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1、Kim : How did you go there?你们怎么去的那儿?Jenny : We went by bus. This is Danny at Tianmen Square. 詹妮:我们乘公共汽车去的那儿。这是丹尼在天安门广场。 What happened?发生了什么事?Danny : I wanted to fly a kite. I hurt my arm and Jenny helped me this is a picture of Jenny and Li Ming at the PalaceMuseum.我想放风筝。我伤到了胳膊。詹妮帮助了我。这是一X詹妮和李明在故宫的照

2、片。 But I cant see Li Ming and Jenny in the picture!但是我在照片上不能看见李明和詹妮。 Danny fell and broke his tail! He took a picture of the sky!丹尼摔倒并摔断了尾巴!他拍了X天空的照片。 And we bought gifts for you in Beijing. This hat is for you, Kim.并且,在我们为你们买了礼物。这帽子是给你买的,金。Jenny: And this kite is for you ,Steven!这只风筝是给你的,斯蒂文!Kim an

3、d Steven : Thanks!金和斯蒂文:谢谢!Danny and Jenny: Youre wele!丹尼和詹妮:别客气! Put on the hat, Kim.戴上你的帽子,金. Its too small for me.对我来说它太小了。LETS DO IT! 做一做!Workk in a small group. 在一小组之间学习。Choose your favorite picture from your family album.从你家收存的照片里选择一X你最喜欢的照片。 Then, describe the picture to your group members.然后

4、,给你们组的成员描述这个照片里的内容。重点难点详解s near Wangfujing Street. 它在王府井大街附近。 near用作形容词,意为“近的;临近的”,常用作表语或定语。例如:The post office is quite near. 邮局(离这儿)非常近。Nobody was near. 没人在附近。注意near与close相对,当表示空间或时间上的“接近的”时,二者意思几乎一样。只不过near在程度上要比close弱,near通常没有“紧接”的意思,而close有“紧接”和“近在身旁”的意思。试比较:Can you tell me the nearest way to th

5、e station? 你能告诉我去车站最近的路吗?He has a near opinion with ours.他的意见与我们的意见接近。He is a near friend of mine. = He is a close friend of mine. 他是我的一位亲密朋友。 near也可用作副词,但初学者容易误认为near的副词形式是nearly(差不多;大约;几乎)。near指(时间。空间)“接近;近”。Spring draws near. 春天临近了。My parents line quite near.我父母住的地方离这里很近。I am standing just near e

6、nough to hear what they are saying. 我站得很近,正好能听到他们说什么。 near与near to near可用作介词,near to或nearest to既可视作复合介词,也可把near或nearest分别看作near to和nearest to的省略。当表示空间上的“接近”时,用near与near to都行。She is sitting near(to) me. 他坐在我的附近。The cinema is near the supermarket. 电影院在超级市场附近。但是,表示非空间接近,而作“几乎”(nearly)解时, near to中 to则不可

7、省略。She was near to tears.她几乎要哭出来了。I came very near to hitting him. 我几乎要撞到他。 near to与close to near to表示空间上接近时,to可以省略,而close to中的to却是不可省略的。这是因为near和 near to都作介词,而close不能用作介词,只有close to才可用作介词。He is standing near(to)/close to me. 他站得离我很近。He drew a chair near but not close to her, and sat on it in silenc

8、e. 他把椅子挪近她,但不是离得很近,然后静静地坐下来。 near to与next to neat to与next to二者从语法结构上看,用法是一样的。只不过前者多指“向靠近”;后者指“贴近;挨着;与相邻”。He sits near to me. 他坐在我的附近。He sits next to me. 他挨着我坐。In one room next to his, I found a lot of old clothes.在他隔壁的一个房间里,我发现了许多旧衣服。 near与nearby nearby用作形容词,作“附近的”解,用作定语时,可以放在所修饰的名词之前或之后;而near既可作表语,

9、又可作定语,用作定语时一般不后置。We live in a nearby village. 我们住在附近的村子里。I gave my seat to a blind man nearby. 我把坐位让给附近的一位盲人。辨析:by, beside, near和next to 1) by和beside均表示“在旁边”,常可换用 例:There is a chair by the table. 桌子边上有一把椅子。She stood by the window. 她站在窗边。The hotel is beside (/by) the river. 那家饭店在河边。e and sit beside (

10、/by) me. 过来,坐在我边上。Put your shoes beside mine. 把你的鞋子放在我的鞋子旁边。2) near表示“在附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用 There is a theatre near his home. 他家附近有一家剧院。Dont play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。There is a post office near No. 1 Middle School. 第一中学附近有一所邮局。2.How did you go there? We went by bus. 你们怎样去那的?我们乘公共汽车去的。(1)

