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1、I.5. Consignee 收货人 Postal code 邮编I.6. I.7. Country of origin 来源国家 ISO codeISO编码I.8. Region of originI.8. 来源地区Code编码I.9. Country of destination 到达国家I.10. Region of destinationI.10. 到达地区I.11. Place of origin 产地 Name 名称 Approval number 批准号I.12. I.13. Place of loading 装卸地I.14. Date of departure 启运时间I.15

2、. Means of transport 运输方式 Aeroplane 飞机 Ship 轮船 Railway wagon 火车 Road vehicle 陆运货车 Other 其它 Identification 识别信息 Documentary references 相关证明文件I.16. Entry BIP in EU 进入欧盟的边境检查站I.17. No(s) of CITES 号码I.18. Description of commodity 物品描述I.19. Commodity code (HS code) 海关商品编码010619I.20. Quantity 数量I.21. I.22

3、. Number of packages 件数I.23. Seal/Container No 封条集装箱 编号I.24.I.25. Commodities certified for: 商品确认为: Pets 宠物 Approved bodies 审批机构 I.26. I.27. For import or admission into EU 为进口或准许进入欧盟 I.28. Identification of the commodities 商品识别信息 Species物种 Identification system识别体系 Date of application of Identifica

4、tion number 识别号码 Date of birth 出生日期 (Scientific name 学名) the microchip or tattoo dd/mm/yyyy 日/月/年 微芯片或图章使用日期 dd/mm/yyyy 日/月/年CHINA 中国 Imports of dogs, cats, ferrets and non-commercial movements into the Union of more than five dogs, cats or ferrets狗、猫、雪貂进口和非商品类的多于五只的狗、猫或雪貂进入欧盟II. Health information

5、卫生信息II.a. Certificate reference No 证书编号II.b.I, the undersigned official veterinarian of . (insert name of third country) certify that: .(第三国名称)官方兽医兹证明:II.1. the clinical examination carried out on each of the animals within 24 hours of scheduled dispatch by a veterinarian authorised by the competent

6、 authority showed the animals to be fit to be transported on the intended journey at the time of inspection; 由主管部门授权兽医在预定运输时间24小时内对每一个动物进行的临床检查证明在检验之时该动物适宜被按照既定路线运输;II.2. at least 21 days have elapsed since the completion of the primary vaccination against rabies(1) carried out in accordance with th

7、e requirements set out in Annex Ib to Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 and any subsequent revaccination was carried out within the period of validity of the preceding vaccination(2) and details of the current vaccination are provided in the table in point II.4. 至少距离按照欧盟委员会998/2003号规定附录规定接种首次狂犬病(1)疫苗已有21天

8、,随后任何再次接种是在之前接种疫苗(2)的有效期限内进行的。II.4记录了当前疫苗的详细信息。(3)either II.3. the animals come from a third country or territory listed in Section 2 of Part B or in Part C of Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 998/2003; (3)该动物来自欧盟委员会第998/2003号规定附录二部分C的第二节或部分C所列出的第三国或地区 (3)or II.3. the animals come from, and if transit

9、ing another third country or territory, are scheduled to transit through, a third country or territory listed in Part 1 of Annex II to Commission Regulation (EU) No 206/2010 and since the dates indicated in the table in point II.4, when blood samples were taken not earlier than 30 days after vaccina

10、tion from each of the animals by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority which subsequently proved antibody titres equal to or greater than 0.5 IU/ml in a virus neutralisation test for rabies carried out in an approved laboratory(4)(5), at least 3 months have elapsed and any subsequent

11、revaccination was carried out within the period of validity of the preceding vaccination(2). 或 (3)该动物来自,并且如正经过第三国或地区,既定经过欧盟委员会第206/2010号规定附录二第一部分中所列的第三国或地区。在不早于每个动物接种疫苗30天后,由主管机构授权兽医采集血液样本,并在获准实验室(4)(5)中进行狂犬病病毒中和实验,证明抗体滴度大于或等于0.5 IU/ml。自II.4中的指定日期起,即上述兽医采集血液样本的日期起,至少已有三个月,且任何后续的再次接种是在之前疫苗(2)的有效期限内进行

12、。II.4. the details of the current anti-rabies vaccination and the date of sampling are the following: 当前狂犬病疫苗的详细情况和抽样日期如下所示:Part II: Certification第二部分: 认证Microchip or tattoo number of the animal动物微芯片或图章数量Date of vaccination dd/mm/yyyy接种疫苗日期 日/月年Name and manufacturer of vaccine 疫苗名称和制造商Batch number批次

13、号Validitydd/mm/yyyy 有效期限 日/月/年Date of the blood sample dd/mm/yyyy血液采样日期日/月/年From从To至(3)either II.5. the dogs have not been treated against Echinococcus multilocularis; (3)狗未经过防多房棘球绦虫处理;(3)or II.5. the dogs have been treated against Echinococcus multilocularis and the details of the treatment are doc

14、umented in the table in point II.6. 或 (3) 狗已经过防多房棘球绦虫处理,处理详细情况记录在II.6.表格中。II.6. the details of the treatment carried out by the administering veterinarian in accordance with Article 7 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1152/2011(6) are the following: 据欧盟委员会第1152/2011号委托规定(6)第七条,由执行兽医进行的处理情况如

