读、写所学过的单词、词组和句型。A. Warm up.1. Greeting. 3. 带领学生复习Unit 2的内容.重点句型:I have got= Ive gotLiu Tao has got= Liu Taos gotWhats wrong with you?单词

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