11、how 用来提问方式,意为 “怎么样”,对 by train, by bike, by air, on foot 等提问时都用 how。She went to the library on foot yesterday. (就划线部分提问)昨天她走着去图书馆。How did she go to the library yesterday? 昨天她怎么去的图书馆?(2)by prep. 乘,用(指交通工具等); by +交通工具(中间不加冠词)。例如:by bus /car /plane /train /ship 乘公共汽车/汽车/飞机/火车/轮船by the time 到的时候by the e

12、nd of last year 到去年年底standing by the window 站到窗户边拓展: by 同音词:buy 买It was near dark. 天快黑了。3.I wanted to fly a kite. 我想放风筝。fly v. 放(风筝);They are flying kites in the park. 他们正在公园里放风筝。挂(旗帜);空运。He flew his car to New York. 他把他的轿车空运到了纽约。vi.飞;飞行Several seagulls flew across the sky.几只海鸥飞过天空。驾驶飞机The pilot has

13、 flown for years.这位飞行员已驾驶飞机多年。乘飞机旅行Ill fly to London tomorrow.我明天搭飞机去伦敦。(旗帜等)飘扬;飞舞The Kings banner was flying above his tent.国王的旗帜在他的帐篷上面飘扬。飞跑,飞奔;(时间)飞逝He flew out of the room.他从房间里飞奔出来。知识拓展:fly的用法:fly v. 飞奔;飞驰 Time was flying by. 时间过得飞快。fly n. 苍蝇fly 组成的词组:fly away 飞走 fly a plane 开飞机 fly high 胸怀大志 f

14、ly to 飞往4.I hurt my arm and Jenny helped me. 我伤了胳膊,詹妮帮了我。(1)hurt 在此句中是过去式,“伤害,损伤”。Mike hurt his leg badly when he fell. 麦克跌了一跤,腿伤得很厉害。hurt用作不及物动词,表示“疼”、“难受”。如:My legs hurt我的腿很疼。These new shoes hurt穿着这双新鞋脚有点难受。hurt用作及物动词,后接宾语,表示“伤害”、“使受伤害”,“伤的感情”。He fell out of a tree and hurt his arm 他从一棵树上跌下,摔伤了胳膊。

15、That will hurt her feelings那会伤害她的感情。hurt用作名词,表示“伤痛”、“伤害”、“创伤”。no hurt to his feelings 无意伤害他的感情。(2). 表示并列, 译为“和; 与跟; 又”等。这种用法最为常见。You and I are good friends. 你和我是老朋友了。 表示结果, 译为“因此; 所以”等。Billoften gets up late, and has no time for breakfast. 比尔起床很晚, 因此没时间吃早饭。 表示条件, 译为“只要就; 如果就”等。e early and you will s

16、ee him. 早些来, 你就会见到他的。 表示顺序, 译为“然后; 于是”等。He turned off the light and went to bed. 他关掉灯, 然后上床睡觉了。 用来连接数词, 译为“加”等。one hundred and fifty-two一百五十二Five and six is eleven 五加六等于十一。 表示对比, 译为“而”等。Kate is tall and her sister is very short. 凯特个子高, 而她妹妹个子很矮。 表示转折, 译为“然而; 但是”等。He has lived here for ten years and

17、nobody knows his name. 他住在这儿10年了, 然而还没有人知道他的名字。 表示目的。Go and tell him. 去告诉他。位于句首, 用来承上启下, 译为“于是; 而且”等。And you may now say that things are all right. 因此你现在可以说一切都好。 表示递进, 译作“而且”等。He did it, and did it very well. 他做了, 而且做得非常好。 表示连续, 反复, 译作“又”等。The two men talked and talked. 那两个人谈了又谈。or 和and Mr And Hi ,

18、everyone!我是并列连词中的老大,人称Mr And, 我的基本意义为和, 又, 而,我的工作就是专门连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,起承上启下的作用。我用在句子开头的时候,一般不译出来。同学们要注意的是:我所连接的词语或句子属于并列关系,前后是没有任何矛盾的。如:Tom and David are in the same class.汤姆和大卫在同一班。Lets go and see, OK? 咱们去看看,好吗?I bought Granny a present, and she liked it very much. 我给奶奶买了件礼物,她非常喜欢。同学们,记住我的用法了吗?Lets

19、 be good friends. See you next time!Mr Or Hi, boys and girls! 我是Mr Or, 别看我体型小,作用可大啦!我也是并列连词的一员,排行老三,表示或者的意思,我也用于连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,但是,我在用法上要比我的大哥灵活,我的用法如下:1.连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,表示的意思。We can visit the World Park or travel around the world. 我们可以参观世界公园,或者周游全世界。2.用在选择疑问句中,灵活译为还是。Is that an apple or an orange