15、下:Microchip or tattoo number of the dog狗的微芯片或图章数量Anti-echinococcustreatment防棘球绦虫处理Administering veterinarian执行兽医Name and manufacturer of the product产品名称和制造商Date dd/mm/yyyy and time of treatment 00:00处理日期日/月/年和时间00:Name (in capital), stamp and signature名称(大写),盖章和签字 (7) (8)Notes 注(a) The original of e

16、ach certificate shall consist of a single sheet of paper, or, where more text is required it must be in such a form that all sheets of paper required are part of an integrated whole and indivisible. 每份证明的正本应为一页,或者如需记录更多信息,所有页必须整理为一份完整且无法分散的文件。(b) The certificate shall be drawn up in at least one of

17、the official languages of the Member State of the border inspection post of introduction of the consignment into the Union and of the Member State of destination. However, those Member States may authorise the certificate to be drawn up in the official language of another Member State, and accompani

18、ed, if necessary, by an official translation. 证明应用至少一种输欧运送边境检查站的成员国官方语言和目的地成员国官方语言起草。然而,这些成员国可授权用另一成员国的官方语言起草,并且如有需要可附官方翻译。(c) If for reasons of identification of the items of the consignment (schedule in point I.28), additional sheets of paper or supporting documents are attached to the certificate

19、, those sheets of paper or document shall also be considered as forming part of the original of the certificate by the application of the signature and stamp of the official veterinarian, on each of the pages. 如果因运送物品识别的原因(按I.28中规定),额外页或证明文件需随附在证明中。此类页或文件也应由官方兽医在每一页上签字或盖章,认定为证明正本的一部分。(d) When the ce

20、rtificate, including additional schedules referred to in (c), comprises more than one page, each page shall be numbered, (page number) of (total number of pages), at the end of the page and shall bear the certificate reference number that has been designated by the competent authority at the top of

21、the pages. 当证明,包括(c)中提到的额外部分,超过一页时,在每页页面底端应有编号,(总页数)的(页码)。每页页面顶端应有由主管部门指定的证书编号。(e) The certificate shall be valid for 10 days from the date of issue by the official veterinarian, except for a non-commercial movement into the Union of more than five dogs, cats and ferrets in which case the certificat

22、e is valid for the purpose of further movements within the Union, for a total of 4 months from the date of issue of this certificate or until the date of expiry of the anti-rabies vaccination, whichever date is earlier. 证书自官方兽医签发之日起十天有效,除了在非商品类的多于五只的狗、猫或雪貂输欧的情况下,证明在签发日四个月后或狂犬病疫苗过期日二者中更早的日期时失效,以便物品在欧

23、盟内部继续运送。(f) The competent authorities of the exporting third country or territory shall ensure that rules and principles of certification equivalent to those laid down in Directive 96/93/EC are followed. 第三国或地区出口的主管部门应确保执行与欧盟委员会96/93/EC指令等效的证书规定和原则。Part I: 第一部分:Box I.11.: Place of origin: name and a

24、ddress of the dispatch establishment. Indicate approval or registration number表格I.11: 产地:运送机构的名称和地址。说明获准或登记号。Box I.28.: Identification system : Select of the following : microchip or tattoo表格I.28: 识别系统:从下列选择:微芯片或图章 Date of application of the microchip or tattoo : The tattoo must be clearly readable

25、and applied before 3 July 2011 微芯片或图章应用日期:图章必须清晰可见,并盖于2011年7月3日前。 Identification number : Indicate the microchip or tattoo number 识别号码:说明微芯片或图章编号 Date of birth : Indicate only if known 出生日期:仅在已知情况下提供第二部分:(1) Any revaccination must be considered a primary vaccination if it was not carried out within

26、the period of validity of a previous vaccination. 如果任何再次接种不在之前疫苗的有效期限内进行,该接种必须被认定为初次接种。(2) A certified copy of the identification and vaccination details of the animals concerned shall be attached to the certificate. 一份动物识别和疫苗详细信息的有效副本必须随附证书。(3) Keep as appropriate. Where the certificate states that

27、 certain statements shall be kept as appropriate, statements which are not relevant may be crossed out and initialled and stamped by the official veterinarian, or completely deleted from the certificate. 保留适当内容。凡是证书指出某条目应在适用情况下保留,无关条目可被划去并由官方兽医签署盖章,或者从证书中完全删除。(4) The rabies antibody test referred to

28、 in point II.3: II.3提及的狂犬病抗体测试:- must be carried out on a sample collected by a veterinarian authorised by the competent authority, at least 30 days after the date of vaccination and three months before the date of import; 必须由主管部门授权的官方兽医采集样本。测试必须在疫苗接种30天后,进口日期3个月前进行;- must measure a level of neutral

29、ising antibody to rabies virus in serum equal to or greater than 0.5 IU/ml; 测得血清中狂犬病病毒中和抗体水平大于或等于0.5 IU/ml;- must be performed by a laboratory approved in accordance with Article 3 of Council Decision 2000/258/EC designating a specific institute responsible for establishing criteria necessary for standardising the serological tests to monitor the effectiveness of rabies vaccines (list of approved laboratories available at http:/ec

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