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译林版三年级英语下册 Unit3 Is your pencil 五课时教案Word文件下载.docx

1、 Yes, it is. No, it isnt. Pen, pencil, pencil case:Present them via the guessing game. Ask Ss to use the sentence patterns to communicate with T.(pen: egg.)2. ruler, crayon, schoolbag: T: 边做边说,Look at my pencil. Its in the pencil case. Look at my pencil case. Its in the schoolbag! Here we have somet

2、hing else in the bag. 让学生摸,引出ruler, crayon.(T: Which crayon do you like? What colour is your ruler? Is this your ruler? How nice! )Step 3 Story time1. Look at the picture of Mikes pencil and answer: Whose pencil is it, guess?2. T asks: What happens with the pencil?Watch the cartoon and choose:A. The

3、 pencil is lost. (丢失)B. The pencil is broken. (弄坏)C. The pencil is stolen. (偷掉)跟录音学习语调:This isnt my pencil.3. 学习一般疑问句:出示相关的两幅图。T: What do they ask? Is ? Pls underline their questions. 让学生在文中找到适当的句子并用线划起来。跟录音学习语调。3. 学习Thats :(1) 出示相关的那幅图。Pls read what Mike says aloud. (2) T: 杨玲为什么问Is that a pencil? 再

4、学习Yes, it is. 的语调和连音。4. Practice of reading:after the record - after the T - read in groups - group show - read together.1. 给动画配音。Girls are YL and LT. Boys are Mike.7. 出示打乱顺序的图,孩子们观察排序,再尝试看图说说整个故事的台词。Step 4 Consolidation1. Summary: 当我们询问某物是不是某人的,可以说?当我们肯定对方答案时,可以说?当我们否定对方答案时,可以说?Let me give you a wo

5、rd: Be a helpful child!2. (Show some backgrounds.) T: Mike cant find his pencil case and pen. What can we do? What can we say? Pls act in groups.3. Group show. 4. T: Please take good care of our things!Homework:1. 抄写单词pencil, pen, ruler,并自默。2. 听录音,跟课文至少3遍,尝试背诵。板书设计Is this a ? thatYes, it is.No, it i

6、snt.教学后记 (2)Story time, Rhyme time, Fun time补充习题1. 能听、说、读并拼写单词:pencil, pen, ruler. 2. 巩固运用句型Is this/ that your pencil?3. 能够背诵并表演对话。4. 能初步会诵读歌谣A ruler.5. 使学生树立助人为乐的美好品德,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。6. 能完成补充习题上的相关练习。pencil, pen, ruler.单词卡片,PPT,补充习题 快速反应,读单词。(有关文具)Step 2 Revision1. Read and spell the words.T出示PPT,Ss

7、拼读。2. Show some interesting pictures. Ask Ss to guess Is this/ that a ?Story time.1) Is that Mikes pencil? Do you like Mikes pencil?2) Read the dialogue.3) Try to recite it.4) Act it.Step 3 Play a game (Fun time)1. Use PPT to show the steps of the game.2. Ask one group to make a model.3. Ss play in

8、groups.Step 4 Say a rhyme1. Show the pictures and teach: on the floor, beside the door. Then introduce Mr Fuller.2. Watch the cartoon.3. Read the after the record. Learning tip: Just表示强调。提示注意每句尾的押韵。4. Say it with the music.Step 5 Consolidation完成补充习题。1) Listen, write and check. (Part A B)2) Look at t

9、he pictures. Read the sentences. (Part C D)3) Write and check.1. 抄写句子Is this your pencil? Is that your ruler?2. 听录音,背诵课文。 (3)Cartoon time, 作业本1能听懂、会说、会读、会运用lunch box,而且会写单词:where.2. 进一步掌握Is this your?及其两种回答Yes, it is. /No, it isnt.能在恰当的场景下与他人交流。3. 理解Cartoon time中的幽默。4. 完成作业本上相关题目。1能运用wheres 说话。2. 能绘

10、声绘色的讲述或表演故事。单词卡片,PPT1. Play a game: Look and say. (PPT)2. Say a rhyme: Whats this?3. Recite the dialogue of story time.4. Read rhyme time, and make Ss to pay attention to the last sound. Then say the rhyme with the cartoon.Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T: Lets review Bobbys story in Unit 2. (PP

11、T) What will happen this time?2. Look at the picture.Learn: lunch box. (Talk: lunch time. Whats for your lunch? What would you like for lunch?) What are they talking?(Is this my lunch box? Wheres your lunch box?)指导读好。3. Watch the cartoon. Today Bobby has a trouble again. 1) 看一部分动画:Wheres Sams lunch

12、box? 读好这几句,学习over there。2) 再看一部分动画:Does Bobby like this cake? Why? If you are Bobby,will you eat the cake?Step 3 Show time1. Read the dialogue.1) Read after the tape.2) Read after me/ the little teacher.3) 角色配音。2. Act the dialogue in groups.3. Expanding learning: Now its time for Bobbys lunch box. I

13、s it good or bad for Sam? Pls imagine and talk with your partner.完成作业本相关练习。1. 听录音,指读课文至少3遍,并背诵。2. 两人一组表演对话。3. 抄写P15课文1遍。Wheres ?Its (4)Sound time, Checkout time, Ticking time 作业本1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用一般疑问句。2. 能够正确读出辅音字母r的发音,并自己归纳一些词。3. 学习帮助别人。1. Look and read. (PPT)2. Play a game: Is this/ that ? (PPT)3.

14、Say a rhyme:1. Recite cartoon time.1) Watch the cartoon, and read the dialogue together.2) Ask some Ss to recite the dialogue.2. Work in pairs:1) Provide some pictures and the sentence pattern: Is this/that your ?2) Lock-step practice, with the answers given.3. Rhyme.1) Say the rhyme with the cartoo

15、n: A ruler.2) Make new rhymes. (PPT)Step 3 Presentation and practice1. Sound time1) Show the picture and ask Ss read after T.2) Watch the cartoon and repeat.3) Do you know more words with the letter r?总结:只有r才能发/r/的音。同时,如果r放在元音后面,美式发音里需要卷舌,如sister.4) 绕口令:The rat has a rope, and runs to catch the cat!

16、.2. Checkout time1) T: Look at the pictures. The Ss are packing their schoolbags.2) Read, write and work in pairs. 3) Show other scenes via PPT, and ask Ss to work in pairs.4) Give a word: Dont forget this or that. Please take care of your things.1. Ticking time. What did you get from this unit? T r

17、eads the goals and Ss tick.1. 听录音,背诵story time和cartoon time的课文。2. 抄写课文1遍。Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Is this/ that your ?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. (5)复习,作业pencil, pen, ruler, where.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用一般疑问句。4. 能完成作业本上的相关练习。2. 能综合运用本单元所学内容完成练习,并保证一定的正确率。单词卡片1. Say two rhymes of this unit.2. Play a game F

18、lash with the word cards.3. Play a game Find friends.(说出相同类别的单词)例如: apple: pear, banana, orange. cat: dog, tiger, mouse, bird, parrot. penpencil, pencil case, schoolbag.1. Look and say: 看课文图片,复习课文2. Recite: 背诵课文3. Dictation: 默写四会单词和相关词组。巡视时,找出错误率高的词写在黑板上,让孩子当“医生”给错词“治病”。Step 3 ConsolidationWrite something about this/that.学生可以选择一项感兴趣的作业来做:1. 用“询问物品”为主题,编一个对话进行表演。2. 用this/that编一个歌谣。预习Unit 4。

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