20、?那是苹果还是桔子?3.否定句中,我代替我的大哥and ,表示和I dont like bread , rice or porridge.我不喜欢面包、米饭和粥。4.连接两个并列的句子,表示否则,要不然Hurry up, or youll be late.快点,否则你要迟到啦。经典考例:选择。-I dont like chicken _ fish. -I dont like chicken, _ I like fish very much. A. and; and B. and; butC. or; butD. or;and 解析:答案C。否定句中表并列用or, but 表转折。5.This

21、is a picture of Jenny and Li Ming at the PalaceMuseum. 这是一幅詹妮和李明在故宫博物院的照片。(1)this “这;这是”,是一个指示代词,指较近的物品。对应词是 that “那;那是”,指较远的物品。This is my English book. 这是我的英语书。(指近处)That is your Chinese book. 那是你的语文书。(指远处)(2)of prep. “的”,是名词所有格,指没有生命的东西。the door of our classroom 我们教室的门the capital of our country 我国的

22、首都a photo of my family 我家的照片of 由制成。Desks are made of wood. 课桌由木头制成。of (表示数量)的。two cups of tea 两杯茶 a kind of bird 一种鸟of 组成的词组: of course 当然 of late 近来 of the day 当代的,当时的of 的用法1、表所属:She was the girlfriend of my friend. 她是我朋友的女友。I give him a book of mine. 我把我的一本书给了他。2、表部分:The wood of this desk is crack

23、ed. 这X桌子的木头裂开了。3、表动宾:Its a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。4、表同位:The island of Hong Kong is a great trading centre. 某某这个岛屿是一个重要的贸易中心。5、表主谓:He has got the news of the death of her grandma. 他已知他奶奶去世的消息。6、表情感:Its kind of you to say so. 你能这样说真是太好了。Its clever of the king to find the plot. 国王很聪明,发现了这个阴谋。I am fond o

24、f music. 我喜欢音乐。She is sick of city life. 她厌倦城市生活。7、表属性:He was a man of great determination. 他是个十分果断的人。She is a girl of much ability. 她是一个能力很强的姑娘。The book is of great value. 这本书很有价值。6.And we bought gifts for you in Beijing. 我们在给你们买了礼物。bought 是 buy 的过去式。buy v. “买”;反义词:sell “卖”。Danny bought a new coat

25、yesterday. 丹尼昨天买了一件大衣。I bought some books last week. 上周我买了一些书。buy 常与介词 for, from, with 连用。buy sth. for sb. =buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物buy sth. with 用买某物buy sth. from 从买某物re wele! (对方表示感谢时,常用的答语)不客气!Wele1)v 欢迎Wele home (back)! 欢迎归来!Wele to our class! 欢迎到我们班来!2)wele v. 欢迎;欣然接受(意见)。We wele you to our place. 我

26、们欢迎你到我们家来。He weled my idea. 他欣然接受了我的意见。3)wele n. 欢迎;款待。a warm wele 热情的欢迎 a cold wele 冷淡的招待8.Put on the hat, Kim. 凯姆,把帽子戴上。put on v. 穿上(反义词组:take off); 把放在上面。He put his coat on. = He put on his coat. 他穿上了他的大衣。Lucy put some flowers on the table. 露西把一些花放在桌子上。友情提示:put on 表 “穿上”时,代词 it, them 必须放在中间,名词可放在

27、中间,也可放在后面。判断正误:我们必须把他们穿上。We must put them on. (T)We must put on them. (F)我们必须把大衣穿上。We must put our coats on. (T)We must put on our coats. (T)9、Its too small for me.对我来说它太小了。(1)too的用法too表示“也”“又”“还”的意思通常用于肯定句中,且常置于句末,其前有逗号,但有时也可以插入句中Perhaps there will be a new hospital here, too. 也许这儿也会建一家新医院In peace,

28、 too, the Red Cross is expected to send help wherever there is human suffering. 在和平时期,红十字会还被期待着在人们有难的地方提供援助注意: too意为“也”,也可用于否定陈述句里,但不可直接用于否定词的后面I did not go and she too did not go yesterday. 昨天我没有去,她也没去. too表示“而且”“还”的意思时,通常用于肯定句中They got the work done quickly, and well, too. 他们迅速地把活儿干完了,而且还干得很好You ought to send for a doctor, and quickly, too. 你得去把医生请来,而且要快. too表示“太”“过于”的意思时,在句中修饰形容词或副词 too前面不可用fairly, very, quite等副词修饰,但可以用far, rather, much, a bit, a little, a lot等词语修饰,以

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